Taskset in linux - cpu

If we are using the taskset for setting the particular process to run on a particular core by using the process pid. I want to know that all the child processes which will generated by the pid will also run on the particular core or uses any core.

taskset calls sched_setaffinity(2) (here) to specify the set of CPUs a thread is eligible to run on. As sched_setaffinity(2)'s manual states:
A child created via fork(2) inherits its parent's CPU affinity mask.
The affinity mask is preserved across an execve(2).
the child processes are allowed to run on the same set of CPUs as their parent.


how to keep particular child process out of parent process's cgroup limit

I have a process, set a timer to run some dynamic scripts to scrape data, each of those scripts run as a sub-process of my process. And I set cgroup limit to my process to limit cpu/mem, intend to limit some bad instruct in these scripts.
But some script includes some script like raising up a down process, these processes will be my process's child, but they should not be limited by my cgroup conf.
How to set to avoid these processes to be limited by my process's cgroup?

Is there any way to know which processes are running on which core in QNX

My system is running with QNX6.5 and it has 4 cpu cores. But I don't know which and all processes are running in each core. Is there any way to know in detail.
Thanks in advance
Processes typically run multiple threads (at least one - main thread); so the thread is actual running unit, not the process (and core affinity is settable per thread). Thus you'd need to know on which core(s) threads are running.
There is "%l" format option that tells you on what CPU particular thread is executing on:
# pidin -F "%b %50h %i %l" -p random
tid thread name cpu
1 1 0
Runmask : 0x0000007f
Inherit Mask: 0x0000007f
2 Timer Thread 1
Runmask : 0x0000007f
Inherit Mask: 0x0000007f
3 3 6
Runmask : 0x0000007f
Inherit Mask: 0x0000007f
Above we print thread id, thread name, run/inherit cpu masks and top right column is current cpu threads are running on, for the process called "random".
The best tooling for analyzing the details of process scheduling in QNX is the "System Analysis Toolkit", which uses the instrumentation features of the QNX kernel to provide a log of every scheduling event and message pass.
For QNX 6.5, the documentation can be found here: http://www.qnx.com/developers/docs/6.5.0SP1.update/index.html#./com.qnx.doc.instr_en_instr/about.html
Got the details by using below command.
pidin rmasks
which will give "pid, tid, and name" of every threads.
From the runmask value we can identify in which core it is running.
For me thread details also fine.

how kernel manage user space threads in linux?

I have read this Linux - Threads and Process
I understood that every kernel threads have unique task_struct
But Right now my question is that how kernel manage user application's thread, suppose any user application have 12 thread then how kernel manage them and every thread have unique task_struct like kernel threads
The kernel manages them when it can, ie. whenever it is entered from an 'interrupt' that changes the state of the threads.
There are two flavours of interrupt: either a syscall from a running thread, or a call from a driver that has been entered from a 'real' hardware interrupt from KB, NIC, disk, timer etc, can change the state of threads and initiate a sceduling algorithm run that may change the set of threads to run on the available cores.
In between interrupts, the kernel manages nothing because it is not entered.
The task_struct is raised when a running thread makes a syscall to create a new thread. The new thread is created ready, and will run whenever the scheduling algorithm dispatches it onto a core.

how to figure out if process is really running or waiting to run on Linux?

This is purely academic question, I don't really need to know this information for anything, but I would like to understand kernel a bit more :-)
According to kernel documentation http://www.tldp.org/LDP/tlk/kernel/processes.html processes in linux kernel have following states:
The process is either running (it is the current process in the
system) or it is ready to run (it is waiting to be assigned to one of
the system's CPUs).
The process is waiting for an event or for a resource. Linux
differentiates between two types of waiting process; interruptible and
uninterruptible. Interruptible waiting processes can be interrupted by
signals whereas uninterruptible waiting processes are waiting directly
on hardware conditions and cannot be interrupted under any
The process has been stopped, usually by receiving a signal. A process
that is being debugged can be in a stopped state.
This is a halted process which, for some reason, still has a
task_struct data structure in the task vector. It is what it sounds
like, a dead process.
As you can see, when I take a snapshot of processes state, using command like ps, I can see, if it's in Running state, that process either was literally Running or just waiting to be assigned to some CPU by kernel.
In my opinion, these 2 states (that are actually both represented by 1 state in task_struct) are quite different.
Why there is no state like "Ready" that would mean the process is "ready to run" but wasn't assigned to any CPU so far, so that the task_struct would be more clear about the real state? Is it even possible to retrieve this information, or is it secret for whatever reason which process is "literally running" on the CPU?
The struct task_struct contains a long to represent current state:
volatile long state; /* -1 unrunnable, 0 runnable, >0 stopped */
This simply indicates if a process is 'runnable'.
To see the currently executing process you should look at the runqueue. Specifically a struct rq (as defined in kernel/sched/sched.h) contains:
struct task_struct *curr, *idle, *stop;
The pointer *curr is the currently running process on this runqueue (there exists a runqueue per CPU).
You should consult files under kernel/sched/ to see how the Kernel determines which processes should be scheduled according to the different scheduling algorithms if you are interested in exactly how it arrives at the running state.
This is not a linux-kernel answer but a more general about scheduling ^^
A core part of any OS is the Scheduler: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Process_scheduler
Many of them work giving every process a time slice of execution and letting each of them do a little bit of work before switching (referred as a context switch) to another process.
Since the length of a time slice is in the order of milliseconds by the time the information you requested is shown, the state has surely changed so differentiate between "Really Running" and "Ready-but-not-really-running" could result (most of the time) in inaccurate informations.

who is running kernel if cpu is running processes?

Suppose in a two process environment, one process is scheduled for execution by the kernel, and it demanded for some data which is not available in the RAM. So the cpu will indicate the kernel that something is not available and the process will be suspended. Then after kernel loads the second process for execution through the CPU and start investigating about the data in secondary memory location (say virtual memory) and gets it, puts it back to main memory by a swap to the memory data which is currently inactive, and puts the process back in the ready queue for execution.
We know that everything in computer system is get manipulated by CPU only and if CPU is busy executing continuously the process code then who is executing the kernel code to perform the tasks done by kernel?
Please let me know if i am able to explain the scenario.
At any point in time, CPU (/s) will be
Running a process in User Mode.
Running on behalf of a process in Kernel Mode to execute previleged instruction or access hardware (for example when system call read / write is issued).
Running in repsonse to a hardware interrupt. i.e. running in interrupt context. (Not associated with any process in particular) and yes in kernel mode.
Running some kernel threads to serve deferred work like soft irq. (Tasklet / Softirq)
Running CPU idle thread if nothing is there to execute.
If you are in particular asking about scheduling, then
Suppose a process is running and now it has issued a read call to retrieve data from hard disk, say, then process is removed from cpu and kernel invokes schedule() functions. So here, first process issues read system call, which results in switching from user mode to kernel mode. The kernel which is running on behalf of the process prepares for the hard disk read operation and then calls schedule() function
Suppose a hardware interrupt has come, then currently running process is removed, and interrupt service handler for that interrupt begins to execute in kernel mode (obviously).
Basically, kernel runs in between user processes !!
Clear now ?
The kernel runs either as a result of a hardware interrupt, or as a result of being invoked by a process to do something. In both cases the code which was executing at that moment stops running until the kernel finishes its job.
It is similar to a function call: when function A calls function B, function A has to wait until function B is done doing what it does, and returns control to function A. You do not need multiple CPUs, or any kind of magic to accomplish this.
The CPU is not continuously executing process code. The CPU is interrupted to perform various operations. Interrupts can occur for various reasons: a resource becomes available, a previous action completes, or simply a timer goes off.
I recommend this series of videos for more in-depth information: http://academicearth.org/courses/operating-systems-and-system-programming
