Azure Graph API does not return newly updated data - caching

Admin of Azure AD goes to azure portal to change/update user data
such as First Name from Test 1 to Test 2.
Call graph api: immediately.
Do nothing and wait for about 20-30s then call above graph api again.
On step 2, the api returns user's First Name : Test 1
On step 3, the api returns user's First Name : Test 2
My question is why azure does not return newly updated data on step 2 and how to bypass and immediately get the newly data after updating from azure portal.

Azure AD is a large behemoth of a system. There are multiple data centers around the world, each with copies of the data; and in order to ensure that we give you the absolute best performance we may route different calls through different sources to different data centers.
My guess is that because you are using one tool to do the update, and another tool to do the read, you are seeing propagation delay between the actual source of authority for those two systems at the time of the call.
If you made the update and read call with using the same service, I believe you would not see this problem.


Chainlink's dynamic upkeep registration example failing: UpkeepIDConsumerExample.registerAndPredictID errored: execution reverted

I'm playing around with Chainlink's "Register an Upkeep using your own deployed contract" example:
However, once the UpkeepIDConsumerExample is deployed with the Link Token Contact, Registry and Registrar parameters for the respective chain, I am unable to use the UpkeepIDConsumerExample.registerAndPredictID function as it fails.
(Gas estimation errored with the following message (see below). The transaction execution will likely fail. Do you want to force sending?
Internal JSON-RPC error. { "code": -32000, "message": "execution reverted" })
I've tried on Rinkeby, Mumbai and Polygon Mainnet, incase testnets weren't live yet. And I've used the parameters suggested by the docs for calling the function. And I have sufficient Link in my metamask.
Is it correct to use these: as the Link Token Interfrace parameter?
I was able to make this work (though I tried only on Goerli)using the code from the offical docs that you linked to.
For the benefit of others that read this post, I will break it down into detailed steps - perhaps more than you needed for an answer!
Get some LINK tokens in your browser wallet
Deploy a Chainlink Keepers-compatible contract -- this is your Upkeep contract; the one that will be automated. Here is the example Upkeep smart contract that you can copy and deploy right away. You can use 10 as the interval -- that's 10 seconds. This way you can see the upkeep happen fast. Note this Upkeep's address
Next, deploy the UpkeepIDConsumerExample from the example in the docs, which is the smart contract that programmatically registers your Upkeep Contract. This contract handles registering the Upkeep Contract you deployed in Step #2 with Chainlink's Keepers network, so that the Keepers Network can automate the running of functions in your Upkeep contract. Note this Contracts Address
Making it work
From your wallet, which should now have LINK in it, send 5 LINK to the deployed UpkeepIDConsumerExample address. This is funding it will need to send onwards to your Upkeep (Upkeeps need funding so they can pay the Keepers Network for the compute work they do in performing the automations).
Using Remix, connect to the right network and then connect to your deployed UpkeepIDConsumerExample contract by using its address.
When Remix shows your contract and its interactions in the DEPLOYED CONTRACTS section of the UI, fill in the parameters for the registerAndPredictID() function using this table in the docs.
While following the table referred to above, please note:
upkeepContract is the Upkeep Contracts address - the one you deployed in Step 2 in Prerequisites
gasLimit - I used 3000000
adminAddress - this can just be your wallet address. The one that you're deployed from, sending LINK from etc.
Amount - 5 LINK expressed in Juels (LINK's equivalent of Wei), so 5000000000000000000
Sender - this is the UpkeepIDConsumerExample's address. In this example it's the calling contract itself.
run registerAndPredictID() with the params as per the previous step. It should run successfully.
Verify by going to the Keepers App and checking under "My Upkeeps" for a new Upkeep that you just programmatically created.
In the Keepers App note the LINK balance of the Upkeep you just created and funded with the 5 LINK -- it may be a bit less than the 5 LINK you sent it because the keepers network may have already run your Upkeep - we had set the interval for 10 seconds in Step 2 of Prerequisites.
And on Etherscan check whether UpkeepIDConsumerExample has any
LINK in it (it shouldn't because the 5 LINK you sent from your wallet to this contract, was transferred when you ran registerAndPredictID() and sent an amount of 5 LINK
Hope this helps!

Update central cache with different system data change in microservices scale architecture

We're building a microservice system which new data can come from three(or more) different sources and which eventually effects the end user.
It doesn't matter what the purpose of the system for the question so I'll really try to make it simple. Please see the attached diagram.
Data can come from the following sources:
Back-office site: define the system and user configurations.
Main site: where user interact with the site and make actions.
External sources data: such as partners which can gives additional data(supplementary information) about users.
The services are:
Site-back-office service: serve the back-office site.
User-service: serve the main site.
Import service: imports additional data(supplementary information) from external sources.
User cache service: sync with all the above system data and combine them to pre-prepared cache responses. The reason for that is because the main site should serve hundreds of millions of user and should work with very low latency.
The main idea is:
Each microservice has its own db.
Each microservice can scale.
Each data change on one of the three parts effects the user and should be sent to the cache service so it eventually be reflect on the main site.
The cache (Redis) holds all data combined to pre-prepared responses for the main-site.
Each service data change will be published to pubsub topic for the cache-service to update the Redis db.
The system should serve around 200 million of users.
So... the questions are: .
since the User-cache service can(and must) be scale, what happen if, for example, there are two update data messages waiting on pubsub, one is old and one is new. how to process only the new message and prevent the case when one cache-service instance update the new message data to Redis and only after another cache-service instance override it with the old message.
There is also a case when the Cache-service instance need to first read the current cache user data, make the change on it and only then update the cache with the new data. How to prevent the case when two instances for example read the current cache data while a third instance update it with new data and they override it with their data.
Is it at all possible to pre-prepare responses based on several sources which can periodically change?? what is the right approach to this problem?
I'll try to address some of your points, let me know if I misunderstood what you're asking.
1) I believe you're asking about how to enforce ordering of messages, that an old update does not override a newer one. There "publish_time" field of a message ( to coordinate based on the time the cloud pubsub server received your publish request. If you wish to coordinate based on some other time or ordering mechanism, you can add an attribute to your PubsubMessage or payload to do so.
2) This seems to be a general synchronization problem, not necessarily related to cloud pubsub; I'll leave this to others to answer.
3) Cloud dataflow implements a windowing and watermark mechanism similar to what you're describing. Perhaps you could use this to remove conflicting updates and perform preprocessing prior to writing them to the backing store.

How to clear the cache which is used by AuthzGetInformationFromContext API?

I have a domain and I use AuthzGetInformationFromContext API on the client machine to retrieve sid of the groups to which a user belongs.
It works fine. However, if I add the user to some group or remove him from some group on domain controller, this API will still show old list of groups. In the case, if i will wait 10 minutes or more, it will show updated list of groups.
I tried to do this on different computers and saw that the application will show updated list of groups at a different time. So, it's not a domain controller cache.
Also, my applications exits and starts again. So, it's not application level cache either.
So, I believe there is some computer level cache for group membership (retrieved through this API).
Does anybody know how to clear this cache programmatically or change some settings to decrease this 10 minutes interval to something shorter.
Accordig to this post and Kerberos Authentication problems – Service Principal Name (SPN) issues - Part 1, You can purge the Kerberos TGT (and all your service tickets) using something like klist purge (The tool is present on Windows Seven). You have to run the tool locally on the machine the user is logged in to.
You can find the source of Klist.exe in the Windows Platform SDK (the API in us is LsaCallAuthenticationPackage)
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0\Samples\security\authorization\klist

tweepy Streaming API integration with Django

I am trying to create a Django webapp that utilizes the Twitter Streaming API via the tweepy.Stream() function. I am having a difficult time conceptualizing the proper implementation.
The simplest functionality I would like to have is to count the number of tweets containing a hashtag in real time. So I would open a stream, filtering by keywords, every time a new tweet comes over the connection i increment a counter. That counter is then displayed on a webpage and updated with AJAX or otherwise.
The problem is that the tweepy.Stream() function must be continuously running and connected to twitter (thats the point). How can I have this stream running in the background of a Django app while incrementing counters that can be displayed in (near) real time?
Thanks in advance!
There are various ways to do this, but using a messaging lib (celery) will probably be the easiest.
1) Keep a python process running tweepy. Once an interesting message is found, create a new celery task
2) Inside this carrot task persist the data to the database (the counter, the tweets, whatever). This task can well run django code (e.g the ORM).
3) Have a regular django app displaying the results your task has persisted.
As a precaution, it's probably a good ideal to run the tweepy process under supervision (supervisord might suit your needs). If anything goes wrong with it, it can be restarted automatically.

Recommend cache updating strategy

Our site is divided into several smaller sites recently, which are then distributed in different IDCs.
One of these sites serves user authentication and other user-related services, the other sites access it through web services.
On every site that fetches data remotely, we make a local cache so that we don't have to go remote every time user information is needed.
What cache updating strategy would you recommend to ensure data integrity?
Since you need the updated-policy close to realtime, you definitely need the cache-invalidation notification engine.
There are 2 possible implementation models for it:
Main server pulls child-servers with notification messages like "resourceID=34392 not more valid in your cache".
This message should be sent on each data update on main server.
Each child-server ask main server about the cache item validity right before serving it to user.
Ofcourse, in this case, main server should keep the list of objects updated during last cache-lifetime period, and respond to "If-object-was-updated" requests very quickly.
As you see in both cases, your main server should trigger an event on each data change.
In first case this event will be transferred via 'notification bus' to child server, and in second case this event will be stored in recently-updated-objects list.
So both options need some code changes on main server.
As for me the second options is much more easy to implement in common, but it`s very depends of the software stack you're using.
