How to convert all folder pdfs to png using ghostscript - ghostscript

i want to convert all pdfs of folder to png images,like if i have two pdfs in folder name test1.pdf and test2.pdf with two pages,then it should generate test1-1.png ,test1-2.png,test2-1.png,test2-2.png.
I am using this command line ,what should i place instead of '#-%d.png'?
gs -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=png16m -sOutputFile="/var/www/pdf_png/pdfs/#-%d.png" /var/www/pdf_png/pdfs/*.pdf

You can't do it using Ghostscript alone, you need to write a shell script to invoke Ghostscript on each source file.
This question has a script in it that you may be able to adapt for your purposes

find . -type f -iname "*.pdf" -exec sh -c 'gs -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pngalpha -r300 -sOutputFile=$1.png $1' x {} \;
Note: This will still output FILENAME.pdf.png, but hey ... it's a one liner ...
find command finds all pdf files and passes them to sh via -exec
the {} represents the file name, but in order to be used twice in the command it has to be passed with the sh -c trick as a positional argument
in case you are wondering the character x is passed as the $0 argument because convetionally $0 is the shellname
\; is the character used to signal the end of the command


How to convert all tif files in one folder to pdf and save in another location without looping through, in bash script?

find /home/folder1/folder2/folder3/my\ Raw\ Data/"$1"/"$2"/"$3"/"$4" -type f -name "*.tif" -exec bash -c 'tiff2pdf "$1" -o "${1%.tif}".pdf' - '{}' \;
This is my bash script to convert tif files in /home/folder1/folder2/folder3/my\ Raw\ Data/"$1"/"$2"/"$3"/"$4" to pdf .The output pdf will also get saved in same location, But
I want the output pdf in /home/folder1/folder2/folder3/my\ Raw\ Data/"$1"/"$2"/"$3"/backup.
How is it possible without using a loop? Is there any solution for this ?
Here's a way to get them all done in parallel, without any loops, using GNU Parallel:
cd /path/to/tiffs && parallel tiff2pdf {} -o ../backup/{.}.pdf ::: *tif
Try like this first to see what it would do, without doing anything:
cd /path/to/tiffs && parallel --dry-run tiff2pdf {} -o ../backup/{.}.pdf ::: *tif
Here's another way with ImageMagick:
cd /path/to/tiffs && magick mogrify -path ../backup -format PDF *tif

Using touch and sed within a find -ok command

I have some wav files. For each of those files I would like to create a new text file with the same name (obviously with the wav extension being replaced with txt).
I first tried this:
find . -name *.wav -exec 'touch $(echo '{}" | sed -r 's/[^.]+\$/txt/')" \;
which outputted
< touch $(echo {} | sed -r 's/[^.]+$/txt/') ... ./The_stranglers-Golden_brown.wav > ?
Then find complained after I hit y key with:
find: ‘touch $(echo ./music.wav | sed -r 's/[^.]+$/txt/')’: No such file or directory
I figured out I was using a pipe and actually needed a shell. I then ran:
find . -name *.wav -exec sh -c 'touch $(echo "'{}"\" | sed -r 's/[^.]+\$/txt/')" \;
Which did the job.
Actually, I do not really get what is being done internally, but I guess a shell is spawned on every file right ? I fear this is memory costly.
Then, what if I need to run this command on a large bunch of files and directories !?
Now is there a way to do this in a more efficient way ?
Basically I need to transform the current file's name and to feed touch command.
Thank you.
This find with bash parameter-expansion will do the trick for you. You don't need sed at all.
find . -type f -name "*.wav" -exec sh -c 'x=$1; file="${x##*/}"; woe="${file%.*}"; touch "${woe}.txt"; ' sh {} \;
The idea is the part
x=$1 represents each of the entry returned from the output of find
file="${x##*/}" strips the path of the file leaving only the last file name part (only filename.ext)
The part woe="${file%.*}" stores the name without extension, and the new file is created with an extension .txt from the name found.
Parameter expansion sets us free from using Command substitution $() sub-process and sed.
After looking at sh man page, I figured out that the command up above could be simplified.
Synopsis -c [-aCefnuvxIimqVEbp] [+aCefnuvxIimqVEbp] [-o option_name] [+o option_name] command_string [command_name [argument ...]]
-c Read commands from the command_string operand instead of from the stan‐dard input. Special parameter 0 will be set from the command_name oper‐and and the positional parameters ($1, $2, etc.) set from the remaining argument operands.
We can directly pass the file path, skipping the shell's name (which is useless inside the script anyway). So {} is passed as the command_name $0 which can be expanded right away.
We end up with a cleaner command.
find . -name *.wav -exec sh -c 'touch "${0%.*}".txt ;' {} \;

Batch convert PNGs to individual PDFs while maintaining deep folder hierarchy in bash

I've found a solution that claims to do one folder, but I have a deep folder hierarchy of sheet music that I'd like to batch convert from png to pdf. What do my solutions look like?
I will run into a further problem down the line, which may complicate things. Maybe I should write a script? (I'm a total n00b fyi)
The "further problem" is that some of my sheet music spans more than one page, so if the script can parse filenames that include "1of2" and "2of2" to be turned into a single pdf, that'd be neat.
What are my options here?
Thank you so much.
Updated Answer
As an alternative, the following should be faster (as it does the conversions in parallel) and also able to handle larger numbers of files:
find . -name \*.png -print0 | parallel -0 convert {} {.}.pdf
It uses GNU Parallel which is readily available on Linux/Unix and which can be simply installed on OSX with homebrew using:
brew install parallel
Original Answer (as accepted)
If you have bash version 4 or better, you can use extended globbing to recurse directories and do your job very simply:
First enable extended globbing with:
shopt -s globstar
Then recursively convert PNGs to PDFs:
mogrify -format pdf **/*.png
You can loop over png files in a folder hierarchy, and process each one as follows:
find /path/to/your/files -name '*.png' |
while read -r f; do
g=$(basename "$f" .png).pdf
your_conversion_program <"$f" >"$g"
To merge pdf-s, you could use pdftk. You need to find all pdf files that have a 1of2 and 2of2 in their name, and run pdftk on those:
find /path/to/your/files -name '*1of2*.pdf' |
while read -r f1; do
f2=${f1/1of2/2of2} # name of second file
([ -f "$f1" ] && [ -f "$f2" ]) || continue # check both exist
g=${f1/1of2//} # name of output file
(! [ -f "$g" ]) || continue # if output exists, skip
pdftk "$f1" "$f2" output "$g"
bash string substitution
Regarding a deep folder hierarchy you may use find with -exec option.
First you find all the PNGs in every subfolder and convert them to PDF:
find ./ -name \*\.png -exec convert {} {}.pdf \;
You'll get new PDF files with extension ".png.pdf" (image.png would be converted to image.png.pdf for example)
To correct extensions you may run find command again but this time with "rename" after -exec option.
find ./ -name \*\.png\.pdf -exec rename s/\.png\.pdf/\.pdf/ {} \;
If you want to delete source PNG files, you may use this command, which deletes all files with ".png" extension recursively in every subfolder:
find ./ -name \*\.png -exec rm {} \;
if i understand :
you want to concatenate all your png files from a deep folders structure into only one single pdf.
insure you png are ordered as you want in your folders
be aware you can redirect output of a command (say a search one ;) ) to the input of convert, and tell convert to output in one pdf.
General syntax of convert :
convert 1.png 2.png ... global_png.pdf
The following command :
convert `find . -name '*'.png -print` global_png.pdf
searches for png files in folders from cur_dir
redirects the output of the command find to the input of convert, this is done by back quoting find command
converts works and output to pdf file
(this very simple command line works fine only with unspaced filenames, don't miss quoting the wild char, and back quoting the find command ;) )
be sure of what you are doing.
if you delete your png files, you will just loose your original sources...
it might be a very bad practice...
using convert without any tricky -quality output option could create an enormous pdf file... and you might have to re-convert with -quality "60" for instance...
so keep your original sources until you do not need them any more

How do I recursively find files with specific names and join using ImageMagick in Terminal?

I have created an ImageMagick command to join images with certain names:
convert -append *A_SLIDER.jpg *B_SLIDER.jpg out.jpg
I have lots of folders with files named *A_SLIDER.jpg and *B_SLIDER.jpg next to each other (only ever one pair in a directory).
I would like to recursively search a directory with many folders and execute the command to join the images.
If it is possible to name the output image based on the input images that would be great e.g.
=> DOGS_A_SLIDER.jpg and DOGS_B_SLIDER.jpg would combine to DOGS_SLIDER.jpg
Something like this, but back up first and try on a sample directory only!
find . -name "*A_SLIDER*" -execdir bash -c ' \
out=$(ls *A_SLIDER*);
out=${out/_A/}; \
convert -append "*A_SLIDER*" "*B_SLIDER*" $out' \;
Find all files containing the letters "A_SLIDER" and go to the containing directory and start bash there. While you are there, get the name of the file, and remove the _A part to form the output filename. Then execute ImageMagick convert with the _A_ and the corresponding _B_ files to form the output file.
Or, a slightly more concise suggestion from #gniourf_gniourf... thank you.
find . -name "*A_SLIDER.jpg" -type f -execdir bash -c 'convert -append "$1" "${1/_A_/_B_}" "${1/_A/}"' _ {} \;
The "find" command will recursively search folders:
$ find . -name "*.jpg" -print
That will display all the filenames. You might instead want "-iname" which does case-insensitive filename matching.
You can add a command line with "-exec", in which "{}" is replaced by the name of the file. You must terminate the command line with "\;":
$ find . -name "*.jpg" -exec ls -l {} \;
You can use sed to edit the name of a file:
$ echo DOGS_A_SLIDER.jpg | sed 's=_.*$=='
Can you count on all of your "B" files being named the same as the corresponding "A" files? That is, you will not have "DOGS_A_SLIDER.jpg" and "CATS_A_SLIDER.jpg" in the same directory. If so, something like the following isn't everything you need, but will contribute to your solution:
$ find . -type f -name "*.jpg" -exec "(echo {} | sed 's=_.*==')" \;
That particular sed script will do the wrong thing if you have any directory names with underscores in them.
"find . -type f" finds regular files; it runs modestly faster than without the -type. Use "-d" to find directories.

How to copy and rename all .yml.sample files to be .yml in Linux?

In bash I want to copy all .yml.sample files in a Git repository (recursively) and rename them to just have a .yml extension.
Eg. test.yml.sample would be copied to test.yml
Here’s as close as I’ve got, but I'm not clear on how to strip .sample off the end of the file name when I copy.
find . -depth -name "*.yml.sample" -exec sh -c 'cp "$1" "${1%/.sample/}"' _ {} \;
This should work:
find . -depth -name "*.yml.sample" -exec sh -c 'cp -p "$1" "${1%.yml.sample}.yml"' _ {} \;
The first *.yml.sample finds the files via find. Then after the -exec part, the magic happens via cp taking the results of that find via $1 and then the file extension for the copied file is set via ${1%.yml.sample}.yml where .yml.sample is the source extension, and .yml is the new destination extension.
Note I also added the -p attribute to preserve the attributes from the source file to the copied file. You might not need that, but I think it can be helpful when doing copies like this.
And—since this shell logic can be confusing—in terms of the _ {} \;, it breaks down as this:
_ {}: As explained in this answer on the Unix/Linux Stack Exchange site, “The way this works is bash takes the parameters after -c as arguments, _ {} is needed so that the contents of {} is assigned to $1 not l.”
\;: When you run find with a -exec parameter, everything that happens after that is parsed through a new shell. Meaning the main find command runs in one parent shell and stuff after -exec runs in another child shell command. If you run it as _ {} ;, the child shell command would terminate. So instead, you escape it as \; so you get _ {} \; which means only the parent sell find would interpret that ; as a “terminate” and thus the paren find command can successfully run iterative commands via -exec without stopping that child shell command. Read up on -exec command ; here.
I think you can use a tool like mmv, to mass rename all the files you need.
mmv \*.yml.sample \#1.yml
The above line should work... just make sure to test it first. Hope this helps!
Edit: If you want to copy and rename, all in one step, you can use the -c flag. That will preserve the original file, and will make a copy using the rename mask.
mmv -c \*.yml.sample \#1.yml
