Spring JPA Data Rest - Determine Which Repository Method Is Called - spring

Is there a way to determine which repository method is being called?
I have a Parent entity that has a OneToMany annotation to a Child entity. In the HATEOAS documentation, I have the link which is /parent/{id}/child and can reach the children. I want to know what the method is that is returning the children so I can override it in the ChildRepository. I am having difficulty trying to determine that and have tried several ways to do so.
Is the /parent/{id}/child being called from the ChildRepository or is that being handled in the ParentRepository?
I have been at this for several hours and cannot find an answer on Google or SOF, maybe I someone can help me with the answer or ask the right question.
Thank you in advance!

If you need to implement a custom logic in Spring Data REST you can try to use:
Projections and Excerpts, even in the output of repository query methods and for making DTO objects (link)
Custom handlers
HATEOAS resource processors (example1, example2, example3)


Can we Document Model/entity with using Spring rest docs

Writing all fields with the snippets description is not reliable solution
is there any way to implement Model/Entity as a table with the fields and description, constraints, Type seprately.
fieldWithPath("id").description("Id of Student."),
fieldWithPath("name").description("Name of the Student."),
fieldWithPath("contact").description("Contact of the Student."),
fieldWithPath("marks").description("Marks of the Student."));
Documenting an entity directly is exactly what Spring REST Docs is designed to avoid. If that's the approach that you want to take then Spring REST Docs isn't the right tool for the job.
Spring REST Docs is built around the belief that, when documenting a REST API, it's the HTTP requests and responses that should be used to generate that documentation. This ensures that the documentation accurately describes the requests that the service expects to receive and the responses that it will send.
If you try to use an entity to document your API, you are ignoring the transformations that could be applied to that entity when serialising it to JSON. This can result in documentation that's inaccurate as serialization may omit some of an entity's properties, change the name of some of those properties, or even change the structure entirely.

How does Dependency Injection work in this case?

In a Spring Boot Web Application layout, I have defined a Service Interface named ApplicationUserService. An implementation called ApplicationUserServiceImpl implements all the methods present in ApplicationUserService.
Now, I have a Controller called ApplicationUserController that calls all the methods of ApplicationUserServiceImpl under different #GetMapping annotations.
As suggested by my instructor, I have defined a Dependency Injection as follows:
public class ApplicationUserController {
private final ApplicationUserService applicationUserService; //This variable will work as an object now.
public ApplicationUserController(ApplicationUserService applicationUserService) {
this.applicationUserService = applicationUserService;
I am new to Spring Boot and I tried understanding Dependency Injection in plain English and I understood how it works. I understood that the basic idea is to separate the dependency from the usage. But I am totally confused about how this works in my case.
My Questions:
Here ApplicationUserService is an Interface and it's implementation has various methods defined. In the code above, applicationUserService now has access to every method from ApplicationUserServiceImpl. How did that happen?
I want to know how the Object creation works here.
Could you tell me the difference between not using DI and using DI in this case?
The interface layer is used for abstraction of the code it will be really helpfull when you want to provide different implementations for it. When you create a instance you are simply creating a ApplicationUserServiceImpl and assigning it into a reference variable of ApplicationUserService this concept is called upcasting. Even though you have created the object of child class/implementation class you can only access the property or methods defined in parent class/interface class. Please refer this for more info
in this example when a applicationusercontroller object is created. The spring engine(or ioc container) will create a object of ApplicationUserServiceImpl (since there is a single implementation of the interface ) and returns to controller object as a constructor orgument which you assign to the refrence variable also refer the concept called IOC(Invertion of control)
as explained in the previous answer the spring will take care of object creation (object lifecycle)rather than you explsitly doing it. it will make the objects loosely coupled. In this the controll of creating the instances is with spring .
The non DI way of doing this is
private ApplicationUserService applicationUserService = new ApplicationUserServiceImpl()
Hope I have answered your questions
this analogy may make you understand better consider an example, wherein you have the ability to cook. According to the IoC principle(principal which is the basis of DI), you can invert the control, so instead of you cooking food, you can just directly order from outside, wherein you receive food at your doorstep. Thus the process of food delivered to you at your doorstep is called the Inversion of Control.
You do not have to cook yourself, instead, you can order the food and let a delivery executive, deliver the food for you. In this way, you do not have to take care of the additional responsibilities and just focus on the main work.
Now, that you know the principle behind Dependency Injection, let me take you through the types of Dependency Injection

Object created in Spring

I would like to know, whether this is a valid practice to use "new" in spring to create a Object?
You can either use xml->bean to create a object using xml file or use annotations to create a object.
This question arises when I am working on a project and where I want to create a object of a property class(which contains properties and setter/getter method of those properties).
I am able to create a object using new and its working fine but if spring has capability to create and manage object lifecycle then which way I need to go create a object and why?
I think the confusion may arise because of the (over)usage of spring as DI mechanism. Spring is a framework providing many services. Bean or dependency injection is just on of those.
I would say that for POJOs which have just setter and getters without much logic in them you can safely create objects using new keyword. For example, in case of value objects and data classes which do not have much configuration or life cycle events to worry about, go ahead and crate those using new keyword. If you repetitively create these objects and have fields which are not changing often, then I would use spring because it will lessen some of the repetitive code and object creation can be considered externalized or separated from your object usage.
Classes instantiated using spring bean definition xml/annotations are basically 'Spring-Managed' beans which mostly means that their life cycle, scope, etc are managed by spring. Spring manages objects which are beans, which may have some life cycle methods and APIs. These beans are dependencies for the classes in which the are set. The parent objects call some API of these dependencies to fulfil some business cases.
Hope this helps.
The Dependency Injection concept in spring is more useful when we need to construct an object that depends upon many objects, because it saves you time and effort for constructing as well as instantiating dependent objects.
In your case , Since it's a POJO class with only setters and getters , I think it is absolutely safe to instantiate it using a new keyword.

struts2 spring jpa layers best practice

I have an app written with Struts2 Spring3 JPA2 and hibernate. In this app i have the following levels :
- struts2 actions
- spring services
- spring DAO
So, one struts action call for a service which can contain calls to one or many dao objects.
In order to display the info on the screen i have created some "mirror" objects for entities; ie: EmailMessage entity has a EmailMessageForm bean that is used to display/gather data from webforms (i don`t know if this is the best practice), and hence my problem.
In EmailMessageServiceImpl i have a method called:
public List < EmailMessage > getEmailMessages(){
//code here
and, if i call this from struts action i cannot get dependencies because session has expired (i have TRANSACTION entity manager). So, one solution would be to create another method
List<EmailMessageForm> getEmailMessagesForDisplay()
and here to call for getEmailMessages() and convert this to form objects.
What do you recommend me ?
What is the best practice for this kind of problem ?
If by "dependencies" you mean "lazy-loaded objects", IMO it's best to get all the required data before hitting the view layer. In your current architecture it looks like that would mean a service method that retrieves the DTOs ("form beans"; I hesitate to use the term since it's easy to confuse with Struts 1).
Some say using an Open Session in View filter/interceptor is better. It's easier, but can lead to unintended consequences if the view developer isn't paying attention, including multiple N+1 queries etc.

Dynamic creation of beans in Spring

Is there a way in spring wherein we can read the fields of a bean from the DB table and create a complete bean class - with getters and setters on server startup????
I require this to make my application completely configurable...as in if I have to add a new field in future , all I would require would be adding a field in the db and the bean setters and getters would be available to me.
You could try approaches for dynamically registering beans . You could use the BeanDefinitionBuilder for this purpose . See a sample here . But as #Darren says , It's not a wise idea to creak a bean via DB lookup .
1: Improve your accept-rate
2: You might benefit from something like an ORM approach (Hibernate or JPA). Another slightly different approach that might suite you is the Active Record pattern as implemented in, forinstance, ActiveJDBC.
Spring does not, in itself, offer anything like what you are after, but using spring-jpa together with Hibernate might get you a bit closer towards your goal. If, OTOH, you want auto-generated code you could also look at something like Spring-Roo
You might want to think about this a little more. Even if you made your fields totally configurable, you will still have to write the code that accesses them. And given that you are going to have to write code anyway, might as well keep everything in code. It's much simpler that way.
