Xamarin iOS opens and immediately closes - debugging

My Xamarin iOS app will build successfully, however, during launch it will flash the launch screen and immediately return to my phones home screen exiting my app without an error.
Upon reviewing Xamarin Studio, the status appears at top:
Waiting for debugger to connect to Phone on port 10000 view USB...
and simply hangs.
How can this be alleviated?

just right click on your project and set it as a startup project. I solved the same problem and it launches the app properly without closing it.


XAMARIN IOS APP Closes automatically on launching with no crash report

The ios app was working fine and I was working and debugging on the simulator, suddenly the app starts and closes, no crash report. The app closes after loading the assembly as per what I can see from the application output log with no crash report. Even the debugger detaches and stopped debugging and comes to it default play state.
Lastly I also see the this error " The call is ambiguous between the calling methods App.InitializeComponent() and App.InitializeComponent(). Basically for all Xaml Pages.
I tried reinstalling all the packages and updating for all Packages(shared/ios/android) but still issue persist.
Screenshot of the package installed.

Android Application minimize issue

I have developed an Xamarin forms application. In Android devices, Lenovo K6(v7.0) and Nexus 6 (v7.1.1), when the app is minimized and opened by clicking the app icon the opening page of the application is reset to default instead of showing the part in the page where the user has minimized the application. But, when the app is minimized and re-opened using the recently opened tabs it is resumed correctly.
This problem arises only in the mentioned two devices in all other devices the page is resumed from where it is minimized when the user re-opens the application on using both recent tabs or App icon click. If the close application then reopens it and application starts from Splash screen. In above scenario, the app starts with the home page and reset as default launch. I have started the download of my app and progressing the download. I have minimized the app and click app icon from the installed app on the device. Now, progress is reset and file stays as download file.
Please suggest on this to resolve it.

How to close a simulator window without closing all of them?

I'm using the iOS simulator on a Mac connected to Visual Studio for debugging a Xamarin app. I launched it for an iPhone and then for an iPad. Then I wanted to close the iPhone window only but couldn’t find a way.
Use the File / Close Window (CMD-W) to close the current window (i.e. each Simulator is running in its own window).
As well as File/Close as shown by #SushiHangover, with Bezels turned off (Menu:Window/Show Device Bezels) the red 'Close' button on each window also closes just that simulator:
(You can use Hardware/Device from the menu to check which simulators are currently active.)

android studio open debug mode when app is running

How can open debug mode when application is running on android studio.,
My application is appearing on -Android Device Monitor- Devices tab . When i clicked application line on this screen ,debug icon is not active
How can i pass to debug mode after running my application?
In Android Studio (I'm currently using I/O Preview 0.2.10) simply click on the icon in the toolbar that looks like a phone with a bug over it - the hover text says: Attach debugger to Android process. It's the third icon along:
A list will then appear showing your processes that you can debug. Choose one and select OK - your application is now being debugged!
Note: Make sure your app is debuggable, as shown here.
Main Menu Toolbar -> Attach Debugger to Android Process
Run -> Attach Debugger to Android Process
Icon looks like
One more interesting feature is Attach Debugger when app is starting(using Run or open/reopen on device)
Developer options -> Select debug app
Developer options -> Wait for debugger

After starting an application for the second time, the splash image does not disappear

I am using Worklight v5.0.5 and have created a Worklight Hybrid application; I am running the app on iOS v5.1.1, compiled with Xcode 4.6.
When I execute the application in the iPad from Xcode - the iPad connected with the USB cable to the Mac - the application starts fine, I see the splash screen and then the login page.
If I disconnect the USB cable I'm not able to run the application again. Once I kill the application from the iPad, or stopping it ib Xcode before disconnecting the USB cable, I'm not able to start it again, the application does not go past the splash image.
Similarly, if I generate an .ipa and I install the it via the IBM Worklight Application Center then the first time I start the application it is fine, but if I kill the application (click twice the home button and so on...) then the next time I start the application it won't go past the splash image as well.
Any hint?
I have noticed similar behavior, not the same scenarios as you have described. For me, this helped:
After disconnecting the device from the Mac, I have made sure to exit the app in the same manner you have and to also close the iPad (not shut down, just clicking the power button to close the display) and then try to run the app again. You can also try shutting down the iPad. If that helps, this is not a Worklight issue...
Based on comment #3 to this answer, which revealed the issue at hand:
Once creating an application - for example with the name "newApp". this value, "newApp" is referenced in several locations throughout the project - the HTML filename, in application-descriptor.xml, references to the CSS and JS files of the applications and possibly another one or two references.
Changing this value is not supported. Changing it can indeed cause what is described in this question, and other oddities. Revert the change, and the application will work.
