I need to compare 3 216x216 matrix (data correlation matrix, events etc) . can someone suggest a way to plot these in matlab or someother plotting tools that can easily visualise and compare them ... does a 3d mesh plot be useful ? I thought mesh would be good .. but I need others opinion too.
Thanks in advance,
Sparse matrices
You can use the spy() method to visualize a "sparsity pattern", as Matlab calls it. It plots a dot (or any other marker) where the matrix element is non-zero.
spy() can also be used to visualize non-sparse matrices where a lot of entries are close to zero - just threshold the matrix first:
spy(a) % Not very useful
b=a; b(b<0.02)=0;
figure, spy(b) % Much more useful
More generally, you can apply upper and lower thresholds to visualize the location of matrix entries whose value is within a specific range.
It may be useful to just display the matrix using imagesc(). This may give you an idea of the degree of corellation in your data - i.e. an uncorellated signal will have a corellation matrix with dominant diagonal elements, which will be clearly visible. I find Matlab's default color map distracting, so I usually do something like
Of course, there's a whole host of non-visual comparisons you can make - various norm()'s, std(), spectral analysis using eig() for square matrices, or svd() more generally. You can compare eigenvalue magnitudes, or compare the eigenvectors. This may be very useful or complete garbage, depending on what your data is.
Thus, to conclude (for now), depending on what specifically your matrices contain, you may get more useful suggestions.
I am doing point pattern analysis using the package spatstat and ran Ripley's K (spatstat::Kest) on my points to see if there is any clustering. However, it appears that not all the lines that should appear in the graph (kFem) have plotted. For example, the red line (Ktrans) stops at around x=12 and the green line (Kbord) doesn't appear at all. I would appreciate any insights as to how to interpret this and if there might be a bug.
Here is my study window. It is an irregular shape because I am analyzing a point pattern along a transect line.
And here is a density plot of my point pattern:
It is unlikely (but not impossible) that there is a simple bug in Kest that causes this, since this particular function has been tested intensively by many users. More likely you have a observation window that is irregular and there is a mathematical reason why the various estimates cannot be calculated at all distances. Please add a plot/summary of your point pattern so we have knowledge of the observation window (or even better give access to the observation window).
Furthermore, to manually inspect the estimates of the K-function you can convert the function value (fv) object to a data.frame and print it:
dat <- as.data.frame(kFem)
head(dat, n = 10)
Your window is indeed very irregular and the explanation of why it is not producing some corrections at large distances. I guess your transect is only a few metres wide and you are considering distances up to 50m. The border correction can only be calculated for distances up to something like the half width of the transect.
Using Kest implies that you believe that your transect is a subset of a big homogeneous point process (of equal intensity everywhere and with same correlation structure throughout space). If that is true then Kest provides a sensible estimate of the unknown true homogeneous K-function. However, you provide a plot where you have divided the region into sections of high, medium and low intensity which doesn't agree with the assumption of homogeneity. The deviation from the theoretical Poisson line may just be due to inhomogeneous intensity and not actual correlation between points. You should probably only consider distances that are much smaller than 50 (you can set rmax when you call Kest).
The question basically says it all. I would like to add that lets suppose I have an image, a photograph and I wish to calculate its mathematical function, so that when I input x and y pixel value, it returns a vector consisting of R,G,B values at that x,y point. Therefore I can use a for loop to construct the whole image by just that function. I am not asking about the whole solution or algorithm here, but just that if this thing is possible, which direction should I take to go about doing this. Reference to relevant papers would be really nice.
Yes, it is absolutely always possible. Basically, if you choose some points, there is always (an infinity of) smooth explicit functions (that is nice functions) which value on the points is exactly the one you choose.
For example, you can have a look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lagrange_polynomial or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trigonometric_interpolation. They are two different methods to compute an explicit function which pass exactly by the data points you have. So you can apply those methods for your image, seen as a set of data points, and separately for R, G, and B.
At the end, you get one simple function explicitly (a polynomial or a trigonometric series, depending on what you chose), and you can compute its values where you want.
However, note that I would definitely not recommend to use those methods to effectively retrieve the data. Indeed, the functions you get are absolutely not optimized (that is with a veeeery high degree (for a n×m image, each color will have a degree nm-1), very high coefficients) and furthermore will have extremely large values between your original points (look for Runge's phenomenon).
This is not possible in general... Imagine an image that has been generated by random values for each pixel. You can't find a mathematical expression that will give you the value of a pixel given its 2d coordinates.
Now it may be possible for some images that have been generated using a function. In that case, it's not a problem specific to image processing, it's get back the function from some points of the function (in your case, you have all the points). It's exactly the same thing as extrapolating a curve from a set of points when you trace a graph in excel. The more points you have, the more precise the function you wind will be.
Look for information about Regression analysis. I can't help you much but there are some algorithms that exist.
I am new in image processing and I don't know the use of basic terms, I know the basic definition of sparsity, but can anyone please elaborate the definition in term of image processing?
Well Sajid, I actually was doing image processing a few months ago, and I had found a website that gave me what I thought was the best definition of sparsity.
Sparsity and density are terms used to describe the percentage of
cells in a database table that are not populated and populated,
respectively. The sum of the sparsity and density should equal 100%.
A table that is 10% dense has 10% of its cells populated with non-zero
values. It is therefore 90% sparse – meaning that 90% of its cells are
either not filled with data or are zeros.
I took this in the context of on/off for black and white image processing. If many pixels were off, then the pixels were sparse.
As The Obscure Question said, sparsity is when a vector or matrix is mostly zeros. To see a real world example of this, just look at the wavelet transform, which is known to be sparse for any real-world image.
(all the black values are 0)
Sparsity has powerful impacts. It can transform matrix multiplication of two NxN matrices, normally a O(N^3) operation, into an O(k) operation (with k non-zero elements). Why? Because it's a well-known fact that for all x, x * 0 = 0.
What does sparsity mean? In the problems I've been exposed to, it means similarity in some domain. For example, natural images are largely the same color in areas (the sky is blue, the grass is green, etc). If you take the wavelet transform of that natural image, the output is sparse through the recursive nature of the wavelet (well, at least recursive in the Haar wavelet).
I am trying to apply Random Projections method on a very sparse dataset. I found papers and tutorials about Johnson Lindenstrauss method, but every one of them is full of equations which makes no meaningful explanation to me. For example, this document on Johnson-Lindenstrauss
Unfortunately, from this document, I can get no idea about the implementation steps of the algorithm. It's a long shot but is there anyone who can tell me the plain English version or very simple pseudo code of the algorithm? Or where can I start to dig this equations? Any suggestions?
For example, what I understand from the algorithm by reading this paper concerning Johnson-Lindenstrauss is that:
Assume we have a AxB matrix where A is number of samples and B is the number of dimensions, e.g. 100x5000. And I want to reduce the dimension of it to 500, which will produce a 100x500 matrix.
As far as I understand: first, I need to construct a 100x500 matrix and fill the entries randomly with +1 and -1 (with a 50% probability).
Okay, I think I started to get it. So we have a matrix A which is mxn. We want to reduce it to E which is mxk.
What we need to do is, to construct a matrix R which has nxk dimension, and fill it with 0, -1 or +1, with respect to 2/3, 1/6 and 1/6 probability.
After constructing this R, we'll simply do a matrix multiplication AxR to find our reduced matrix E. But we don't need to do a full matrix multiplication, because if an element of Ri is 0, we don't need to do calculation. Simply skip it. But if we face with 1, we just add the column, or if it's -1, just subtract it from the calculation. So we'll simply use summation rather than multiplication to find E. And that is what makes this method very fast.
It turned out a very neat algorithm, although I feel too stupid to get the idea.
You have the idea right. However as I understand random project, the rows of your matrix R should have unit length. I believe that's approximately what the normalizing by 1/sqrt(k) is for, to normalize away the fact that they're not unit vectors.
It isn't a projection, but, it's nearly a projection; R's rows aren't orthonormal, but within a much higher-dimensional space, they quite nearly are. In fact the dot product of any two of those vectors you choose will be pretty close to 0. This is why it is a generally good approximation of actually finding a proper basis for projection.
The mapping from high-dimensional data A to low-dimensional data E is given in the statement of theorem 1.1 in the latter paper - it is simply a scalar multiplication followed by a matrix multiplication. The data vectors are the rows of the matrices A and E. As the author points out in section 7.1, you don't need to use a full matrix multiplication algorithm.
If your dataset is sparse, then sparse random projections will not work well.
You have a few options here:
Option A:
Step 1. apply a structured dense random projection (so called fast hadamard transform is typically used). This is a special projection which is very fast to compute but otherwise has the properties of a normal dense random projection
Step 2. apply sparse projection on the "densified data" (sparse random projections are useful for dense data only)
Option B:
Apply SVD on the sparse data. If the data is sparse but has some structure SVD is better. Random projection preserves the distances between all points. SVD preserves better the distances between dense regions - in practice this is more meaningful. Also people use random projections to compute the SVD on huge datasets. Random Projections gives you efficiency, but not necessarily the best quality of embedding in a low dimension.
If your data has no structure, then use random projections.
Option C:
For data points for which SVD has little error, use SVD; for the rest of the points use Random Projection
Option D:
Use a random projection based on the data points themselves.
This is very easy to understand what is going on. It looks something like this:
create a n by k matrix (n number of data point, k new dimension)
for i from 0 to k do #generate k random projection vectors
randomized_combination = feature vector of zeros (number of zeros = number of features)
sample_point_ids = select a sample of point ids
for each point_id in sample_point_ids do:
random_sign = +1/-1 with prob. 1/2
randomized_combination += random_sign*feature_vector[point_id] #this is a vector operation
normalize the randomized combination
#note that the normal random projection is:
# randomized_combination = [+/-1, +/-1, ...] (k +/-1; if you want sparse randomly set a fraction to 0; also good to normalize by length]
to project the data points on this random feature just do
for each data point_id in dataset:
scores[point_id, j] = dot_product(feature_vector[point_id], randomized_feature)
If you are still looking to solve this problem, write a message here, I can give you more pseudocode.
The way to think about it is that a random projection is just a random pattern and the dot product (i.e. projecting the data point) between the data point and the pattern gives you the overlap between them. So if two data points overlap with many random patterns, those points are similar. Therefore, random projections preserve similarity while using less space, but they also add random fluctuations in the pairwise similarities. What JLT tells you is that to make fluctuations 0.1 (eps)
you need about 100*log(n) dimensions.
Good Luck!
An R Package to perform Random Projection using Johnson- Lindenstrauss Lemma
I'm cross-posting this from math.stackexchange.com because I'm not getting any feedback and it's a time-sensitive question for me.
My question pertains to linear separability with hyperplanes in a support vector machine.
According to Wikipedia:
...formally, a support vector machine
constructs a hyperplane or set of
hyperplanes in a high or infinite
dimensional space, which can be used
for classification, regression or
other tasks. Intuitively, a good
separation is achieved by the
hyperplane that has the largest
distance to the nearest training data
points of any class (so-called
functional margin), since in general
the larger the margin the lower the
generalization error of the
The linear separation of classes by hyperplanes intuitively makes sense to me. And I think I understand linear separability for two-dimensional geometry. However, I'm implementing an SVM using a popular SVM library (libSVM) and when messing around with the numbers, I fail to understand how an SVM can create a curve between classes, or enclose central points in category 1 within a circular curve when surrounded by points in category 2 if a hyperplane in an n-dimensional space V is a "flat" subset of dimension n − 1, or for two-dimensional space - a 1D line.
Here is what I mean:
That's not a hyperplane. That's circular. How does this work? Or are there more dimensions inside the SVM than the two-dimensional 2D input features?
This example application can be downloaded here.
Thanks for your comprehensive answers. So the SVM can separate weird data well by using a kernel function. Would it help to linearize the data before sending it to the SVM? For example, one of my input features (a numeric value) has a turning point (eg. 0) where it neatly fits into category 1, but above and below zero it fits into category 2. Now, because I know this, would it help classification to send the absolute value of this feature for the SVM?
As mokus explained, support vector machines use a kernel function to implicitly map data into a feature space where they are linearly separable:
Different kernel functions are used for various kinds of data. Note that an extra dimension (feature) is added by the transformation in the picture, although this feature is never materialized in memory.
(Illustration from Chris Thornton, U. Sussex.)
Check out this YouTube video that illustrates an example of linearly inseparable points that become separable by a plane when mapped to a higher dimension.
I am not intimately familiar with SVMs, but from what I recall from my studies they are often used with a "kernel function" - essentially, a replacement for the standard inner product that effectively non-linearizes the space. It's loosely equivalent to applying a nonlinear transformation from your space into some "working space" where the linear classifier is applied, and then pulling the results back into your original space, where the linear subspaces the classifier works with are no longer linear.
The wikipedia article does mention this in the subsection "Non-linear classification", with a link to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kernel_trick which explains the technique more generally.
This is done by applying what is know as a [Kernel Trick] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kernel_trick)
What basically is done is that if something is not linearly separable in the existing input space ( 2-D in your case), it is projected to a higher dimension where this would be separable. A kernel function ( can be non-linear) is applied to modify your feature space. All computations are then performed in this feature space (which can be possibly of infinite dimensions too).
Each point in your input is transformed using this kernel function, and all further computations are performed as if this was your original input space. Thus, your points may be separable in a higher dimension (possibly infinite) and thus the linear hyperplane in higher dimensions might not be linear in the original dimensions.
For a simple example, consider the example of XOR. If you plot Input1 on X-Axis, and Input2 on Y-Axis, then the output classes will be:
Class 0: (0,0), (1,1)
Class 1: (0,1), (1,0)
As you can observe, its not linearly seperable in 2-D. But if I take these ordered pairs in 3-D, (by just moving 1 point in 3-D) say:
Class 0: (0,0,1), (1,1,0)
Class 1: (0,1,0), (1,0,0)
Now you can easily observe that there is a plane in 3-D to separate these two classes linearly.
Thus if you project your inputs to a sufficiently large dimension (possibly infinite), then you'll be able to separate your classes linearly in that dimension.
One important point to notice here (and maybe I'll answer your other question too) is that you don't have to make a kernel function yourself (like I made one above). The good thing is that the kernel function automatically takes care of your input and figures out how to "linearize" it.
For the SVM example in the question given in 2-D space let x1, x2 be the two axes. You can have a transformation function F = x1^2 + x2^2 and transform this problem into a 1-D space problem. If you notice carefully you could see that in the transformed space, you can easily linearly separate the points(thresholds on F axis). Here the transformed space was [ F ] ( 1 dimensional ) . In most cases , you would be increasing the dimensionality to get linearly separable hyperplanes.
SVM clustering
My answer to a previous question might shed some light on what is happening in this case. The example I give is very contrived and not really what happens in an SVM, but it should give you come intuition.