WebStorm and PHP syntax highlighting in WebStorm - syntax-highlighting

I have WebStorm and really like it. I don't use PHP very often, but I'm working on a project that uses it...
So, I'm trying to get basic syntax highlighting in WebStorm.
I've tried using this plugin already (incompatible):
And I've followed the steps in these threads:
Webstorm: how to extend to handle PHP files or even just higlight code correctly?
Is it possible to get Ruby syntax highlighting in PHPStorm?
I am using this textmate bundle:
It's being recognized by WebStorm, and the proper files are being associated with TextMate bundles, yet I still have no syntax highlighting.
At this point, I've just written all the stuff without the highlighting, but it seems a bit ridicules that I cannot get it to work.
I sent an email to technical support, and they just pointed me back to those resources and then suggested that I buy PHPStorm. And the IDE keeps suggesting that I buy IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate.
Has anybody else run into this problem?

https://github.com/textmate/php.tmbundle bundle uses non-documented 'injection' - feature that's not currently supported - thus no highlighting is actually recognized. See RUBY-14273


VS Code Syntax TypeScript Syntax Highlighting

I've recently started coding TypeScript in VS Code, but I did thought that the syntax highlighting is really bad. So I started to Google around and found out that at its best it could look like this:
Mine looks like this:
I am using TypeScript 2.0.3 and working on a mac 10.11.6.
What helped me was what #Reg1nleifr mentioned in their comment: Switching the color scheme.
Go to Preferences -> Color Theme and change it to Dark+ (default dark).
The syntax highlighting in VSCode is driven by textmate files. This is the repository : https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript-TmLanguage/
It recently (16 days ago) went through a massive refactor : https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript-TmLanguage/pull/257 so hopefully it should get better if you update to vscode latest.
The best highlighting would come if it was done using the same code the compiler uses to parse the code. That isn't how vscode is architectured at the moment, so I do have my own code that does it : https://basarat.gitbooks.io/alm/content/features/typescript.html#syntax-highlighting

Syntax highlighting for Volt in Notepad++

I have just started using Phalcon and am amazed by it's versatitlity (previously used CakePHP). However, to make effective use of their Volt language I need syntax highlighting for it in Notepad++ but cannot find it anywhere.
Can anyone direct me to a package to install to introduce syntax highlighting for this language in Notepad++?
I realise that such a package may not exist for Volt in Notepad++ yet. In that case can anyone suggest:
a) an alternative text editor that does have syntax highlighting for Volt (preferably as minimalistic and simple as Notepad++); or
b) a guide that would help get me started on making the xml file to enable syntax highlighting for Volt in Notepad++ (I've got a bit of time, no harm in trying...).
Almost solution
The answer to this question implies that Twig is similar to Volt.
Using this definition for Twig and assigning it to .volt extensions currently. However, if a better version exists that would be good (i.e. one which keeps the normal syntax highlighting for the HTML but also adds in keyword, comments, etc. highlighting for the Volt parts).
I used twig syntax highlighting with Aptana and it worked alright.
You could also look in to Atom where there is a volt syntax available language-volt.
I use Atom for pretty much everything. It supports the volt syntax as well as a bunch of other useful plugins / extensions.

How to get a ruby syntax highlighting in IntelliJ IDEA Community 12

I know that there is no "official" support from Jetbrains. How can I workaround this?
I just need a syntax highlighting level of support for ruby.
Thanks in advance.
Follow the instructions in this blog post:
I've followed that process myself to setup custom syntax highlighting for both Velocity Template Language and JavaScript files, and am just about to do the same for Ruby.
Sure there is here an official technical support.
You can find ruby plugin for IntellJ IDEA here
Btw, first I thought you were using RubyMine, there you can set the auto-completion by going to File | Settings - IDE Settings - Editor - Code completion, so you could try to find what's up in this path for IntelliJ IDEA

How to turn on syntax highlighting in etherpad

There are many free etherpad implementations since it went open source. Does etherpad support syntax highlighting or is some kind of add-on available?
I tried
You can install a plugin in Etherpad called "Syntax highlighting".
To install the plugin simple visit /admin/plugins on your Etherpad deployment and then search for "syntax" and click Install.
For details on the plugin see https://npmjs.org/package/ep_syntaxhighlighting
UPDATE: Syntax highlighting is available as a plugin in the current Etherpad -- see John's answer below.
The original etherpad creators were working on highlighting, but complex sync-problems made them abandon that feature -- as documented in a .txt file in the source code.
Many etherpad sites run on a mostly standard etherpad.org release. If highlighting would get added, you'd probably see it quickly adopted at sketchpad.cc. Perhaps watch them and wait? Or if you really want highlighting, a good first attempt/experiment would be the read-only view. Example: http://sketchpad.cc/sp/pad/view/BACfNDybki/latest
Try to use some existing highlighting javascript library to highlight the text inside DIV#padcontent or perhaps $('DIV#padcontent')[0].textContent
The complexity is getting the highlighted text formatting back into the DB. For this you might need to use operational transformations (which is the foundations of etherpad and as of recently also used in the Google Docs word processor). A tutorial: http://www.codecommit.com/blog/java/understanding-and-applying-operational-transformation
The etherpad plugin ep_codepad provides syntax highlighting - based on highlight.js - for etherpad.

Customize VisualStudio syntax highlighting even more

I am wondering if it is possible to set VisualStudio IDE so it highlights private/protected/public variables of the class differently as well as change formatting on locals (i.e. variables that are either passed in or declared inside a function, like this).
I did not find any such options in the normal Fonts and Colors menu of VS. Also a search on SO reveals that (at least as of 2 years ago) only add-ons provide such features. But is there a way to manually edit some file? Just because we don't get a nice UI to edit, doesn't mean underlying framework automatically doesn't support it. I mean add-ons have to plug into something to do their magic in the editor. Any insights into this issue?
EDIT: I have found the following information on MSDN Syntax Highlighting (Managed Package Framework). But the explanation/examples given are woefully inadequate. Does anyone know of a more extensive docs/tutorials/etc. for MPF?
I could be wrong (probably am) but I think plugins that do what you want replace the default highlighter in Visual Studio, so I don't think there is a file you can edit. As far as I know, you need a plugin. ReSharper might do this...I'm not sure though (I don't use it)
