JMeter Non GUI Test Execution - performance

I'm executing multiple scripts for 1 hr in Non GUI Mode.
Test Scripts:- Script1 Script2 Script3
Test Execution Approach :- Keeping 3 thread groups in one script and giving equal number of users in Non GUI mode.
JMeter version 4.0
Number of Samples are differing with respect to the scenarios. I need equal distribution for all 3 scenarios. How to achieve this?

You can define the fix loop count in all 3 thread groups something like 1000 or 10000 depend on your scenario. Do not use time duration here as you want jmeter to stop after all execution is completed.
Secondly, you can use "Througput Controller" for executing samplers for a fix number of times.
Hope it help.


Number of execution samples

i am running a simple test with 10 users for 5 mins. my test has a single thread and different transactions within it. By the end of the test, there is a different number of samples for each transaction. Is there a way or a setting so that we don't start any new thread when the test is finishing, i tried ultimate thread group plugin with ramp down , hoping to see same samples for all requests but it didn't happen. Not sure if that is even possible.
Each JMeter thread (virtual user) executes Samplers upside down (or according to the Logic Controllers)
When you're defining test duration it might be the case that some virtual users are somewhere in the "middle" of the Samplers and they stop when they receive shutdown signal.
It means that the very first sampler will be executed with 100% of users and for further samplers the chance of getting executed becomes lower and lower.
The only way to have the same number of Sample Results for all Samplers is using normal JMeter Thread Group and providing fixed amount of loops.
Given above setup you will have strictly 80 executions of each and every Sampler in the Test Plan
More information: Getting Started with JMeter - A Basic Tutorial

Jmeter: how to run a thread-group for 1 iteration using "jp#gc - Stepping Thread Group"?

I have a thread-group in a test plan and I want to perform load run using 100 users. My load configuration should have ramp-up and ramp-down of threads like below:
Except that I don't want to run the load for a specific amount of time as marked in the image. Instead I want to run it for 1 iteration/loop of script. It is possible to run for 1 loop using "simple thread group" but ramp-down is not possible. So is there a way to use both ramp-down and number of loops option for execution of load run in Jmeter?
We have an option in basic Thread group itself, Refer below screenshot
Basically stepping Thread Group used for load test putting a long time interval, So use simple thread group as per your requirement.
But still if you want to use stepping Thread Group put very less value for Then hold load for,refer below snapshot
Conclusion is you need to use simple Thread group as per your requirement
After investigating for a while I understood that there is no point in doing ramp-down while giving the number of loops. For example for 10 threads/users I gave 2 loops. Then after completion of 2 loops the thread/user will be shut-down which is indirectly ramp-down.

JMeter - Wrong number of users in results from remote load testing

I was using non-GUI mode to perform a remote load testing with Jmeter from master server (Linux) to 5 slave servers (Linux). 5x "n" users have been run, "n" users on each server.
The results have been written to master server.
There are samples from all servers in results file but they relate to the number of active users from particular servers ("n") and not from all servers (5x "n").
There are no information in the result file about the real number of active users on all the servers.
As a result, a maximum number of active users is "n" on generated graphs which does not reflect the real load (5x "n" users).
Has anyone got a similar problem?
Is there anything I can do to correct the results already gathered?
Should I change any JMeter parameter to get the correct results in the next run?
Short Answer:
This is normal and no, there's nothing in JMeter you can do to fix it.
Long Answer:
Each Load Generator creates a number of threads n: the threads will be numbered 1-n. When the Controller collects all of the information, it sees 5 results for Thread 1, 5 results for Thread 2, ... Thread n. The Controller has no way of knowing that each of them are 5 separate concurrent threads and not just the same thread 5 sequential times.
Fixing it:
It depends on what you mean by a maximum number of active users is "n" on generated graphs. If this is something inside JMeter, then no, you can't fix it.
If it's a report-generator that you have created yourself, then yes, you can fix it by passing in the number of load generators.

Is it possible to have threads execute independently of each other in a JMeter test script?

I've got a pretty basic test plan in JMeter consisting of a Thread Group and a bunch of HTTP Requests separated by Timers and a Summary Report. I notice when I watch the report that all 10 of my threads make the first request, then pause for some time, then all make the second request.
Is it possible to have each thread execute the full script independently of the others so that (given a Ramp-up delay) you have overlapping workload, i.e. some threads executing the first step while others are on the 3rd or 4th etc?
Threads DO execute independently in JMeter.
Make sure you are you using any Ramp-up period in the thread group definition.
Another reason for what you're seeing is probably due to using a constant timer which ends up in requests looking they they are synchronized. If you simply change it to one of the Random timers you'll get more randomness in the delay between requests.
Here are two good sources about timers:
Yes, Threads DO execute independently in JMeter, but,if you start at the same time and do the same things, all the requests will be issued at the same time (specially if you are using a constant throughput timer).
I use two way of approaching this problem:
use a uniform random timer under a "once Only controller", at the beginning of the thread.
The value of the timer should be close equal or close to the time it takes to execute the service.
use rampup time (same value as above). It is deterministic and simpler to use (which can be bad or good, according to your needs.
Click on your "Test Plan"
Check/Select the Property: Run Threads consecutively (i.e. Run Groups one at a time)
Hope this will help.

JMeter Include controller

First script
|--Http Sampler
|--Include Controller <second script>
Second script
| |--Http Sampler
|--Http Sampler
I run the first script which does few steps and uses include controller to call the next script. I need the second script Thread groups (Thread-2 and Thread-3) run simultaneously and not consecutively.
I understand the thread run concurrently by default. But when I execute my code i see:
Thread-1 successful
Thread-2 successful
Execution never gets to thread-3
Can you please help me? I want to know how to run the second script's thread group simultaneously?
You are misusing IncludeController, you need to use Test Fragment element in the included test plan (second script)
First and second script are separate test plans.
First Test Plan contains one thread, which contains a include controller to call the second script or the second Test plan
Second test plan contains 2 thread groups
In both the Test Plan untick "Run threads consecutively"
In the second test plan tick "Delayed thread creation" - this means that the memory requirements are proportional to the number of concurrent active threads, rather than the total thread count
Threads in JMeter run simultaneously by default.
Understand the difference between concurrency and simultaneous. Here is a helpful link: How to generate Concurrent User load in Jmeter
