Square E-commerce Api integration to clients website - square-connect

Sorry if this is a simple question but I am trying to understand the best way to do this and I am new to Square development. I have a customer who has the Square chip card reader device on their cell phone and they are taking credit cards today. They also have a website which is using a oscommerce shopping cart and authorize.net gateway for processing orders on their website. What they want to do is just use Square and change the website so it integrates with their existing Square account. I understand the basic process of how to do this with the E-commerce API but I am a little confused on the developer / merchant Credentials.
This is a one off development for them so I do not think I want to use the oAuth method.
If they are a merchant today do they have to sign up under the developer area and create a app using the Application Dashboard so that they have a personal access token and application ID that I would use on their website? ( I already signed up and have a developer account)
What information about a sale is shown on their Square account once I integrate the secure SqPaymentForm payment form onto their website? Today all the details on the order are in the shopping cart such as what the customer ordered, the shipping address etc. Is this now going to appear on the Square account for them or do I still need to maintain this information in the shopping cart? It would be good if they could use a single interface such as the Square account.
thanks for your help.

If you don't to use OAuth, you'll have to have the merchant go to the Square Developer Portal and give you their personal access token and application id.
There are many different ways you can implement an online store, so where the information lives is all up to you. You probably want to keep your existing shopping cart functionality and just implement square for the payments, as that will likely be easiest and ensure you have all the data you want.


Referral program in Metaplex storefront

What is the best way to create "Referral program" in Metaplex storefront?
A referral program works by inviting customers to become brand ambassadors. They join the referral marketing program and get a unique code or link to share with their network. so the referral program tracks the activity of a customers’ code or link. If someone purchases using it, the referrer will earn a reward.
Most likely you'll have to implement this yourself in a traditional web2 way with a database and backend with a login system.
When a user makes a purchase via web3 you could modify the purchase function to then also store a referer in your database upon purchase confirmation.
Then when a user logs in you could then refer to the database to see how many referals the user has generated for you and show them on a form of dashboard for them to see.
Unfortuantely do the to broad question in general I can't really give you much more of an elaborate answer than that currently.

How to create e-wallet in laravel website

I am developing a website in laravel I want to apply a e-wallet system on my website(Like Paytm).
This is first time I am doing this, I read on different places, saw methods using java and also read that I can sign-up for existing Wallets like PayTM, Payu Money, etc and integrate the same in the store.
But how to do it?
I used: https://github.com/tzsk/payu to add payu on my website.
Can you please tell me how can I make such a wallet? I have a wallet named table in databse when I added payu with one of the pages, I think it might bs used?
I made this wallet link, which will link user to different page where he can add money to his wallet as in here : https://paytm.com/paytmwallet
But, how can I add the payu feature of adding money to the wallet there?
You have to register as a merchant for a payment gateway on payemnt gatway providers like traknpay or payu and if your business is approved they will provide you with all details about integrating it in your website using there apis.

Using Plaid Link with Connect and Auth

I am using the Plaid Link javascript library but I am running into an issue. I want to be able to use both the Auth and Connect products but the Link modal only allows me to show either Auth or Connect but not both. The documentation says to use Auth and then upgrade my token to use Connect. Which is fine I can do that. However the Auth modal will not show any credit only institutions like AmEx. Since I want both to allow for Stripe integration and for pulling in all of a user's transactional data across all institutions, what's the best way to do this?
Currently I am considering showing the different modals in two different flows (add a bank account vs add a transaction history account) but that is not very good UX. Also the IDs assigned by Plaid will be different and have different access tokens so deduping is a nightmare.
Or writing a custom modal that will use the Auth product for institutions with bank accounts (Chase) and the Connect product for credit only institutions (AmEx) but that will likely be a lot of work.
You'll only be able to use the Plaid Link + Stripe ACH integration for institutions that support Auth. I'd recommend initializing Link with Auth as the product and then upgrading to Connect once you have exchanged the Link public token for a Plaid API access token.
To answer the UX question you brought up - you can actually bypass using Link's standard "institution select" view and instead display your own list (you can use the /institutions API endpoints to pull information about supported institutions) using Link's custom integration.
That way, you can show your users a single list of supported institutions. If you initialize Link twice (once with Auth and once with Connect) you can jump directly to the Auth-initialized Link or Connect-initialized Link depending on the user's institution.

Manage ads for app users

My web app is helping small businesses create content for their business pages.
I want to add the ability for my users to promote their posts.
most of my users don't have an ads account.
I can think of two options:
ask them to create an ads account
ask them to give my user an advertiser privilege for their page and use my own ads account
is there a better, more automated solution than these two options? if not, which one is preferred?
You should ask them to create their own ad account.
Shared ad account owned by you woud make it impossible for your customers to choose different payment methods, currency, contact info and other. They also wouldn't be able to generate invoices, which may be crucial for business customers.
Also you won't need to handle your customers' expenses. On a shared account I can easily imagine a case where a customer is boosting posts using your app, but doesn't pay for it. In that case you would be the one to pay the Facebook, since you'd own a shared account and you couldn't leave it without money because of other customers using it.

How do I login with PayPal to save user_id?

Is it possible to use a "login with PayPal" button through the PayPal API? I want to use it as a twitter signin to link your paypal account once to the app, then have it store a user_id.
Is this possible?
I want some kind of 'connect to paypal' behaviour. Think about a shop where goods are sold and get paid to the shop onwers paypal account. The shop owner must verify (connnect) once his paypal account and the app will then know where all payments must go.
It is also possible to just ask for the shop owners paypal email account, but this ain't really low level in my opinion.
If this even was posssible to do I wouldn't do such a thing for authentication.
The reason is, the user could easily assign that he has to pay for every login with this procedure.
