Function as argument, access inner parameter - go

The package valyala/fasthttp implements the following function type:
type RequestHandler func(ctx *RequestCtx)
It is used in buaazp/fasthttprouter like this:
func (r *Router) Handle(method, path string, handle fasthttp.RequestHandler) {
I am trying to wrap these like this (open for suggestions on implementation):
type Request struct {
type RequestHandler func(*Request)
func Handle(method string, path string, handler RequestHandler) {
//I need to access the fasthttp.RequestCtx stuff in here...
How can I achieve this? Or, if this is not the way to go at all, how can I achieve my goal as mentioned below for a router package?
Goal: My wish is to wrap tooling packages (sessions, database, routing, etc.) in order to make my app agnostic to the implementation of these packages. I wish to do this primarily for the purpose of being able to extend these with domain-specific functionality, and being able to switch one 3rd party lib for another, if I ever would need to do so. It also makes debugging and logging easier.
Method: I create native types and functions, which map to the functionality of the imported packages.
Problem: I am stuck on how to wrap a foreign (i.e. imported) function type properly.

At all your idea looks very good. Some things you could change:
// Using a composition is idiomatic go code
// this should work. It can't get better.
type Request struct {
// I would make the RequestHandler as a real Handler. In go it would be
// a interface
type RequestHandler interface{
// If you have a function, which needs to access parameters from `Request`
// you should take this as an input.
func Handle(method string, path string, req *Request) {
//Access Request via req.Request ...
Because if you pass a function or an interface into your function, which needs also Request as input the caller needs to create that before he calls your Handle function. Why not change that function just for the input you really need?


A repository/store for database as interface or per table interface?

What I designed first was to have a Store interface as follow:
// store.go
type Store interface {
CreateUser(user model.User) (string, error)
GetProfile(userId string) (model.User, error)
CreateHouse(user model.House) (string, error)
And in another file, mongo_store.go, its implementation codes:
type mongoStore struct {
store *mongo.Client
func (mc *mongoUserStore) CreateUser(user model.User) (string, error) {
// And so on...
In mongo_store.go I have another method that returns an instance of MongoStore:
func NewMongoDBStore() Store {
// Some code to connect to MongoDB and finally
s := &mongoStore{
store: client,
return s
I've gone this way to abstract away DB layer. So in code we pass store around and call let's say CreateUser as an example.
My team members had the object of creating Store interface per table. So we should have UserStore interface with their methods or HouseStore with their own methods.
First question is that is this a best practice to change the code this way? I could not come up with a good argument to reject their change request. It's been said that this way we can mock less code in tests and also it is not polluted, all in one place for all methods that work with DB.
My Second Question is if we go the second approach, how NewMongoDBStore should return different store types. So instead of Store as return type we have to have different store types like UserStore, HouseStore, etc.
I always try to stick to one rule when designing new interfaces in Go: keep interfaces as small as possible. You can see that stdlib also tries to follow that rule, see for example fmt.Stringer, http.Handler or json.Marshaler. Look how in the json library they even separated json.Marshaler and json.Unmarshaler (same for the io.Reader and io.Writer), which, you can say, seem to be very connected together.
Coming back to your example, I think that your team makes a good point - I would go for the separation of the storages interfaces. The only situation in which I wouldn't do that is if you are sure that this interface will never expand and will always stick to this very limited number of methods. But I think this is very unlikely for the storage-like interfaces. For example in the near future you could like to add some more-grained filtering methods, or e.g. a method to insert storage objects in a batch.
In my opinion you can only benefit from separating the interfaces and here is why:
It's true that it is easier to mock an interface with a 1-2 methods than an interface with, let's say, 10 methods.
It's always better to separate functionalities into smaller pieces as you may not need to use all of them at once in every place. To give you a better picture you can have one service which would use your UserStore and your HouseStore implementations, but you can also have a second service that wouldn't need a HouseStore and would only use a UserStore implementation. Thanks to that it would be much easier to mock the second service (as it uses only a UserStore) and if you later add any methods to the HouseStore there is no possible way it could affect the second service anyhow as it knows nothing about this interface.
I think the above answers your first question. Coming to the second question you can solve it in two ways I think:
First way is something I usually do. You can simply create separate implementations for separate interfaces. So if you have, following your example, a file store.go containing interfaces:
type UserStore interface {
CreateUser(user model.User) (string, error)
// Rest of the methods ...
type HouseStore interface {
CreateHouse(house model.House) (string, error)
// Rest of the methods ...
I would make a user_mongo_store.go with MongoDB implementation for the UserStore ...
type userMongoStore struct {
store *mongo.Client
func (s *userMongoStore) CreateUser(user model.User) (string, error) {
// CreateUser method implementation ...
func NewUserMongoStore() UserStore {
// Some code to connect to MongoDB and finally
s := &userMongoStore{
store: client,
return s
// Rest of the UserStore methods implementations ...
... and I would also make a house_mongo_store.go file with MongoDB implementation for the HouseStore:
type houseMongoStore struct {
store *mongo.Client
func (s *houseMongoStore) CreateHouse(house model.House) (string, error) {
// CreateHouse method implementation ...
func NewHouseMongoStore() HouseStore {
// Some code to connect to MongoDB and finally
s := &houseMongoStore{
store: client,
return s
// Rest of the HouseStore methods implementations ...
You could ask here if will not feel inconvinient to keep two MongoDB storages implementations separated as they could contain the same MongoDB-related operations. Answer to that question is no: you can always create e.g. mongo_store.go to keep all the common functions that will be shared by all the MongoDB storages implementations.
The only disadvantage I can see here is a little bit more code in general, but in the end it gives you much cleaner, better separated and more modular code.
Second way, which I would recommend less, is to use the (in my opinion) very powerful Go feature which is a fact that you don't declare implementing an interface (unlike in e.g. Java), you just have to implement all the interfaces methods in your struct and you can use it as all these interfaces implementations. In your case you could stick to the single mongoStore struct and make it implement both the UserStore and the HouseStore interfaces methods. That way you would end up with something like this:
type mongoStore struct {
store *mongo.Client
func (s *mongoStore) CreateUser(user model.User) (string, error) {
// CreateUser method implementation ...
func (s *mongoStore) CreateHouse(house model.House) (string, error) {
// CreateHouse method implementation ...
// Rest of the UserStore and HouseStore
// interfaces methods implementations ...
but this solution leaves us with a problem: how to create a function to create UserStore and HouseStore interfaces implementations. Well, in this situation you could either make mongoStore struct exported and use it directly as both a UserStore and HouseStore implementations or, which looks a little bit more exotic but is still a valid piece of code, you could make a function that would return this single struct as both implementations, e.g.:
func NewMongoStores() (UserStore, HouseStore) {
s := &mongoStore{
store: client,
return s, s
I think I gave you some options, but to sum up, I would encourage you to keep your interfaces and their implementations separated.

Override interface's function callback arguments

I am using a package that has a Router interface, and I have created my own app-specific Router interface that wraps the third party package.
Everything is working well, however one of the methods is throwing a compilation error:
controllers/auth.go:52:17: cannot use func literal (type func(router.Router)) as type func(chi.Router) in argument to c.router.Group
This is the interface of the third party package (chi):
type Router interface {
// ...
// Group adds a new inline-Router along the current routing
// path, with a fresh middleware stack for the inline-Router.
Group(fn func(r Router)) Router
// ...
This is my wrapper interface:
type Router interface {
// Custom methods...
My usage of the Group function is like so:
type AuthController struct {
router router.Router
// ...
func (c *AuthController) SetRoutes() {
c.router.Group(func(r router.Router) {
r.Post("/auth/register", c.Register)
r.Post("/auth/login", c.Authenticate)
r.Post("/auth/token/refresh", c.RefreshToken)
c.router.Group(func(r router.Router) {
r.Get("/auth/ping", c.Ping)
r.Post("/auth/logout", c.Logout)
Why is it screaming at my function callbacks argument type? My wrapper router.Router implements the chi.Router interface, so it should work fine shouldn't it? Am I misunderstanding how Go works here?
I can see how this can be confusing so I will try to break it down. You have this method:
Group(fn func(r Router)) Router
This method takes a function as a parameter. That function must have a specific signature:
func(r Router)
That is, it takes a single argument of type chi.Router and has no return values. However, when you call it:
c.router.Group(func(r router.Router) { /***/ }
You're passing in a function of the wrong signature; your function signature is:
func(r router.Router)
That's not the signature required by the method you're calling, so it won't compile. It doesn't matter if router.Router implements chi.Router; the parameter (a func(router.Router)) passed is not of the expected type (a func(chi.Router)).
This may seem silly at first - after all, any router.Router must implement chi.Router. But, think about it: that method, Group, is expecting to receive a function, to which it can pass any chi.Router. That means it can pass a chi.Router which does not implement router.Router. If it were to accept your function, it would break type safety, and what in Go is meant to be a compile-time error (the error you're getting, in fact) would become a run-time error. Basically, by passing a function with a different (and more strict) argument type, you're expecting a guarantee which that method never offered.
The parameter types aren't the same, so the function type doesn't match what's expected, even though your interface includes the interface from the other package (the type has to match exactly). You need to have your functions take a chi.router and then use a type assertion, i.e., myRouter := r.(Router), to convert to your type.

Struct Naming Convention

I have a few structs in a package that make a simple finance API call, one implements the request to the API, one stores the response.
I'm wondering if it's appropriate to just name the structs "Request" and "Response" respectively, or should I prefix them with the subject/package- like "FinanceRequest" and "FinanceResponse"? Or would that make external calls redundant by using finance.FinanceRequest (finance word used twice)?
Looking for thoughts on the matter (golang convention/preference)...
package finance
type Request struct {
type Response struct {
func DoSomething(r *Request) (*Response, error) {
package finance
type FinanceRequest struct {
type FinanceResponse struct {
func DoSomething(r *FinanceRequest) (*FinanceResponse, error) {
The convention is to use Request and Response. Here's what Effective Go has to say:
The importer of a package will use the name to refer to its contents, so exported names in the package can use that fact to avoid stutter. (Don't use the import . notation, which can simplify tests that must run outside the package they are testing, but should otherwise be avoided.) For instance, the buffered reader type in the bufio package is called Reader, not BufReader, because users see it as bufio.Reader, which is a clear, concise name. Moreover, because imported entities are always addressed with their package name, bufio.Reader does not conflict with io.Reader.
The golint tool will complain about the names FinanceRequest and FinanceResponse.

How pass different structures to function?

I have several different structures.
Here show two:
type AdsResponse struct {
Body struct {
Docs []struct {
ID int `json:"ID"`
// others
} `json:"docs"`
} `json:"response"`
Header `json:"responseHeader"`
type OtherResponse struct {
Body struct {
Docs []struct {
ID int `json:"ID"`
// others
} `json:"docs"`
} `json:"response"`
Header `json:"responseHeader"`
but i don't know how i can do for this method accepts and return both.
func Get(url string, response Response) (Response, bool) {
res, err := goreq.Request{
Uri: url,
// several validations
return response, true
And use like this:
var struct1 AdsResponse
var struct2 OtherResponse
Get("someURL", struct1)
Get("someURL", struct2)
There are any form?
Your code example is somewhat confusing since both structs appear to be identical. I'll assume that they differ somewhere in "others".
First, I generally recommend creating a wrapper around these kinds of JSON deserializations. Working directly on the JSON structure is fragile. Most of your program should not be aware of the fact that the data comes down in JSON. So for instance, you can wrap this in an Ads struct that contains an AdsResponse, or just copies the pieces it cares about out of it. Doing that will also make some of the below slightly easier to implement and less fragile.
The most common solution is probably to create an interface:
type Response interface {
ID() int
You make both Ads and Others conform to Response. Then you can return Response. If necessary, you can type-switch later to figure out which one you have and unload other data.
switch response := response.(type) {
case Ads:
case Other:
I don't quite get why you have the reponse as a parameter and as a return. I think you dont need to return it. You should pass a pointer to the reponse and fill it with the data. Also, I'd return an Error instead of a boolean, but that is another topic.
Anyway, the solution is to use interface{} (empty interface).
You are lucky because the function you are using (FromJsonTo) accepts an empty interface as a parameter, so you can safely change your parameter type to interface{} and just pass it to FromJsonTo. Like this:
func Get(url string, response interface{}) bool {
res, err := goreq.Request{
Uri: url,
// several validations
return true
Warning: I did not compile the code.
Then you would call this function with the url and a pointer to one of the reponse structs like this:
var struct1 AdsResponse
var struct2 OtherResponse
Get("someURL", &struct1)
Get("someURL", &struct2)
The way to achieve this is through Go's interfaces.
Two options:
empty interface
Get(url string, response interface{}) (Response, bool)
This option allows any value to be given to this function.
custom interface
Creating a custom interface will allow you to narrow down the types that can be provided as arguments to your function.
In this case you'll have to create an interface that all your Response structs will need to abide by. Any struct really that abides by that interface will be able to be used as an argument of your function.
Something like this:
type MyResponse interface {
Then your function signature could look like
Get(url string, response MyResponse) (MyResponse, bool)
As long as AdsResponse and OtherResponse abide by the MyResponse interface, they will be allowed to be used as arguments to the function.
Follow the solution working at Go Playground
Go has no polymorphic or any other OO like behaviour, so, when you try to pass a AdsResponse or OtherResponse struct as an Response (or any interface{}), these values becomes an Response (or other param type specified), and is not possible to Go to infer the real type that originate these interface{} and correctly decode your json to these struct types as expected.
This kind of thing should works perfectly in OO languages, like Java, C# etc. There is no hierarchy generalization/specialization on structs/interfaces in Go.
You would need to do a type assertion in your Rest executor, or a switch case, but it seems that you need a generic REST executor, like a generic lib some thing like that. Would not reasonable create a switch case for each struct in your program. Maybe you have dozens or hundreds of structs soon.
I think that a reasonable solution is the rest client pass a lambda function to do the last step for your, that is just create a correct struct destination type and call json decode.
As i say above, the return type of executeRest() in my example will became an interface{}, but the rest client can securely do the type assertion of returned value after executeRest() call.

golang import struct pointer

Ok i have a main package and a http handler package. Essentially what i am trying to do is setup a global struct so that way i can call upon information in that struct at any time.
Basic outline of my attempted example below:
Main package imports handler function
Main package calls handlerfunc
Handlerfunc sets http.ResponseWriter and other items into UrlInfo struct
Handlerfunc runs passed in function (without having to pass UrlStruct into function)
Run function (home in this example)
Function home can call upon variable uinfo at any time cause its a pointer UrlInfo struct
Obviously this doesnt work, but this is essentially what i would like to do so that way im not having to pass all this info into my home function. Keeping it clean and simple.
Any thoughts and ideas are welcome. Thanks.
Handler Package
package handler
// Struct containing http requests and variables
type UrlInfo struct {
Res http.ResponseWriter
Req *http.Request
Item string
func HandleFunc(handlepath string, runfunc func()) {
// Set handler and setup struct
http.HandleFunc(handlepath, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
url := new(UrlInfo)
url.Res = w
url.Req = r
url.Item = "Item information"
Main Package
import "handler"
var uinfo = &handler.UrlInfo{}
func init() {
handler.HandleFunc("/home/", home)
func home() {
From what I gather from your question, you are attempting to define a single, global instance of a structure which, among other things, holds a reference to the current Request and ResponseWriter.
If this is the intention, I should warn you this is going to cause problems.
Go's http package executes each request handler in a separate goroutine. This means that you can have arbitrarily many requests being handled simultaneously. Therefore they can not all refer to the same global structure safely and expect it to contain request information relevant only to that particular request. The global instance should not be used if you expect your server to be thread safe.
Keeping the code clean by grouping extraneous parameters in a structure can be handy, but in your case, I do not believe you can (or should) avoid passing a new instance of UrlInfo structure directly to home() as a parameter. It will make things unnecessarily complex and unpredictable.
