RxJS: Auto (dis)connect on (un)subscribe with Websockets and Stomp - rxjs

I'm building a litte RxJS Wrapper for Stomp over Websockets, which already works.
But now I had the idea of a really cool feature, that may (hopefully - correct me if I'm wrong) be easily done using RxJS.
Current behavior:
myStompWrapper.connect(); // onSuccess: set state to CONNECTED
// state (Observable) can be DISCONNECTED or CONNECTED
var subscription = myStompWrapper.getState()
.filter(state => state == "CONNECTED")
.subscribe(msg => console.log(msg));
// ... and some time later:
subscription.unsubscribe(); // calls 'unsubscribe' for this stomp destination
myStompWrapper.disconnect(); // disconnects the stomp websocket connection
As you can see, I must wait for state == "CONNECTED" in order to subscribe to subscribeDestination(..). Else I'd get an Error from the Stomp Library.
The new behavior:
The next implementation should make things easier for the user. Here's what I imagine:
var subscription = myStompWrapper.subscribeDestination("/foo")
.subscribe(msg => console.log(msg));
// ... and some time later:
How it should work internally:
configure can only be called while DISCONNECTED
when subscribeDestination is called, there are 2 possibilities:
if CONNECTED: just subscribe to the destination
if DISCONNECTED: first call connect(), then subscribe to the destination
when unsubscribe is called, there are 2 possibilities:
if this was the last subscription: call disconnect()
if this wasn't the last subscription: do nothing
I'm not yet sure how to get there, but that's why I ask this question here ;-)
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: more code, examples and explanations
When configure() is called while not disconnected it should throw an Error. But that's not a big deal.
stompClient.connect(..) is non-blocking. It has an onSuccess callback:
public connect() {
stompClient.connect({}, this.onSuccess, this.errorHandler);
public onSuccess = () => {
observeDestination(..) subscribes to a Stomp Message Channel (= destination) and returns an Rx.Observable which then can be used to unsubscribe from this Stomp Message Channel:
public observeDestination(destination: string) {
return this.state
.filter(state => state == State.CONNECTED)
.flatMap(_ => Rx.Observable.create(observer => {
let stompSubscription = this.client.subscribe(
message => observer.next(message),
return () => {
It can be used like this:
Now I'd like to get rid of myStompWrapper.connect(). The code should automatically call this.connect() when the first one subscribes by calling observeDestination(..).subscribe(..) and it should call this.disconnect() when the last one called unsubscribe().
let subscription1 = myStompWrapper.observeDestination("/foo")
.subscribe(..); // execute connect(), because this
// is the first subscription
let subscription2 = myStompWrapper.observeDestination("/bar")
subscription1.unsubscribe(); // execute disconnect(), because this
// was the last subscription

RxJS: Auto (dis)connect on (un)subscribe with Websockets and Stomp
I agree the code you are suggesting to tuck away into myStompWrapper will be happier in its new home.
I would still suggest to use a name like observeDestination rather than subscribeDestination("/foo") as you are not actually subscribing from that method but rather just completing your observable chain.
configure() can only be called while DISCONNECTED
You do not specify here what should happen if it is called while not DISCONNECTED. As you do not seem to be returning any value here that you would use, I will assume that you intend to throw an exception if it has an inconvenient status. To keep track of such statuses, I would use a BehaviourSubject that starts with the initial value of DISCONNECTED. You likely will want to keep state within observeDestination to decide whether to throw an exception though
if CONNECTED: just subscribe to the destination
if DISCONNECTED: first call connect(), then subscribe to the destination
As I mentioned before, I think you will be happier if the subscription does not happen within subscribeDestination("/foo") but rather that you just build your observable chain. As you simply want to call connect() in some cases, I would simply use a .do() call within your observable chain that contains a condition on the state.
To make use of the rx-y logic, you likely want to call disconnect() as part of your observable unsubscribe and simply return a shared refcounted observable to start with. This way, each new subscriber does not recreate a new subscription, instead .refCount() will make a single subscription to the observable chain and unsubscribe() once there is no more subscribers downstream.
Assuming the messages are coming in as this.observedData$ in myStompWrapper My suggested code as part of myStompWrapper would look something like this:
observeDestination() {
return Rx.Observable.create(function (observer) {
var subscription = this.getState()
.filter(state => state == "CONNECTED")
.do(state => state ? this.connect() : Observable.of(true))
.subscribe(value => {
try {
} catch(err) {
err => subscriber.error(err),
() => subscriber.complete());
return { unsubscribe() { this.disconnect(); subscription.unsubscribe(); } };
Because I am missing some of your code, I am allowing myself to not test my code. But hopefully it illustrates and presents the concepts I mentioned in my answer.


Subject-like RxJS Observable that transparently pipes through flatMap

When using Dependency injection in Angular I often need to subscribe to an observable that I haven't yet created!
I often end up using something like this:
// create behavior subject OF Observable<number>
const subject = new BehaviorSubject<Observable<number>>(EMPTY);
// subscribe to it, using flatMap such as to 'unwrap' the observable stream
const unwrappedSubject = subject.pipe(flatMap((x: number) => x));
unwrappedSubject.subscribe(s => console.log(s));
// now actually create the observable stream
const tim = timer(1000, 1000);
// set it into the subject
This uses flatMap to 'unwrap' the observable contained in the subject.
This works fine, but frankly it always feels 'icky'.
What I really want is something like this, where the consumer of the subject treats the instance of the Subject as Observable<number> without having to pipe it every usage.
const subject = new UnwrappingBehaviorSubject<number>(EMPTY);
subject.subscribe((x: number) => console.log(x));
// this could use 'next', but that doesn't feel quite right
subject.setSource(timer(1000, 1000));
I'm aware that I could subscribe to the timer and hook it up directly to the subject, but I also want to avoid an explicit subscribe call because that complicates the responsibility of unsubscribing.
timer(1000, 1000).subscribe(subject);
Is there a nice way to achieve this?
The Subject.ts and BehaviorSubject.ts source files get more complicated than I expected. I'm scared I'll end up with horrible memory leaks if I try to fork it.
I think this would be another way to solve it:
export class FooComponent {
private futureObservable$ = new Observable(subscriber => {
// 'Saving' the subscriber for when the observable is ready.
this.futureObservableSubscriber = subscriber;
// The returned function will be invoked when the below mentioned subject instance
// won't have any subscribers(after it had at least one).
return () => this.futureObservableSubscription.unsubscribe();
// You can mimic the Subject behavior from your initial solution with the
// help of the `share` operator. What it essentially does it to *place*
// a Subject instance here and if multiple subscriptions occur, this Subject instance
// will keep track of all of them.
// Also, when the first subscriber is registered, the observable source(the Observable constructor's callback)
// will be invoked.
private futureObservableSubscriber = null;
// We're using a subscription so that it's easier to collect subscriptions to this observable.
// It's also easier to unsubscribe from all of them at once.
private futureObservableSubscription = new Subscription();
constructor (/* ... */) {};
ngOnInit () {
// If you're using `share`, you're safe to have multiple subscribers.
// Otherwise, the Observable's callback(i.e `subscriber => {...}`) will be called multiple times.
futureObservable$.subscribe(/* ... */);
futureObservable$.subscribe(/* ... */);
whenObservableReady () {
const tim = timer(1000, 1000);
// Here we're adding the subscription so that is unsubscribed when the main observable
// is unsubscribed. This part can be found in the returned function from the Observable's callback.
Indeed, a possible downside is that you'll have to explicitly subscribe, e.g in the whenObservableReady method.
With this approach you can also have different sources:
whenAnotherObservableReady () {
// If you omit this, it should mean that you will have multiple sources at the same time.
const tim2 = timer(5000, 5000);
private cleanUpCrtSubscription () {
// Removing the subscription created from the current observable(`tim`).
this.futureObservableSubscription = new Subscription();

RxJS Unsubscribe Only From Inner Observable

Let's say I have an interval that each second sends an heartbeat. At each beat i'd like to inspect something on my web page and react accordingly. I'd also like the option to unsubscribe from the inner Observables actions, but keep getting the heartbeat so when i subscribe back, everything will flow as before.
Creating a Subscription from Interval and piping it leaves no option to unsubscribe from the inner action, but only the whole subscription as whole.
Is there a way to return the inner Observable so i can unsubscribe from it while still retaining the heartbeat created from the Interval?
Edit: I've tried to create a class to describe what I'm talking about:
class Monitor {
sub: Subscription | null = null;
start() {
this.sub = this.monitor().subscribe();
monitor() {
const dom$ = someSelectorObserver(this.win.document, '#someSelector').pipe(
mergeMap(newElementOrBail => {
if (newElementOrBail) {
return handle(newElementOrBail);
} else {
return bail();
error: error => this.log.error(error),
return dom$;
handle(ele: HTMLElement) {
// do stuff
bail() {
So basically my monitor starts with creating the subscription, as long as there's a new element to handle everything is fine, but when a bail signal appears I'd like to unsubscribe while still monitoring the DOM changes for a return of the previous elements.
So the outer subscription is basically the DOM observer and the inner is the mergeMap handle function. Does it make more sense?
You could just put some conditional on your inner observable:
private takeSignal = true
interval(3000).pipe(switchMap(() => takeSignal ? inner$ : NEVER))
Then just flip takeSignal as needed.
But it seems easier to just unsubscribe from the whole thing and resubscribe when needed. Why keep the interval going when you’re not using it?
You can split your logic in two (or more) streams.
Store heartbeat$ in a separate variable and subscribe to multiple times for different reasons.
In this way, you'd be able to split your logic into different streams and control subscriptions individually.
const heartbeat$ = interval(3000);
const inspectWeb = heartbeat$.pipe(
// do stuff
// do other stuff

Who should subscribe to NGXS async action - the dispatch action caller or the #Action handler?

I don't know whether this is only a matter of style.
There are at least 2 ways of handling async actions:
subscribe after dispatch
// action is being dispatched and subscribed
this.store.dispatch(new LoadCustomer(customerId)).subscribe(); // <-- subscribe
In the State:
loadCustomer(context: StateContext<CustomerStateModel>,
customerId: string) {
return this.customerService.loadById(customerId).pipe(
tap(c => context.setState(produce(context.getState(), draft => {
draft.byId[customerId] = c;
); // <-- NO subscribe here, just return the Observable
subscribe in #Action handler
// action is being dispatched
this.store.dispatch(new LoadCustomer(customerId)); // <-- no subscribe
In the State:
loadCustomer(context: StateContext<CustomerStateModel>,
customerId: string) {
tap(c => context.setState(produce(context.getState(), draft => {
draft.byId[customerId] = c;
).subscribe(); // <-- subscribe is done in action handler
Which one is better and why?
Edit / Hint
It turned out that the core issue leading to this question was following:
We had an HttpInterceptor caching "too much" which looked liked if some actions had not been executed. In fact the subscription is already handled correctly by NGXS, but in our case no effect was visible (no request in the network tab).
In our cases the .subscribe() calls could be eliminated. Only where we need to wait for an action to finish, a subscription after the dispatch makes sense.
I think it is somewhat a matter of style, but I'd say (from my usage of NGXS) this is most typical:
On dispatch do this, and only subscribe here if there's some post-action you want to do.
this.store.dispatch(new LoadCustomer(customerId));
And in the state, the option 1 approach, to return the Observable to the NGXS framework and let it handle the subscription itself (see from the docs re: action handling).
Approach number one, as there will be only one subscription and the source component/service will be able to react to it. Subscribing in #Action means that whenever the #Action handled is called then new subscription will be created.

'fromEvent' always observing, but 'from(myArray)' terminates observing after all values are processed

So Im struggling a bit with my understanding of RxJs and observables.
Can it be explained why 'fromEvent' always reacts to a new event no matter how much time has passed without a new value...yet pushing new values into an existing array that is being observed using 'from' doesn't work in the same way if they are both observables at this point and should react to async events why do we need to use 'Subject' for arrays?
I have seen we need to use a 'Subject' for an array ...but why? I would like to understand the reason/mechanism
This is a little bit like asking why and Array.forEach doesn't also iterate over items I add to an array via .push while addEventListener() continues listening for events even far in the future.
The behaviors of the two are different because the underlying data structures are different.
For an Array the implementation is essentially:
function fromArray(array) {
return new Observable(observer => {
try {
// Iterate through each item in the array and emit it to the Observer
array.forEach(item => observer.next(item));
// Array iteration is synchronous, which when we get here we are done iterating
} catch (e) { observer.error(e) }
Where the function passed to the observable gets run each time a subscriber subscribes to the Observable. Because Arrays don't have a mechanism to detect changes to them there is no way to listen for additional updates to a native array (note: I am ignoring monkey-patching or creating some sort of substitute array data type that does support such things for simplicity).
The fromEvent on the other hand would look more like:
function fromEvent(node, eventName, selector) {
// Convert the passed in event or just use the identity
let transform = selector || x => x;
// Construct an Observable using the constructor
return new Observable(observer => {
// Build a compatible handler, we also use this for the unsubscribe logic
const nextHandler = (value) => {
try {
} catch (e) { observer.error(e); }
// Start listening for events
node.addEventListener(eventName, nextHandler);
// Return a way to tear down the subscription when we are done
return () => node.removeEventListener(eventName, nextHandler);
// Shares the underlying Subscription across multiple subscribers
// so we don't create new event handlers for each.
Here we are simply wrapping the native event handler (obviously the real implementation is more robust than this). But because the underlying source is actually an event handler which does have a mechanism to report new event (by definition really), we continue to get events in perpetuity (or until we unsubscribe).

Stop listening to event from inside event listener

I want to listen to an event stream, then conditionally stop listening based on the received event.
In short, I'd like to use:
var subscription = stream.listen((event) {
if (f(event)) {
} else {
This obviously doesn't work; subscription doesn't exist until the listener has been created, resulting in an error.
How do I do this?
Just declare the subscription before subscribing to the stream:
var subscription;
subscription = stream.listen((event) {
if (f(event)) {
} else {
Divide and conquer.
First, let's consider the if (f(event)) part. That takes only the first item that matches the predicate and performs an operation. There are two ways of doing this:
stream.where((event) => f(event)).take(1).listen((event) => doStuff());
That's the generic way of doing things, and it means we use the Stream interface all through. Another way of doing it, which might avoid a few addition and comparison operations, requires switching to the Future interface:
stream.firstWhere((event) => f(event)).then((event) => doStuff());
That only handles the first part of the condition. What about the second part? We want to grab everything until the condition holds true, so we'll use takeWhile:
stream.takeWhile((event) => !f(event)).listen((event) => doOtherStuff());
And Bob's your uncle.
If the code is essentially the same for both listeners, you can separate it out into another function, of course.
