offline access to google calendar across the organization - google-api

Assuming there is admin of all the company's mails (hosted by google) - is there any way the admin can give 3rd party app to integrate with google calendars of part of company's employees?
I think of a way to "save" the integration per employee and have "single" integration configuration by one person.


Google Ads API accounts missing

I'm developing integration with Google Ads API using their Ruby gem library.
I have an approved oAuth2 account for the Ads scope with an approved developer token that allows any external user to connect with our API.
I have a Google Ads account that manages our own Ads account and two other accounts.
When I authenticate with the API and approve it, I then grab the account with
graph = get_accounts_graph()
This surprisingly returns just ONE Ads account, and one that belongs to a client that we manage. Our own two Ads accounts are missing.
So I tried to compare between our client's account and our own.
Under I can clearly see we have admin rights to our two ad accounts, just like we do to the client account.
Am I missing some setting somewhere? Has anyone experienced this before?
I ran into this issue at the beginning. The sample in the API client libraries (which I'm going to assume you are using here), calls the customer service
There's actually two different services for retrieving customer account IDs. The customer service only allows access to accounts that are added as direct admins on each account. This is an important distinction as manager accounts don't fall into this category.
What you need to call is the regular GoogleAdsService (not the customer service!) and put your request in the query itself..
query = "SELECT customer_client_link.client_customer FROM customer_client_link"
This will give you a list of account IDs as resource names, not accessible accounts. And you can iterate over them as usual.
Hope that helps.

What happens to my Service Account if my google account is deleted/deactivated

One of our customer has a Google Enterprise Account (G Suite).
We have developed an application on Google Site that use a Spread Sheet.
We have created a project in the google developer console to access the Spread Sheet form the Api and created a Service Account for this project.
Everything was created with our account (provided by the customer).
At some point our account can be deleted or deactivated by the customer.
What happens then?
Will the project be deleted/deactivated?
Will the data in the drive be lost?
If an account on Google developer console is deleted then yes all the projects and clients associated with that account will stop working.
I am not sure i understand where this sheet is located. If the sheet is on the service accounts google drive account then yes you will loose that as well.
Once a user is deleted or deactivated anything that the account contained is gone.

Marketplace - Are apps tied to a specific google account?

We are currently attempting to publish an App on the Google Marketplace (aka Chrome Web Store).
My boss has paid the $5 developer fee using his Gsuite account, and when I log in to publish the app, it keeps requesting the $5 fee to be paid. We are both part of the same GSuite domain ( I'm guessing this means the payment is tied to his account specifically? Is there any way to get this tied to our Gsuite domain?
As a result of the way this works, if I end up publishing using my account can anyone delegated from my domain modify it? If I was to go on vacation/sick leave/move on to another company then noone in my organization would be able to modify the App details?
Would adding a shared mailbox account specifically for marketplace registration alleviate this issue?
You can create a Google Group and use that as the owner of your app.
Any member of that group will then be able to publish. (when they have paid the 5$ fee)

Integrate Google classroom with site

I have some site and whant to integrate it with Google Classroom. Should users registred on my site have google account? The should be logged on my site via google?
First, the only people that can use classroom are google apps for education accounts, not just any old google consumer account
If you are thinking that you will be creating and running the classroom classes where students would participate with their schools google account, that is not likely going to work unless you actually are a school/university(and even if it did there is a hard limit of 50 domains for classroom whitelisting)
It depends entirely on what you mean by "integrate". it you just want a user to be ablle to add a url from your site as a post or assignment then that is easy

Unable to recover Google API project and "This client ID is globally unique and is already in use."

I've been working as a consultant on an Android project that uses Google oAuth2 to authenticate and identify it's users. The Android project is in production and available for download on Google Play. The oAuth client ids and the entire Google API project was setup by me using a Google Apps e-mail address setup in my name on the client's domain.
Since the project has been released and my work with the client is finished my e-mail address has been deactivated and subsequently deleted (or so it seems, the client claims to not being able to recreate it). Since my e-mail account was set as the owner of the API project the deletion of my e-mail address has resulted in the deactivation (or deletion) of the API project as well. This has of course seriously crippled the app in question.
To get things up and running again a new e-mail address was set up for me on the client's domain and I created a new API project. The problem is that I'm unable to create the oAuth client ids since the packagename and SHA1 key are the same as for the app already live. I get the "This client ID is globally unique and is already in use" message and I seem to be stuck in a very awkward situation. I see a couple of possible solutions but I'm not sure how to proceed:
Reactivate the original e-mail address in the hope that the API project is still linked to that account
Reactivate the Google API project with the help of a Google engineer and assign it to an e-mail account on the client's domain
Delete the client ids from some Google database with the help of a Google engineer and setup a new API project and release a new version of the app.
Worst case: accept the loss, change package name, release a new app and kindly ask users to migrate to the new app.
I've read that Google monitors the google-oauth tag here on SO and I hope to get some help either from the SO community or Google itself. Many thanks in advance!
In the future, please coordinate for long-term ownership of the project, since the Google accounts that own the project are an important aspect of Google's authorization system. For instance, the owner of the project signs ToS for accessing the APIs on behalf of users.
I will follow up with you to find a way to sort out this issue.
