Desktop Application Load Testing with Visual Studio - visual-studio

We have a desktop application (Point Of Sale) which runs on stores which has more than 100+ cashier counters and connected to a local SQL server in the store. We would like to perform Load to determine application performance for various scenarios. I was looking for Visual Studio (2015/2017) based load testing and I don't any helpful documentation. It would be helpful if someone can share load testing procedure for desktop based application using Visual Studio.
JMeter is out of scope for us.


Connect web app to Visual Studio Application Insights

I'm using Application Insights as part of my .Net Framework WebAPI project. When running the code locally (in debug mode), I can see all the events that would be sent to AI locally in Visual Studio by clicking the Application Insights button in the toolbar.
I've also got a Angular web App which works in tandem with the .Net backend. I've got the web version of Application Insights setup on it which sends telemetry to an Azure AI instance. Is it possible to have the Angular web app send its telemetry to the local AI instance in Visual Studio when I'm running it locally?
I'm using v2.5.10 of the #microsoft/applicationinsights-web library and Visual Studio Professional 2019 if that makes a difference.
Actually, there is no local AI instance. By default, the data you see in visual studio -> Application Insights Search window is from the current debug session, the screenshot is as below:
Another thing is that if you specify a valid InstrumentationKey, the data are always sending to application insights in azure portal(unless you setup firewall rule to block them).
For Angular web App, there is no way to just show the data in visual studio, but not sending to AI instance in azure.
Here are some suggestions just for your reference, but they cannot totally meet your requirement:
Solution 1: Sending data from Angular web App to AI instance in azure, then you can fetch these data from azure to visual studio locally. To do that, in the visual studio -> Application Insights Search window, change the Debug session telemetry to the AI instance in azure. Like below:
Solution 2: If you just don't want to send the data to Azure, you can use an invalid InstrumentationKey, and then open tools like fiddler to see these telemetry data.

Performance Data from Application Insights in Visual Studio Load Test project

I have configured a Load Test project in Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise and I'm trying to add Performance Data from Application Insights so we can have more data on what's happening with the application at the time of the test. So when I right click on the Run Settings:
After I click that:
Please note that we have Azure services and Visual Studio Team Services. Although I'm not the one administrating these I can still recommend what to do or I might request and get permissions, but I'm not sure what to request!
The API .NET project already has Application Insights integration, but I don't know how to read that data in the Load Test project.
What are we missing?
First, please make sure you have configured multiple instances of Application Insights from within the azure portal. When you use the load testing to add an application it would goes to the configured vsts account and try to connect.
Please manually add the application insight to your application and try again. Take a look at below tutorials, which should be helpful:
What is Application Insights?
Application Insights: Frequently Asked Questions
Set up Application Insights for your ASP.NET website
Troubleshooting no data - Application Insights for .NET

How to integrate SQL Server 2008 R2 Reports on web site

I am creating a site that is mainly used to view reports. The database is SQL Server 2008 R2 Express with Reporting Services. I was thinking of using Business Intelligence Development Studion to create reports since it integrates well and is easy to use. The site does not exist yet as the reports are its main feature.
I started using Visual Web Developer 2010 for the site since I thought it would work well. A Microsoft rep recommended that I use Visual Studio 2012 since it's compatible with SQL Server 2008 R2 and is the latest version. HOWEVER, it seems that report integration was stopped since Visual Studio 2008.
What tools should I be using for my reports and site? The database must be Microsoft but I am flexible about everything else. I am looking for tools that work well with the database.
I also want to use source control software that is compatible/works well with whatever IDE/software I'm using. Any recommendations?
Right now, I am the sole developer. I want to be prepared to expand to a small team once the project is underway and I want to be set up right the first time!
If predefined reports is the main feature of your site, i recommend you to go a level higher and use some tool that let you create and design reports easily, like DBxtra.

Quick deployment of Visual Studio 2010 app with SQL database

I am new to Visual Studio 2010, so please bear with me. Back in the days of using VB6 combined with an Access database, all I had to do was to use the Package & Deployment wizard and include the database file in the setup. Then all the client had to do was run one setup file and the application would magically run right away (the database would be placed in the App Path).
Is there some way to create a setup file in VS 2010 which will also install SQL Server Express automatically, attach the database along with the application itself?
This is meant for people who do not have SQL server installed and they should be able to start using the app by running one single setup.
Yes, your setup based on Windows Installer and built with Visual Studio itself can deploy everything you need. Read this article on MSDN for more details (maybe you won't need ClickOnce but it contains a lot of links).
I guess you need some clarification about your options (I assume you want to use a Microsoft solution because you talked about SQLExpress).
Microsoft SQL Server: fully featured database engine. It costs (a lot) and deployment isn't easy as we would.
Microsoft SQL Server Express: free edition (with some limits) of the big brother. Same installation issues. Perfect for medium desktop or web applications.
Microsoft LocalDB: single or multiple file, single user, support for stored procedures and advanced data types as in higher versions, easy to deploy and (optionally) per-user execution. Perfect for small/medium desktop applications and developing (with some preconditions with web applications too).
Microsoft SQL Server Compact 4.0: single file, single user, small, in-process, very easy to deploy. Perfect for small single user applications or used as local data storage (VS2k10 C++ Intellisense, for example, uses a SQLCE DB).
Microsoft JET Engine: the old beloved Access. If you come from VB6 I guess you know this.
If (and this is a big IF) your application is intended for a single user and you don't need data-sharing, now Microsoft provides a new version of SQLServer Express called LocalDB.
This version runs as standalone executable (isn't a service).
Its major advantage is the easy installation.
Search for LocalDB or look at my question LocalDB deployment

Building web services as well as their consumer in Visual Studio?

So I'm going to be building two things. The first is a database-driven collection of RESTful web services. The second is a user-facing web application which accesses those services.
I have to do this all in Visual Studio 2010, in MVC2 / C#, for deployment to an IIS6 + SQL Server 2005 environment. I'm not terribly familiar with VS, nor MVC2, nor any of the attendant development and debugging tools.
So, my question is this: How should I structure all this to make life easiest on myself in terms of concurrently developing both pieces? I need to be able to deploy the two pieces to separate servers, but I want to be able to easily test both of them simultaneously on my development machine. Do I make two separate projects? Or is there a way to build a single project with multiple solutions, which can be tested at the same time?
Any advice would be much appreciated.
You could have a single solution containing both web projects for the REST service application (WCF?) and the ASP.NET MVC application and then run them simultaneously using the Visual Studio development server by configuring multiple startup projects:
This will allow you to test/debug them simultaneously.
Another possibility is to use the newly released IIS Express to host both applications (you need to install VS 2010 SP1) which is the solution I would recommend you.
I suggest you follow the NerdDinner tutorial. This sample MVC2 application follows the suggested pattern for developing MVC2 web applications that use services.
