How to get the headers in a grid to copy to the clipboard - vb6

I'm using vb6, SQL Server2008, and ComponentOne Objects. I'm using the following code to copy the grid results to the clipboard:
Set rs = AdoMain.Recordset.Clone
For Each row In GridMain.SelBookmarks
rs.Bookmark = row
'For col = gridMain.SelStartCol To gridMain.SelEndCol
For Col = 0 To 15
strTemp = strTemp & rs(Col).Value & vbTab
Next Col
strTemp = strTemp & vbCrLf
Next row
Clipboard.SetText strTemp, vbCFText
This portion works great for the "body" of the grid, however I cannot get the grid headers to copy. Any help?

If you want the Name of recordset column use:
but if you want the Header of GridMain column you should use

If you are using VSFlexGrid, I think this will work:
With GridMain
'select entire grid
.Select .FixedRows, .FixedCols, .Rows - 1, .Cols - 1
'copy selection to clipboard
End With


How to Delete Selected row from a datagrid in visual basic 6

pls help me.. i already done try to call my database to datagrid, but now i can't find a way to delete my data from selected row at datagrid
my datagrid from here
Private Sub cmdTampil_Click()
AdoCupu.ConnectionString = Buka
AdoCupu.RecordSource = "Select * from vJadwalRehab Where jadwalrehab between '" & Format(dtDari, "yyyy/MM/dd") & "' and '" & Format(dtpSampai, "yyyy/MM/dd") & "'"
Set dgData.DataSource = AdoCupu
End Sub
i tried these methods on 'delete button' but still won't work
Private Sub cmdHapus_Click()
1.method 'dgData.(1).index
dgData.rows.RemoveAt (i)
2.method ' Dim index As Integer
' index = dgData.CurrentCell.RowIndex
3.method ' delete the selected row
' dgData.rows.RemoveAt (index)
'If Not dgData.CurrentRow.IsNewRow Then
'dgData.rows.Remove (dgData.CurrentRow)
'End If
End Sub
i tried those 3 method but didn't work..
i found it! just delete index number'primary key' from table n row of data gone..
CONN.Execute "delete jadwalRehab where id='" & txtID & "'"
MsgBox "Data Jadwal Berhasil Dihapus!"
Once you fill in your grid, the easy way of deleting records is through the Adodc control:
Private Sub cmdHapus_Click()
Dim bm As Variant
For Each bm In dgData.SelBookmarks
AdoCupu.Recordset.Bookmark = bm
End Sub

Populate and sort a ComboBox from another ComboBox, VBA

Hi Everyone I am having trouble getting a ComboBox to sort, when another combobox is selected.
I think I have the Right SQL Syntax but I cant seem to get the vba to run it through; currently the vba returns all of the states in the recordset regardless of the company.
Private Sub CboCountry_Click()
Set db = CurrentDb
Dim SQLStr As String
Set RsState = db.OpenRecordset("T2States", dbOpenSnapshot, dbSeeChanges)
'populates combobox with recordset, that is defined by the country input from the form
Do While Not RsState.EOF
Me.CboState.RowSource = Me.CboState.RowSource & RsState("StateID") & ";" & RsState("State") & ";"
I think this is the right SQL String but I'm having trouble to get it to work.
'SQLStr = "SELECT T2States.StateID, T2States.States, T2States.CountryID" & _
" FROM T2States GROUP BY T2States.StatesID" & _
" WHERE T2States.CountryID = """ & Me.CboCountry.Value & """"
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
See Full Code below, the error that pops up when I substitute SQLStr into the Openrecordset is a Run-time error '3078' the microsoft access database engine cannot find the input table or query 'SQLStr'. Make sure it exists and that its name is spelled correctly.
What should happen is when a country is selected from CboCountry combobox, it will load the CboState combobox by sorting the recordset by CountryID
see below for both code parts
Private Sub Form_Load()
Set db = CurrentDb
Set RsCompany = db.OpenRecordset("T1Company", dbOpenDynaset, dbSeeChanges)
Set RsCountry = db.OpenRecordset("T2Countries", dbOpenSnapshot, dbSeeChanges)
Set RsAddress = db.OpenRecordset("T1Addresses", dbOpenDynaset, dbSeeChanges)
Set RsAddressType = db.OpenRecordset("T2AddressType", dbOpenSnapshot, dbSeeChanges)
Set RsCompanyAddress = db.OpenRecordset("T3Company_Address", dbOpenDynaset, dbSeeChanges)
Me.CboCountry = Null
Me.TxtAddress1 = Null
Me.TxtAddress2 = Null
Me.TxtAddress3 = Null
Me.TxtCity = Null
Me.CboAddressType = Null
Me.CboCountry = Null
Me.CboState = Null
Me.TxtPostalCode = Null
Me.TxtCompanyID = Null
Me.TxtLegalName = Null
Me.TxtNickname = Null
Me.TxtAddressID = Null
Do While Not RsCountry.EOF
Me.CboCountry.RowSource = Me.CboCountry.RowSource & RsCountry("CountryID") & ";" & RsCountry("Country") & ";"
Do While Not RsAddressType.EOF
Me.CboAddressType.RowSource = Me.CboAddressType.RowSource & RsAddressType("AddressTypeID") & ";" & RsAddressType("AddressType") & ";"
End Sub
Private Sub CboCountry_Click()
Set db = CurrentDb
Dim SQLStr As String
'SQLStr = "SELECT T2States.StateID, T2States.State, T2States.CountryID" & _
" FROM T2States" & _
" WHERE T2States.CountryID = """ & Me.CboCountry.Value & """"
Set RsState = db.OpenRecordset("T2States", dbOpenDynaset, dbSeeChanges)
'populates combobox with recordset, that is defined by the country input from the form
Do While Not RsState.EOF
Me.CboState.RowSource = Me.CboState.RowSource & RsState("StateID") & ";" & RsState("State") & ";"
End Sub
Let us see
1- sure you've to append with
Having T2States.States, T2States.CountryID
2- Error exist in it, extra 's' in the Column name:
GROUP BY T2States.StatesID
3- put all the code and i'll check with you what you miss.
best regards
This one turned out to be a quick fix in the Property Sheet under the DATA tab, the Row Source Type had to be changed back to 'Table/Query' from a 'Value'.
There is VBA that could account for this but it was just a simple as changing that Row Source.
The Reason for the mix up, for a quick bit of background if it helps, is that all my combo boxes are unbound and I was binding them with VBA Recordsets so the rowsource has to be a value list - Essentially the VBA is writing the list everytime it loads.
Where as when I started using SQL to generate the recordset, even though it was in VBA I had to change the property back to Table/Query.

Copy one Recordset to another

Since I received so nice and fast solution to my problem, I will try again to get some help from you:
I opened two Recordsets.
Set cmd1.ActiveConnection = cn1
cmd1.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM mov Where [Date] >= #" & DateA & "#;"
Set RSold = cmd1.Execute
Set cmd2.ActiveConnection = cn2
cmd2.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM mov"
Set RSnew = cmd2.Execute
(I want to save only selected records of a file.)
I know how to copy record by record, but is there a 'Short Cut' to do it faster ?
try this:
Dim i As Long
Do While Not RSold.EOF
' You can place if condition here
For i = 0 To RSold.Fields.Count - 1
RSNew.Fields(RSold.Fields(i).Name) = RSold.Fields(i).Value
Next i
This will copy records from RSold to RSnew recordset
You Can use code :
Set RSNew = RSOld.Clone
#user1838163 :Saving the second Recordset as a file
Dim RFileNm As String
Dim fs
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
RFileNm = "c:\temp\" & Trim(RFileNm) & ".adt"
fs.DeleteFile (RFileNm)
RSNew .Save RFileNm, adPersistADTG
RSNew .Close
RSNew .Open RFileNm, , , , adCmdFile
I think this will do what you want by doing it all at once.
Dim objPB As New PropertyBag
objPB.WriteProperty "rs", RSOld
Set RSNew = objPB.ReadProperty("rs")
Set objPB = Nothing
I don't think CLONE is going to do what you want. It just gives you another view of the same recordset you already have. This allows you to use multiple bookmarks and so forth, but the recordset is still attached to the same database the original was. I also need a way to copy the recordset and save it to a new database in a new format.

how to make ascii file for accounting software with vbscript and ASP

i need to have an ascii file that have several lines in it for accounting.
in everyline i will have the text and numbers for example numbers and spaces with specific length for every column of data
first column is 3 char length
second is 5
third is 10 and etc...
then i need the end of the line to end with CR + LF
how do i do an ascii file from classic asp and vbscript?
You use FSO (FileSystemObject) to work with files in VBScript. This MSDN Page, Working with Files, shows you how to create and write to files.
Here's a page that has a sample that uses VBScript in an ASP page to create a text file.
My guess, you need to manage a text file like a database. If I'm right, you can do it using Text File Driver.
You need a schema.ini file for the data construct configuration and an existing text file (myfile.csv).
Col1=first Text Width 3
Col2=second Text Width 5
Col3=third Text Width 10
; etc.
myfile.csv (maybe not certain but there are three columns per line with the above configuration.)
Things to do side of ASP are like classical database operations also.
Const adLockReadOnly = 1
Dim adoCon, adoRS
Set adoCon = Server.CreateObject("Adodb.Connection")
adoCon.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source="& Server.Mappath(".") & _
";Extended Properties=""text"""
Set adoRS = Server.CreateObject("Adodb.Recordset")
With adoRS
.Open "Select * From [myfile.csv]", adoCon, , adLockReadOnly
While Not .Eof
Response.Write( _
.Fields("first").Value & " - "& _
.Fields("second").Value & " - "& _
.Fields("third").Value & _
"<br />")
End With
Set adoRS = Nothing
'Data insert : new line ends with CR + LF automatically.
adoCon.Execute "Insert Into [myfile.csv] Values('aaa','bbbbb','cccccccccc')"
Set adoCon = Nothing

get value of Checkbox in datagrid

I am working with windows application.
I have a datagrid in Its first column is a checkbox. I want to know which checkboxes are checked and which are not.
My code is :
Dim dr As DataGridViewRow
For i = 0 To gdStudInfo.RowCount - 1
dr = gdStudInfo.Rows(i)
att = dr.Cells(0).Value.ToString()
If att.Equals("Present") Then
qry = "insert into Stu_Att_Detail values(" & id & "," & gdStudInfo.Rows(i).Cells(1).Value.ToString() & ",'" & dr.Cells(0).Value.ToString() & "')"
End If
I am getting correct values for all checked check box, but it gets error when the checkbox is not checked.
What if you try this?
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(dr.Cells(0).Value) Then
'do stuff here
End If
