Who should subscribe to NGXS async action - the dispatch action caller or the #Action handler? - ngxs

I don't know whether this is only a matter of style.
There are at least 2 ways of handling async actions:
subscribe after dispatch
// action is being dispatched and subscribed
this.store.dispatch(new LoadCustomer(customerId)).subscribe(); // <-- subscribe
In the State:
loadCustomer(context: StateContext<CustomerStateModel>,
customerId: string) {
return this.customerService.loadById(customerId).pipe(
tap(c => context.setState(produce(context.getState(), draft => {
draft.byId[customerId] = c;
); // <-- NO subscribe here, just return the Observable
subscribe in #Action handler
// action is being dispatched
this.store.dispatch(new LoadCustomer(customerId)); // <-- no subscribe
In the State:
loadCustomer(context: StateContext<CustomerStateModel>,
customerId: string) {
tap(c => context.setState(produce(context.getState(), draft => {
draft.byId[customerId] = c;
).subscribe(); // <-- subscribe is done in action handler
Which one is better and why?
Edit / Hint
It turned out that the core issue leading to this question was following:
We had an HttpInterceptor caching "too much" which looked liked if some actions had not been executed. In fact the subscription is already handled correctly by NGXS, but in our case no effect was visible (no request in the network tab).
In our cases the .subscribe() calls could be eliminated. Only where we need to wait for an action to finish, a subscription after the dispatch makes sense.

I think it is somewhat a matter of style, but I'd say (from my usage of NGXS) this is most typical:
On dispatch do this, and only subscribe here if there's some post-action you want to do.
this.store.dispatch(new LoadCustomer(customerId));
And in the state, the option 1 approach, to return the Observable to the NGXS framework and let it handle the subscription itself (see from the docs re: action handling).

Approach number one, as there will be only one subscription and the source component/service will be able to react to it. Subscribing in #Action means that whenever the #Action handled is called then new subscription will be created.


Should all RxJS Subscription need to be unsubscribed?

I have the following code in an angular component to capture the keyup events and respond when that happens. The user can navigate away from the page, come back and do the same hundreds of times.
fromEvent(this.input?.nativeElement, 'keyup')
pluck<unknown, string>('target', 'value'),
filter((searchTerm: string) => (searchTerm?.length > 2 || searchTerm?.length == 0)),
.subscribe(search => {
this.TriggerLoadUsers(search, 'asc', 0, 10);
This is another pattern where an explicit assignment of Subscription is done and then unsubscribed in ngOnDestroy of angular lifecycle method.
public keyupEventsSub$!: Subscription;
this.keyupEventsSub$ = fromEvent(this.input?.nativeElement, 'keyup')
pluck<unknown, string>('target', 'value'),
filter((searchTerm: string) => (searchTerm?.length > 2 || searchTerm?.length == 0)),
.subscribe(search => {
this.TriggerLoadUsers(search, 'asc', 0, 10);
Is there an advantage to following the second pattern where a Subscription is explicitly assigned, subscribed and unsubscribed?
Is there any side effect in using the same pattern for any Observable subscription?
Is there a better pattern where an explicit assignment is not necessary?
1.) Yes, all subscriptions should be unsubscribed to prevent memory leaks. You don't have to unsubscribe from Http calls or Router events because they are one and done and Angular takes care of it for us but I personally still unsubscribe from all subscriptions.
2.) There is no side effect for using the same pattern for any observable subscription. There are many patterns and I will show at the end.
3.) There is a better pattern and I will go from least preferred to most preferred.
Direct subscription assignment. The disadvantage of this is that you will have many subscription variables for every observable stream so it may get out of hand.
// Direct subscription variable (What you have shown)
// don't put a dollar at the end of subscription variable because
// it is a subscription and not an observable
public subscription!: Subscription;
this.subscription = this.observable$.subscribe(...);
ngOnDestroy(): void {
Subscription array:
Add every subscription inside of an array.
public subscriptions!: Subscription[];
ngOnDestroy(): void {
this.subscriptions.forEach(subscription => subscription.unsubscribe());
Async pipe:
One of my favorites but can only be used when presenting data in the HTML and not for event listener (in essence meaning react every time an observable emits).
When the view is presented, the observable will automatically be subscribed to and once the view is destroyed, the subscription is unsubscribed.
count$ = this.otherObservable$.pipe(map(data => data.count));
<h1>{{ count$ | async }}</h1>
Destruction subject:
Another one of my favorites and this one is good for subscriptions in the TypeScript class (for event listeners). The beauty of this one is that not too many variables are created and you don't have to deal with an array.
import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
import { takeUntil } from 'rxjs/operators';
private destructionSubject$ = new Subject<void>();
ngOnDestroy(): void {
There is also another way if all you care about is the first emission and not subsequent emissions:
This can be used for event listeners (react every time this observable emits). This will take the first emission and automatically unsubscribe (the subscription becomes dead).
import { take } from 'rxjs/operators';
I hope I answered all of your questions and presented you with good ways to unsubscribe.
Should all RxJS Subscriptions be unsubscribed?
Only Observables that may never error or complete need to be unsubscribed. If you're not sure, it's safer to unsubscribe.
from(promise) is guaranteed to complete or error.
from(['a','r','r','a','y']) is guaranteed to complete.
of(...) is guaranteed to complete.
EMPTY is guaranteed to complete.
NEVER shall never complete or fail.
fromEvent(...) may never complete or fail.
http.get(...) a well written http client should always complete or fail eventually, but there are some (for various technical reasons) which don't. If you're not sure, unsubscribe.
How to unsubscribe
In general, implicit is better than explicit. There are various operators that will unsubscribe for you when a certain condition is met.
takeWhile, and
are the 3 most popular of these. Prefer them over sticking stream.unsubscribe() in our code somewhere.
Doing so keeps all the logic concerning your observable in one place. Making it considerably easier to maintain/extend as the number of observables that you use grows.

Question about 2 rxjs observables and a timer

I have a question about rxjs in the context of nestjs CQRS sagas.
Suppose I have a scenario where there is two events being published one after another one. One sets the value and the other one unsets it. I need to be able to listen to the event which sets the value for 3 seconds and perform some action if another event has not been published in the meantime.
Here is some code for starters:
valuePersisted = (events$: Observable<any>): Observable<ICommand> => {
return events$
map(event => {
return new SomeCommand();
I need to listen to ValueHasBeenUnset event somehow and cancel out of the stream in case this event was received within some time.
I just realized that events ValueHasBeenSet and ValueHasBeenUnset can have different value types to be set and unset and code should distinguish that. For example both events have a property called type and its value can be 'blue' | 'yellow'. Is there a way to preserve the logic per event type keeping only two generic events ValueHasBeenSet and ValueHasBeenUnset?
Consider implementing it in the following way:
return events$
ofType(ValueHasBeenSet), // <- listen for ValueHasBeenSet event
switchMap(x => { // <- use switchMap to return a timer
return timer(3000).pipe(
takeUntil(events$.pipe(ofType(ValueHasBeenUnset))), // <- unsubscribe from the timer on ValueHasBeenUnset event
map(event => {
return new SomeCommand(); // <- map to SomeCommand once 3 seconds have passed

deferred Rxjs BehaviorSubject mechanism

I have the following requirement.
I have An Angular service with an BehaviorSubject.
A http request is done and when this is done the BehaviorSubject.next method is invoked with the value.
This value can change during the lifecycle of the single page.
Different subscribers are registered to it and get invoked whenever this changes.
The problem is that while the http request is pending the BehaviorSubject already contains a default value and subscribers are already immediately getting this value.
What I would want is that subscribers have to wait till the http request is done (deferred) and get the value when the http request is done and sets the value.
So what I need is some kind of deferred Behavior subject mechanism.
How would i implement this using rxjs?
Another requirement is that if I subscribe to the behaviorsubject in a method we want the subcriber to get the first non default value and that the subscription ends. We don't want local subscriptions in functions to be re-executed.
Use a filter on your behavior subject so your subscribers won't get the first default emitted value:
mySubject$: BehaviorSubject<any> = new BehaviorSubject<any>(null);
httpResponse$: Observable<any> = this.mySubject$.pipe(
filter(response => response)
map(response => {
const modifyResponse = response;
// modify response
return modifyResponse;
this.httpResponse$.subscribe(response => console.log(response));
this.myHttpCall().subscribe(response => this.mySubject$.next(response));
You can of course wrap the httpResponse$ observable in a method if you need to.
I think the fact that you want to defer the emitted default value, straight away brings into question why you want to use a BehaviorSubject. Let's remember: the primary reason to use a BehaviorSubject (instead of a Subject, or a plain Observable), is to emit a value immediately to any subscriber.
If you need an Observable type where you need control of the producer (via .next([value])) and/or you want multicasting of subscription out of the box, then Subject is appropriate.
If an additional requirement on top of this is that subscribers need a value immediately then you need to consider BehaviorSubject.
If you didn't say you need to update the value from other non-http events/sources, then I would've suggested using a shareReplay(1) pattern. Nevertheless...
private cookieData$: Subject<RelevantDataType> = new
// Function for triggering http request to update
// internal Subject.
// Consumers of the Subject can potentially invoke this
// themselves if they receive 'null' or no value on subscribe to subject
public loadCookieData(): Observable<RelevantDataType> {
// Function for dealing with updating the service's
// internal cookieData$ Subject from external
// consumer which need to update this value
// via non-http events
public setCookieData(data: any): void {
const newCookieValue = this.mapToRelevantDataType(data); // <-- If necessary
this.cookieData$.next(newCookieValue); // <-- updates val for all subscribers
get cookieData(): Observable<RelevantDataType> {
return this.cookieData$.asObservable();
The solution is based on OPs comments etc.
- deals with subscribing to subject type.
- deals with external subscribers not being able to 'next' a new value directly
- deals with external producers being able to set a new value on the Subject type
- deals with not giving a default value whilst http request is pending

RxJS: Auto (dis)connect on (un)subscribe with Websockets and Stomp

I'm building a litte RxJS Wrapper for Stomp over Websockets, which already works.
But now I had the idea of a really cool feature, that may (hopefully - correct me if I'm wrong) be easily done using RxJS.
Current behavior:
myStompWrapper.connect(); // onSuccess: set state to CONNECTED
// state (Observable) can be DISCONNECTED or CONNECTED
var subscription = myStompWrapper.getState()
.filter(state => state == "CONNECTED")
.subscribe(msg => console.log(msg));
// ... and some time later:
subscription.unsubscribe(); // calls 'unsubscribe' for this stomp destination
myStompWrapper.disconnect(); // disconnects the stomp websocket connection
As you can see, I must wait for state == "CONNECTED" in order to subscribe to subscribeDestination(..). Else I'd get an Error from the Stomp Library.
The new behavior:
The next implementation should make things easier for the user. Here's what I imagine:
var subscription = myStompWrapper.subscribeDestination("/foo")
.subscribe(msg => console.log(msg));
// ... and some time later:
How it should work internally:
configure can only be called while DISCONNECTED
when subscribeDestination is called, there are 2 possibilities:
if CONNECTED: just subscribe to the destination
if DISCONNECTED: first call connect(), then subscribe to the destination
when unsubscribe is called, there are 2 possibilities:
if this was the last subscription: call disconnect()
if this wasn't the last subscription: do nothing
I'm not yet sure how to get there, but that's why I ask this question here ;-)
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: more code, examples and explanations
When configure() is called while not disconnected it should throw an Error. But that's not a big deal.
stompClient.connect(..) is non-blocking. It has an onSuccess callback:
public connect() {
stompClient.connect({}, this.onSuccess, this.errorHandler);
public onSuccess = () => {
observeDestination(..) subscribes to a Stomp Message Channel (= destination) and returns an Rx.Observable which then can be used to unsubscribe from this Stomp Message Channel:
public observeDestination(destination: string) {
return this.state
.filter(state => state == State.CONNECTED)
.flatMap(_ => Rx.Observable.create(observer => {
let stompSubscription = this.client.subscribe(
message => observer.next(message),
return () => {
It can be used like this:
Now I'd like to get rid of myStompWrapper.connect(). The code should automatically call this.connect() when the first one subscribes by calling observeDestination(..).subscribe(..) and it should call this.disconnect() when the last one called unsubscribe().
let subscription1 = myStompWrapper.observeDestination("/foo")
.subscribe(..); // execute connect(), because this
// is the first subscription
let subscription2 = myStompWrapper.observeDestination("/bar")
subscription1.unsubscribe(); // execute disconnect(), because this
// was the last subscription
RxJS: Auto (dis)connect on (un)subscribe with Websockets and Stomp
I agree the code you are suggesting to tuck away into myStompWrapper will be happier in its new home.
I would still suggest to use a name like observeDestination rather than subscribeDestination("/foo") as you are not actually subscribing from that method but rather just completing your observable chain.
configure() can only be called while DISCONNECTED
You do not specify here what should happen if it is called while not DISCONNECTED. As you do not seem to be returning any value here that you would use, I will assume that you intend to throw an exception if it has an inconvenient status. To keep track of such statuses, I would use a BehaviourSubject that starts with the initial value of DISCONNECTED. You likely will want to keep state within observeDestination to decide whether to throw an exception though
if CONNECTED: just subscribe to the destination
if DISCONNECTED: first call connect(), then subscribe to the destination
As I mentioned before, I think you will be happier if the subscription does not happen within subscribeDestination("/foo") but rather that you just build your observable chain. As you simply want to call connect() in some cases, I would simply use a .do() call within your observable chain that contains a condition on the state.
To make use of the rx-y logic, you likely want to call disconnect() as part of your observable unsubscribe and simply return a shared refcounted observable to start with. This way, each new subscriber does not recreate a new subscription, instead .refCount() will make a single subscription to the observable chain and unsubscribe() once there is no more subscribers downstream.
Assuming the messages are coming in as this.observedData$ in myStompWrapper My suggested code as part of myStompWrapper would look something like this:
observeDestination() {
return Rx.Observable.create(function (observer) {
var subscription = this.getState()
.filter(state => state == "CONNECTED")
.do(state => state ? this.connect() : Observable.of(true))
.subscribe(value => {
try {
} catch(err) {
err => subscriber.error(err),
() => subscriber.complete());
return { unsubscribe() { this.disconnect(); subscription.unsubscribe(); } };
Because I am missing some of your code, I am allowing myself to not test my code. But hopefully it illustrates and presents the concepts I mentioned in my answer.

Difference between RxJS5 subscription and observer

I see some question/answers relating to Rx Subscriptions/Observers but they may be for older versions of Rx and also not for RxJS, which may conform to a different API.
I was under the impression that subscriptions/subscribers and observers were all the same. If you look at the docs, they are in different adjacent sections, but seem to be exactly the same:
what the heck is the difference? Can someone given an example with a practical difference between the two?
An Observer is a consumer of values delivered by an Observable.
So basically the observer receives the values emitted by a stream.
A Subscription is an object that represents a disposable resource, usually the execution of an Observable.
A subscription is basically just a "fact" that a certain observer currently receives data, if you unsubscribe a subscription, both the stream and the observer will still exist, they are just not connected any more.
A real-world metaphor mixed with pseudo-code: Newspaper
Stream: This would be the production-chain of the newspaper (involing the publishing company creating the content and the printing house printing the paper)
const newsPaper$ = Observable.interval(DAILY)
.switchMapTo(date => publishingCompany.createContent(date))
.switchMapTo(content => printingHouse.printPaper(content))
Observer: This would be the reader/recipient, that guy with a bathrobe that picks up the newspaper in his front-yard every morning to read it.
const bathrobeGuy = {
next: newsPaper => readPaper(newsPaper),
error: errorMsg => complainAbout(errorMsg), // the bathrobe guy will be so angry, the he unsubscribes the paper
complete: () => subscribeToDifferentNewsPaper()
Subscription: This is the news-paper-subscription - the delivery-boy throwing the newspaper into each front-yard every morning.
// this will activate the "delivery boy"
const paperSubscription = newsPaper$.subscribe(bathrobeGuy);
Unsubscribing: When the bathrobe-guy decides to not want the paper any more, he can unsubscribe the paper and the delivery-boy will not deliver any paper any more. However the observer(the bathrobe-guy) and the newspaper-production still exist, but they have simply no relationship any more.
An Observer is an object with a set of callbacks that are executed when you subscribe to an Observable. In other words, when you call subscribe you pass an object of type Observer. Even when you only pass a callback, internally rxjs is creating an Observer with your callback as the next property. Other properties are error and complete.
A Subscription is the return type of the call subscribe, and its only purpose is to be able to call subscription.unsubscribe() in order to not listen to that subscription anymore. The Observer functions (next, error, complete) will no longer be called.
var myObserver = {
next: (val) => {},
error: (err) => {},
complete: () => {}
var mySubscription: Subscription = myObservable.subscribe(myObserver);
// then, if later you want to unsubscribe:
