Performance Data from Application Insights in Visual Studio Load Test project - visual-studio

I have configured a Load Test project in Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise and I'm trying to add Performance Data from Application Insights so we can have more data on what's happening with the application at the time of the test. So when I right click on the Run Settings:
After I click that:
Please note that we have Azure services and Visual Studio Team Services. Although I'm not the one administrating these I can still recommend what to do or I might request and get permissions, but I'm not sure what to request!
The API .NET project already has Application Insights integration, but I don't know how to read that data in the Load Test project.
What are we missing?

First, please make sure you have configured multiple instances of Application Insights from within the azure portal. When you use the load testing to add an application it would goes to the configured vsts account and try to connect.
Please manually add the application insight to your application and try again. Take a look at below tutorials, which should be helpful:
What is Application Insights?
Application Insights: Frequently Asked Questions
Set up Application Insights for your ASP.NET website
Troubleshooting no data - Application Insights for .NET


Connect web app to Visual Studio Application Insights

I'm using Application Insights as part of my .Net Framework WebAPI project. When running the code locally (in debug mode), I can see all the events that would be sent to AI locally in Visual Studio by clicking the Application Insights button in the toolbar.
I've also got a Angular web App which works in tandem with the .Net backend. I've got the web version of Application Insights setup on it which sends telemetry to an Azure AI instance. Is it possible to have the Angular web app send its telemetry to the local AI instance in Visual Studio when I'm running it locally?
I'm using v2.5.10 of the #microsoft/applicationinsights-web library and Visual Studio Professional 2019 if that makes a difference.
Actually, there is no local AI instance. By default, the data you see in visual studio -> Application Insights Search window is from the current debug session, the screenshot is as below:
Another thing is that if you specify a valid InstrumentationKey, the data are always sending to application insights in azure portal(unless you setup firewall rule to block them).
For Angular web App, there is no way to just show the data in visual studio, but not sending to AI instance in azure.
Here are some suggestions just for your reference, but they cannot totally meet your requirement:
Solution 1: Sending data from Angular web App to AI instance in azure, then you can fetch these data from azure to visual studio locally. To do that, in the visual studio -> Application Insights Search window, change the Debug session telemetry to the AI instance in azure. Like below:
Solution 2: If you just don't want to send the data to Azure, you can use an invalid InstrumentationKey, and then open tools like fiddler to see these telemetry data.

How to publish Asp.Net core MVC web application on Godaddy's shared web hosting

I have developed an core 2.1 web application with entity framework core. Now I would like to host the application on my Godaddy's shared web hosting account. I am trying this with FTP but it is not working. Does anyone has solution for this?
Is there any error message that you see? The following is steps to publish your application:
Please open your project with Visual Studio tool
On the Solution Explorer windows (which is normally located on the top right hand corner of the VS tool), right click your project and select Publish
Please kindly publish it to a local folder, such as C:\Project
Please just upload whatever files/folders you see on C:\Project to the server via FTP and your site will work fine.
Important NOTE:
If you are using Visual Studio 2015 or later version, the publishing step may look a bit different.
Please open your website project with Visual Studio 2015. They may have been a pre-set .NET version on your project.
Then, please go to the Solution Explorer, Right Click the project and select "Publish Web App" website. Please select "FTP" as the deployment method
Please hit Publish
You can also read this documentation I use this tutorial to deploy my previous MVC. :)
From what I found on GoDaddy forums, do correct me if I'm wrong, GoDaddy doesn't support .NET Core on shared hosting yet. I believe Plesk Onyx will support this (mine is still on Odin) and after a conversation with GoDaddy customer service, they don't have a date for the upgrade yet.

Visual Studio hangs when creating Azure App Service

I'm trying to follow a tutorial on Azure deployment. I'm stuck on one of the first steps creating the App Service. It seams that the form tries to find all App Service Plans but can't, so all of Visual Studio hangs. I had to kill it with Task Manager. Any clues on how I can fix this? Do I need to create something at the Azure management console?
Had the same issue, turned out I hadn't installed Azure SDK, you'd think there would be some kind of error message, but no. Installing the SDK fixed issue
I did the steps below to resolve the issue.
Login to your Azure account
Manually create an app service (use any dummy app service name). The service plan and resource group will be created while you're creating this app service
Once you see the dummy app service created on your Azure dashboard (it will take around 1-2 minutes), open your visual studio from your pc, create your web project and check api service
--- This time, the service plan and resource group will be brought in.---
Click "Create" to create your "real" web/api project in Azure
Now you can remove the dummy service from Azure
I had the same problem. It started to work after I logged into the Azure Dashboard and manually created an App Services Web App.
Ran into the same issue a few days ago and here is how I got it working.
I had yet to create any App Services in the Azure account I had tied to Visual Studio and when I got to the Create App Service window you posted, Visual Studio would freeze.
I logged into the Azure Portal, created an App Service with a different name than the project. Once it was created, I then deleted the newly created App Service.
After doing this had no problem freezing in Visual Studio. The fix appears to be to create at least one App Service in portal before it works in VS.
I did two things at once, not sure which one got through the lock up.
1) In Visual Studio, went to File -> Account Settings then under the "All Accounts" section of the Account Settings window I reentered my credentials for the Azure account I had linked the project to. This account had a notification raised saying "We need to refresh the credentials for this account."
2) As others have said, I created a new Web App. I'm not sure this was the problem, however - I had previously created a couple other web apps and these resources were still present in my dashboard.
I have to agree with the above comments, too - the error messages provided for this are really, really poor.
Check that there are no characters that it will not accept. For instance an underscore '_'
Azure built a dummy name for me to use including an underscore which it does not accept. It was trial and error for me to find this where a simple warning would have saved lots of time.
Login to Azure Portal and create necessary resources. VS screens do not seem to work properly.
I created Api App on azure portal and my problem solved.
Same problem, however I have 3 Azure subscriptions, but even after making sure all of'em has at least one App Service it still hangs on this step. No other option than to not check the option to host.
Updating Azure SDK on VS2015 fix the problem in my case

Azure Portal missing Web App

I have a number of web apps hosted in Azure. These can be navigated to by their URL and are live and running correctly. If I use the server browser in Visual Studio 2015 I can see the correct web apps... AND previously deleted web apps.
However in the new Azure portal one of my web apps is missing. What do I need to do to get the new portal to recognise all of my web apps and should I be worried about visual studio displaying old deleted ones?
This is a sync issue that happens occasionally, and that we can fix for you. In order to do this, please share the name of any site in your subscription. You can create a temporary dummy site for that purpose if you like.

Can I use NCover on Azure Emulator? Why I can't find w3wp.exe toattach in NCover?

So, at work, we are trying to use NCover Desktop for code coverage on a cloud based azure web application.
We are using Azure SDK V1.8 and Visual Studio 2010.
I researched online for answer and found some article a little bit helpful in setting up environment and stuff. Following is the procedure I'm following for this.
Create new NCover project and select auto config
Reset IIS and detect w3wp.exe process
Start application and select/deselect executable.
Problem is, I think VS is running on localhost rather than IIS, that's why even after restarting IIS, I'm not able to detect w3wp.exe process to attach.
how can I fix this issue?
Any help is appreciated.
So, After pointing our site towards IIS - Following is the error messasge I am getting.
I also tried to change port so there is not conflicts.
