Is there a BASH script allowing me to grep from /var/log/messages? - bash

I am in need of a script (if one exists, not confident in my own scripting ability) that is able to bring up specified information from the /var/log/messages. I need to show logged traffic on specific dates and times and protocols (ie. Show all insecure FTP traffic on October 23 between 12:30pm and 12:35pm). Is there a script that can do this, or is anyone able to perhaps create a quick simple one that can do the job?

This is the script I have, although it is not working completely:
read -p "Enter month (first 3 letters): " month
read -p "Enter day of month: " day
read -p "Enter starting time (HH:MM:SS): " stime
read -p "Enter ending time (HH:MM:SS): " ftime
read -p "Enter chain: " chain
read -p "Enter any other modifiers (TTL, SRC, DSP, SPT, DPT, IN, OUT, etc): " modifier
if [ -z "$month" ]; then
if [ -z "$chain" ]; then
if [ -z "$modifier" ]; then
if [ -z "$stime" ] && [ -z "$ftime" ]; then
cat /var/log/messages | grep -i "$month $day" | grep -i $chain | grep -i $modifier
cat /var/log/messages | grep -i "$month $day" | grep -i $chain | grep -i $modifier | sed -n "/$stime/,/$ftime/p"
It isnt working well but its better than nothing. Perhaps it can be improved


bash script to scan for repeated episode numbers, append episode modifier

I use youtube-dl to archive specific blogs. I use a custom bash script (called tvify) to help me organize my content into Plex-ready filenames for later replay via my home Plex server.
Archiving the content works fine, unless a blogger posts more than one video on the same date - if that happens my script creates more than one file for a given month/date and plex sees a duplicate episode. In the plex app, it stuffs them together as distinct 'versions' of the same episode. The result is that the description of the video no longer matches its contents, and only one 'version' appears unless I access an additional sub menu.
The videos get downloaded by you tube-dl kicked off from a cron-job, and that downloader script runs the following to help format their filenames and stuff them into appropriate folders for 'seasons'.
The season is the year when the video was released, and the episode is the combination of the month and date in MMDD format.
Below is my 'tvify' script, which helps perform the filename manipulation and stuffs the file into the proper folder for the season.
echo mySuff="$mySuff"
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
for i in $mySuff
prb=`ffprobe -- "$i" 2>&1`
myDate=`echo "$prb" | grep -E 'date\s+:' | cut -d ':' -f 2`
myartist=`echo "$prb" | grep -E 'artist\s+:' | cut -d ':' -f 2`
myTitle=`echo "$prb" | grep -E 'title\s+:' | cut -d ':' -f 2 | sed 's/\//_/g'`
cwd_stub=`pwd | awk -F'/' '{print $NF}'`
if [ -d "s${myDate:1:4}" ]; then echo "Directory found" > /dev/null; else mkdir "s${myDate:1:4}"; fi
[ -d "s${myDate:1:4}" ] && mv -- "$i" "s${myDate:1:4}/${myartist[#]:1} - s${myDate:1:4}e${myDate:5:8} - ${myTitle[#]:1:40} _$i" || mv -- "$i" "${myartist[#]:1} - s${myDate:1:4}e${myDate:5:8} - ${myTitle[#]:1:40} _$i"
How can I modify that script to identify if a conflicting year/MMDD file exists, and if so, append an appropriate suffix to the episode number so that plex will interpret them as distinct episodes?
I ended up implementing an array, counting the number of elements in the array, and using that to append the integer:
echo mySuff="$mySuff"
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
for i in $mySuff
prb=`ffprobe -- "$i" 2>&1`
myDate=`echo "$prb" | grep -E 'date\s+:' | cut -d ':' -f 2`
myartist=`echo "$prb" | grep -E 'artist\s+:' | cut -d ':' -f 2`
myTitle=`echo "$prb" | grep -E 'title\s+:' | cut -d ':' -f 2 | sed 's/\//_/g'`
cwd_stub=`pwd | awk -F'/' '{print $NF}'`
readarray -t conflicts < <(find . -maxdepth 2 -iname "*s${myDate:1:4}e${myDate:5:8}*" -type f -printf '%P\n')
[ ${#conflicts[#]} -gt 0 ] && _inc=${#conflicts[#]} || _inc=
if [ -d "s${myDate:1:4}" ]; then echo "Directory found" > /dev/null; else mkdir "s${myDate:1:4}"; fi
[ -d "s${myDate:1:4}" ]
&& mv -- "$i" "s${myDate:1:4}/${myartist[#]:1} - s${myDate:1:4}e${myDate:5:8}$_inc - ${myTitle[#]:1:40} _$i"
|| mv -- "$i" "${myartist[#]:1} - s${myDate:1:4}e${myDate:5:8}$_inc - ${myTitle[#]:1:40} _$i"

Implementing a datalogger in bash

Hi I'm a newby in Bash scripting.
I need to log a data stream from a specific IP address and generate a logfile for each day as "file-$date.log" (i.e at 00:00:00 UT close the previous day file and create the correspondig to the new one)
I need to show data stream on screen while it is logged in a file
I try this solution but not works well because never closesthe initial file
apparently the condition check never executes while the first command of the pipe it is something different to an constant string like echo "something".
while IFS= read -r line ; do printf '%s %s\n' "$(date -u '+%j %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')" "$line"; done
register_data() {
while : ;
> stream.txt
DATE=$(date -u "+%j %Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
HOUR=$(date -u "+%H:%M:%S")
while [[ "${HOUR}" != 00:00:00 ]];
tail -f stream.txt | tee "${file}"
sleep 1
HOUR=$(date -u "+%H:%M:%S")
> stream.txt
nc -vn $IP $IP_port | log_data >> stream.txt &
I'll will be glad if someone can give me some clues to solve this problem.

add specific string to a specific line at the end. -bash

I have a textfile(particulars.txt) which contains
How to do I make it such that if I key in the name of the worker, it will check whether that person is full time or part time worker and prompts the user to key in the salary and rewrite back to the file just for that person. I will explain in more details.
for example
Enter Name:jane
jane is a partTime staff
Enter Hourly Salary:10
so the textfile(particulars.txt) will now be
example two
Enter Name:bob
bob is a fullTime staff
Enter monthly Salary:1600
so the textfile(particulars.txt) will now be
this is what I have
my code
read -p "Enter name:" name
if grep -q $name $fileName; then
employmentType=$(grep $name $fileName | cut -d, -f4)
echo "$name is $employmentType" staff"
if [ $employmentType == "partTime" ]; then
echo "Enter hourly pay:"
read hourlyPay
#calculations for monthly salary(which I have not done)
elif [ $employmentType == "fullTime" ]; then
echo "Enter monthly salary:"
read monthlySalary
echo "No record found"
read -p "Press[Enter Key] to Contiune.." readEnterKey
I am only able to find which employment type does the person belongs to, but I am not sure of how/what should I do to add the salary at the end of the line just for that particular person. i have read up on sed , but I'm still confused on how to use sed to achieve my results and thus seeking help from you guys. Thanks in advance
Unless you need to do it in an interactive manner, you can say:
sed '/\bbob\b/{s/$/,1600/}' filename
This would add ,1600 to the line matching bob. Note that by specifying word boundaries \b, you'd ensure that the change is done only for bob, not abob or boba.
You can use the -i option to make the changes to the file in-place:
sed -i '/\bbob\b/{s/$/,1600/}' filename
EDIT: In order to use shell variable, use double quotes for the sed command:
sed "/\b$employeeName\b/{s/^$/,$monthlySalary/}" filename
I just modified your script.
read -p "Enter name:" name
if grep -q $name $fileName; then
employmentType=$(grep $name $fileName | cut -d, -f3)
emp_name=$(grep $name $fileName | cut -d, -f2) # Getting emp name
emp_id=$(grep $name $fileName | cut -d, -f1) # Getting id
echo "$name is $employmentType staff"
if [ $employmentType == "partTime" ]; then
echo "Enter hourly pay:"
read hourlyPay
#calculations for monthly salary(which I have not done)
sed -i "s/^$emp_id.*$/&,$hourlyPay/g" $fileName # Modifying the file by using id.
elif [ $employmentType == "fullTime" ]; then
echo "Enter monthly salary:"
read monthlySalary
echo "No record found"
read -p "Press[Enter Key] to Contiune.." readEnterKey
I have added the below lines.
emp_id=$(grep $name $fileName | cut -d, -f1)
emp_name=$(grep $name $fileName | cut -d, -f2)
sed -i "s/^$emp_id.*$/&,$hourlyPay/g" $fileName

Converting time formats in zsh

I have created a z shell script that takes a time option argument. (ex: --time 00:03:30). I would like the user to be able to enter the time in a format other than HH:MM:SS. My script can already convert HH:MM:SS into seconds (which is what the end result needs to be), but the HH:MM:SS format is clunky. So, I made a function that will convert another format (#h#m#s) into the original one:
if [ "$(echo "$1" | grep -E "([[:digit:]]+[hms]|[[:digit:]]+[hms][[:digit:]]+[hms]|[[:digit:]]+[hms][[:digit:]]+[hms][[:digit:]]+[hms])")" ]; then
if [ "$(echo "$1" | grep "h")" ]; then
H="$(echo "$1" | sed -E 's|.*([[:digit:]]+)h.*|\1|')"
if [ "$(echo "$1" | grep "m")" ]; then
M="$(echo "$1" | sed -E 's|.*([[:digit:]]+)m.*|\1|')"
if [ "$(echo "$1" | grep "s")" ]; then
S="$(echo "$1" | sed -E 's|.*([[:digit:]]+)s.*|\1|')"
echo "$H:$M:$S" | sed -Ee 's|:([[:digit:]]):|:0\1:|' -e 's|^([[:digit:]]):|0\1:|' -e 's|:([[:digit:]])$|:0\1|'
Yes, I have created my own solution. I came here to find a better one. Also, if you know of any other formats that you can convert into to seconds please let me know.
Is this what you want?
% zmodload zsh/datetime
% echo $(( $(strftime -r '%H:%M:%S' 01:01:12) - $(strftime -r '%H:%M:%S' 0:0:0) ))

bash script and greping with command line

new to bash scripting so just wondering if i am doing this code right at all. im trying to search /etc/passwd and then grep and print users.
usage ()
echo "usage: ./ user"
# test if we have two arguments on the command line
if [ $# != 1 ]
if [[ $# < 0 ]];then
# Search for user
fullname=`grep $1 /etc/passwd | cut -f 5 -d :`
firstname=`grep $1 /etc/passwd | cut -f 5 -d : | cut -f 1 -d " "`
#check if there. if name is founf: print msg and line entry
not sure as how to this or if im doing this right...
am i doing this right?
grep $1 /etc/passwd | while IFS=: read -r username passwd uid gid info home shell
echo $username: $info
This might work for you:
fullname=$(awk -F: '/'$1'/{print $5}' /etc/passwd)
firstname=${fullname/ *}
You're on the right track.
But I think the 2nd if [[ $# < 0 ]] .... fi block doesn't get you much. Your first test case gets the situation right, 'This script requires 1 argument or quits'.
Also, I don't see what you need firstname for, so a basic test is
case "${fullname:--1}" in
-[1] ) printf "No userID found for input=$1\n" ; exit 1 ;;
* )
# assume it is OK
# do what every you want after this case block
You can of course, duplicate this using "${firstname}" if you really need the check.
OR as an equivalent if ... fi is
if [[ "${fullname}" == "" ]] ; then
printf "No userID found for input=$1\n" ; exit 1
note to be more efficient, you can parse ${fullname} to get firstname without all the calls to grep etc, i.e.
firstname=${fullname%% *}
Let me know if you need for me to explain :--1} and %% *} variable modifiers.
I hope this helps.
Instead of this:
fullname=`grep $1 /etc/passwd | cut -f 5 -d :`
firstname=`grep $1 /etc/passwd | cut -f 5 -d : | cut -f 1 -d " "`
Try this:
fullname=$(cut -f5 -d: /etc/passwd | grep "$1")
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
# not found, do something
firstname=${fullname%% *} # remove the space and everything after
Note that I changed my answer to cut before grep so that it doesn't get false positives if some other field matches the full name you are searching for.
You can simply by reading your input to an array and then printing out your desired fields, something like this -
grep $1 /etc/passwd | while IFS=: read -a arry; do
echo ${arry[0]}:${arry[4]};
jaypal:~/Temp] echo "root:*:0:0:System Administrator:/var/root:/bin/sh" |
while IFS=: read -a arry; do
echo ${arry[0]}:${arry[4]};
root:System Administrator
