Go To File and Go To Member - de/select Current Document automatically in Visual Studio 2017 - visual-studio

I'm trying to wean myself off DPack for navigation because the new Go To feature is great. However, when Current Document is selected, Go To File doesn't work.
What I'm looking for is:
have Go To File (Ctrl+T > f MyFile.cs) work even with Current Document selected (or automatically deselect it)
have Go To Member (Ctrl+T > m MyMember) automatically select Current Document
or customize the Ctrl+Alt+C shortcut to be less cumbersome.
Are any of those possible?

Based on answer from Sergey Vlasov
Install Visual Commander extension to Visual Stuido
Open Visual Studio and go to menu VCmd / Import...
Import Go to member and file commands file
Imports GoToMember and GoToFile commands
Go to menu Tools / Options, open category Environment / Keyboard
Search for VCmd
Assign keyboard shortcut to VCmd.Command01 (belongs to imported GoToMember command)
You can use Alt+\ which is also used by ReSharper, which does same thing.
Assign keyboard shortcut to VCmd.Command02 (belongs to imported GoToFile command)
You can use Ctrl+T or Ctrl+, to override default GoToAll from Visual Studio

You can control the Current Document option with my Visual Commander extension. See Go to a member in the current document and Go to a file in the solution commands.


Make Visual Studio use VS code shortcut keys / key bindings

I've been using VSCode a lot lately and have gotten used to the keys-shortcuts/key-bindings (Ctrl+D, Ctrl+P, Alt+leftArrow, etc). However I've recently had some work where I needed to use regular Visual Studio (Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise 2019) and it's painful remembering two different shortcut keys.
Is there a way to import VSCode key-shortcuts to into regular Visual Studio?
I've looked at this question and there wasn't much help besides manually changing them one at a time.
UPDATE: now the above post answers the question now that I posed Francois du Plessis's answer there.
If you go to Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Keyboard. There should be an option to select Visual Studio Code as a Keyboard mapping scheme
You can create your own settings file based on an existing Visual Studio file.
Simply add your settings to it from VSCode keybinding setting file.
VSCode's keybinding settings is stored in keybindings.json json-formated file.
open file in menu
File->Preferences->Keyboard Shortcuts
or on Windows file path like that
C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Roaming\Code\..\keybindings.json
Visual Studio's keybinding settings is stored in CurrentSettings.vssettings xml-formated file.
on VS menu:
Tools->Import and Export Settings
then select 'Import select environment setting' radiobutton and click 'Next'
you'll see browser for import your file.
on Windows file path like that
C:\Users\<user name>\Documents\Visual Studio 2019\Settings\
You can read more about it at this:
Make Visual Studio use VS code shortcut keys/key bindings

Visual Studio shortcut for opening command prompt in current project path

On a keyboard shortcut, I want to be able to start the Windows command prompt with the working directory set to the current project directory selected in solution explorer (or text editor). Unfortunately, I am unable to find an appropriate keyboard shortcut in the Visual Studio settings.
Is such a thing possible inside Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code? And if so, how can I set it up?
Sure this is possible!
Configure an external tool
You have to set up a custom external tool. For that, go to Tools > External Tools... and click Add and configure the tool like this:
Setup the keyboard shortcut
Next, you want to bind a shortcut to that external tool. For that go to Tools > Options > Environment > Keyboard and bind your desired shortcut to Tools.ExternalCommand1. Make sure you have moved the external tool to the first position in the window shown above.
Additional Information (For Visual Studio Code)
To Open New Command Prompt use Ctrl+Shift+C to perform same action
named workbench.action.terminal.openNativeConsole

Reassociate files types for visual studio 2012

I've had an install of 2012 for a while, but I've had to also just install VS 2010. As expected, all my file associations now point to VS2010 and the icons aren't so intuitive. Without doing each file manually through the explorer menu, how can I quickly revert/change the associations back to VS2012?
Open VisualStudio - Tools > Options.
Then go to General Page of Environment and click the Manage File Associations button.
A Window in the controlpanel will be opened(Control Panel\Programs\Default Programs\Set Default Programs\Set Program Associations)
.Select Extensions you want to associate to VisualStudio2012 and click the Save button.
The accepted answer only assignes file extensions to Visual Studio as a whole. To tell VS how to handle a file extension (like syntax highlighting), go to Tools > Options > Text Editor > File Extension and add your extension to the list.

Blame source file from within visual studio

I'm using AnkSVN within Visual Studio 2010, and it covers ~95% of my SVN needs. The biggest missing feature is that I can't find a way to blame a file from directly within VS. The workaround I currently use is to right click on the file within the tablist, and select Open Containing Folder, and then right clicking on the file in Explorer to call Blame.
It's called Annotate in AnhkSVN.
Subversion -> Annotate in the context menu.
I didn't like AnkhSVN's Annotate feature. So I used the following:How to integrate TortoiseSVN into Visual Studio.
Content from above url:
If you're using Visual Studio, you can integrate TortoiseSVN commands to various context menus.
The first step is to add the TortoiseSVN commands as external tools, under the menu TOOLS->External Tools....
Add the name of the command, the path to TortoiseProc.exe and then the parameters for the command.
Use the VS variables wherever needed. Since I add my commands to the context menu of the open file tab, here's the parameters I used:
/command:blame /path:"$(ItemPath)" /line:$(CurLine)
/command:diff /path:"$(ItemPath)"
/command:log /path:"$(ItemPath)"
Notice the /line: parameter: this will make TortoiseBlame automatically scroll to the same line the cursor is located in the opened file in Visual Studio.
Now to add those new commands to the file tab context menu, go to TOOLS->Customize..., select the Commands tab, click the radio button Context menu and then select Other Context Menus | Easy MDI Document Window.
Now you have to select the commands. Problem is that the custom commands are not shown with their title but only as External Command X with X being the number of the external command.
In my case, the commands were number 9-11, you might have to do some trial-and-error here. Just add the commands you think are the ones you added and then check if the right ones show up in the context menu.
NOTE: In Visual Studio 2010 to add a command to the right-click menu of a document’s tab, first you’ll need to right-click on a Visual Studio document tab to work around a Visual Studio bug. (Otherwise the Easy MDI Document Window context menu doesn’t show up in the Customize dialog.) Source

How to locate a file in Solution Explorer in Visual Studio 2010?

I have a huge solution with multiple projects. Sometime I need to navigate to a file in Solution Explorer. Using the VS 2010 'Navigate To' feature I can open any file by name in Visual Studio 2010 but I want to be able to select the file in Solution Explorer as well?
There's an option to track the active (open and viewed) item in the solution explorer. If the file is in view, the file in the solution explorer will be selected.
Tools->Options->Projects and Solutions->Track Active Item in Solution Explorer
VS2012 added a new command called SolutionExplorer.SyncWithActiveDocument. The default shortcut for c# is Ctrl+[,S
This command will navigate to the active file in the Solution Explorer.
Also, it seems that you need to have the "Track Active Item in Solution Explorer" option turned off.
With ReSharper installed Shift+Alt+L will find the current file in Solution Explorer in Visual Studio 2008+.
I found the track option to be a little annoying.
I prefer to use DPack. It contain "Locate In Solution Explorer" operation, plus many other features (some are less powerful in VS2010, like their browsers), and it's free.
Note that ReSharper also have the locate feature that works batter than DPack's (in some cases, DPack's locate won't work if the file is collapsed behind folders), but you don't want to buy ReSharper only for this feature.
Brian Schmitt has a great Locate File in Solution Explorer – Visual Studio Macro post for this. The macro is extremely simple and quick. Basically it toggles the setting
Tools->Options->Projects and Solutions->Track Active Item in Solution Explorer
so that the current file ends up selected in the Solution Explorer but, because it is not left on, you don't get irritated by Solution Explorer nodes being expanded for all the files you access.
Public Sub LocateFileInSolutionExplorer()
End Sub
Bind a Keyboard ShortCut to this custom macro to effectively create what should be a built-in Visual Studio feature.
If you have ReSharper and want to add "Locate in Solution Explorer" to the tab's context menu:
Go to Tools -> Customize -> Commands -> Context Menu
Select "Other Context Menus | Easy MDI Document Window".
Click "Add Command".
Choose "Resharper" -> "ReSharper_LocateInSolutionOrAssemblyExplorer" (in VS2019, the category name was changed to "Extensions")
"OK" -> "Close"
Now, when right click on any tab and you'll see a new option: Locate in Solution Explorer.
Following the comment from #jeremy-paskali, you can set a keyboard shortcut for this command:
Go to Tools -> Customize -> "Keyboard..."
Search for "ReSharper.ReSharper_LocateInSolutionOrAssemblyExplorer" in the "Show commands containing" field and select it.
Review the currently assigned shortcuts in the drop down below.
Make any changes, if needed.
"OK" -> "Close"
Visual Studio 2012 has a new shortcut Ctrl [, S. Yes you have to type Ctrl [ and then release and then immediately type S (or click the little sync icon at the top of Solution Explored). It will synchronize to the item.
Of course you can change the shortcut. I think I'll try Alt+L for locate.
If you want to change the shortcut, it's command name under Options\Environment\Keyboard is SolutionExplorer.SyncWithActiveDocument.
Usually this is more useful than always tracking, which in older versions always was a disaster because it would track 100 items in a row and then be jumping all over the place...
I know its little too late, but hope it helps someone else. The best option now is to install Microsoft Visual Studio add on called - Productivity Power Tools.
With this comes "Solution Navigator" (alternative to Solution Explorer, with a lot of benefits) - which then you can use to filter the files to only show "Open". You can even filter files to show "Edited" and "Unsaved".
In the event you want to only track the current file through a
keyboard shortcut - the activity is
"View.TrackActivityinSolutionExplorer" (assign keys here -> Tools -
Options - Environment - Keyboard)
Credit (James' comment)
This worked for me
There are several build-in ways you can accomplish this nowadays:
Configure VS to track the active item in Solution Explorer: This can be accomplished by selecting "Track active item in Solution
Explorer" at
Tools > Settings > Projects and Solutions > General
Use "Sync with active document": This can be accomplished in 2 ways.
Firing the SolutionExplorer.SyncWithActiveDocument command by using the default key combination CTRL+]+S
CTRL+)+S if you happen to be using an AZERTY keyboard like me.
By using the "Sync with active document" button on top of the Solution Explorer. The button looks like 2 apposing arrows on top of each other.
If you're version is older then VS2019 Version 16.10.2 then this button looks like this:
From VS2019 Version 16.10.2 onwards this button will look like this:
And yet again Microsoft has changed the button icon in more recent versions of VS 2022:
In Visual Studio 2010 you can turn on the "Track Active Item in Solution Explorer" option. This will mean whenever you switch between documents the new document gets selected in Solution Explorer. This can be irritating if your solution has lots of folders, because as you move around files in your solution all the folders will be left open.
Visual Studio 2012 introduced the new "Sync with Active Document" feature. Three is a button for it at the top of Solution Explorer, or you can use the shortcut Ctrl + [, S.
This is actually built in to visual studio without the need for ReSharper (which I love BTW).
If you want to select the file in the solution explorer on command and don't want to install anything then I would recommend this macro.
I've tested it, setting the shortcut to Alt+T, and I can confirm that it works with VS 2010.
Thanks to Dan Vanderboom for writing it.
For Visual Studio 2017 using a French AZERTY keyboard the command is the same as stated by Aaron Carlson but the keyboard shortcut is different.
The AZERTY keyboard shortcut to navigate to the active file for c# is Ctrl+),Ctrl+S
I checked the shortcut hadn't changed for QWERTY users in VS2017 on this page
Visual Studio doesn’t offer an easy way to locate the current file you’re editing in the Solution Explorer on demand. You can set the solution explorer to always stay in sync with this simple setting:
Tools > Options > Projects and Solutions > General. Check “Track active item in Solution Explorer”.
Thanks to Cory House
