Rotational invariant hash function for binary matrix - matrix

I am looking for a hash function that will assign a scalar value for a small binary matrix(7x7). I want it to give different values for 2 different matrices unless one matrix is a 90 degree,180 degree or 270 degree rotation of the other one.
Do you have any suggestions on how I could do this? I was expecting to find a method in image processing as this would be equivalent to a 7x7 binary image but I could not find anything.

Converting my comment to an answer:
If you're trying to find a way to test if two objects are equivalent after doing some sort of transformation, it often helps to pick a single "canonical form" for the object that can easily be computed. In your case, it would probably help a lot to pick a single rotation of the matrix as the "canonical" rotation and compare things that way. One simple option would be to pick the lexicographically first matrix out of all the rotations possible, then use that.


Is it possible to calculate the mathematical function of a 2D image?

The question basically says it all. I would like to add that lets suppose I have an image, a photograph and I wish to calculate its mathematical function, so that when I input x and y pixel value, it returns a vector consisting of R,G,B values at that x,y point. Therefore I can use a for loop to construct the whole image by just that function. I am not asking about the whole solution or algorithm here, but just that if this thing is possible, which direction should I take to go about doing this. Reference to relevant papers would be really nice.
Yes, it is absolutely always possible. Basically, if you choose some points, there is always (an infinity of) smooth explicit functions (that is nice functions) which value on the points is exactly the one you choose.
For example, you can have a look at or They are two different methods to compute an explicit function which pass exactly by the data points you have. So you can apply those methods for your image, seen as a set of data points, and separately for R, G, and B.
At the end, you get one simple function explicitly (a polynomial or a trigonometric series, depending on what you chose), and you can compute its values where you want.
However, note that I would definitely not recommend to use those methods to effectively retrieve the data. Indeed, the functions you get are absolutely not optimized (that is with a veeeery high degree (for a n×m image, each color will have a degree nm-1), very high coefficients) and furthermore will have extremely large values between your original points (look for Runge's phenomenon).
This is not possible in general... Imagine an image that has been generated by random values for each pixel. You can't find a mathematical expression that will give you the value of a pixel given its 2d coordinates.
Now it may be possible for some images that have been generated using a function. In that case, it's not a problem specific to image processing, it's get back the function from some points of the function (in your case, you have all the points). It's exactly the same thing as extrapolating a curve from a set of points when you trace a graph in excel. The more points you have, the more precise the function you wind will be.
Look for information about Regression analysis. I can't help you much but there are some algorithms that exist.

Arbitrary size matrices in maxima

I want to do some calculations with matrices of arbitrary size. Simple example - take two matrices NxM and MxK, with arbitrary elements, and see element of product as sum.
But i cant find a way to do such symbolic calculations without specifying matrix size as integer.
matrix() want integer, makelist() want integer.
Is there a way to do things like this in maxima? Or any CAS?
Unfortunately, Maxima does not know about arbitrary-size matrices, and I don't see an easy way to implement it.
The only way that I see is to define a new kind of expression, and provide simplification rules for operations on them. E.g. (and this is just a sketch of a possible solution): use defstruct to define a structure comprising size and a formula for a typical element, and define a simplification rule for "." (noncommutative multiplication) which creates a new expression with a typical element which is a summation.

Plotting Issue - Comparing 3 matrices where one is a sparse matrix

I need to compare 3 216x216 matrix (data correlation matrix, events etc) . can someone suggest a way to plot these in matlab or someother plotting tools that can easily visualise and compare them ... does a 3d mesh plot be useful ? I thought mesh would be good .. but I need others opinion too.
Thanks in advance,
Sparse matrices
You can use the spy() method to visualize a "sparsity pattern", as Matlab calls it. It plots a dot (or any other marker) where the matrix element is non-zero.
spy() can also be used to visualize non-sparse matrices where a lot of entries are close to zero - just threshold the matrix first:
spy(a) % Not very useful
b=a; b(b<0.02)=0;
figure, spy(b) % Much more useful
More generally, you can apply upper and lower thresholds to visualize the location of matrix entries whose value is within a specific range.
It may be useful to just display the matrix using imagesc(). This may give you an idea of the degree of corellation in your data - i.e. an uncorellated signal will have a corellation matrix with dominant diagonal elements, which will be clearly visible. I find Matlab's default color map distracting, so I usually do something like
Of course, there's a whole host of non-visual comparisons you can make - various norm()'s, std(), spectral analysis using eig() for square matrices, or svd() more generally. You can compare eigenvalue magnitudes, or compare the eigenvectors. This may be very useful or complete garbage, depending on what your data is.
Thus, to conclude (for now), depending on what specifically your matrices contain, you may get more useful suggestions.

Find areas in matrix..?

lets say I have a very big matrix with 10000x10000 elements all having the value '0'. Lets say there are some big 'nests' of '1's. Those areas might even be connected, but very weekly connected by a 'pipe' of '1's.
I want to get an algorithm that very quickly (and dirty if necessary) finds these 'nests' of '1's. Here it shouldn't 'cut apart' two weekly connected 'nests'.
Any idea how I should do such an algorithm?
Maybe a pathfinding algorithm like A* (or something simpler like a BFS or DFS) may work in this case..
You can:
search starting point for your searches by finding small nests (ignoring pipes).. so at least a 3x3 block of 1's
then you should pathfind from there going through 1's until you end your "connected component" (poetic license) inside the matrix
repeat starting from another small 1's block
I would say it depends on how the data is needed. If, given two points, you need to check if they are in the same block of 1's, I think #Jack's answer is best. This is also true if you have some knowledge of where blocks are initially, as you can use those as starting points for your algorithm.
If you don't have any other information, maybe one of these would be a possibility:
If given a point, you wish to find all elements in the same block, a flood fill would be appropriate. Then you could cache each nest as you find it, and when you get another point first see if it's in a known nest, and if it isn't do a flood fill to find this nest then add it to the cache.
As an implementation detail, as you traverse the matrix each row should have available the set of nests present on the previous row. Then you would only need to check new points against those nests, rather than the complete set, to determine if a new point is in a known set or not.
Be sure that you use a set implementation with a very low lookup cost such as a hashtable or possibly a Bloom filter if you can deal with the probabilistic effects.
Turn the matrix into a black&white bitmap
Scale the matrix so that nests of size N become a single pixel (so if you look for 10x10 nests, scale by a factor of N=10).
Use the remaining pixels of the output to locate the nests. Use the center coordinate (multiplied by the factor above) to locate the same nest in the matrix.
Use a low-pass filter to get rid of all "pipes" that connect the nests.
Find the border of the nest with a contrast filter on the bitmap.
Create a bitmap which doesn't contain the nests (i.e. set all pixels of the nests to 0).
Use a filter that widens single pixels to grow the outline of the nests.
Bitwise AND the output of 7 and 5 to get the connection points of all pipes.
Follow the pipes to see how they connect the nests

Is it possible to have a rotationally invariant identifier of a boolean matrix?

Say I have a matrix of ones and zeros, and I would like a 'identifier' for this matrix that takes the same value regardless of whether the matrix is rotated by 90, 180, or 270 degrees, i.e. a 4-to-1 mapping. Ideally, this identifier should be 1/4 the size of the matrix. Is it possible to write a function that does this mapping?
Background: I was looking at this problem on the UVa problem set. I don't exactly need such a function to solve the problem, but it seems reasonable that it would exist, and using it would make for a more elegant solution.
Yes. You can take your original matrix A, and rotate it to all the possible configurations A', A'' and A'''. You can then sort these using some sorting of your choosing (just be consistent) , pick the first, and hash that using any hash function of your choosing (again, the actual hash function doesn't matter, just be consistent).
Obviously this can be optimized heavily by not actually doing the full rotation and sorting - you can do the comparisons lazily, stopping as soon as you know which rotation sorts first - but the principle is the same.
You can just bit XOR all the rotations, that will be a symmetric identifier.
