Integrate Google classroom with site - google-classroom

I have some site and whant to integrate it with Google Classroom. Should users registred on my site have google account? The should be logged on my site via google?

First, the only people that can use classroom are google apps for education accounts, not just any old google consumer account
If you are thinking that you will be creating and running the classroom classes where students would participate with their schools google account, that is not likely going to work unless you actually are a school/university(and even if it did there is a hard limit of 50 domains for classroom whitelisting)
It depends entirely on what you mean by "integrate". it you just want a user to be ablle to add a url from your site as a post or assignment then that is easy


Separate Google login from Google Calendar API

I have a platform that allows people to sign up/log in with their Google account.
Inside the platform, there is a calendar feature where people can connect their Google Calendar and share the data between our app.
I'd like to know if there's a way to separate google calendar with the normal login stuff, so when they sign up with Google, we won't be asking for their Google Calendar permission. Once they are in the app, if they want to connect their Google Calendar, they can do so by clicking another button.
Currently, the 2 things are linked together and I'd like to separate them.
My app is
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Just because you use Google signin (openid connect) does not mean that you have permission to access the users Google calendar data.
Google calendar data is private user data, you need specific permission to access the users calendar data, you cant just let them login without asking for permission to access the data you need to access. The user needs to know what data you will be accessing and accept that specifically though the authorization form that google supplies.
Yes, in fact, what you are suggesting is considered a best practice [1]. Use incremental authorization as described here [2].

Google Ads API accounts missing

I'm developing integration with Google Ads API using their Ruby gem library.
I have an approved oAuth2 account for the Ads scope with an approved developer token that allows any external user to connect with our API.
I have a Google Ads account that manages our own Ads account and two other accounts.
When I authenticate with the API and approve it, I then grab the account with
graph = get_accounts_graph()
This surprisingly returns just ONE Ads account, and one that belongs to a client that we manage. Our own two Ads accounts are missing.
So I tried to compare between our client's account and our own.
Under I can clearly see we have admin rights to our two ad accounts, just like we do to the client account.
Am I missing some setting somewhere? Has anyone experienced this before?
I ran into this issue at the beginning. The sample in the API client libraries (which I'm going to assume you are using here), calls the customer service
There's actually two different services for retrieving customer account IDs. The customer service only allows access to accounts that are added as direct admins on each account. This is an important distinction as manager accounts don't fall into this category.
What you need to call is the regular GoogleAdsService (not the customer service!) and put your request in the query itself..
query = "SELECT customer_client_link.client_customer FROM customer_client_link"
This will give you a list of account IDs as resource names, not accessible accounts. And you can iterate over them as usual.
Hope that helps.

Google Sign-in identify account tied to a school

I'm using Google Sign-in to register and login users to my web app.
We are an edtech product, so I would like to make sure users are registering with a google account that is tied to a school and not using their personal google accounts.
Is this possible?
I don't see a field in user that would indicate this. I also can't find confirmation as to whether or not school google accounts can have an email or if they must use a custom domain.
Note that these account may or may not be using Google Classroom, so I can't rely on that.
Unless you have a List of the "school" accounts and can test against that there is no way for you to know.
Google is not going to tell you if its a school google account. They may know if its a google classroom account but that kind of information is not shared at login time. Probably due to user privacy.

offline access to google calendar across the organization

Assuming there is admin of all the company's mails (hosted by google) - is there any way the admin can give 3rd party app to integrate with google calendars of part of company's employees?
I think of a way to "save" the integration per employee and have "single" integration configuration by one person.

Google apps for education get user organizationUnit

The People API with 'me' is supposed to give organizations. But found that the organizations comes from user entered Google plus.
I want to find current logged in users Organization Unit under which the admin added them. I am building a Marketplace app, where based on if the user is teacher or a student, the functionality is allowed or restricted.
What is the best way to get this info?
