Windows equivalent to pause() syscall? - windows

I would like to create a minimal Windows executable that does nothing - and is minimal in size.
All I care about is keeping a process entry in the task manager.
On Linux, this is very easy (it only takes 2 assembly instructions to use the pause
syscall). How can I achieve similar results on Windows?
I'm trying to keep the executable size to a minimum, I don't want to have 10kB executable that literally does nothing.
Is there a way to achieve this in assembly? As I mentioned, I'd rather not include huge libraries just to make the process "hang".

As Hans suggests in the comments, Sleep(INFINITE) is probably the simplest non-busy wait. It does however mean you have to kill the process with Task Manager to stop it.
Calling MessageBox followed by ExitProcess is probably less annoying if you need to start/stop this process multiple times.
You can probably get it down to 1 KiB with Visual C++ if you don't use the CRT (WinMainCRTStartup and compile with /Zl and smaller alignment)
You can get it slightly smaller with assembly but it is probably not worth it.


Using binary breakpoints in GDB - how exact is the location?

I have some memorydumps from Linux Redhat GCC compiled programs like:
When I open mardb82 and put the breakpoint with break *0x40853b it will give me C filename/lineno which seems quite correct, but not completely.
Can I trust it, and what does it depend on? Is it sufficient if the source file in question is the same or does the files making up the executable have to be the same?
Can I find the locations in sources in some other way?
(Max debug info and sources are present, I haven't tried not having the sources present or passing them in)
When I open mardb82 and put the breakpoint with break *0x40853b it will give me C filename/lineno which seems quite correct, but not completely.
A faster way to get the filename/line:
addr2line -fe /path/to/mardb82 0x40853b
You didn't say where the ...bin/mardb82[0x40853b] line came from. Assuming it is a part of a crash stack, note that the instruction is usually the next after a CALL, so you may be interested in 0x40853b-5 (on *86 architectures) for all but the innermost level in the stack.
what does it depend on? Is it sufficient if the source file in question is the same or does the files making up the executable have to be the same?
The instruction address depends on the particular executable. Any change to source code comprising that executable, to compilation or linking flags, etc. etc. may cause the instructions to shift to a different address.

Calling os.Lstat only if the file has changed since the last time I called os.Lstat

I'm trying to write a program, calcsize, that calculates the size of all sub directories. I want to create a cache of the result and only re-walk the directory if it has changed since the last time I've run the program.
Something like:
/absolute/file/path1/ 1000 Bytes
/absolute/file/path2/ 2000 Bytes
I'm already walking the dirs with my own walk implementation because the built in go filepath.Walk is already calling Lstat on every file.
Is there any way to know if a directory or set of files has changed without calling Lstat on every file? Maybe a system call I'm not aware of?
In general, no. However you might want to look at:
And using that data you can skip some of the stat calls, if you only care about files.
Whether, and how, this is possible depends heavily on your operating system. But you might take a look at which claims to offer this (I've never used it--I just now found it via Google).
In general, look at any Go program that provides a 'watch' feature. GoConvey and GopherJS's serve mode come to mind as examples, but there are others (possibly even in the standard library).

Debugging a program without source code (Unix / GDB)

This is homework. Tips only, no exact answers please.
I have a compiled program (no source code) that takes in command line arguments. There is a correct sequence of a given number of command line arguments that will make the program print out "Success." Given the wrong arguments it will print out "Failure."
One thing that is confusing me is that the instructions mention two system tools (doesn't name them) which will help in figuring out the correct arguments. The only tool I'm familiar with (unless I'm overlooking something) is GDB so I believe I am missing a critical component of this challenge.
The challenge is to figure out the correct arguments. So far I've run the program in GDB and set a breakpoint at main but I really don't know where to go from there. Any pro tips?
Are you sure you have to debug it? It would be easier to disassemble it. When you disassemble it look for cmp
There exists not only tools to decompile X86 binaries to Assembler code listings, but also some which attempt to show a more high level or readable listing. Try googling and see what you find. I'd be specific, but then, that would be counterproductive if your job is to learn some reverse engineering skills.
It is possible that the code is something like this: If Arg(1)='FOO' then print "Success". So you might not need to disassemble at all. Instead you only might need to find a tool which dumps out all strings in the executable that look like sequences of ASCII characters. If the sequence you are supposed to input is not in the set of characters easily input from the keyboard, there exist many utilities that will do this. If the program has been very carefully constructed, the author won't have left "FOO" if that was the "password" in plain sight, but will have tried to obscure it somewhat.
Personally I would start with an ltrace of the program with any arbitrary set of arguments. I'd then use the strings command and guess from that what some of the hidden argument literals might be. (Let's assume, for the moment, that the professor hasn't encrypted or obfuscated the strings and that they appear in the binary as literals). Then try again with one or two (or the requisite number, if number).
If you're lucky the program was compiled and provided to you without running strip. In that case you might have the symbol table to help. Then you could try single stepping through the program (read the gdb manuals). It might be tedious but there are ways to set a breakpoint and tell the debugger to run through some function call (such as any from the standard libraries) and stop upon return. Doing this repeatedly (identify where it's calling into standard or external libraries, set a breakpoint for the next instruction after the return, let gdb run the process through the call, and then inspect what the code is doing besides that.
Coupled with the ltrace it should be fairly easy to see the sequencing of the strcmp() (or similar) calls. As you see the string against which your input is being compared you can break out of the whole process and re-invoke the gdb and the program with that one argument, trace through 'til the next one and so on. Or you might learn some more advanced gdb tricks and actually modify your argument vector and restart main() from scratch.
It actually sounds like fun and I might have my wife whip up a simple binary for me to try this on. It might also create a little program to generate binaries of this sort. I'm thinking of a little #INCLUDE in the sources which provides the "passphrase" of arguments, and a make file that selects three to five words from /usr/dict/words, generates that #INCLUDE file from a template, then compiles the binary using that sequence.

How do I determine where process executable code starts and ends when loaded in memory?

Say I have app TestApp.exe
While TestApp.exe is running I want a separate program to be able to read the executable code that is resident in memory. I'd like to ignore stack and heap and anything else that is tangential.
Put another way, I guess I'm asking how to determine where the memory-side equivalent of the .exe binary data on disk resides. I realize it's not a 1:1 stuffing into memory.
Edit: I think what I'm asking for is shown as Image in the following screenshot of vmmap.exe
Edit: I am able to get from memory all memory that is tagged with any protect flag of Execute* (PAGE_EXECUTE, etc) using VirtualQueryEx and ReadProcessMemory. There are a couple issues with that. First, I'm grabbing about 2 megabytes of data for notepad.exe which is a 189 kilobyte file on disk. Everything I'm grabbing has a protect flag of PAGE_EXECUTE. Second, If I run it on a different Win7 64bit machine I get the same data, only split in half and in a different order. I could use some expert guidance. :)
Edit: Also, not sure why I'm at -1 for this question. If I need to clear anything up please let me know.
Inject a DLL to the target process and call GetModuleHandle with the name of the executable. That will point to its PE header that has been loaded in the memory. Once you have this information, you can parse the PE header manually and find where .text section is located relative to the base address of the image in the memory.
no need to inject a dll
use native api hooking apis
I learned a ton doing this project. I ended up parsing the PE header and using that information to route me all over. In the end I accomplished what I set out to and I am more knowledgeable as a result.

gcc or javac slow at first startup

Can anyone explain why in linux when I start gcc or javac after some time of inactivity it takes a while for them to start. Subsequent invocations are way faster. Is there a way to ensure quick startup always? (This requirement may seem strange, but is necessary in my case). Ubuntu by the way.
Most likely, it's the time it takes for code pages to fault in. There are a few ways to avoid this delay if you really have to. The simplest would be to run gcc periodically. Another would be to install gcc to a RAM disk.
Another approach would be to make a list of which files are involved and then write a simple program to lock all those files into memory. You can use something like:strace -f gcc *rest of gcc command* 2>&1 | grep open | grep -v -- -1
Use a GCC command line that's typical of how you are using GCC.
You'll find libraries and binaries being opened in there. Make a full list in a file. Then write a program that calls mlockall(MCL_FUTURE) then reads in filenames from the file. For each file, mmap it into memory and read each byte. Then have the program just sleep forever (or until killed).
This will have the effect of forcing every page of every file in memory. You should check the total size of all these files and make sure it's not a significant fraction of the amount of memory you actually have!
By the way, there used to be something called a sticky bit that did something like this. If by some chance your platform supports it, just set it on all the files used. (Although it traditionally caused the files to be saved to swap, which on a modern system won't make things any faster.)
