Using binary breakpoints in GDB - how exact is the location? - gcc

I have some memorydumps from Linux Redhat GCC compiled programs like:
When I open mardb82 and put the breakpoint with break *0x40853b it will give me C filename/lineno which seems quite correct, but not completely.
Can I trust it, and what does it depend on? Is it sufficient if the source file in question is the same or does the files making up the executable have to be the same?
Can I find the locations in sources in some other way?
(Max debug info and sources are present, I haven't tried not having the sources present or passing them in)

When I open mardb82 and put the breakpoint with break *0x40853b it will give me C filename/lineno which seems quite correct, but not completely.
A faster way to get the filename/line:
addr2line -fe /path/to/mardb82 0x40853b
You didn't say where the ...bin/mardb82[0x40853b] line came from. Assuming it is a part of a crash stack, note that the instruction is usually the next after a CALL, so you may be interested in 0x40853b-5 (on *86 architectures) for all but the innermost level in the stack.
what does it depend on? Is it sufficient if the source file in question is the same or does the files making up the executable have to be the same?
The instruction address depends on the particular executable. Any change to source code comprising that executable, to compilation or linking flags, etc. etc. may cause the instructions to shift to a different address.


what do I do with an SIGFPE address in gdb?

While running an executable in gdb, I encountered the following error:
Program received signal SIGFPE, Arithmetic exception.
0x08158307 in radtra_ ()
How do I understand what line number and file does 0x08158307 without recompiling or otherwise modifying the source? if it helps, the source language was Fortran.
How do I understand what line number and file does 0x08158307 without recompiling or otherwise modifying the source?
That isn't easy. You could use GDB disassemble command, look for access to global variables and CALL instructions, and make a guess where inside radtra_ you are. This is harder the larger the routine is, the more optimizations compiler has applied to it, and the fewer calls and global variable accesses are performed.
If you can't guess, your only options are:
Rebuild the application adding -g flag, but leaving all other compile options unmodified, then use addr2line to translate the address to line number. (This is how you should build the application from the start.)
If you can't rebuild the entire application, rebuild just the source containing radtra_ (again with same flags, but add -g). You should be able to match the output from objdump -d radtra.o with the output from disassemble. Once you have a match, read output from readelf -wl radtra.o or objdump -g radtra.o to associate code offsets within radtra_ with source lines that code was generated from.
Hire an expert to guess for you. This wouldn't be cheap, as people skilled in this kind of reverse engineering are usually gainfully employed and value their time.

What are gcc linker map files used for?

What are the ".map" files generated by gcc/g++ linker option "-Map" used for ?
And how to read them ?
I recommend generating a map file and keeping a copy for any software you put into production.
It can be useful for deciphering crash reports. Depending on the system, you likely can get a stack dump from the crash. The stack dump will include memory addresses and one of the registers will include the Instruction Pointer. That tells you the memory address code was executing at. On some systems, code addresses can be moved around (when loading dynamic libraries, hence, dynamic), but the lower order bytes should remain the same.
The map file is a MAP from memory location -> code location. It gives you the name of the function at a given memory address. Due to optimizations, it may not be extremely accurate, but it gives you a place to start in terms of looking for bugs that cause the crash.
Now, in 30 years of writing commercial software, this is the only thing I've used the map files for. Twice successfully.
What are the ".map" files generated by gcc/g++ linker option "-Map" used for?
There is no such thing as 'gcc linker' -- GCC and linker are independent and separate projects.
Usually the map is used for understanding decisions that ld made while linking the binary. From man ld:
Print a link map to the standard output.
A link map provides information about the link, including the following:
· Where object files are mapped into memory.
· How common symbols are allocated.
· All archive members included in the link, with a mention of the symbol which caused the archive member to be brought in.
· The values assigned to symbols.
If you don't understand what that means, you likely don't (yet) have the questions that this output answers, and hence have no need to read it.
The compiler gcc is one program that generates object code files, the linker ld is a second program to combine the object code files into an executable. The two can be combined into a single command line.
If you are generating a program to run on an ARM processor you need to use arm-none-eabi-gcc and arm-none-eabi-ld so that the code will be correct for the ARM architecture. Gcc and ld will generate code for your host computer.

How to rename debugging information?

EDIT: I am rephrasing entirely my original question as it was far from clear (it's non-clearness can be seen at the bottom!).
I am developing a RTOS where both the kernel and the applications must be mapped to very specific locations in memory. For example:
0x00000000:0x0000ffff: application #1
0x00010000:0x0000ffff: application #2
0xffff0000:0xffffffff: kernel
The applications (and the kernel) are developed (and compiled) separately. To merged everything into a single executable, the following process is used:
(Separately) Compile the kernel and the applications (stripped of any symbols).
(Through a script) Generate a linker script to relocate the kernel and the applications to the desired locations. To prevent any conflicts between sections' names, the generated linker script "renames" all sections of all applications (e.g. .app1.text,, .app1.bss, ...).
Link using the previously generated linker script (i.e. merge all).
Question 1) Is it possible to replace steps #2 and #3 with something like the following process?
Relocate the object files of the kernel and the applications to the desired position.
Rename all symbols on the applications' object files (to prevent name clashes).
Merge all.
I'm trying to replace the generation of the linker script with some already available tools.
Step #1 should be possible through the creation of a position independent executable (I still have to investigate this).
Step #2 is possible through GNU objcopy.
For Step #3 I have no possible solution yet. If GNU ld is used, it uses some default linker script and the previous relocation is lost. If GNU gdb accepted archives generated from GNU ar the problem would be solved (I guess!).
Question 2) If the above process is possible, can it be applied to debugging information as well?
Step #1 should remain intact.
For step #2 I am not sure if debugging information gets renamed or not.
The problem with step #3 remains.
The original question follows:
I have a custom kernel and one or more applications and, I want to use
GDB to debug the entire system. In order to avoid any name clashes
during linkage I use objcopy to rename all the sections and symbols
names (applications' start addresses are hard-coded in the kernel).
However, debugging information is [I guess] hard-coded inside those
.debug.* sections and do not get renamed.
Is there a way to rename the debugging information? And, after that,
merge that information with another set of already existent debugging
I have searched GCC's manual to see if I can find an option to prefix
(like a global namespace) all symbols during compilation, but I
haven't found any.
My guess is that there is a debugging format which exposes its
information on the objects symbol table (which can be renamed).
Answer to Question 1)
Step #1 should be possible through the creation of a position
independent executable (I still have to investigate this).
No, it is not possible. A position independent executable is useful when the load address of the executable is known only at load time. In my case, I want to hardwire the load address.
For Step #3 I have no possible solution yet. If GNU ld is used, it
uses some default linker script and the previous relocation is lost.
If GNU gdb accepted archives generated from GNU ar the problem would
be solved (I guess!).
There seems to be no workaround. A linker script is thus mandatory.
Answer to Question 2)
For step #2 I am not sure if debugging information gets renamed or
In fact, debugging information does not get renamed. You can use objdump -s and check that debugging information is hardwired inside those .debug.* sections.
Even without debugging information you can use the object file's symbol table to set breakpoints. However, instead b main your must use b * main because the symbols in the symtable are interpreted as address. This is not much, but it certainly helps.

gcc or javac slow at first startup

Can anyone explain why in linux when I start gcc or javac after some time of inactivity it takes a while for them to start. Subsequent invocations are way faster. Is there a way to ensure quick startup always? (This requirement may seem strange, but is necessary in my case). Ubuntu by the way.
Most likely, it's the time it takes for code pages to fault in. There are a few ways to avoid this delay if you really have to. The simplest would be to run gcc periodically. Another would be to install gcc to a RAM disk.
Another approach would be to make a list of which files are involved and then write a simple program to lock all those files into memory. You can use something like:strace -f gcc *rest of gcc command* 2>&1 | grep open | grep -v -- -1
Use a GCC command line that's typical of how you are using GCC.
You'll find libraries and binaries being opened in there. Make a full list in a file. Then write a program that calls mlockall(MCL_FUTURE) then reads in filenames from the file. For each file, mmap it into memory and read each byte. Then have the program just sleep forever (or until killed).
This will have the effect of forcing every page of every file in memory. You should check the total size of all these files and make sure it's not a significant fraction of the amount of memory you actually have!
By the way, there used to be something called a sticky bit that did something like this. If by some chance your platform supports it, just set it on all the files used. (Although it traditionally caused the files to be saved to swap, which on a modern system won't make things any faster.)

Getting line number from pdb in release mode

Is it possible for the debugger (or the CLR exception handler) to show the line where the exception happened in Release mode using the pdb?
The code, in release mode, is optimized and do not always follow the order and logic of the "original" code.
It's also surprising that the debugger can navigate through my code step by step, even in Release mode. The optimization should make the navigation very inconfortable.
Could you please clarify those two points for me?
I'm not as familiar with how this is done with CLR, but it's probably very similar to how it's done with native code. When the compiler generates machine instructions, it adds entries to the pdb that basically say "the instruction at the current address, X, came from line 25 in foo.cpp".
The debugger knows what program address is currently executing. So it looks up some address, X, in the pdb and sees that it came from line 25 in foo.cpp. Using this, it's able to "step" through your source code.
This process is the same regardless of Debug or Release mode (provided that a pdb is generated at all in Release mode). You are right, however, that often in release mode due to optimizations the debugger won't step "linearly" through the code. It might jump around to different lines unexpectedly. This is due to the optimizer changing the order of instructions, but it doesn't change the address-to-source-line mapping, so the debugger is still able to follow it.
[#Not Sure] has it almost right. The compiler makes a best effort at identifying an appropriate line number that closely matches the current machine code instruction.
The PDB and the debugger don't know anything about optimizations; the PDB file essentially maps address locations in the machine code to source code line numbers. In optimized code, it's not always possible to match exactly an assembly instruction to a specific line of source code, so the compiler will write to the PDB the closest thing it has at hand. This might be "the source code line before", or "the source code line of the enclosing context (loop, etc)" or something else.
Regardless, the debugger essentially finds the entry in the PDB map closest (as in "before or equal") to the current IP (Instruction Pointer) and highlights that line.
Sometimes the match is not very good, and that's when you see the highlighted area jumping all over the place.
The debugger makes a best-effort guess at where the problem occurred. It is not guaranteed to be 100% accurate, and with fully optimized code, it often will be inaccurate - I've found the inaccuracies ranging anywhere from a few lines off to having an entirely wrong call stack.
How accurate the debugger is with optimized code really depends on the code itself and which optimizations you're making.
Reference the following SO question:
Display lines number in stack trace for .NET assembly in release mode
