Static graphs with nativescript - nativescript

How can I build statistic charts with nativescript,I asked if there is any module or tutorial or something else ?

You most probably want to take a look at Telerik UI for NativeScript. Be advised that this is a set of payed components (with support etc). They're free to try.
That being said, thanks to the architecture of NativeScript, you can use whatever iOS Cocoa Pod/Android Library you want to. E.g. Charts for iOS. See e.g.
For a seasoned developer, implementing a Android Lib/Cocoa Pod is not that big of a deal but the easiest route would definitely be to use the readymade Telerik UI component.


StateChart Diagram Angular Component

I need a UI library with Angular components to display and edit state chart diagrams with data bindings, so the diagrams can be translated bidirectional between the visual diagram and the native statemachine model entities in my application. I have pored over pages of google search to no avail.
I must admit I am a newbie to Angular and my expertise is to the level of using standard components available from npmjs repository. So far, I have been comfortable using different ui components such as ngx-bootstrap, valour, etc. I do not have the competence or know-how to build new components using diagram libraries with JS/JQuery inside my angular project to realise the requirements. I would really appreciate if any UI Toolkit/Library available for this. Even reasonably priced commercial frameworks are acceptable for me.
Thanks in advance for any help.
I have already checked out free/open-source/commercial frameworks such as Telerik Kondo, SyncFusion, Ionic, JQWidgets, etc. I have pored over their documentation published for free. However, I always end up in either (a) they do not suit my needs, or (b) it involves developing this component myself. I know how it sounds, but my need is similar to needing a car; not design & build one myself. I do not have the ability to do it.
I need support for Angular 7 or 8 to be precise.

Is it really possible to use Xamarin Forms to share all views and view controllers?

I apologize if this is somewhat too open-ended of a question, but I'm still parsing everything about the Xamarin framework and it's hard to know even what to ask.
Everything I've read claims it's possible to, in theory, write a Xamarin app that has the same views and view controllers for both Android and iOS. The app I am developing has a very comprehensive design that uses almost no native look and feel, so I understand I will need to override the default platform's L&F. Because of this, it seems an ideal candidate to reuse everything for both device platforms, and Xamarin.Forms seems the ideal candidate.
However, I've yet to find a good example that does this. Even all of Microsoft's official examples of Xamarin.Forms (such as use ViewControllers/AXML files for iOS/Android. Huh? Isn't the point of Forms so I don't have to do that? Why are they mixing Forms and the native Xamarin in an example targeted towards Forms? Is this a sign it's not really possible?
Xamarin seems very flexible, which is great, but I'm also finding it confusing determining what will work together and what will not, plus how to determine the best solution.

How to print the current UI of Xamarin form crossplatform application

I want to print the current UI of a Xamarin.Forms cross-platform application. Are there any plugins or libraries available which support both android ios and uwp projects to do this? I'd really appreciate being pointed in the right direction to get started on implementing this kind of feature in my application.
I would approach this in two steps. Firstly you need to convert the current visuals into a printable file type. So assuming we are working with primarily mobile devices then we should make use of the 'screenshot' mechanisms.
There is a very good answer to another stack overflow account HERE that guides you through setting up screenshots in xamarin forms using dependancy injection. The chaps answer is straight forward and easy to follow.
Once you have that screenshot as a png or jpeg etc. It's time to print it. There are a lot of threads on xamarins developer forums dedicated to the issues around printing from xamarin, a collection of these can be found HERE.
So to start with it's worth mentioning that every platform xamarin forms (XF)supports has it's own mechanism for printing. XF does not provide any abstractions for printing in a cross-platform manner. You will need to write printing logic for each layer and expose it to XF using DependencyServices.
Android Printing - this is a link to printing in android.
iOS Printing - this is a link to printing in iOS (Heres a sample app to help you as well.)
As I previously mentioned, because xamarin hasn't created a simple cross-platform mechanism for this in Forms, it's not quite as simple as you'd think and does require some work to implement. But none of the work is overly complicated, it uses standard dependancy patterns, it's really just the bulk of code required that can seem a bit daunting.

How does Xamarin MVVMCross tie in with Xamarin.Forms?

I'm fairly new to Xamarin development, but I've started doing some experiments with Xamarin.Forms and I'm really liking it.
Now, I've discovered MVVMCross, and it sounds interesting for developing apps that have separated UIs for each platform, but I'm trying to find updated information regarding how (and if / why) it may tie in with Xamarin.Forms (mvvm's docs has a page for this, but it's empty ATM).
Is there any currently-relevant information I'm not being able to find? (all results I'm finding seem to be too old and not really helpful, please correct me if my google-fu is just not strong enough)
Well, for lack of better replies. From this blog post:
(...) it is crucial to understand that neither MvvmCross nor Xamarin.Forms is a replacement for one another. While both of them provide infrastructure modules that help developers in their mobile application projects, Xamarin.Forms is a UI technology stack that enables common XAML declarative UI implementation for target platforms; MvvmCross is a framework that enforces clear distinction between the UI elements and core logic implementation. Either of them alone or together can increase the shared amount of code in cross platform projects.

Capuccino alternative with a comparable looking UI?

I'm looking for a set of Javascript based UI components for a web app I'm building and have found that many of the best looking web apps were built with the Capuccino framework; see, and for examples.
However, I'm not a Cocoa developer and have no interest in learning Objective-J. Ideally, I'd find a set of components that provide the visual end result of Capuccino apps without the underlying weight of the framework.
I have seen the Aristo jQuery UI them (, but jQuery UI just doesn't seem to have the depth of components available in Capuccino.
I realize this may be a long shot, but I figured it can't hurt to ask. :)
As another option, there is jQuery UI: nice if you are already familiar with jQuery, with the plus side of not being too heavyweight, but may not have all the components you need pre-defined. A nice thing is that it encourages to write the HTML in a way that degrades gracefully when your application in older browsers.
Maybe sproutcore is an alternative for you, although it requires you to hand-code everything in javascript from scratch. It offers most basic components and is easily adjustable to your personal design goals. Sproutcore is used in Apples Mobile Me and in some other big projects.
Another possibility might by vaadin which offers a rich set of prebuild controls and is based on Googles GWT javascript compiler. But it only makes sense if you are developing in a java environment.
