i have a requirement is need to provide the HTML report for the Jmeter Test.
We are able to configured the Dashboard report [http://jmeter.apache.org/usermanual/generating-dashboard.html],But in that report we are not able to get the 90% response time.
So other than Dashboard report, JmeterANT any other Html Report is available to configure.
If any one know about Kibana Dashboard for HTML Report, let me know for configuration.
Actually looking into your link I can see the following:
Percentiles used by Summary table and Percentile graphs can be adjusted to different values by using the 3 properties:
aggregate_rpt_pct1 : Defaults to 90
aggregate_rpt_pct2 : Defaults to 95
aggregate_rpt_pct3 : Defaults to 99
So you should be able to see at least 3 above or amend the values according to your needs.
Apart from listed I'm aware of 2 more approaches:
You can configure a Grafana Dashboard like below:
and feed it data from JMeter using Backend Listener.
You can use a 3rd-party analysis service like BM.Sense which can report a lot of centiles including 90%
I like to generate HTML report with parents transactions only not with all child sample in JMeter 5.4.3
I checked the box "Generate Parent Sample" in transaction controller. But when I execute non gui test from command I see all child sample are included.
Can some help?
Saleem Soomro
I believe that's a bug in JMeter (at least since JMeter 5.0) so you can raise it via JMeter Bugzilla.
If you don't want to see these "extra" results in the HTML Dashboard the options are in:
Downgrade to JMeter 4.0 where Transaction Controller still works according to documentation which states:
In parent mode, the individual samples can still be seen in the Tree View Listener, but no longer appear as separate entries in other Listeners. Also, the sub-samples do not appear in CSV log files, but they can be saved to XML files
Add the next line to user.properties file:
this way you will have only "parent" sample results in the .jtl results file (it may have some negative side effect resulting in improper calculation of the throughput when it comes to i.e. embedded resources)
Getting incorrect details in jmeter index.html file.
I have passed 450 users for performance test and in logs i can see the correct count which 450. But when i see the same in index.html file it is showing something like below.
**label count**
APIName 450
APIName-0 226
APIName-1 226
and total count it is showing as "902" which is incorrect. It should be 450
[![jmeter snippet][1]][1]
and my https sampler name is "APIName"
It's hard to say what is the cause of these extra results without seeing at least first 3 lines of your .jtl file
The most common causes are:
Redirect (i.e. from HTTP to HTTPS or whatever)
Embedded resources (images, scripts, styles. fonts, etc.) however I don't think it's applicable to API
The options are in:
Define the filter for the HTML Reporting Dashboard so it would report only APIName
Tell JMeter to not to store the metrics on sub-samples:
Both properties overrides should to to user.properties file, it lives in "bin" folder of your JMeter installation.
More information:
Configuring JMeter
Filtering Configuration
Results file configuration
Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide
I am using JMeter with non-GUI mode. I have one issue using its reporting. Currently, I am trying to generate the report but has the issue of request and response for the particular API.
I have used 2 HTML reports -
Generated from CSV - this report only gives me the status codes of the API with its URL's PFB screenshot -
Ant report generated from jtl/xml - this report only gives me the status codes for the API with its URL's PFB screenshot -
Is there any way by which I can get the all details around API like -
request headers
response headers
request data
response data
I'm not aware of any existing approaches to get the information you need into HTML reports, the options are in:
Amend JMeter source code and the report-template to include the information you're looking for, it's applicable for HTML Reporting Dashboard
Amend Result File Configuration and XSLT template to include the information you're looking for, it's applicable for JMeter Ant Task
This one is most probably the easiest, you can use Flexible File Writer plugin to write request and response headers and data into a separate file in an arbitrary format (it could also be HTML)
I am currently seeking information around the available reporting capabilities for OpenTest. I would need information regarding the following:
Portability of reports/logging - can these results be published in various formats
Granularity of reports/logging - is there a way of getting very detailed in what is reported on and/or strategies to ensure that enough information is logged to allow for debugging of automated tests and System Under Test(SUT)
Screenshots - is there current functionality to allow for screenshots to be taken and published/posted to external systems?
Portability of reports/logging
You can obtain the test session results by using the API, either in JSON format (which contains a lot of detail) or the JUnit XML format:
The detailed log of the test session can be retrieved in: JSON or human-readable format:
Granularity of reports/logging
The test results in JSON format will tell you everything you need to know about the pass/fail status for each test and each individual test action within a test, arguments that were used for test actions, the name of the screenshot captured for each test action, execution times and many other useful information.
When you want to troubleshoot a failed test, most of the time you'll need the detailed log information, which can be retrieved using the APIs I mentioned above. Aside from the log information generated by OpenTest itself, you can always log additional information that is specific to your application or test scenario using the $log JavaScript API.
Screenshots are automatically captured for Web and UI tests, whenever a test action fails. If you need to capture additional screenshots during your test, you can do so using the TakeScreenshot keyword for either Web testing or mobile testing. You can also capture a screenshot after any test action by using the $screenshot global test action argument:
- description: Click product 1 and capture a screenshot
action: org.getopentest.selenium.Click
locator: { id: product1 }
$screenshot: true
You can download screenshots using this API:
SID1554380072_WEB_T05_SG01_ST01_after_03.png is the name of the screenshot file, which you can find in the test execution results in JSON format.
Integrating with custom reporting solutions
At some point you will need to integrate with a dedicated reporting product that can give you all the nice features that OpenTest is not be able to provide out-of-the-box. This is possible to do using the APIs I described. In order to notify interested parties of the current status of test sessions, OpenTest also provides a WebSocket API. You can use that to be notified when a test session has finished, then you can extract all the information you need via APIs. You can find a Java project that does all that here: https://github.com/adrianth/opentest-monitor. This project is intended as a starting point for your own custom integration.
Im new to JMeter and have just created a test plan using the proxy server.
The test plan covers a fairly long user journey on a web app with a lot of pages, images, scripts and css being requested, because of this when I run the test plan and view the results in a listener such as the 'View Results Tree' the sampler list is very long and if I try and use a graph there are so many results its hard to make out individual values.
Is there a way in JMeter where I could group all the requests related to a page under that page and only have to page name display in the listener but still have the ability to drill into an individual page and see the details for each sample?
For this you can use Transaction Controller:
Keep Include duration of timer and pre-post processors in generated sample unchecked.
If you're looking to learn jmeter correctly, this book will help you.
I agree with PMD, Transaction controller is exactly what you need.
You can achieve that automatically (while you're saving your test) if you enable jMeter proxy's option Put each group in a new transaction controller.
A couple of more details (about jMeter Plugins' listeners I regularly use) here:
Define a group of requests in order to obtain a total time in Jmeter
You can use the tool BADBOY tool to record your test and there you can easily bifurcate/ remove the unwanted content.
From BADBOY you can directly Export the recorded script to JMeter by simply from
File menu>>Exort To JMeter
This is what currently we are following and is a bit easy to use.