jasper responds only to espeak voice not human voice - raspberry-pi3

I am using Raspberry pi raspbian jessie pixel OS with jasper and using stt pocketsphinx and espeak tts.
Now when i hit ./jasper.py in terminal it start successfully but doesn't respond to human voice, but when I hit "espeak jasper" in the other terminal it returns just "high beep" nothing else.
Any help how to debug it, or resolve this problem.


Raspberry Pi Pico on Windows?

Is it possible to work at Raspberry Pi Pico using Windows 10? My question specified is: do I have to install any Linux distro, for example Raspbian, to be able to work at it? Do I also need to use SD card to work with it?
Just want to receive feedback, cause I'm confused and also kinda new to embedded systems
I may share my experience so far, I'm not an expert and this list does not claim to be complete at all.
The pi pico can be programmed by using
Picomite Basic (found here: https://geoffg.net/picomite.html) which doesnt need anything installed on the PC except a terminal program (I am using Tera Term)
MicroPython (never used it myself, afaik Thonny - found here: https://thonny.org/ is the preferred IDE )
C/C++/ASM This is what I am using, the SDK is available for Windows, Linux and Raspbian (MacOS maybe too?), an excellent guide on how to install it and how to use it is found here: https://datasheets.raspberrypi.com/pico/getting-started-with-pico.pdf
Arduino The Pico can even be used as an arduino device too, a good point to start is here: https://github.com/earlephilhower/arduino-pico
Keep in mind, that the interpreted languages (basic and python) are easier to handle (no big SDK or framework need to be installed on the PC, copying code to the pico is a relative easy step) but at a cost of speed. If you need a lot of cpu power, compiled languages are by far the better choice
To answer your questions, yes, no, and no. You should be able to get going on Windows 10 with just the raspberry pi pico and a micro USB to USB cable.
I got started with mine this weekend - seeing the on-board LED blink finally made me so happy.
The official getting started guide pointed me at this script for getting started on Windows.
It set up docs, examples, visual studio code, and more for me. Between its README and chapter 9 of the getting started guide ("Building on MS Windows"), I was able to get my little light blinking :)
Good luck to you on your embedded journey!
As an alternative, an in addition to #Tommylee2k's helpful insights, you can develop and run Python software for a Pico with absolutely no software needing to be installed on a Windows PC.
At its most basic level, you press the BOOTSEL switch and insert the Pico's USB cable into your PC, and the few MB of space on the Pico appear in your Windows File Explorer as a USB disk drive.
You then write your microPython software using any text editor you prefer. All these general purpose modules are available. And all these Pico-specific modules are available.
You then copy (drag and drop) your Python script to the Pico disk drive and save it as main.py.
The Pico will then run that script on every subsequent power-up. Of course you can re-attach the Pico to your PC and edit the file at a later date.
That is adequate and simple enough. If you want a REPL and friendly editor and console logging and other developer-friendly features, you can install Thonny for free and code more effectively but it is not actually absolutely necessary. It's a bit like driving a car without ABS, without an automatic gearbox and without aircon - it can get you from A to B without problems but there are easier and more comfortable methods.

Trying to use gui on Colab

I am trying to build a gui on Colab, via Tkinter.
The original project is here:
I already know that the problem is due to code being executed on Google cloud server, the problem is how can I build a gui, or more precisely can I ever link it to my local laptop to be visualized, use XMing, or something like this? (my OS is Windows
As ivan_pozdeev says, you need to run a framebuffer server (that will emulate a graphical screen) and create a DISPLAY envvar pointing to it.
!apt-get install -y xvfb # Install X Virtual Frame Buffer
import os
os.system('Xvfb :1 -screen 0 1600x1200x16 &') # create virtual display with size 1600x1200 and 16 bit color. Color can be changed to 24 or 8
os.environ['DISPLAY']=':1.0' # tell X clients to use our virtual DISPLAY :1.0
However, if you want to interact with the GUI, that's going to be hard, 'cuz Colab doesn't support interactive screens out of the box.

IPP Driver is missing in Windows 10 (needed to connect to CUPS)

I have a HP Color Laserjet Pro 454dn printer connected to CUPS, but some of my Windows 10 computers can't print Duplex to it. Android and IOS devices have no problem printing duplex. I did notice that the driver on the working Windows 10 computer is a "Microsoft IPP driver". I cannot find this driver on the other computers. Does anyone know how to install this? I have turned the "Internet Printing Client" on, but this does not help. Also, I have tried the universal and device specific drivers from HP both with post script and PCL, some print only greyscale and others don't print duplex.
Android and iOS can print without drivers. I have looked into driverless printing for Windows, have made no progress. This would be my favourite solution.
Thank you all very much.
The IPP Driver is built into Windows 10. You might want to look at adding SAMBA to your CUPS implementation. Especially for older Windows and Android clients wanting to see your printer.
Click the 'The Printer that I want isn't listed'.
Then the radio button of "Select a shared printer by name".
Then put the printer network name in the window using this format:
Windows will now find the printer and ask for a print driver for it.
This link tells you all you ever wanted to know about CUPS printing but assumes your using Ubuntu to make a network printer: http://www.auxnet.org/index.php/the-news/214-installing-an-ipp-printer-in-windows-10

External monitor stopped working

my external monitor stopped working today after restart. I found the computer on during the night. Running win 10 64b on Lenovo U430p.
The monitor worked fine the whole time. I can see windows logo while booting, but then it says no signal. When I uninstalled the video driver it worked (login screen, desktop, res 800*600), until windows installed driver over it. I tried getting newest driver from both Lenovo and Intel, but with no results.
Did anyone experience this issue as well? I read about people having this with new computer but not to happen from the blue and ususally at least disabling the video adapter helped.
Haven't found real solution and it seems to be a problem of Intel graphic cards.
However reverting to most basic driver windows can offer did the trick
Uninstall driver
Rollback driver
Using wushowhide.diagcab utility (https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3073930) disable updates for all video card drivers

OSX Yosemite + Crossover (Wine) = Sporadic MIDI Sync

The setup:
OSX Yosemite.
Ableton Live 9 (Suite).
Crossover/Wine (14.0.3).
Connected device is a Novation Launchpad Mini (USB).
The problem:
The install of Ableton and most of its use work well. I have compiled and successfully installed wineasio.dll (wineasio.dll.so) to obtain low latency audio, again this works extremely well.
But what I am finding is the communication between the LP and Live is somewhat sporadic. examples of this are, having to list the LP in the midi in/out section of live multiple times just to get it to behave correctly (mostly), pads/lights randomly lighting/becoming non responsive, active tracks not showing (lighting up)
There is no pattern in all this. bug what i can say this setup works without problems in windows and OSX (obviously)
before you ask I'm having to use WINE as one of my favourite VST's is only windows based.
if someone can recommend a VM based solution (with low latency audio/ Midi) i will welcome it.
