Docker compose to have executed 'command: bash' and keep container open - bash

The docker compose yml file below keeps the container open after I run docker compose up -d but command: bash does not get executed:
version: "3.8"
container_name: pw-cont
stdin_open: true # -i
tty: true # -t
network_mode: host # --network host
volumes: # Ensures that updates in local/container are in sync
- $PWD:/playwright/
working_dir: /playwright
command: bash
After I spin the container up, I wanted to visit Docker Desktop > Running container's terminal.
Expectation: Since the file has command: bash, I expect that in docker desktop, when I go to the running container's terminal, it will show root#docker-desktop:/playwright#.
Actual: Container's terminal in docker desktop is showing #, still need to type bash to see root#docker-desktop:/playwright#.
Can the yml file be updated so that bash gets auto executed when spinning up the container?

docker compose doesn't provide that sort of interactive connection. Your docker-compose.yaml file is fine; once your container is running you can attach to it using docker attach pw-cont to access stdin/stdout for the container.
$ docker compose up -d
[+] Running 1/1
⠿ Container pw-cont Started 0.1s
$ docker attach pw-cont

I'm not sure what you are trying to achieve, but using the run command
docker-compose run service
gives me the prompt you expect.


Running nginx container with pwd doesn't work in bash but adding the complete location in powershell worls

I have index.html file in a folder. I am mapping the local directory into the nginx docker container.
When I run the nginx docker container using the command
docker run --name website -v C:\Users\prash\Documents\Programming\Spring\Docker:/usr/share/nginx/html:ro -d -p 8080:80 nginx:latest
The container starts successfully but when I run the following two commands in bash, although the container starts, I can't open index.html file in browser.
docker run --name website -v $(pwd):/usr/share/nginx/html:ro -d -p 8080:80 nginx:latest
What might be the issue here?
I am new to docker, I tried finding the solution for this, but couldn't find anything.

Interact with Ruby Padrino console through Entrypoint command in docker-compose

I am trying to start up a Padrino console (similar to Rails console).
Here's my ENTRYPOINT command in Dockerfile
ENTRYPOINT /usr/src/app/
I want to start the console when the env variable value is $CONSOLE = Y
Here's the script
if [ "$CONSOLE" = "Y" ];
echo "Starting Padrino console"
bundle exec padrino console
#something else
However, when I run docker-compose up with environment variable CONSOLE = Y, the console begins to start but ends with Switch to Inspect mode. I tried a lot of solutions online, and while docker-compose exec <container-name> bundle exec padrino console might work, it exceeds the memory and kills both the console process and the server running on the container.
How can I just start the console in the docker-compose up command?
Here's my docker-compose.yml file
version: '3'
build: .
- .:/usr/src/app
- "36081:36081"
restart: always
container_name: application
So according to this issue, you can not allocate tty in docker-compose because it starts multiple containers.
That is expected behaviour. up is not interactive. It can start
multiple containers, so you can't have a single terminal that has
stdin open for multiple containers.
as there is single service in your docker-compose so you can try with run command instead of up
docker-compose run app
or the other option is to start all the container then run with docker attach
but first, you need
docker-compose -d
docker attach container_name
you might need tty flag to true as well
version: '3'
build: .
tty: true

How to use docker run with a Meteor image?

I have 2 containers mgmt-app who is a Meteor container and mgmt-mongo who is the MongoDB.
7b65be4ac454 gitlab-lab:5005/dfc/mongo:latest "/ mongo" About an hour ago Up About an hour 27017/tcp mgmt-mongo
dff0b3c69c5f gitlab-lab:5005/dfc/mgmt-docker-gui:lab "/bin/sh -c 'sh $METE" About an hour ago Up 42 minutes>80/tcp mgmt-app
From my Docker host I want to run docker run gitlab-lab:5005/dfc/mgmt-docker-gui:lab ls -al
but I have this error:
=> Starting meteor app on port:80
Error: MONGO_URL must be set in environment
So I tried:
docker run -e "MONGO_URL=mongodb://mgmt-mongo:27017/meteor" gitlab-lab:5005/dfc/mgmt-docker-gui:lab ls -al
and then the error was:
MongoError: failed to connect to server [mgmt-mongo:27017] on first connect
I really don't understand because when I do a docker-compose up -d with this file:
image: gitlab-lab:5005/dfc/mgmt-docker-gui:latest
container_name: mgmt-app
- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
- $HOME/.docker:/root/.docker
- /home/dockeradm/compose/area:/home/dockeradm/compose/area
- ROOT_URL=http://localhost:80
- MONGO_URL=mongodb://mgmt-mongo:27017/meteor
- 80:80
restart: always
image: gitlab-lab:5005/dfc/mongo:latest
container_name: mgmt-mongo
- mgmt_mongo_data_config:/data/configdb
- mgmt_mongo_data_db:/data/db
restart: always
everything go well.
So my request is, how should I do my docker run to execute my command ? (the command is not a simple ls -al but it's ok for the demo)
When you run the containers separately with docker run, they are not linked on the same docker network so the mongo container is not accessible from the app container. To remedy this, you should use either:
--link to mark the app container as linked to the mongo container. This works, but is deprecated.
a defined docker network for both containers to be linked by; this is more complex, but is the recommended architecture
By contrast, docker-compose automatically adds both containers to the same docker network, so they are immediately connectable without any extra configuration required:
By default Compose sets up a single network for your app. Each container for a service joins the default network and is both reachable by other containers on that network, and discoverable by them at a hostname identical to the container name.

Execute docker commands in jenkins (in docker container)

With docker compose i launch a jenkins container and i want to have the possibility to execute docker command with(docker installed on the server).
But when i tried to make a simple test run hello-world image i have the following error :
docker: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is the docker daemon running on this host?.
I set the user on the docker group, what's wrong with my docker compose file ?
in other post i see if i add this line :
my container with jenkins can communicate with docker
my docker compose file
image: jenkins:2.32.3
- 8088:8080
- 50000:50000
- /home/my-user-name/docker-jenkins/jenkins_home:/var/jenkins_home
- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
- /usr/bin/docker:/usr/bin/docker
- /tmp:/tmp
To access the docker.sock file, you must run with a user that has filesystem access to read and write to this socket. By default that's with the root user and/or the docker group on the host system.
When you mount this file into the container, that mount keeps the same uid/gid permissions on the file, but those id's may map to different users inside your container. Therefore, you should create a group inside the container as part of your Dockerfile that maps to the same gid that exists on the host, and assign your jenkins user to this group, so that it has access to the docker.sock. Here's an example from a Dockerfile where I do this:
RUN groupadd -g ${DOCKER_GID} docker \
&& useradd -m -d /home/jenkins -s /bin/sh jenkins \
&& usermod -aG docker jenkins
In the above example, 993 is the docker gid on my host.

Docker in Docker docker-compose daemon not running on host. Windows 10

Running docker in docker image (dind), on windows 10. Powershell is run as admin. I have a manager and a worker up container up through docker-compose.yml file.
The compose yaml file is as such:
version: '2'
image: docker:latest
- "2375"
- "8080"
privileged: true
tty: true
image: docker:latest
- "8080"
privileged: true
tty: true
I don't know why or what tty: true even does but it's the only way to get it to stay up for some reason.
I try to init the manager with:
docker-compose exec manager docker swarm init --listen-addr
I also tried with the port being as what is open in the compose yaml.
When I run the command and get this:
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is the docker daemon running on this host?
Here is the result of a docker-compose ps
Name Command State Ports
swarmtest_manager_1 sh Up>2375/tcp,>8080/tcp
swarmtest_worker_1 sh Up>8080/tcp
Running and testing services in the dind environment would be ideal, although I still don't like compose as I am trying to learn how to use it better, creating a docker-machine and using the docker swarm mode seems much easier, although I'm truthfully not sure of the limitations with compose in this manner.
