I have installed gvim and vim in mobaxterm 8 (using apt-get and mobapt respectively), and can't get either to work. nano works fine.
When I run the program, the cursor moves to a new line in the terminal but nothing happens.
I have also tried creating a .vimrc. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks.
I installed the latest version of MobaXterm as up today which is 9.1 (http://mobaxterm.mobatek.net/download-home-edition.html) and the list of bug fixes includes the freezing problem you are are talking about. It works for me now and I no longer see that issue. The only thing is that after the installation is completed you need to download the CygUtils plugin and copy it to the same folder where the MobaXterm executable is located and then restart the application. It seems overall more stable now. Hope that helps.
I am using V9.4 which already has the vim. To configure the environment for your vim you may creat a .vimrc file in your home directory (go to the directory using cd command only).
Following instructions to manually install arduino IDE here
Reason for manual installation is because package manager has an older version of the plugin (10 months).
After placing it in ../Packages, I open ST3 and watch Finder. Initially, the folder extracted is named "Stino-new-stino". A folder is created at ../Packages/User/Stino with what seems to be options for the topmenu, and then the Stino-new-stino folder is deleted.
Tried to put extracted folder into ../Installed Packages, as well as ../Packages/User, but doesn't get detected.
Also noticed that my TomorrowTheme package got moved into my ../Packages/User/SublimeLinter.
I removed SublimeLinter and it still seems to be happening so I'm thinking it's an ST3 thing.
There was some funky beta code happening and had to remove package-metadata.json for it to stop deleting itself.
-bash: sencha: command not found
I just spent a few hours trying to make this Sencha Cmd works on my MacBook, but just couldn't. I uninstalled a previous version and just couldn't get it to work again. I always get the
-bash: sencha: command not found
error. I did try everything in this post, without success.... I even get an error when I call
stating that it's not found... Do you have any idea what could be the problem ?
I'm fairly new to the Linux command world so I might miss a point here. Maybe I might use "sudo" to be granted acces to bask_profile ?
EDIT : I got it working for the current bash session. I position myself at the user root (~/) and call ". .bash_profile"(the space is important here). BUT... it only works for the current session. As soon as I close Terminal and reopen it, I loose everything :-(
OK, just so you know, I managed to fix the damn thing be opening and editing the ".bash_profile" file in a text editor (TextMate for me). This is an hidden file, but you can configure your Mac to show those files in Finder. The file is located at your user's root. It is quite annoying to have to spend hour messing in path and environment variables in 2013... Installer should do those things and reports error if something happens in the install process.
Every time I open my Terminal application at work it starts from a clean slate (e.g. it opens from the ~/ directory). But at home on my laptop my Terminal always remembers the last directory I was in (and all the commands on the screen) and displays them to me.
I'm trying to get this to happen when I'm at work but I can't find any information on it (I've no idea why or how my laptop managed to set itself to work that way?).
The only thing I've found out is that I can change the preferences so the Terminal executes a particular command when the app is started up, but that's not quite what I want (simply because I'm not sure what command I would run to get the Terminal to go to the directory I was looking at when I had the Terminal open last).
Any ideas?
Since you're using Lion, it should do that automatically.
You might have disabled the Resume functionality systemwide or in Terminal.
Make sure it's enabled systemwide. You can also try to manually enable it for Terminal:
defaults write com.apple.Terminal NSQuitAlwaysKeepsWindows -bool true
So, I opened a xib file from an older project and it caused a crash. That's not the issue. The issue is that now when I restart Xcode, it tries to open all previously opened projects (and files) and the crash re-occurs. Where does Xcode store the list of previously open files, and how can I get it to start 'clean' without any open projects?
Update: As a note - this is the latest version of Xcode 4.2 on Lion.
Press option+Shift when clicking on the Xcode icon in the dock. Xcode then starts without opening previously used projects. This is related to version Version 4.5.2 (4G2008a) but I am almost sure that I used it in older versions as well.
I've recently had a similar problem. I tried the methods above and could launch Xcode from the command line, but as soon as I tried to open from the finder, it would try to open the "bad" document and hang.
I eventually resolved it by removing the contents of :
~/Library/Autosave Information/
~/Library/Saved Application State/com.apple.dt.Xcode.savedState
This seems to have fixed it for me.
I just spent half the day stressing over a very similar issue. I had tried updating and reinstalling Xcode - but the problem still persisted. Thankfully, a few minutes ago, I managed to solve this by doing what your question states with the help of this post.
Basically, I opened another Xcode project (it can be any file, though) from the terminal using the following command:
open -a /Applications/Xcode.app app.xcodeproj/ --args -ApplePersistenceIgnoreState YES
This successfully launched Xcode with the standard 'Welcome to Xcode' dialog box you usually get. Hope that helps!
I was able to do it with the following command line in Mavericks:
open -a /Applications/Xcode.app --args -ApplePersistenceIgnoreState YES
Not specific to Xcode:
Please make sure Close windows when quitting an application checkbox is checked under System Preferences > General.
You can stop Xcode from opening the last project by running the following command:
defaults write com.apple.dt.Xcode ApplePersistenceIgnoreState -bool YES
This and other useful commands are here.
Instead of looking for the file that contains Xcode's settings, take a look at the settings themselves using the defaults command:
% defaults read com.apple.xcode | more
I notice two keys that might be relevant: NSRecentXCFileDocuments and NSRecentXCProjectDocuments. Both appear to be arrays, so you could reset one like this:
% defaults write com.apple.xcode NSRecentXCFileDocuments -array ""
Alternately, you could use the defaults read command to dump the settings into a text file, edit that, and then use defaults write to update the settings:
% defaults read com.apple.xcode > xcsettings.plist
// edit xcsettins.plist with your favorite editor
% defaults write com.apple.xcode < xcsettings.plist
Given the project name "MyProject" in directory ~/Documents/Projects/MyProject do the following:
cd ~/Documents/Projects
mv MyProject MyProject.x
open -a Xcode
close MyProject (Option+Command+W)
mv MyProject.x MyProject
open -a Xcode
The this solved the crash for me... however my Storboard was corrupt. Fortunately the Time Machine backup of the folder was intact, I just restored it.
For me it wasn't a project that was causing the crash on startup, it was a particular file (an sks to be exact), so Kay's answer didn't work. When I went to open my particular project, it would still crash.
I simply temporarily deleted the file. Then I opened the project, cleaned, and re-added the file, and all was well.
I think Xcode may update its cache when you quit. It solved my issue to:
close projects
quit Xcode
reopen Xcode.