Running Cucumber Scenarios in Parallel of Single Feature File - maven

I have 2 feature file that include multiple scenarios, I want to run the scenarios of each feature file in parallel.
For example:
example1.feature has 2 scenarios
example2.feature has 3 scenarios
How to run the five scenarios in parallel ?
Thanks All :)


karate dsl - running parallel features and scenarios

in new release(0.9.0),I saw that karatedsl able to run parallel tests in scenario level (each feature will be breakdown into scenarios and run as 1 scenario per thread)..
so for example, I have 4 features, for feature 1 and 2 I want to run parallel tests in scenario level and for feature 3 and 4 in feature level(because of some case I have to do these things)..
so, are there any solution or suggestion for me how can I do it ??
For Feature you don't want to run on scenario level you can add parallel=false tag to your feature.
Refer karate documentation for suppressing parallel execution in scenario level

JMeter Non GUI Test Execution

I'm executing multiple scripts for 1 hr in Non GUI Mode.
Test Scripts:- Script1 Script2 Script3
Test Execution Approach :- Keeping 3 thread groups in one script and giving equal number of users in Non GUI mode.
JMeter version 4.0
Number of Samples are differing with respect to the scenarios. I need equal distribution for all 3 scenarios. How to achieve this?
You can define the fix loop count in all 3 thread groups something like 1000 or 10000 depend on your scenario. Do not use time duration here as you want jmeter to stop after all execution is completed.
Secondly, you can use "Througput Controller" for executing samplers for a fix number of times.
Hope it help.

Running Jmeter Scripts in distribution breakdown percentage in single flow of 3 scripts

I have a 3 Test Script of Jmeter.I have to run in single flow all these three scripts and their % breakdown like : 1. 15%, 2. 65%, 3. 20%.
How can we run it in Jmeter?
I would suggest instead of creating three different test plan you can have below structure

Is there a way to run cucumber scenarios in parallel

I am using Ruby and cucumber to run my end-to end tests . I have lots of tests which take longer time to run . I am using 'parallel_tests' to run my 'features' in parallel which has minimised the execution time significantly .But I wanted to know if there is a way to run 'scenarios' in parallel
Yes! There is.
Using the cukeforker library you can run either features or scenarios in parallel.
# parallelize per scenario, with one JUnit XML file per scenario. CukeForker::Scenarios.tagged(%W[#edition ~#wip])
:extra_args => %W[-f CukeForker::Formatters::JunitScenarioFormatter --out results/junit]

cucumber filter out scenario in runtime

I'm looking for the way how I can manage ruby cucumber scenarios in runtime. I'd like to filter some scenarios out having some information about SUT which I can gather in runtime.
For instance, I've the following scenarios
Scenario: As a customer I want to run ... scenario 1
Given ...
#automated #debug
Scenario: As a debugger I want to run ... scenario 2
Given ...
Scenario: As a customer I want to run ... scenario 3
Given ...
#automated #release
Scenario: As a releaser I want to run ... scenario 4
Given ...
I'm able to determine whether a debug or release application is testing now. And for the debug one I want to see scenarios 1,2,3 to be run but for the release app I want to see 1,3,4 to be run.
I know how to do it using rake or any other wrapper script but it'd be better to find solution without such wrapper scripts.
Also, cucumber profiles might not be a good choice here because there are several parameters each with a number of values. So it might require some crazy number of their combinations.
