Can I implement Unity's default Analytics into AirConsole game?
Are there any restrictions or limitations that i should have in mind?
Yes, you can use the Unity Analytics just like in any other project.
I am looking for a way to track the navigation process of my users, as well as the number of clicks/user for each view, average screen time per/day/user, and so on.
I know I can do this programmatically but it doesn't seem like the ideal solution.
Is there any software that covers all of this?
Visual Studio App Center provides multiple useful tools. It offers real-time diagnostic data, tracking of usage patterns, user adoption and a lot more engagement metrics with App Center Analytics. You can even use custom events to get the exact user behaviors you are looking for.
I've been using it for a while and so far i'm satisfied.
AppCenter is the easiest to integrate with, it also allows you to export the data to ApplicationInsights on azure to do more with that data. There are some other options like Google Analytics (You have to install nugets on platform projects and implement them separately). You also have segment If you are interested.
I am trying to use pocketsphinx but I get about 50% accuracy with it's default continuous.c program. But when I try google voice recognizer, or cortana I get about 100% accuracy!
It's strange for me that why this happens? Do google or microsoft use better language models? better acoustic models? better dictionaries? or they are better engines than CMU toolkit?
So I am looking for a way to use google or microsoft voice recognizers in offline mode! is it possible?
Are there googles language model or acoustic model to use with CMU pocketsphinx?
How can I build statistic charts with nativescript,I asked if there is any module or tutorial or something else ?
You most probably want to take a look at Telerik UI for NativeScript. Be advised that this is a set of payed components (with support etc). They're free to try.
That being said, thanks to the architecture of NativeScript, you can use whatever iOS Cocoa Pod/Android Library you want to. E.g. Charts for iOS. See e.g.
For a seasoned developer, implementing a Android Lib/Cocoa Pod is not that big of a deal but the easiest route would definitely be to use the readymade Telerik UI component.
I'm trying to figure out a way to create a real-time chatting app with Xamarin and some kind of backend technology. How can I do it?
I have a better solution. The above-mentioned technologies(buddy SDK & SignalR) will require you to integrate and handle everything by your self. Instead, you can go for CometChat SDK, which has real-time chat along with Audio/Video chat functionalities. Also, you can use its ready-made UI inside your application. It is the easiest & quickest way for you to make a real-time chatting system. For more information on CometChat you can refer to the following link:
As mentioned by ChristiaanV, SignalR is the way to go.
The Performance is great with Xamarin, we delivered more than 150k messages within 2 hours without any problems regarding the connection.
With Azure Mobile App and ServiceBus, you can easily scale out your backend, as described here
Have a look at SignalR, it's a good and easy to use framework to do realtime 'things'. They also have a Xamarin Component which is free to use.
Please note that I personally don't have experience with using it on mobile devices, so I can't tell you anything about how it's performing battery / performance wise.
I got lots of simple apps or examples that are built using Fabric.js.
Can I use Fabric.js for making advanced applications? I want to check some apps and see it's performance so that I would confirm that Fabric.js can handle big apps too.
We built Fabric specifically to power design editor on It's used by 1000+ visitors daily.
From other big sites there's — visual themes creation tool. Also,, and others.
Large sites that using FabricJS are listed here is the one of best one, what kind of advance apps you are looking for ?
check out the discussion on google groups!forum/fabricjs
you will get some idea