How do I recursively find files with specific names and join using ImageMagick in Terminal? - macos

I have created an ImageMagick command to join images with certain names:
convert -append *A_SLIDER.jpg *B_SLIDER.jpg out.jpg
I have lots of folders with files named *A_SLIDER.jpg and *B_SLIDER.jpg next to each other (only ever one pair in a directory).
I would like to recursively search a directory with many folders and execute the command to join the images.
If it is possible to name the output image based on the input images that would be great e.g.
=> DOGS_A_SLIDER.jpg and DOGS_B_SLIDER.jpg would combine to DOGS_SLIDER.jpg

Something like this, but back up first and try on a sample directory only!
find . -name "*A_SLIDER*" -execdir bash -c ' \
out=$(ls *A_SLIDER*);
out=${out/_A/}; \
convert -append "*A_SLIDER*" "*B_SLIDER*" $out' \;
Find all files containing the letters "A_SLIDER" and go to the containing directory and start bash there. While you are there, get the name of the file, and remove the _A part to form the output filename. Then execute ImageMagick convert with the _A_ and the corresponding _B_ files to form the output file.
Or, a slightly more concise suggestion from #gniourf_gniourf... thank you.
find . -name "*A_SLIDER.jpg" -type f -execdir bash -c 'convert -append "$1" "${1/_A_/_B_}" "${1/_A/}"' _ {} \;

The "find" command will recursively search folders:
$ find . -name "*.jpg" -print
That will display all the filenames. You might instead want "-iname" which does case-insensitive filename matching.
You can add a command line with "-exec", in which "{}" is replaced by the name of the file. You must terminate the command line with "\;":
$ find . -name "*.jpg" -exec ls -l {} \;
You can use sed to edit the name of a file:
$ echo DOGS_A_SLIDER.jpg | sed 's=_.*$=='
Can you count on all of your "B" files being named the same as the corresponding "A" files? That is, you will not have "DOGS_A_SLIDER.jpg" and "CATS_A_SLIDER.jpg" in the same directory. If so, something like the following isn't everything you need, but will contribute to your solution:
$ find . -type f -name "*.jpg" -exec "(echo {} | sed 's=_.*==')" \;
That particular sed script will do the wrong thing if you have any directory names with underscores in them.
"find . -type f" finds regular files; it runs modestly faster than without the -type. Use "-d" to find directories.


How do I delete all the MP4 files with a file name not ending with -converted?

I converted/compressed several MP4 files from several folders using VLC.
The names of the converted/compressed files end with -converted, for example. 2. bubble sort-converted.mp4.
It's really cumbersome to go into each folder and delete all the original files and leave the converted files.
Using some zsh/bash command I'd like to recursively delete all the original files and leave the converted files.
For example I'll delete 3 - sorting/2. bubble sort.mp4 and will leave 3 - sorting/2. bubble sort-converted.mp4.
In easy words, delete all the files with .mp4 extension, where filesnames don't end with -converted using some zsh/bash command.
Also If there is some way to rename the converted file to the original name after deleting the original files, that will be a plus.
Thank you!
find can be used with a logical expression to match the desired files and delete them.
In your case the following can be used to verify whether it matches the files you want to delete. It finds all files that don't have converted in their names but do end in .mp4.
find . -type f -not \( -name '*converted*' \) -a -name "*.mp4"
Once you are satsified with the file list result then add -delete to do the actual delete.
find . -type f -not \( -name '*converted*' \) -a -name "*.mp4" -delete
Give this a try:
find . -name '*.mp4' | grep -v 'converted' | xargs rm -f
The zsh pure solution:
rm -f ^(*.mp4-converted)(.)
^ ................. negates
*-converted ....... pattern
(.) ............... regular files
Using gnu parallel (in case of many files)
parallel --no-notice rm -rf ::: ^(*converted)(.)
This will work even if your file names contain ', " or space:
find . -name '*.mp4' |
grep -v 'converted' |
parallel -X rm -f

Get all occurrences of a string within a directory(including subdirectories) in .gz file using bash?

I want to find all the occurrences of "getId" inside a directory which has subdirectories as follows:
i tried thisfind -name *myfile.gz -print0 | xargs -0 zgrep -i "getId" but it didn't work. Can anyone tell me the best and simplest approach to get this?
find ./ -name '*gz' -exec zgrep -aiH 'getSorById' {} \;
find allows you to execute a command on the file using "-exe" and it replaces "{}" with the file name, you terminate the command with "\;"
I added "-H" to zgrep so it also prints out the file path when it has a match, as its helpful. "-a" treats binary files as text (since you might get tar-ed gzipped files)
Lastly, its best to quote your strings in case bash starts globbing them.
Use the following find approach:
find . -name *myfile.gz -exec zgrep -ai 'getSORByID' {} \;
This will print all possible lines containing getSORByID substring

bash shell: recursively search folder and subfolders for files from list

Until now when I want to gather files from a list I have been using a list that contains full paths and using:
cat pathlist.txt | xargs -I % cp % folder
However, I would like be able to recursively search through a folder and it's subfolders and copy all files that are in a plain text list of just filenames (not full paths).
How would I go about doing this?
Assuming your list of file names contains bare file names, as would be suitable for passing as an argument to find -name, you can do just that.
sed 's/^/-name /;1!s/^/-o /' pathlist.txt |
xargs -I % find folders to search -type f \( % \) -exec cp -t folder \+
If your cp doesn't support the -t option for specifying the destination folder before the sources, or your find doesn't support -exec ... \+ you will need to adapt this.
Just to explain what's going on here, the input
is being interpolated into
find folders to search -type f \( -name test.txt -o -name radish.avi \
-o name : \) -exec cp -t folder \+
Try something like
find folder_to_search -type f | grep -f pattern_file | xargs -I % cp % folder
Use the find command.
while read line
find /path/to/search/for -type f -name "$line" -exec cp -R {} /path/to/copy/to \;
done <plain_text_file_containing_file_names
The files in the list have standard names without, say newlines or special characters in them.
If the files in the list have non-standard filenames, tt will be different ballgame. For more information see find manpage and look for -print0. In short you should be operating with null terminated strings then.

How to delete a file except in any one of the subdirectory using shell script

Hi I want to delete a file from any of the subdirectories except one of the subdirectory.
For ex
folder a->a.txt
folder b->subdir 1 -> msgdir-> a.txt
folder c->
Now i want to delete a.txt only in folder a but not the file in msgdir .msgdir can be in any level of subdirectories as it would be changing.
Please help me to resolve this.
This will ignore specifically the msgdir at any level and remove a.txt except in msgdir.
find . ! -path '*/msgdir/*' -name a.txt -type f -delete
Tested with GNU find 4.4.2 and BSD find (Mac Yosemite).
The following approach is overkill if you have GNU find (or a newer BSD one), with the -path option. Otherwise, read on...
You haven't specified which shell you're using but if you have bash, you could go with something like this:
find -name a.txt -exec bash -c "[[ '{}' != */msgdir/* ]]" \; -print
This filters out paths containing /msgdir/, as the test will only pass if the file path doesn't contain the string. If you're happy with the results, you can change -print to -delete.
Without bash, you could use grep to determine the match:
find -name a.txt -exec sh -c "printf '%s' '{}' | grep -qv '/msgdir/'" \; -print

Moving multiple files in subdirectories (and/or splitting strings by multichar delimeter) [bash]

So basically, I have a folder with a bunch of subfolders all with over 100 files in them. I want to take all of the mp3 files (really generic extension since I'll have to do this with jpg, etc.) and move them to a new folder in the original directory. So basically the file structure looks like this:
... etc.
and I want it to look like this:
... etc.
I figured I would use a bash script that looked along these lines:
STR=`find ./ -type f -name \*.mp3`
FILES=(echo $STR | tr ".mp3 " "\n")
for x in $FILES
echo "> [$x]"
I just have it echo for now, but eventually I would want to use mv to get it to the correct folder. Obviously this doesn't work though because tr sees each character as a delimiter, so if you guys have a better idea I'd appreciate it.
(FYI, I'm running netbook Ubuntu, so if there's a GUI way akin to Windows' search, I would not be against using it)
If the music folder exists then the following should work -
find /path/to/search -type f -iname "*.mp3" -exec mv {} path/to/music \;
A -exec command must be terminated with a ; (so you usually need to type \; or ';' to avoid interpretion by the shell) or a +. The difference is that with ;, the command is called once per file, with +, it is called just as few times as possible (usually once, but there is a maximum length for a command line, so it might be split up) with all filenames.
You can do it like this:
find /some/dir -type f -iname '*.mp3' -exec mv \{\} /where/to/move/ \;
The \{\} part will be replaced by the found file name/path. The \; part sets the end for the -exec part, it can't be left out.
If you want to print what was found, just add a -print flag like:
find /some/dir -type f -iname '*.mp3' -print -exec mv \{\} /where/to/move/ \;
