A repository/store for database as interface or per table interface? - go

What I designed first was to have a Store interface as follow:
// store.go
type Store interface {
CreateUser(user model.User) (string, error)
GetProfile(userId string) (model.User, error)
CreateHouse(user model.House) (string, error)
And in another file, mongo_store.go, its implementation codes:
type mongoStore struct {
store *mongo.Client
func (mc *mongoUserStore) CreateUser(user model.User) (string, error) {
// And so on...
In mongo_store.go I have another method that returns an instance of MongoStore:
func NewMongoDBStore() Store {
// Some code to connect to MongoDB and finally
s := &mongoStore{
store: client,
return s
I've gone this way to abstract away DB layer. So in code we pass store around and call let's say CreateUser as an example.
My team members had the object of creating Store interface per table. So we should have UserStore interface with their methods or HouseStore with their own methods.
First question is that is this a best practice to change the code this way? I could not come up with a good argument to reject their change request. It's been said that this way we can mock less code in tests and also it is not polluted, all in one place for all methods that work with DB.
My Second Question is if we go the second approach, how NewMongoDBStore should return different store types. So instead of Store as return type we have to have different store types like UserStore, HouseStore, etc.

I always try to stick to one rule when designing new interfaces in Go: keep interfaces as small as possible. You can see that stdlib also tries to follow that rule, see for example fmt.Stringer, http.Handler or json.Marshaler. Look how in the json library they even separated json.Marshaler and json.Unmarshaler (same for the io.Reader and io.Writer), which, you can say, seem to be very connected together.
Coming back to your example, I think that your team makes a good point - I would go for the separation of the storages interfaces. The only situation in which I wouldn't do that is if you are sure that this interface will never expand and will always stick to this very limited number of methods. But I think this is very unlikely for the storage-like interfaces. For example in the near future you could like to add some more-grained filtering methods, or e.g. a method to insert storage objects in a batch.
In my opinion you can only benefit from separating the interfaces and here is why:
It's true that it is easier to mock an interface with a 1-2 methods than an interface with, let's say, 10 methods.
It's always better to separate functionalities into smaller pieces as you may not need to use all of them at once in every place. To give you a better picture you can have one service which would use your UserStore and your HouseStore implementations, but you can also have a second service that wouldn't need a HouseStore and would only use a UserStore implementation. Thanks to that it would be much easier to mock the second service (as it uses only a UserStore) and if you later add any methods to the HouseStore there is no possible way it could affect the second service anyhow as it knows nothing about this interface.
I think the above answers your first question. Coming to the second question you can solve it in two ways I think:
First way is something I usually do. You can simply create separate implementations for separate interfaces. So if you have, following your example, a file store.go containing interfaces:
type UserStore interface {
CreateUser(user model.User) (string, error)
// Rest of the methods ...
type HouseStore interface {
CreateHouse(house model.House) (string, error)
// Rest of the methods ...
I would make a user_mongo_store.go with MongoDB implementation for the UserStore ...
type userMongoStore struct {
store *mongo.Client
func (s *userMongoStore) CreateUser(user model.User) (string, error) {
// CreateUser method implementation ...
func NewUserMongoStore() UserStore {
// Some code to connect to MongoDB and finally
s := &userMongoStore{
store: client,
return s
// Rest of the UserStore methods implementations ...
... and I would also make a house_mongo_store.go file with MongoDB implementation for the HouseStore:
type houseMongoStore struct {
store *mongo.Client
func (s *houseMongoStore) CreateHouse(house model.House) (string, error) {
// CreateHouse method implementation ...
func NewHouseMongoStore() HouseStore {
// Some code to connect to MongoDB and finally
s := &houseMongoStore{
store: client,
return s
// Rest of the HouseStore methods implementations ...
You could ask here if will not feel inconvinient to keep two MongoDB storages implementations separated as they could contain the same MongoDB-related operations. Answer to that question is no: you can always create e.g. mongo_store.go to keep all the common functions that will be shared by all the MongoDB storages implementations.
The only disadvantage I can see here is a little bit more code in general, but in the end it gives you much cleaner, better separated and more modular code.
Second way, which I would recommend less, is to use the (in my opinion) very powerful Go feature which is a fact that you don't declare implementing an interface (unlike in e.g. Java), you just have to implement all the interfaces methods in your struct and you can use it as all these interfaces implementations. In your case you could stick to the single mongoStore struct and make it implement both the UserStore and the HouseStore interfaces methods. That way you would end up with something like this:
type mongoStore struct {
store *mongo.Client
func (s *mongoStore) CreateUser(user model.User) (string, error) {
// CreateUser method implementation ...
func (s *mongoStore) CreateHouse(house model.House) (string, error) {
// CreateHouse method implementation ...
// Rest of the UserStore and HouseStore
// interfaces methods implementations ...
but this solution leaves us with a problem: how to create a function to create UserStore and HouseStore interfaces implementations. Well, in this situation you could either make mongoStore struct exported and use it directly as both a UserStore and HouseStore implementations or, which looks a little bit more exotic but is still a valid piece of code, you could make a function that would return this single struct as both implementations, e.g.:
func NewMongoStores() (UserStore, HouseStore) {
s := &mongoStore{
store: client,
return s, s
I think I gave you some options, but to sum up, I would encourage you to keep your interfaces and their implementations separated.


How can I separate generated code package and user code but have them accessible from one place in code

I am newer to golang, so I have some courses that I bought from udemy to help break me into the language. One of them I found very helpful for a general understanding as I took on a project in the language.
In the class that I took, all of the sql related functions were in the sqlc folder with the structure less broken out:
One of those files is a querier that is generated by sqlc that contains an interface with all of the methods that were generated. Here is the general idea of what it currently looks like: https://github.com/techschool/simplebank/tree/master/db/sqlc
package db
import (
type Querier interface {
AddAccountBalance(ctx context.Context, arg AddAccountBalanceParams) (Account, error)
CreateAccount(ctx context.Context, arg CreateAccountParams) (Account, error)
var _ Querier = (*Queries)(nil)
Would it be possible to wrap both what sqlc generates AND any queries that a developer creates (dynamic queries) into a single querier? I'm also trying to have it so that the sqlc generated code is in its own folder. The structure I am aiming for is:
store - (wraps it all together)
This should clear up what a I mean by store: https://github.com/techschool/simplebank/blob/master/db/sqlc/store.go
package db
import (
// Store defines all functions to execute db queries and transactions
type Store interface {
TransferTx(ctx context.Context, arg TransferTxParams) (TransferTxResult, error)
// SQLStore provides all functions to execute SQL queries and transactions
type SQLStore struct {
db *sql.DB
// NewStore creates a new store
func NewStore(db *sql.DB) Store {
return &SQLStore{
db: db,
Queries: New(db),
I'm trying to run everything through that store (both generated and my functions), so I can make a call similar to the CreateUser function in this file (server.store.): https://github.com/techschool/simplebank/blob/master/api/user.go
arg := db.CreateUserParams{
Username: req.Username,
HashedPassword: hashedPassword,
FullName: req.FullName,
Email: req.Email,
user, err := server.store.CreateUser(ctx, arg)
if err != nil {
if pqErr, ok := err.(*pq.Error); ok {
switch pqErr.Code.Name() {
case "unique_violation":
ctx.JSON(http.StatusForbidden, errorResponse(err))
ctx.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, errorResponse(err))
I've tried creating something that houses another querier interface that embeds the generated one, then creating my own db.go that uses the generated DBTX interface but has its own Queries struct, and New function. It always gives me an error that the Queries struct I created aren't implementing the functions I made, despite having it implemented in one of the custom methods I made.
I deleted that branch, and have been clicking through the simplebank project linked above to see if I can find another way this could be done, or if I missed something. If it can't be done, that's okay. I'm just using this as a good opportunity to learn a little more about the language, and keep some code separated if possible.
There were only a few pieces I had to change, but I modified the store.go to look more like:
// sdb is imported, but points to the generated Querier
// Store provides all functions to execute db queries and transactions
type Store interface {
// SQLStore provides all functions to execute SQL queries and transactions
type SQLStore struct {
db *sql.DB
// NewStore creates a new Store
func NewStore(db *sql.DB) Store {
return &SQLStore{
db: db,
Queries: sdb.New(db),
dynamicQueries: New(db),
Then just created a new Querier and struct for the methods I would be creating. Gave them their own New function, and tied it together in the above. Before, I was trying to figure out a way to reuse as much of the generated code as possible, which I think was the issue.
Why I wanted the Interface:
I wanted a structure that separated the files I would be working in more from the files that I would never touch (generated). This is the new structure:
I like how the generated code put everything in the Querier interface, then checked that anything implementing it satisfied all of the function requirements. So I wanted to replicate that for the dynamic portion which I would be creating on my own.
It might be complicating it a bit more than it would 'NEED' to be, but it also provides an additional set of error checking that is nice to have. And in this case, even while maybe not necessary, it ended up being doable.
Would it be possible to wrap both what sqlc generates AND any queries that a developer creates (dynamic queries) into a single querier?
If I'm understanding your question correctly I think that you are looking for something like the below (playground):
package main
import (
// Sample SQL C Code
type DBTX interface {
ExecContext(context.Context, string, ...interface{}) (sql.Result, error)
PrepareContext(context.Context, string) (*sql.Stmt, error)
QueryContext(context.Context, string, ...interface{}) (*sql.Rows, error)
QueryRowContext(context.Context, string, ...interface{}) *sql.Row
type Queries struct {
func (q *Queries) DeleteAccount(ctx context.Context, id int64) error {
// _, err := q.db.ExecContext(ctx, deleteAccount, id)
// return err
return nil // Pretend that this always works
type Querier interface {
DeleteAccount(ctx context.Context, id int64) error
// Your custom "dynamic" queries
type myDynamicQueries struct {
func (m *myDynamicQueries) GetDynamicResult(ctx context.Context) error {
// _, err := q.db.ExecContext(ctx, deleteAccount, id)
// return err
return nil // Pretend that this always works
type myDynamicQuerier interface {
GetDynamicResult(ctx context.Context) error
// Combine things
type allDatabase struct {
*Queries // Note: You could embed this directly into myDynamicQueries instead of having a seperate struct if that is your preference
type DatabaseFunctions interface {
func main() {
// Basic example
var db DatabaseFunctions
db = getDatabase()
db.DeleteAccount(context.Background(), 0)
// getDatabase - Perform whatever is needed to connect to database...
func getDatabase() allDatabase {
sqlc := &Queries{db: nil} // In reality you would use New() to do this!
myDyn := &myDynamicQueries{db: nil} // Again it's often cleaner to use a function
return allDatabase{Queries: sqlc, myDynamicQueries: myDyn}
The above is all in one file for simplicity but could easily pull from multiple packages e.g.
type allDatabase struct {
If this does not answer your question then please show one of your failed attempts (so we can see where you are going wrong).
One general comment - do you really need the interface? A common recommendation is "Accept interfaces, return structs". While this may not always apply I suspect you may be introducing interfaces where they are not really necessary and this may add unnecessary complexity.
I thought that the Store, which was housing both Queriers, was tying it all together. Can you explain a little with the example above (in the question post) why it's not necessary? How does SQLStore get access to all of the Querier interface functions?
The struct SQLStore is what is "tying it all together". As per the Go spec:
Given a struct type S and a named type T, promoted methods are included in the method set of the struct as follows:
If S contains an embedded field T, the method sets of S and *S both include promoted methods with receiver T. The method set of *S also includes promoted methods with receiver *T.
If S contains an embedded field *T, the method sets of S and *S both include promoted methods with receiver T or *T.
So an object of type SQLStore:
type SQLStore struct {
db *sql.DB
var foo SQLStore // Assume that we are actually providing values for all fields
Will implement all of the methods of sdb.Queries and, also, those in dynamicQueries (you can also access the sql.DB members via foo.db.XXX). This means that you can call foo.AddAccountBalance() and foo.MyGenericQuery() (assuming that is in dynamicQueries!) etc.
The spec says "In its most basic form an interface specifies a (possibly empty) list of methods". So you can think of an interface as a list of functions that must be implemented by whatever implementation (e.g. struct) you assign to the interface (the interface itself does not implement anything directly).
This example might help you understand.
Hopefully that helps a little (as I'm not sure which aspect you don't understand I'm not really sure what to focus on).

How can an external package implement an interface implicitly?

I'm writing a piece of code that relies on some implementation.
I want to decouple the implementation from my code, and make the implementation as independent as possible.
I thought of achieving this approach by using interfaces instead of concrete types, like so:
package mypackage
type MyType interface {
Title() string
Price() int
type TypeGetter interface {
GetType() MyType
func MyHandler(tg TypeGetter) {
t := tg.GetType()
fmt.Printf("Title: %s, Price: %d", t.Title(), t.Price())
And an implementation might be something like this:
package external
// CustomType implicitly implements the MyType interface
type CustomType struct {
title string
price int
func (t CustomType) Title() string { return t.title }
func (t CustomType) Price() int { return t.price }
// CustomTypeGetter implicitly implements the TypeGetter interface. Or is it???
type CustomTypeGetter struct {
func (g CustomTypeGetter) GetType() CustomType {
return CustomType{"Hello", 42}
Then, the code would do something like this:
package main
import "mypackage"
import "external"
func main() {
tg := external.CustomTypeGetter{}
mypackage.MyHandler(tg) // <--- the compiler does not like this
I hope the example speaks for itself: I have no coupling between "mypackage" and the "external" package, which may be replaced, substituted my mocks for testing, etc.
The problem: the compiler complains that the call to MyHandler has an object that implements:
func GetType() CustomType, instead of:
func GetType() MyType
The only solution I found is to move the interface declarations (MyType and TypeGetter) to a third package, and then both "mypackage" and "external" packages can use it.
But I want to avoid that.
Isn't Go's concept of implicit implementation of interfaces contradict the idea of a third common package?
Is there a way to implement such thing, without binding the two packages together?
Isn't Go's concept of implicit implementation of interfaces contradict the idea of a third common package?
I think it does. Go authors introduced an implicit interface implementation to eliminate unnecessary dependencies between packages. That works well for simple interfaces like io.Reader, but you cannot apply it everywhere.
One of the language creators, Rob Pike, says that the non-declarative satisfaction of interfaces is not the essential part of the idea behind interfaces in Go. It's a nice feature, but not all elements of the language are practical or possible to use every time.
For complex interfaces, you need to import a package where the interface is defined. For example, if you want to implement an SQL driver that works with the sql package from the standard library, you must import the sql/driver package.
I would recommend not introducing interfaces at the beginning of your project. Usually, it leads to situations where you need to solve artificial problems like rewriting the interface each time you updates your understanding of the domain model. It is hard to come up with a good abstraction from the first attempt, and, in many cases, it is unnecessary, in my opinion.
I need to query external source for products. I don't care how the external sources store the data (db, file, network). I just need a "product" type. So it's either I define a Product type, forcing the external implementations to import and use it, or the Go way - define a Product interface and let the implementations implicitly implement this interface. Which apparently doesn't work
I see two loosely related goals here:
Define an interface to swap implementations of the product source.
A package that implements the product source should not import the package that defines the interface.
From my experience, I would recommend doing point 1 only when you have at least one working implementation of the product source service.
Point 2 is not always possible to achieve, and it is fine; please see the example from the standard Go library above.
Please, consider not creating Product interface. While it does makes sense to come up with the PorductSource interface eventually, Product is most probably just a set of data; struct is a perfect way to represent such information. Please, see this very relevant code smaple and this article for inspiration.
The problem with your approach is that you want someone to implement an interface that refers to your type (MyType). This obviously cannot be done without the implementation referring to your type. This is the only thing that prevents the above code from working.
If you get rid of the MyType:
type TypeGetter interface {
GetType() interface {
Title() string
Price() int
And the implementation:
func (g CustomTypeGetter) GetType() interface {
Title() string
Price() int
} {
return CustomType{"Hello", 42}
Then this code will work:
func main() {
tg := external.CustomTypeGetter{}
Yes, this requires repetition, but only because you don't want an unknown / future implementation to refer to your type (to not depend on it).
In this case you may change MyHandler() to take a value of type MyType (get rid of the "factory"):
func MyHandler(t MyType) {
fmt.Printf("Title: %s, Price: %d", t.Title(), t.Price())
And any value that implements MyType may be passed. Add a "factory" to the external package:
func NewCustomType(title string, price int) CustomType {
return CustomType{
title: title,
price: price,
And use it like this:
func main() {
t := external.NewCustomType("title", 1)
If you truly require the factory pattern, then yes, creating a 3rd package that will hold MyType is the way to go. Then both your app and the implementations may refer to this 3rd package.

Composition combining data and functions with interfaces and structs

I'm wondering if this is something that's done in Go or if I'm thinking about it all wrong: composing type x interface and type x struct so my interface methods have access to specific data too:
The C programmer in my wants to do this:
type PluginHandler interface {
pm *PluginManager
func (ph PluginHandler) onLoad() {
There I have an interface defined with a function, but also some data I want to pass to those functions but this is a syntax error.
So is this something that's doable in Go through some other method or am I just thinking about the problem wrong?
You have defined onLoad incorrectly. You cannot define a function directly on interface type.
Once you have an interface, you need another type to implement methods specified in the interface. For example, if another type implements onLoad method, they automatically (implicitly) implement the interface PluginHandler.
The other thing you need to do is change the interface function type to accept the required data:
type PluginHandler interface {
struct SomeType {
// ...
func (s SomeType) onLoad(pm *PluginManager) { // SomeType now implements
pm.DoSomething() // PluginHandler interface.
This way, you get to inject whichever PluginManager required by PluginHandler.
Also, you can use SomeType as a PluginHandler type whereever required.
func someFuntion(ph PluginHandler) {
// ...
// ...
Can be called with an input argument of type SomeType:
s := SomeType{}
TL;DR; There is no direct translation to Go.
Long answer:
Go interfaces are only methods.
Go structs are only data (with the possibility of receiver methods).
You can reference, and even embed interfaces within structs:
type Frobnicator interface {
Frobnicate() error
type Widget struct {
WidgetName string
But that's not really what you're talking about.
The best answer to your dilema is, I believe: Take a step back. You're focusing on the trees, and you need to look at the forest. Go takes a different approach than C, or classical OO languages like C++ and Java.
Look at the general problem to be solved, and find solutions to that in Go. This can be a painful process (I can say from experience), but it's really the only way to learn the new way of thinking.
Just for the record, you can add extra methods to an existing type, by introducing another (indirection) type as:
type HandlerManager PluginManager
func (x *HandlerManager) onLoad() {
And if you need to go with a more generic solution, a combination of Adapter & Strategy patterns could do:
type PluginHandlerAdapter struct{ _onLoad func() }
func (x *PluginHandlerAdapter) onLoad() {
Used like (public/private access ignored):
type PluginManager struct {
func NewPluginManager() *PluginManager {
res := new(PluginManager)
res._onLoad = res.DoSomething
return res

Golang code structuring

Is it worth to group methods in structs:
For example:
type UserManager struct {
DB *sql.DB
func (m UserManager) Insert (u User) error {...}
func (m UserManager) Delete (u User) error {...}
Or is it simpler support just separate functions.
func InsertUser (u User, db *sql.DB) error {...}
While second approach looks simpler at first, in future this way, there may be to many functions in package. Should I make separate package for every domain aggregate? In examples, I've seen so far, there is just model package.
I've been working mainly with OO languages so need some advice for go best practices here.
Your second suggestion is not good go code! Why? Because in the best case a function should take interfaces as an input.
So a InsertUserfunction should look something like that and it would combine your first with your second suggestion:
type Inserter interface {
func InsertUser(i Inserter) error {...}
In that case testing of your function is easy, because you can easy mock the inserter.
Either, or neither - it really doesn't matter in my opinion because the idiomatic approach would be to organize these concepts using interfaces:
package user
type User ...
type Inserter interface { Insert(User) error }
type Deleter interface { Delete(User) error }
type Manager interface { Inserter, Deleter } // bloated interface
User in this case is probably a concrete row type like in your example, but one could make the case for making it too into an interface that doesn't mention those types.
If you write functions that reference these interfaces, then you can quickly glue together using embedding & promoted fields.
In your case it's obvious that sticking to the first implementation style is much simpler:
type userManager struct { ... }
func (userManager) Insert(u User) error { ... }
func (userManager) Delete(u User) error { ... }
userManager is a private type, so it can be changed without concern, as long as it keeps satisfying the public interfaces.
Keeping the interfaces decoupled from the implementation makes it much easier to make them narrow, so instead of just having a "user manager" or something, you can find out which interfaces you really need for the tasks. Incidentally, this approach has the nice property that it fits well with the object capability model, which helps to simplify things like role based access control.

Golang monkey patching

I understand that if go code is structured such that it's programmed to interfaces, it's trivial to mock; however, I'm working with a code base that I cannot change (that is not mine) and this is not the case.
This code base is heavily interconnected and nothing is programmed to an interface, only structs, so no dependency injection.
The structs, themselves, only contain other structs, so I can't mock out that way either. I don't believe that I can do anything about methods, and the few functions that exist are not variables, so there's no way that I know of to swap them out. Inheritance isn't a thing in golang, so that's a no go as well.
In scripting languages like python, we can modify the objects at runtime, aka monkey patch. Is there something comparable that I can do in golang? Trying to figure out some way to test/benchmark without touching the underlying code.
When I have run into this situation my approach is to use my own interface as a wrapper which allows mocking in tests. For example.
type MyInterface interface {
DoSomething(i int) error
DoSomethingElse() ([]int, error)
type Concrete struct {
client *somepackage.Client
func (c *Concrete) DoSomething(i int) error {
return c.client.DoSomething(i)
func (c *Concrete) DoSomethingElse() ([]int, error) {
return c.client.DoSomethingElse()
Now you can mock the Concrete in the same way you would mock somepackage.Client if it too were an interface.
As pointed out in the comments below by #elithrar, you can embed the type you want to mock so you are only forced to add methods which need mocking. For example:
type Concrete struct {
When done like that, additional methods like DoSomethingNotNeedingMocking could be called directly on Concrete without having to add it to the interface / mock it out.
There is an available monkey patching library for Go. It only works for Intel/AMD systems (targeting OSX and Ubuntu in particular).
Depending on the situation, you can apply the "Dependency Inversion Principle" and leverage Go's implicit interfaces.
To do this, you define an interface of your requirements in the package with the usage (as opposed to defining what you provide in the package that implements it; like you might in Java).
Then you can test your code in isolation from the dependency.
Typical object with a struct dependency:
// Object that relies on a struct
type ObjectUnderTestBefore struct {
db *sql.DB
func (o *ObjectUnderTestBefore) Delete() error {
o.db.Exec("DELETE FROM sometable")
Apply Dependency Inversion Principle (with implicit interface)
// subset of sql.DB which defines our "requirements"
type dbExec interface {
Exec(query string, args ...interface{}) (sql.Result, error)
// Same object with it's requirement defined as an local interface
type ObjectUnderTestWithDIP struct {
// *sql.DB will implicitly implement this interface
db dbExec
func (o *ObjectUnderTestWithDIP) Delete() error {
o.db.Exec("DELETE FROM sometable")
