ACR122U Reader disable beep - nfc

I'm using the ACR122U Card reader. Is there any possibility to disable the Beep sound when placing a card on the reader?
Thanks in advance

With C# you can use this nuget packgage:
Find more infos also here for nfc:


Skipping confirmation popup or overriding for Bluetooth Device pair in windows from UWP app?

While connecting to any Bluetooth device, a yes/no popup appears from windows.
From app, is there any way to programmatically skip this yes/no popup?
Checked few documentation.
After talking with some Bluetooth guys, it seems that you need to use custom pairing in your scenario. This feature enables creating your own user interface to interact with the user as needed.
The sample code you could refer here:

Web Cam in use notification on Windows

Is there a way for my Windows program to get notifications when a video device is in use. I know how to enumerate the devices using
I can also use ffmpeg to open the video device to check if it is available but it opens up the camera for that fraction of a time which I don't want.
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.
you can use physical device object name of camera and use sysinternals handle utility to search for handle usage of camera
to downlaod handle utility

Turn on Flashlight while capture video on Windows Phone

Well, i'm a newbie developer in C# and i want to capture Video meanwhile the flashlight on device is turn on. I have been search for the answer, but they are lead me to make the flashlight app.
What i need is to capture video meanwhile the flashlight/torch is enabled. And , i think it possible , because when i open the camera app on my Lumia 710 (WP 7.8), i can recording while the flashlight was on.
Please help bro , if there are any references , course i will read it. :)
You can use Direct Show library from Microsoft:

Sharing An Image In Windows Phone Using NFC

I am on a Image Editing project. Its a WP8 based project. What I want is that the application to accept an image as an Input from the NFC(other device). I want to have a button click event clicking on which gets me the image.
secondly I also want that after editing the Pic , I can share it using NFC .I would use an application bar and provide a icon for sharing the image.
Help needed. Completely novoice in NFC !!
please see my previous answer to a similar question on the topic of NFC file transfers # WP 8 NFC File Transfer
The short version is that NFC isn't a good fit for file transfers, but you can use NFC to open sockets to other WP8/Win8 devices.

Recording audio on Mac

I am developing an application which access my audio input device and record audio from my microphone.
Here when i am pressing START button it have to record audio from microphone and have to stop recording when pressing STOP button.
My device is Lynx-AES16 and i got driver from there site.
In windows i am accessing the machine(Lynx) by using direct-show SDK(Graph edit). 
Is there any similar tool  like direct-show is available. I checked with AUAudio and IOkit but didnt understood that much.
Can anyone provide some sample or some useful links. Apple link is not good for a starter 
Look at the CoreAudio sample code at There is plenty of useful code there.
In particular look at the RecordAudioToFile example.
