Execute docker commands in jenkins (in docker container) - shell

With docker compose i launch a jenkins container and i want to have the possibility to execute docker command with(docker installed on the server).
But when i tried to make a simple test run hello-world image i have the following error :
docker: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is the docker daemon running on this host?.
I set the user on the docker group, what's wrong with my docker compose file ?
in other post i see if i add this line :
my container with jenkins can communicate with docker
my docker compose file
image: jenkins:2.32.3
- 8088:8080
- 50000:50000
- /home/my-user-name/docker-jenkins/jenkins_home:/var/jenkins_home
- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
- /usr/bin/docker:/usr/bin/docker
- /tmp:/tmp

To access the docker.sock file, you must run with a user that has filesystem access to read and write to this socket. By default that's with the root user and/or the docker group on the host system.
When you mount this file into the container, that mount keeps the same uid/gid permissions on the file, but those id's may map to different users inside your container. Therefore, you should create a group inside the container as part of your Dockerfile that maps to the same gid that exists on the host, and assign your jenkins user to this group, so that it has access to the docker.sock. Here's an example from a Dockerfile where I do this:
RUN groupadd -g ${DOCKER_GID} docker \
&& useradd -m -d /home/jenkins -s /bin/sh jenkins \
&& usermod -aG docker jenkins
In the above example, 993 is the docker gid on my host.


Docker compose to have executed 'command: bash' and keep container open

The docker compose yml file below keeps the container open after I run docker compose up -d but command: bash does not get executed:
version: "3.8"
container_name: pw-cont
image: mcr.microsoft.com/playwright:v1.30.0-focal
stdin_open: true # -i
tty: true # -t
network_mode: host # --network host
volumes: # Ensures that updates in local/container are in sync
- $PWD:/playwright/
working_dir: /playwright
command: bash
After I spin the container up, I wanted to visit Docker Desktop > Running container's terminal.
Expectation: Since the file has command: bash, I expect that in docker desktop, when I go to the running container's terminal, it will show root#docker-desktop:/playwright#.
Actual: Container's terminal in docker desktop is showing #, still need to type bash to see root#docker-desktop:/playwright#.
Can the yml file be updated so that bash gets auto executed when spinning up the container?
docker compose doesn't provide that sort of interactive connection. Your docker-compose.yaml file is fine; once your container is running you can attach to it using docker attach pw-cont to access stdin/stdout for the container.
$ docker compose up -d
[+] Running 1/1
â ¿ Container pw-cont Started 0.1s
$ docker attach pw-cont
I'm not sure what you are trying to achieve, but using the run command
docker-compose run service
gives me the prompt you expect.

Docker Issue : Cannot run the container (repository does not exist or may require 'docker login')

After I devise a Spring Boot project with the usage of MinIo, I tried to run it in Docker but I have an issue.
Here is my docker-compose.yaml file
version: '3.8'
image: minio/minio:latest
container_name: minio
MINIO_ACCESS_KEY: "minioadmin"
MINIO_SECRET_KEY: "minioadmin"
- ./data:/data
- 9000:9000
- 9001:9001
I firstly run this command docker-compose up -d.
Then I run docker ps -a to check if it is located in container. After that, I run this command docker run <container-id> (a07fdf1ef8c4), here is a message shown below.
Unable to find image 'a07fdf1ef8c4:latest' locally
docker: Error response from daemon: pull access denied for a07fdf1ef8c4, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login': denied: requested access to the resource is denied.
See 'docker run --help'.
I also run this option shown below nothing changed.
C:\Users\host\IdeaProjects\SpringBootMinio>docker run -p 9000:9000 9001:9001 minio/minio:latest
Unable to find image '9001:9001' locally
docker: Error response from daemon: pull access denied for 9001, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login': denied: requested access to the resource is denied.
See 'docker run --help'.
Even if I run the command docker login, I couldn't fix it.
How can I solve it out?
1st Error
docker run <container-id> - That is not how you run a container with Docker. When you run docker-compose up -d, it already starts the containers; in this case it's MinIO.
The docker run function requires an image name as the argument. So when you do docker run <container-id>, it tries to find an image with the container ID, which doesn't exist.
So when you do docker-compose up -d, it starts minio. You do not need to start it again.
2nd Error
When you run docker run -p 9000:9000 9001:9001 minio/minio:latest, you are basically saying that the image name is 9001:9001. But no such image exists. If you want to expose another port, just do docker run -p 9000:9000 -p 9001:9001 minio/minio:latest. For every single port you want to expose, just do -p and enter the port mapping.

Create docker image with named/host volume for spring boot application

I have spring boot application which I am trying to dockerize for the first time. I am using docker version 20.10.1 and my host pc is ubuntu 20.04
for this spring boot application, I have a data directory , which has data created when the application is running. I want to access this data from the host operating system. That is why I am using volume.
When I try to mount my container to named volume or to a host volume, but it always create anonymous volume regardless of the command I type.
Here is my docker file.
FROM openjdk:15
COPY target/lib/* /usr/src/app/lib/
COPY target/core-api-7.3.6.jar /usr/src/app/lib/core-api-7.3.6.jar
COPY config/application.properties /usr/src/app/config/application.properties
COPY data/poscms/config/* /usr/src/app/data/poscms/config/
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-jar", "lib/core-api-7.3.6.jar"]
VOLUME /usr/src/app/data
/usr/src/app/data this is the directory where core-app.jar application will create its runtime data, I need to access these data from my host pc
Following is the command for building the image
docker build -t core-app:5.0 .
then I create image using following command
docker run -it -d -p 7071:7071 core-app:5.0 -v /home/bob/data/:/usr/src/app/data
when I check the volumes by running following command
docker volume ls
I can see anonymous volume being created by this container
and my host path which is /home/kapila/data/ is empty and container data is not written to host path.
I experience the same behaviour with named volume as well.
I created a named volume using following command
docker volume create tmp
docker run -it -d -p 7071:7071 core-app:5.0 -v tmp:/usr/src/app/data
and still docker create anonymous volume and data is not written to tmp volume
my host PC is ubuntu pc. Could someone point out what I am doing wrong here
I do something like this:
In your project root , have these files pertaining to docker as required:
1. DockerFile 2.docker-compose.yml 3. docker-env-preview.env
DockerFile content
FROM openjdk:8-jdk-alpine
ARG jarfilepath
RUN mkdir /src
VOLUME /src/tomcat
ADD $jarfilepath yourprojectname.jar
docker-compose.yml content
version: '3'
container_name: project-name-service
context: .
jarfilepath: ./target/project-0.0.1.jar
- docker-env-preview.env
- "8831:8831"
- '5005:5005'
- projectname_subnet
command: java -jar -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005 projectname.jar --spring.profiles.active=preview
external: true
This file will contain your environment variables values. The applicaiton.properties can read this file to fetch the values, like buildserver.ip=${BUILD_SERVER_DOMAIN}. Basically you define what you want need . Like the example below.
Commands to execute :
mvn clean package (if you use maven )
docker-compose up -d --build ( execute docker ps -> check the details on the running container),
To view the logs : sudo docker logs <project-name-service> -f
To get into the container console, docker exec -it <project-name-service> bash
I was able to fix the issue, and only change I did, to make it work, is that, to change the base image from
FROM openjdk:15
FROM adoptopenjdk/openjdk15:ubi
and now named and host volume mounts are working as expected. I am not sure what is wrong with official openjdk:15 image.

starting jenkins container however encounter permission denied though I have run 'chown' for the volume

I am on my MacBook terminal. I try to have a jenkins container up and running on my local machine.
I firstly created a docker-compose.yml :
version: '3'
container_name: jenkins
image: jenkins/jenkins
- "8080:8080"
- $PWD/jenkins_home:/var/jenkins_home
- net
As you can see in the volumes section, I have defined the jenkins_home folder under my current directory as the volume for jenkins data.
Then under my current directory of my machine, I created a folder named jenkins_home. Here is my current directory:
-rw-r--r-- 1 john 1349604816 220 Sep 4 00:08 docker-compose.yml
drwxr-xr-x 2 john 1349604816 64 Sep 4 00:06 jenkins_home
As you can see, I need to change the ownership of jenkins_home folder in order to have jenkins container be able to write data in it (because the uid is not 1000). So, I executed command:
sudo chown 1000:1000 jenkins_home/
Then, my current directory looks like this:
-rw-r--r-- 1 john 1349604816 220 Sep 4 00:08 docker-compose.yml
drwxr-xr-x 2 1000 1000 64 Sep 4 00:06 jenkins_home
After that I run my container by command: docker-compose up. But I ended up with error:
Starting jenkins ... done
Attaching to jenkins
jenkins | touch: cannot touch '/var/jenkins_home/copy_reference_file.log': Permission denied
jenkins | Can not write to /var/jenkins_home/copy_reference_file.log. Wrong volume permissions?
jenkins exited with code 1
Why I still get the permission error after I changed the ownership of the jenkins_home folder under my current directory on my machine?
P.S. I understand there could be other way to purely have a jenkins container running but still I would like to understand what is wrong with my approach and hopefully could also get it work.
Jenkins needs to create or to use existing jenkins_home directory,
When Docker sees that jenkins_home volume in your machine doesn't exists then it will create it with your osx UID & GID.
If you create the jenkins_home folder you must stay with your current directory permissions and not changed them,
Docker running UID isn't the same as your machine, they may have different UID and GID.
Linux namespaces provide isolation for running processes, limiting
their access to system resources without the running process being
aware of the limitations. For more information on Linux namespaces,
see Linux namespaces.
The best way to prevent privilege-escalation attacks from within a
container is to configure your container’s applications to run as
unprivileged users. For containers whose processes must run as the
root user within the container, you can re-map this user to a
less-privileged user on the Docker host. The mapped user is assigned a
range of UIDs which function within the namespace as normal UIDs from
0 to 65536, but have no privileges on the host machine itself.
There a wonderful video explaining how docker works with namespaces
Does the actual jenkins user/group exist on the Mac?
This is what I do on my linux servers where:
ARG user=jenkins
ARG group=jenkins
ARG uid=1000
ARG gid=1000
On my alpine server:
addgroup -g ${gid} ${group}
adduser -u ${uid} -G ${group} -s /bin/bash -D ${user}
to become
addgroup -g 1000 jenkins
adduser -u 1000 -G jenkins -s /bin/bash -D jenkins
On my centos8 server
groupadd -g ${gid} ${group}
useradd -u ${uid} -g ${group} -s /bin/bash -d ${user}
to become
groupadd -g 1000 jenkins
useradd -u 1000 -g jenkins -s /bin/bash -d jenkins
sudo chown jenkins:jenkins jenkins_home/
I do not use Mac, but I presume it is similar
Based on all the above, try the following:
version: '3'
container_name: jenkins
image: jenkins/jenkins
- 8080:8080
- 50000:50000
- $PWD/jenkins_home:/var/jenkins_home
- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
- net
I have added the following:
port 50000 (only if you want to attach build slave servers, opposed to just running builds on the master)
volume /var/run/docker.sock (to be able to use the docker daemon with Jenkins, you need to mount the volume)
!!DO THE FOLLOWING!! Delete the original jenkins_home directory that you created before. Now run 'docker-compose up', since the host volume directory does not exist, docker will now create the required directory on the host which is based on the configuration in the docker-compose.yml (in this case '$PWD/jenkins_home'), thus it will now have the correct ownership and permissions for the jenkins container to use it.
If that doesn't work, make the jenkins container run in privileged mode, see below:
version: '3'
container_name: jenkins
image: jenkins/jenkins
privileged: true
user: root
- 8080:8080
- 50000:50000
- $PWD/jenkins_home:/var/jenkins_home
- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
- net

how to run docker with keycloak image as a daemon in prod environment

I am using docker to run my Keycloak server in aws production environment. The problem is keycloak uses wildfly which is constant running. Because of this I cannot close the shell. I am trying to find a way to run docker as a daemon thread.
The command I use to run docker
docker run -p 8080:8080 jboss/keycloak
Just user docker's detach option -d.
docker run -p 8080:8080 -d jboss/keycloak
