OpenTest Reporting Library - opentest

I am currently seeking information around the available reporting capabilities for OpenTest. I would need information regarding the following:
Portability of reports/logging - can these results be published in various formats
Granularity of reports/logging - is there a way of getting very detailed in what is reported on and/or strategies to ensure that enough information is logged to allow for debugging of automated tests and System Under Test(SUT)
Screenshots - is there current functionality to allow for screenshots to be taken and published/posted to external systems?

Portability of reports/logging
You can obtain the test session results by using the API, either in JSON format (which contains a lot of detail) or the JUnit XML format:
The detailed log of the test session can be retrieved in: JSON or human-readable format:
Granularity of reports/logging
The test results in JSON format will tell you everything you need to know about the pass/fail status for each test and each individual test action within a test, arguments that were used for test actions, the name of the screenshot captured for each test action, execution times and many other useful information.
When you want to troubleshoot a failed test, most of the time you'll need the detailed log information, which can be retrieved using the APIs I mentioned above. Aside from the log information generated by OpenTest itself, you can always log additional information that is specific to your application or test scenario using the $log JavaScript API.
Screenshots are automatically captured for Web and UI tests, whenever a test action fails. If you need to capture additional screenshots during your test, you can do so using the TakeScreenshot keyword for either Web testing or mobile testing. You can also capture a screenshot after any test action by using the $screenshot global test action argument:
- description: Click product 1 and capture a screenshot
action: org.getopentest.selenium.Click
locator: { id: product1 }
$screenshot: true
You can download screenshots using this API:
SID1554380072_WEB_T05_SG01_ST01_after_03.png is the name of the screenshot file, which you can find in the test execution results in JSON format.
Integrating with custom reporting solutions
At some point you will need to integrate with a dedicated reporting product that can give you all the nice features that OpenTest is not be able to provide out-of-the-box. This is possible to do using the APIs I described. In order to notify interested parties of the current status of test sessions, OpenTest also provides a WebSocket API. You can use that to be notified when a test session has finished, then you can extract all the information you need via APIs. You can find a Java project that does all that here: This project is intended as a starting point for your own custom integration.


Can JMeter do automation testing like Selenium can do?

i am still new to JMeter and i was assigned to a work that I will need to use JMeter to perform automation testing. The idea is to write script using JMeter and run the script to fill in the forms in the website. I was curious that can JMeter use different data from the database to fill in the form of the website everytime it execute?(unique data for every user)
I have followed this tutorial ( ) and it succeed, however, when i try to change the parameter name (to some other names that do not matches the field name found in the inpect mode), it still works. So i was wondering how JMeter knows where to put in the parameter even i have change to a wrong field name?
As per JMeter Project main page:
JMeter is not a browser, it works at protocol level. As far as web-services and remote services are concerned, JMeter looks like a browser (or rather, multiple browsers); however JMeter does not perform all the actions supported by browsers. In particular, JMeter does not execute the Javascript found in HTML pages. Nor does it render the HTML pages as a browser does (it's possible to view the response as HTML etc., but the timings are not included in any samples, and only one sample in one thread is ever displayed at a time).
Browsers don't do any magic, they execute HTTP Requests, wait for response and render it. JMeter in its turn can execute the same HTTP requests so traffic would be the same, however it will not render the response, but rather measure the time and collect some more metrics.
If you change the names of the inputs in the form most probably the request will be successful, to wit you will get HTTP Status Code below 400 hence JMeter will mark the result as "green", however if you inspect the response using View Results Tree listener you will see that the form is not filled and/or you still at the same page.
If you want to use JMeter for checking the data returned by the application you're testing consider using JMeter Assertions to test presence of expected values, absence of errors, set response time thresholds, etc.
You can automate the form submission or order placement usin JMeter. You can JMeter for API testing as well by adding assertions. But the main purpose of the JMeter is to test the performance of the application. Its not like selenium which performs actions on the browser whereas JMeter sends the request in various protocols to relevant server and can also simulate many users at the same time.
If you want to do extensive automation testing,JMeter isnt the ideal tool for that.
You can use webdriver sampler to run the selenium with jmeter. It requires to configure sampler and browser config which are plugin and can be downloaded using plugin manager.
For more info:-
Now, without the plugin it is working on protocol level and not on the frontend as pointed out in the above comments.
So, yes it can depend on which layer you want to work. It can work on frontend like selenium using the webdriver plugin and can submit the form with different data as a direct request to the server without using the frontend/GUI.
Hope this helps.
It depends on what you are trying to automate. If you plan to automate API invocation where there are some pre-requisites like grabbing tokens, cookies, session IDs from the browser, then JMeter can probably be used where existing JMeter capabilities can be leveraged using BeanShell scripting and other plugins.
But if you plan to have a full blown UI automation framework then JMeter might not be an ideal choice.

Retrieve Test settings using Rest API from TFS

How can i retrieve Test settings using Rest API from TFS.
The below mentioned URL is the best i can get . but this is for Test result retention setting...... and what i am looking for is regular/ general Test settings.
Can some one please provide a sample URL for it.
Sample URL:-"
If you mean the test settings file (See Specifying Test Settings for Visual Studio Tests), then you can get and open the file from web portal to check the settings.
If you mean Test configurations, you can refer to this link for the REST API : Test configurations:
e.g.: To Get a test configuration:
GET https://{instance}/DefaultCollection/{project}/_apis/test/configurations/{configurationId}?api-version={version}
Whatever, all the available test REST APIs are all here: Test Management
According to your clarification (below answer), you just want to get the specific test run details. You can use below REST API to Get a test run:
GET http://{instance}/DefaultCollection/{project}/_apis/test/runs/{run ID}?api-version={version}
Then you will see all the settings/properties of the specific test run.
No what I really meant for was the "Test Settings" information. In MTM, we can specify the TestSettngs via TestSettings Manager.( See the below image.)
While creating a test run, we need to provide this "Test Settings" information.
Next, coming to REST API, we can create a test run using REST API too.
The below is the API reference url.
Under "Create a Test Run" section, you can see "test settings" under the content type. I wanted to know how to get that information via REST call(
Check see image 2 below)
(I am unable to embed pictures on the site as i have not earned 10 reputation points. please open the links provided below to view the images)

Common asserts in any automation project

Can anyone briefly explain what are the common asserts to consider in any automation project please. Whether it might be an in-house or public web application. For example presently i am using selenium (java) to automate an eCommerce web application. As this is my first website to automate, i am running out of ideas where i can verify things expect few which i know mentioned below:
1.Verify each page Title
2.Verify a button, text, link, image, custom text etc
Apart from these is there any thing else i can verify? please feel free to correct my question and if you have worked on various automation projects which areas did you add asserts to verify or validate something on a webpage.
basically, you do automation to decrease the execution time of regression cycles by automating the Test Cases relate to the functionality of the application. so, first develop test cases, using test design techniques like ECP, BVA etc.
Each test case must have an Assertion called expected result or functionality (otherwise it won't be called a Test case).
This assertion can be anything like,
Whether login successful after giving valid credentials
Showing an error message after entering wrong credentials etc.
Selenium helps us to automate web interactions (navigations, clicks, enter texts etc.) and don't perform any assertions for you.
Assertions are available by frameworks like JUnit, TestNG (in Java) with Assertions class. There is built-in support from programming languages like assert keyword in python & Java (
So, whatever you mentioned in your question like common assertions (Verify each page Title etc.), those are just web interactions. they don't decide whether a Test is PASS or FAIL. It is you who define the criteria whether a Test is PASS/FAIL.
For example, there is a test case related to successful login.
here, you automate web interactions like navigate to login page, enter credentials, click Submit button.
Then to validate whether you successfully logged in or not, you look for a web element in the Home Page of the user logged in (like, welcome user) in normal scenario. In Automation, you try to find the text welcome user using webelement. Then you use Assertions provided by frameworks, to assert whether the expected message is present in the webpage like
Assertions.assertEqual(expected_message, actual_message); // just an example.
If expected_message and actual_message is same, then the method don't throw any exception, which results in marking the testcase as PASS by the framework
If expected_message and actual_message is NOT same, then AssertionError is raised by the method assertEqual, which results in marking the test case as FAIL by the framework.

How to use jmeter using ant task - load testing on Dot Net application

I have just tried jmeter examples using ant task. I got the HTML output. Now,
I built my application using,,javascript,jQuery,Ajax,Json etc.
This is the url http://localhost/test/pagemanager.aspx which shows my
LOGIN Screen. Once after login, the user can access over multiple menus(pages) to access like checking their personal data, overall student details like batch wise, registering a new student etc... My URL http://localhost/test/pagemanager.aspxremains constant at every time.
The site can be accessed by multiple users for multiple times. I needs to find a load testing. Can some one give me a configuration step to find load testng to my application.
Thanks in advance.
First of all I would recommend recording your test scenario steps starting from login via JMeter build-in HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder.
See JMeter Proxy Step by Step guide for detailed instructions.
Once you have recorded test flow you'll need to do some correlation as the nature of ASP.NET applications assumes mandatory dynamic parameters like VIEWSTATE. So you'll need to extract VIEWSTATE and similar from previous server response and add it to next request.
See ASP.NET Login Testing with JMeter for more details.

JMeter - How do you group all requests related to a page to provide cleaner results?

Im new to JMeter and have just created a test plan using the proxy server.
The test plan covers a fairly long user journey on a web app with a lot of pages, images, scripts and css being requested, because of this when I run the test plan and view the results in a listener such as the 'View Results Tree' the sampler list is very long and if I try and use a graph there are so many results its hard to make out individual values.
Is there a way in JMeter where I could group all the requests related to a page under that page and only have to page name display in the listener but still have the ability to drill into an individual page and see the details for each sample?
For this you can use Transaction Controller:
Keep Include duration of timer and pre-post processors in generated sample unchecked.
If you're looking to learn jmeter correctly, this book will help you.
I agree with PMD, Transaction controller is exactly what you need.
You can achieve that automatically (while you're saving your test) if you enable jMeter proxy's option Put each group in a new transaction controller.
A couple of more details (about jMeter Plugins' listeners I regularly use) here:
Define a group of requests in order to obtain a total time in Jmeter
You can use the tool BADBOY tool to record your test and there you can easily bifurcate/ remove the unwanted content.
From BADBOY you can directly Export the recorded script to JMeter by simply from
File menu>>Exort To JMeter
This is what currently we are following and is a bit easy to use.
