creating shovels through spring xml - spring-rabbit

Using spring XML, just like we create queues, binding etc as below
<rabbit:queue name="TestQueue" />
<rabbit:topic-exchange name="TestExchange">
<rabbit:binding queue="TestQueue" pattern="Test.Key" />
Can we also create shovels?
Please let me know. i want to create dynamic shovels automatically. Not manually through management plugin.

Can we also create shovels?
No; Spring-AMQP provisioning is limited to what you can do over the AMQP protocol (exchanges, queues, bindings).
RabbitMQ provides a REST API which can be used for other provisioning.
They provide a Java binding for the API.


How to set StompSubProtocolHandler at XML?

My problem is I don't know how i set StompSubProtocolHandler at XML
I try and know normal websocket set
<websocket:handlers allowed-origins="*">
<websocket:mapping path="/" handler="raphaServerHandler"/>
But I need to know setting StompSubProtocolHandler at XML!
It is done automatically by the:
<websocket:message-broker application-destination-prefix="/app">
<websocket:stomp-endpoint path="/foo" />
<websocket:simple-broker prefix="/topic" />
Configures broker-backed messaging over WebSocket using a higher-level messaging sub-protocol.
Registers a SimpleUrlHandlerMapping and maps paths to registered Controllers.
A StompSubProtocolHandler is registered to handle various versions of the STOMP protocol.
See EnableWebSocketMessageBroker javadoc for information on code-based alternatives to enabling broker-backed messaging.

How can I get spring property in flow?

I work with Mule. And I have spring bean
<spring:bean id="`MyPropertiesSaver`" name="MyPropertiesSaver" class="MyPropertiesSaver">
<spring:property name="prop_name" value="${PROP_VALUE}"/>
Also I work with file in flow
<flow name="Handler" doc:name="Handler">
<file:inbound-endpoint `path="${PROP_VALUE}"` moveToPattern="#[header:originalFilename].txt" responseTimeout="10000" doc:name="File"/>
So I get PROP_VALUE from system variables. I want to change path of file while programm is running. I change prop_name of class MyPropertiesSaver using MX4J. But path="${PROP_VALUE}" does not change. That's why I want to get prop_name from MyPropertiesSaver. Somthing like this
How can I do that?
You need to extend the file message receiver to allow to externally set of the fileDir and disconnect-connect when this happens. Then in your connector use a service-override to use that customised message receiver.
Having a Dynamic Endpoint for File Inbound is not possible.
File Inbound should know where to look for when the flow is started.
If your usecase demands a dynamic file location and reading you can try the workaround with Mule Requester module.
Read throubh the following link for more details.
Unable to create dynamic file inbound endpoint in mule
Hope this helps.

Spring Integration/RabbitMQ/AMQP: How do I create outbound-channel-adapters for dynamic input channels?

I'm working on abstracting out any sort of messaging framework for some code I'm working on. Basically, I'm using a combination of Spring AOP and Spring Integration to generate messages without the Java code knowing anything about RabbitMQ, JMS, or even Spring Integration. That said, what I'm using to generate the messages is contained in its own .jar, and it re-used by several other areas of the application. I currently have the messaging system set up such that the channels on which messages are sent are specified by the code that calls the system (i.e., channels are generated automatically based on the external method invocation) by specifying the channel name in the message header and using a header-value router to create the channels if they don't exist. My issue comes in on the endpoint of these channels - the intention of the current structure is to allow Spring to change to any messaging structure as requirements specify or change. I know how to take a static channel and use outbound channel converters/gateways to send it to a pre-specified RabbitMQ/JMS queue and process from there; what I'm struggling with is how to tell Spring that I need every channel created by the router to have a RabbitMQ (or whatever other messaging system gets implemented) outbound channel adapter that's dynamically generated based on the channel name since we don't know channel names beforehand.
Is this possible? And if not, would you mind providing input as to what could perhaps be a better way?
Thanks ahead of time!
Here's a basic template of what my config file looks like - I have an initial channel ("messageChannel") which gets sent to a publish-subscribe-channel and queuing channel depending on one of the message headers and is routed from there.
<!--Header value based channel configurations-->
<int:channel id="messageChannel" />
<int:channel id="queue" />
<int:publish-subscribe-channel id="topic" />
<!--Header-based router to route to queue or topic channels-->
<int:header-value-router input-channel="messageChannel"
header-name="#{ T(some.class.with.StringConstants).CHANNEL_TYPE}" />
<!--Re-routes messages according to their destination and messaging type-->
<int:header-value-router input-channel="queue"
header-name="#{ T(some.class.with.StringConstants).MESSAGE_DESTINATION}" />
<int:header-value-router input-channel="topic"
header-name="#{ T(some.class.with.StringConstants).MESSAGE_DESTINATION}" />
<!--AOP configuration - picks up on any invocation of some.class.which.generates.Messages.generateMessage()
from a Spring-managed context.-->
<aop:pointcut id="eventPointcut"
expression="execution(* some.class.which.generates.Messages.generateMessage(..))" />
<aop:advisor advice-ref="interceptor" pointcut-ref="eventPointcut"/>
<int:publishing-interceptor id="interceptor" default-channel="messageChannel">
<int:method pattern="generateMessage" payload="#return" channel="messageChannel" />
See the dynamic-ftp sample; it uses a dynamic router that creates new outbound endpoints/channels on demand.

Spring Integration call Web service

I'm still new to Spring Integration and I've few question.
I have a service with WSDL deploy in tomcat server.
and I would like to send parameter from my spring integration flow to that service and receive
response back to do next things in the flow.
I should use outbound WS gateway to do this right?
and how to config the xml to do this?
i've try temperature example but still don't understand it.
thank you.
Here is my config:
<int:gateway service-interface="" id="IRequester"
error-channel="errorChannel" >
<int:service-activator input-channel="requestChannel" id="bu1"
ref="BU1" method="bu1Method"
<int:service-activator input-channel="errorChannel"
ref="handlerError" method="errorReturnToGateway"
output-channel="responseChannel" >
<int:router id="routingChannel" input-channel="buChannel" ref="RoutingChannel" method="routingChannel">
<int:mapping value="firstChannel" channel="channelFirst" />
<int:mapping value="otherChannel" channel="channelOther" />
<int:service-activator id="firstBU" input-channel="channelFirst"
ref="FirstBU" method="doSomething" output-channel="responseChannel">
<int:service-activator id="otherBU" input-channel="channelOther"
ref="OtherBU" method="doSomething" output-channel="responseChannel">
I need to change output channel from both firstBU and otherBU activator to call web service which is send a paremeter to that service(paremeter type is Hashmap) and receive same type response.
I don't know how to call web service by using ws:outbound-gateway.Since I have only known to call web service using java way by generate client java class and may be i'll call service in method doSomething.
In my case,Do you think which way is better?
And I still want to know how to solve this by use ws:outbound-gateway too.
thank you.
As far as it is SOAP, so you get deal with XML. And your WSDL provides you the contract - an XSD which XML should be sent to the service and which will be returned as a response.
So, your task to configure <int-ws:outbound-gateway> and provide correct XML as a message payload to the request-channel of that component.
The same is about a response: you get an XML as payload.
However, it is for simple WS Outbound Gateway. You can configure it with marshaller and send to the request-channel some domain POJO and that marshaller takes care about converting that POJO to the XML representation for the SOAP request.
Show, your config, please, and maybe we can help more with your concreate issues.

How to use HornetQ match patterns

I'm using Jboss and I need to define 2 different DLQ's so that one queue would have DLQ1 and the other queues will have DLQ2.
I looked at HornetQ documentation and found the address_settings tag that have a match attribute:
<address-setting match="jms.queue.exampleQueue">
If i have a queue defined like:
<jms-queue name="Test">
<entry name="queue/Test"/>
What would be the match pattern for it? is it jms.queue.Test?
How can i see the messages in the DLQ? Do i have to write an MDB that listens to it or is it possible to see it in the admin console of jboss?
What would be the match pattern for it? is it jms.queue.Test? -->> yes, that's correct pattern. You can use JMS browser API for this or hornetq admin API
