My problem is I don't know how i set StompSubProtocolHandler at XML
I try and know normal websocket set
<websocket:handlers allowed-origins="*">
<websocket:mapping path="/" handler="raphaServerHandler"/>
But I need to know setting StompSubProtocolHandler at XML!
It is done automatically by the:
<websocket:message-broker application-destination-prefix="/app">
<websocket:stomp-endpoint path="/foo" />
<websocket:simple-broker prefix="/topic" />
Configures broker-backed messaging over WebSocket using a higher-level messaging sub-protocol.
Registers a SimpleUrlHandlerMapping and maps paths to registered Controllers.
A StompSubProtocolHandler is registered to handle various versions of the STOMP protocol.
See EnableWebSocketMessageBroker javadoc for information on code-based alternatives to enabling broker-backed messaging.
Using spring XML, just like we create queues, binding etc as below
<rabbit:queue name="TestQueue" />
<rabbit:topic-exchange name="TestExchange">
<rabbit:binding queue="TestQueue" pattern="Test.Key" />
Can we also create shovels?
Please let me know. i want to create dynamic shovels automatically. Not manually through management plugin.
Can we also create shovels?
No; Spring-AMQP provisioning is limited to what you can do over the AMQP protocol (exchanges, queues, bindings).
RabbitMQ provides a REST API which can be used for other provisioning.
They provide a Java binding for the API.
Here is a requirement where i want to mention explicitly that to communicate with other outside system use TLSV1.2 and not the default TLSV1.0
How i could override or implement this requirement
<int-ws:outbound-gateway id="someID"
request-channel="clientRequest" reply-channel="clientReply"
uri="" reply-timeout="1000" marshaller="clientMarshaller"
unmarshaller="clientMarshaller" message-sender="messageSender" >
Looks like you are on the Java 7 and seems for me this should help you:
More info, please here.
I want to implement a consumer kind behaviour using Mule, ActiveMQ which can read JMS messages....there is some third party queue/topic. need to subscribe to them and start listening. How can I achieve that in mule?
Follow the instructions in this blog post to get a working connector. If you are using JMS1.1 you don't even need to specify queue or topic, they will behave the same. If you are using 1.0b, please make sure you specify the correct type.
Then, instead of using an outbound endpoint use an inbound endpoint:
<jms:inbound-endpoint topic="myTopic" connector-ref="Active_MQ" />
I do, however, recommend to use Anypoint Studio, that will provide you a very simple interface for this kind of configurations.
To read a message from activemq queue ot topic, can simply put in your flow for example:
<flow name="insert-operation" doc:name="insert-operation" doc:description="">
<jms:inbound-endpoint connector-ref="Active_MQ" exchange-pattern="request-response" queue="insert-jms" doc:name="JMS">
<idempotent-redelivery-policy idExpression="#[message.inboundProperties['JMSMessageID']]" />
<xa-transaction action="ALWAYS_BEGIN" />
I'm still new to Spring Integration and I've few question.
I have a service with WSDL deploy in tomcat server.
and I would like to send parameter from my spring integration flow to that service and receive
response back to do next things in the flow.
I should use outbound WS gateway to do this right?
and how to config the xml to do this?
i've try temperature example but still don't understand it.
thank you.
Here is my config:
<int:gateway service-interface="" id="IRequester"
error-channel="errorChannel" >
<int:service-activator input-channel="requestChannel" id="bu1"
ref="BU1" method="bu1Method"
<int:service-activator input-channel="errorChannel"
ref="handlerError" method="errorReturnToGateway"
output-channel="responseChannel" >
<int:router id="routingChannel" input-channel="buChannel" ref="RoutingChannel" method="routingChannel">
<int:mapping value="firstChannel" channel="channelFirst" />
<int:mapping value="otherChannel" channel="channelOther" />
<int:service-activator id="firstBU" input-channel="channelFirst"
ref="FirstBU" method="doSomething" output-channel="responseChannel">
<int:service-activator id="otherBU" input-channel="channelOther"
ref="OtherBU" method="doSomething" output-channel="responseChannel">
I need to change output channel from both firstBU and otherBU activator to call web service which is send a paremeter to that service(paremeter type is Hashmap) and receive same type response.
I don't know how to call web service by using ws:outbound-gateway.Since I have only known to call web service using java way by generate client java class and may be i'll call service in method doSomething.
In my case,Do you think which way is better?
And I still want to know how to solve this by use ws:outbound-gateway too.
thank you.
As far as it is SOAP, so you get deal with XML. And your WSDL provides you the contract - an XSD which XML should be sent to the service and which will be returned as a response.
So, your task to configure <int-ws:outbound-gateway> and provide correct XML as a message payload to the request-channel of that component.
The same is about a response: you get an XML as payload.
However, it is for simple WS Outbound Gateway. You can configure it with marshaller and send to the request-channel some domain POJO and that marshaller takes care about converting that POJO to the XML representation for the SOAP request.
Show, your config, please, and maybe we can help more with your concreate issues.
I am developing a webapp with an embedded webservice with Axis2 using Maven.
The service implementation is a POJO with RPC-style interaction, the target appserver is Tomcat running the Axis2 servlet.
The "Hello world" works but now I need to configure some global axis2 settings in the axis2.xml file (placed under WEB-INF/conf).
Please provide or point to a simple configuration for axis2.xml for this common environment.
The default taken from the binary distribution has too many features activated (hotdeploy?) and also causes this problem:
<soapenv:Text xml:lang="en-US">
The ServiceClass object does not implement the required method
in the following form: OMElement ping(OMElement e)
As a reference: says to configure the servlet transport in this way, but it does not solve the issue.
<transportReceiver name="http" class="org.apache.axis2.transport.http.AxisServletListener"/>
Apparently the problem is that the default axis2.xml sets raw xml messageReceivers, instead of the RPC ones.
Try to add this to the services.xml for the developed service, should fix the problem.
<messageReceiver mep=""
class="org.apache.axis2.rpc.receivers.RPCInOnlyMessageReceiver" />
<messageReceiver mep=""
class="org.apache.axis2.rpc.receivers.RPCMessageReceiver" />
"Solution that worked for me was adding the operation tag in the service.xml against the Java Service method name:
<operation name="sayHello" >
<messageReceiver mep="" class="org.apache.axis2.rpc.receivers.RPCMessageReceiver" />
<parameter name="ServiceClass" locked="false">com.learning.webservices.pojo.HelloService</parameter>