OSX Yosemite + Crossover (Wine) = Sporadic MIDI Sync - macos

The setup:
OSX Yosemite.
Ableton Live 9 (Suite).
Crossover/Wine (14.0.3).
Connected device is a Novation Launchpad Mini (USB).
The problem:
The install of Ableton and most of its use work well. I have compiled and successfully installed wineasio.dll (wineasio.dll.so) to obtain low latency audio, again this works extremely well.
But what I am finding is the communication between the LP and Live is somewhat sporadic. examples of this are, having to list the LP in the midi in/out section of live multiple times just to get it to behave correctly (mostly), pads/lights randomly lighting/becoming non responsive, active tracks not showing (lighting up)
There is no pattern in all this. bug what i can say this setup works without problems in windows and OSX (obviously)
before you ask I'm having to use WINE as one of my favourite VST's is only windows based.
if someone can recommend a VM based solution (with low latency audio/ Midi) i will welcome it.


Raspberry Pi Pico on Windows?

Is it possible to work at Raspberry Pi Pico using Windows 10? My question specified is: do I have to install any Linux distro, for example Raspbian, to be able to work at it? Do I also need to use SD card to work with it?
Just want to receive feedback, cause I'm confused and also kinda new to embedded systems
I may share my experience so far, I'm not an expert and this list does not claim to be complete at all.
The pi pico can be programmed by using
Picomite Basic (found here: https://geoffg.net/picomite.html) which doesnt need anything installed on the PC except a terminal program (I am using Tera Term)
MicroPython (never used it myself, afaik Thonny - found here: https://thonny.org/ is the preferred IDE )
C/C++/ASM This is what I am using, the SDK is available for Windows, Linux and Raspbian (MacOS maybe too?), an excellent guide on how to install it and how to use it is found here: https://datasheets.raspberrypi.com/pico/getting-started-with-pico.pdf
Arduino The Pico can even be used as an arduino device too, a good point to start is here: https://github.com/earlephilhower/arduino-pico
Keep in mind, that the interpreted languages (basic and python) are easier to handle (no big SDK or framework need to be installed on the PC, copying code to the pico is a relative easy step) but at a cost of speed. If you need a lot of cpu power, compiled languages are by far the better choice
To answer your questions, yes, no, and no. You should be able to get going on Windows 10 with just the raspberry pi pico and a micro USB to USB cable.
I got started with mine this weekend - seeing the on-board LED blink finally made me so happy.
The official getting started guide pointed me at this script for getting started on Windows.
It set up docs, examples, visual studio code, and more for me. Between its README and chapter 9 of the getting started guide ("Building on MS Windows"), I was able to get my little light blinking :)
Good luck to you on your embedded journey!
As an alternative, an in addition to #Tommylee2k's helpful insights, you can develop and run Python software for a Pico with absolutely no software needing to be installed on a Windows PC.
At its most basic level, you press the BOOTSEL switch and insert the Pico's USB cable into your PC, and the few MB of space on the Pico appear in your Windows File Explorer as a USB disk drive.
You then write your microPython software using any text editor you prefer. All these general purpose modules are available. And all these Pico-specific modules are available.
You then copy (drag and drop) your Python script to the Pico disk drive and save it as main.py.
The Pico will then run that script on every subsequent power-up. Of course you can re-attach the Pico to your PC and edit the file at a later date.
That is adequate and simple enough. If you want a REPL and friendly editor and console logging and other developer-friendly features, you can install Thonny for free and code more effectively but it is not actually absolutely necessary. It's a bit like driving a car without ABS, without an automatic gearbox and without aircon - it can get you from A to B without problems but there are easier and more comfortable methods.

Extremely slow socket data throughput on Android 11?

I've seen some posts elsewhere about very slow file access after "upgrading" a device to Android 11. I'm not having that, but I AM having unbelievably slow performance in a small app that uses sockets. It's a client app that uses a socket to send a request to a server (mine) that monitors my solar installation, to get data back about how it has been performing etc. So the socket interaction is in a separate thread from the UI, and uses runOnUIThread to call a function that updates the UI with the received data. The request data is only a few bytes, maybe 20 or so maximum: the data coming back varies from a few hundred bytes to maybe 50000 bytes or thereabouts.
If I run this app on my phone (Android 8.1) it is fine - it takes 1.5 to 2 seconds to send the request, get the data back, and update the UI. Perfectly fine. It's the same on an older tablet running Android 7.1.2 too. But I have just recently acquired a flash (read expensive) new Samsung tablet running Android 11, and its performance is woeful - the same app doing the same operation takes anything up to 30 seconds, or even more. And it is exactly the same app, exactly the same code. Both devices are running on the same network, so the only significant difference seems to be the Android version. It is repeatable ad nauseum, so it isn't momentary network load either. The app is built to target API level 26 - it has to be so it can run on all the devices it needs to. It is not a commercial app, just something for my own use, but I am totally bewildered by this behaviour.
The other thing I have noted with this new tablet is that it is unable to provide a video stream from a surveillance IP camera I have at home. I use the TinyCam Pro app from Google Play for this. It can connect, but it has never yet managed to give me a picture, regardless of how good my connection is. Again, my phone and the older tablet can do this more often than not, and the new tablet would have far more horsepower than either of them. There is some sort of serious bottleneck in there!
Has anyone else seen this type of thing on Android 11? If so, is there anything that can be done about it, that is usable on earlier versions too? Or do we just have to wait for Android 11.1?
EDIT: I've done some more investigation on this, and I think I have now pinned it down to a 4G network bandwidth issue. I said that the tablet and the phone were doing exactly the same thing, but I have since remembered that they do NOT use the same carrier for their mobile connections. So it's not EXACTLY the same thing. I would actually expect the network capacity for the tablet's carrier to be superior to that of the phone's carrier, but that appears not to be the case where I am at the moment. So I think I have to take back my evil thoughts about the tablet, and maybe even Android 11. Interesting how easy it is to be misled, and how hard it can be to genuinely compare apples with apples when there are so many variables and so many links in the chain. I'll be doing some more tests and comparisons when back in the city, where network capacity should be much more alike for the two carriers.
yes its true. While compare to Android 11 and Android 8 there is a lot of changes updated because of security issue.
May be, If your managing some file in mobile storage mnt/sdcard/ here in this path its speed of access or managing a file in this path its restricted and its becomes less. So, if your using this path please change it like below because it will cause youe app to process slow.
solution - Try to use this file access path is Android/data/data/packageName/
I mean if your using this logic to access file - Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()
instead of above try this - Context.getExternalFilesDir(null)
refer this link https://developer.android.com/about/versions/11/privacy/storage
I hopes it will help you...

UWP Mediabox - a few questions

I have a question to you and I really hope you can provide me some information.
I wish to build a media center because I have not found any possibilities to cast my stuff straight to the big screen from my Windows mobile phone.
Off course there is the wireless display adapter from Microsoft but I wish not to cast my whole display to my tv.
After testing a few product (Amazon fire tv box, apple tv 3, display dock and the wireless dock) I came to the conclusion that I can not have an all in one solution which fits my perceptions.
From that point I thought that I have to build my own "tv application".
Ok ok... There is kodi(xbmc) and so on... But I think this is just making a detour.
Following features must be included:
running on Windows 10
Cast music, videos and pictures.
Ability to launch and download windows store apps.
Project Rome implementation to share data across devices.
Seems possible but here´s one big problem...
If we are talking about mediaboxes, we do talk about those small boxes besides your tv. Instead off building a micro ATX setup, I want to take this to the next level... using IoT (Raspberry Pi 3).
Using IoT may have some advantages but there are a few disadvantages I have to worry about.
Will Windows 10 work properly on IoT (advantages - disadvantages)
Media streaming?
ARM architecture
Bluetooth, WIFI, Ethernet connectivity
I have never ever worked on IoT before, so I am kinda noob again. I´am asking for some advices to make this possible.
[UWP] How can I stream data (e.g. video, music, images) to another application?
[UWP] Implement a remote control - just like the amazon fire tv controler ?
Advantages - Disadvantages of using Windows 10 on a Raspberry Pi ?
Using windows 10 default applications (Groove Music, Images, Videos - Application) to play incomming data?
What do you think? Is it possible to create a Mediacenter which is running on a raspberry pi using windows 10?
Thank you in advance.
The most straightforward idea would be to create an always-running app with a MediaPlayerElement with a Source property that can be set programmatically by a remote control app. A remote control app could also control the pause, play, next, previous actions.
Be aware that there is no hardware video acceleration support for Raspberry Pi on Windows IoT Core yet, and probably that also won't come soon. There are other devices that do have proper video drivers (look at the hardware support page of Windows IoT Core).
Also be aware that there is no Windows Store on Windows IoT Core, unless you are an OEM (then you can publish your properly signed apps in an official way to devices that are managed by you).
A simpler way would be to buy a Windows 10 box from aliexpress. Then you can use Miracast to stream your screen, install apps from the App Store and play films directly on it, for example using Kodi for which remote control apps exist.

Dealing with multiple keyboard layouts (OSX vs. Windows)

I have two computers; one MacBook Pro and one desktop PC running Windows. For various reasons I prefer writing code on the MacBook, while I keep the desktop PC mostly for gaming and entertainment purposes.
Since I've gotten so used to programming on an OSX keyboard layout, I often find it cumbersome to start working on something while I'm on my Windows computer. And since I'm ridiculously lazy I also find it cumbersome to get my laptop out of my bag so I can switch to using that instead. This usually results in me not bothering to do much work while I'm on my desktop (which depressingly enough is most of my evenings).
I guess I'm looking for a way to quickly enable an OSX keyboard layout in Windows. I'd also like to run Ubuntu in a VM on Windows, and use the OSX keyboard there as well.
You can use Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator to create a custom keyboard layout on Windows that mirrors the Mac OS one.
Ubuntu has an infinitely flexible and impossibly complicated keyboard layout system called XKB, which has limited documentation. Ubuntu probably already has all the data for the Mac keyboard layout you want stored among the hundreds of files in /usr/share/X11/xkb/, but figuring out how to load it will drive you crazy. You might have luck asking about this on Ask Ubuntu or the Unix stack exchange.
You could have a look at Synergy, using your Mac keyboard on both the PC and Mac.

Windows Phone 7 Emulator runs in slow mode... even tho my system supports VT

Windows Phone 7 Emulator runs in slow mode... even tho my system supports VT
I just updated my Sony Vaio FW21E's bios update, now VT is enabled, but emulator still runs in same old slow mode.
How can I run the emulator in VT mode.
Please advise.
Make sure your system meets the requirements laid out here.
Setup and System Requirements for Windows Phone Emulator
In particular, verify your gpu is being recognised by the emualtor by checking the frame rate counters are visible.
This will not happen if your display driver is not WDDM1.1 compliant and minimum Directx 10.
I also recommend trying a Win7 install on a spare hard disk if you're running Vista. This consistently produces positive results when problems of this nature are reported on hardware compliant systems.
I had this issue on my Mac running bootcamp. I read in some forum what appeared to be the weirdest solution ever.
If I had Netflix open, streaming a movie, my emulator would work perfectly. When I did not, it would just be the slowest thing.
I read somewhere that could be related to drivers and hardware acceleration. So Windows Phone was not 'hardcore' enough to trigger turning on the acceleration on the video card but when you had the streaming ON it was using it, making it fast.
You might try that out... I know it sounds dumb but it worked for me.
The HD3450 should be ok as its a DirectX 10 card I beleive
As said above the card needs to be WDDM1.1
you can check this by running 'dxdiag' in the run or search box in vista. go to 'Display 1' (or just Dispaly) tab, and on the right there will be DDI Version - should be 10, and Driver Model - should be WDDM 1.1.
If its not compliant with WDDM1.1/DX10, it will work ok but you wont get things like aminmations on page transitions etc.
