Recommend cache updating strategy - performance

Our site is divided into several smaller sites recently, which are then distributed in different IDCs.
One of these sites serves user authentication and other user-related services, the other sites access it through web services.
On every site that fetches data remotely, we make a local cache so that we don't have to go remote every time user information is needed.
What cache updating strategy would you recommend to ensure data integrity?

Since you need the updated-policy close to realtime, you definitely need the cache-invalidation notification engine.
There are 2 possible implementation models for it:
Main server pulls child-servers with notification messages like "resourceID=34392 not more valid in your cache".
This message should be sent on each data update on main server.
Each child-server ask main server about the cache item validity right before serving it to user.
Ofcourse, in this case, main server should keep the list of objects updated during last cache-lifetime period, and respond to "If-object-was-updated" requests very quickly.
As you see in both cases, your main server should trigger an event on each data change.
In first case this event will be transferred via 'notification bus' to child server, and in second case this event will be stored in recently-updated-objects list.
So both options need some code changes on main server.
As for me the second options is much more easy to implement in common, but it`s very depends of the software stack you're using.


Which does stale-while-revalidate cache strategy mean?

I am trying to implement different cache strategies using ServiceWorker. For the following strategies the way to implement is completely clear:
Cache first
Cache only
Network first
Network only
For example, while trying to implement the cache-first strategy, in the fetch hook of the service-worker I will first ask the CacheStorage (or any other) for the requested URL and then if exists respondWith it and if not respondWith the result of network request.
But for the stale-while-revalidate strategy according to this definition of the workbox, I have the following questions:
First about the mechanism itself. Does stale-while-revalidate mean that use cache until the network responses and then use the network data or just use the network response to renew your cache data for the next time?
Now if the network is cached for the next time, then what scenarios contain a real use-case of that?
And if the network response should be replaced immediately in the app, so how could it be done in a service worker? Because the hook will be resolved with the cached data and then network data could not be resolved (with respondWith).
Yes, it means exactly that. The idea is simple: respond immediately from the cache, then refresh the cache in the background for the next time.
All scenarios where it is not important to always get the very latest version of the page/app =) I'm using stale-while-revalidate strategy on two different web applications, one for public transportation services and one for displaying restaurant menu information. Many sites/apps are just fine with this but of course not all.
One very important thing to note here on the #2:
You could eg. use stale-while-revalidate only for static assets. This way your html, js, css, images etc. would be cached and quickly served to the user, but the data fetched dynamically from an API could still be fresh. For some apps this works, for some others not so well. Depends completely on the app. Of course you have to remember not to change the semantics of your API if the user is running a previous version of the app etc.
Not possible in any automatic way. What you could do, however, is implement a msg channel between the Service Worker and the "regular JS code on the page" using window.postMessage API. You could listen for certain messages on the page and then, from the Service Worker, send a msg when an important change has happened and the cache has been updated. Then you could either show the user a prompt telling that the page really needs to be reloaded right now or even force reload it from JS. You would need to put this logic of determining when an important update has happened into the Service Worker of course.

Update central cache with different system data change in microservices scale architecture

We're building a microservice system which new data can come from three(or more) different sources and which eventually effects the end user.
It doesn't matter what the purpose of the system for the question so I'll really try to make it simple. Please see the attached diagram.
Data can come from the following sources:
Back-office site: define the system and user configurations.
Main site: where user interact with the site and make actions.
External sources data: such as partners which can gives additional data(supplementary information) about users.
The services are:
Site-back-office service: serve the back-office site.
User-service: serve the main site.
Import service: imports additional data(supplementary information) from external sources.
User cache service: sync with all the above system data and combine them to pre-prepared cache responses. The reason for that is because the main site should serve hundreds of millions of user and should work with very low latency.
The main idea is:
Each microservice has its own db.
Each microservice can scale.
Each data change on one of the three parts effects the user and should be sent to the cache service so it eventually be reflect on the main site.
The cache (Redis) holds all data combined to pre-prepared responses for the main-site.
Each service data change will be published to pubsub topic for the cache-service to update the Redis db.
The system should serve around 200 million of users.
So... the questions are: .
since the User-cache service can(and must) be scale, what happen if, for example, there are two update data messages waiting on pubsub, one is old and one is new. how to process only the new message and prevent the case when one cache-service instance update the new message data to Redis and only after another cache-service instance override it with the old message.
There is also a case when the Cache-service instance need to first read the current cache user data, make the change on it and only then update the cache with the new data. How to prevent the case when two instances for example read the current cache data while a third instance update it with new data and they override it with their data.
Is it at all possible to pre-prepare responses based on several sources which can periodically change?? what is the right approach to this problem?
I'll try to address some of your points, let me know if I misunderstood what you're asking.
1) I believe you're asking about how to enforce ordering of messages, that an old update does not override a newer one. There "publish_time" field of a message ( to coordinate based on the time the cloud pubsub server received your publish request. If you wish to coordinate based on some other time or ordering mechanism, you can add an attribute to your PubsubMessage or payload to do so.
2) This seems to be a general synchronization problem, not necessarily related to cloud pubsub; I'll leave this to others to answer.
3) Cloud dataflow implements a windowing and watermark mechanism similar to what you're describing. Perhaps you could use this to remove conflicting updates and perform preprocessing prior to writing them to the backing store.

how to handle UI actions on front-end responsively while waiting for the processing in back-end?

Use a StackOverflow Q&A thread as an example - when you vote up, vote down, or favorite a question, you can see the UI quickly respond to that action with changes in the # of up-votes on the side.
How can we achieve that effect? If send every of such action to back-end for processing and use the returned response to update UI, you will see a slow update and feel the glitches. But if put some of the logic on the front-end, you will also need to take care of the fraud/abuse etc before reflecting the action on UI, i.e - before changing the # of up-votes, don't you need to make sure that's a valid click by an valid user first?
You make sure that a valid user is using the app before a user clicks on anything. This is done through authentication, and it must include various protection mechanisms against malicious users.
When a user clicks, a call is made to a server. In a properly architected app this call is lightweight, and the server responds very quickly. I don't know why you believe that "you will see a slow update and feel the glitches". Adding an upvote to the database should take a few hundred milliseconds at most (including the roundtrip from the client), especially if the commit is asynchronous or a memcache is used.
If a database update results in a need to do some complex operations, typically these operations are not done right away. For example, a cron job may run periodically to compute new rankings, etc., precisely because you do not want every user to wait. Alternatively, a task is created and put in a task queue to be executed when resources are available - again to make sure that a user does not wait.
In some apps a UI is updated immediately after the call to the server is made, before any response from a server arrives. You can do it when the consequences of a failed call are negligible. For example, if an upvote fails to be saved in the database, it's not a disaster, especially if it happens once in a million tries. Again, in a properly architected app calls fail extremely rarely.
This is a decision that an app developer needs to make. I would not update a UI before a server response if such an update may lead a user to believe that some other action is now possible. For example, if a user uploads a new photo, I would not show icons to edit or share this photo until I know that the photo is safely saved.

Keeping state in sync between server and GUI in realtime

I am looking for a library that will help me keep some state in sync between my server and my GUI in "real time". I have the messaging and middleware sorted (push updates etc), but what I need is a protocol on top of that which guarantees that the data stays in sync within some reasonably finite period - an error / dropped message / exception might cause the data to go out of syn for a few seconds, but it should resync or at least know it is out of sync within a few seconds.
This seems like it should be something that has been solved before but I can't seem to find anything suitable - any help much appreciated
More detail - I have a Rich Client (Silverlight but likely to move to Javascript/C# or Java soon) GUI that is served by a JMS type middleware.
I am looking to re engineer some of the data interactions to something like as follows
Each user has their own view on several reasonably small data sets for items such as:
Entitlements (what GUI elements to display)
GUI data (e.g. to fill drop down menus etc)
Grids of business data (e.g. a grid of orders)
Preferences (e.g. how the GUI is laid out)
All of these data sets can be changed on the server at any time and the data should update on the client as soon as possible.
Data is changed via the server – the client asks for a change (e.g. cancel a request) and the server validates it against entitlements and business rules and updates its internal data set which would then send the change back to the GUI. In order to provide user feedback an interim state may be set on the gui (cancel submitted or similar) which is the over ridden by the server response.
At the moment the workflow is:
User authenticates
GUI downloads the initial data sets from the server (which either loads them from the database or some other business objects it has cached)
GUI renders
GUI downloads a snapshot of the business data
GUI subscribes to updates to the business data
As updates come in the GUI updates the model and view on screen
I am looking for a generalised library that would improve on this
Should be cross language using an efficient payload format (e.g. Java back end, C# front end, protobuf data format)
Should be transport agnostic (we use a JMS style middleware we don’t want to replace right now)
The client should be sent a update when a change occurs to the server side dataset
The client and server should be able to check for changes to ensure they are up to date
The data sent should be minimal (minimum delta)
Client and Server should cope with being more than one revision out of sync
The client should be able to cache to disk in between session and then just get deltas on login.
I think the ideal solution would be used something like
Any object (or object tree) can be registered with the library code (this should work with data/objects loaded via Hibernate)
When the object changes the library notifys a listener / callback with the change delta
The listener sends that delta to the client using my JMS
The client gets the update and can give that back to the client side version of the library which will update the client side version of the object
The client should get sufficient information from the update to be able to decide what UI action needs to be taken (notify user, update grid etc)
The client and server periodically check that they are on the same version of the object (e.g. server sends the version number to the client) and can remediate if necessary by either the server sending deltas or a complete refresh if necessary.
Thanks for any suggestions
Wow, that's a lot!
I have a project going on which deals with the Synchronization aspect of this in Javascipt on the front end. There is a testing server wrote in Node.JS (it actually was easy once the client was was settled).
Basically data is stored by key in a dataset and every individual key is versioned. The Server has all versions of all data and the Client can be fed changes from the server. Version conflicts for when something is modified on both client and server are handled by a conflict resolution callback.
It is not complete, infact it only has in-memory stores at the moment but that will change over the new week or so.
The actual notification/downloading and uploading is out of scope for the library but you could just use Sockets.IO for this.
It currently works with jQuery, Dojo and NodeJS, really it's got hardly any dependencies at all.
The project (with a demo) is located at

How can I cache the data in Meteor?

thanks everyone!
recently i want to built a small cms on meteor,but have some question
1,cache,page cache,data cache,etc..
For example,when people search some article
in server side:
return Articles.find({keyword:keyword});
in client:
that's ok ,but ......
the question is ,everytime people doing so ,it invoke a mongo query,and reduce the performance,
in other framework use common http or https,people can depend on something like squid or varnish to cache the page or data,so everytime you route to a url,you read data from the cache server ,but Meteor built on socket.js or websocket,and I don't know how to cache throught the socket.......I trid varnish ,but seen no effect.
so,may be it ignore the websocket?is there some method to cache the data,in the mongodb,in server,can i add some cache server ?
2, chat
I see the chatroom example in
But unlike implyment using socket.js,this example save the chat message in the mongodb ,so the data flow is message ->mongo->query->people,this invoke the mongo query too!
and in socket.js,just save the socket in the context(or the server side cache),so the data don't go throught the db.
My question is , is there a socket interface in Meteor ,so I can message->socket->people? and if can't , how is the performace in the productive envirment as the chatroom example doing(i see it runs slow ...)
With Meteor, you don't have to worry about caching Mongodb queries. Meteor does that for you. Per the docs on data and security:
Every Meteor client includes an in-memory database cache. To manage the client cache, the server publishes sets of JSON documents, and the client subscribes to those sets. As documents in a set change, the server patches each client's cache.
Once subscribed, the client uses its cache as a fast local database, dramatically simplifying client code. Reads never require a costly round trip to the server. And they're limited to the contents of the cache: a query for every document in a collection on a client will only return documents the server is publishing to that client.
Because Meteor does poll the server every so often to see if the client's cache needs patching, you're probably seeing those polls happening every now and then. But they probably aren't very large requests. Additionally, due to a feature of Meteor called latency compensation, when you update a data source, the client immediately reflects the change without first waiting on the server. This reduces the appearance of performance reduction to the user.
If you have many documents in mongo, you may also be seeing them all get fetched if you still have the autopublish package enabled. You can fix that by removing it with meteor remove autopublish and write code to only publish the relevant data instead of the entire database.
If you really need to manage caching manually, the docs also go into that:
Sophisticated clients can turn subscriptions on and off to control how much data is kept in the cache and manage network traffic. When a subscription is turned off, all its documents are removed from the cache unless the same document is also provided by another active subscription.
Additional performance improvements to Meteor are currently being worked on, including a DDP-level proxy to support "very large number of clients". You can see more detail on this at the Meteor roadmap.
If you stumble upon this question not because of a lack of understanding of meteor's minimongo and are instead interested in how to cache subscriptions after they are no longer needed for the moment (but they maybe in the future and don't want to keep their extra DDP overhead on client server) there are two package options:
I was creating a mobile app and cache of database was not working hence I used GroundDB package of meteor now the database is always in local whenever I restart the app,
Also you need to look in appcache package of meteor to cache the entire app locally.
