How to show the name of the data source of the line in Timelion - elasticsearch

I have 20+ datasources some are being update regularly and others are not.
I have made a gruesome concatenate copy/paste thing in Excel. So a "for loop" would be nice, but for now I am primarily missing the names.
.es(index=US, timefield=timestamp), .es(index=UK, timefield=base_date)
Both show up as:
q:* > count
q:* > count
I thought I could fix it as follows:
.es(index=US, timefield=timestamp, q=US), .es(index=UK, timefield=base_date, q=UK)
And than I had my coffee...
Primary question: How to add labels to datasources?
Secondary question: Easy way to see what data sources span what amount of time.
Thanks in advance for your comments!


Xpath with contains() in importXML()

I've done dozens times, but now don't get what I'm doing wrong. I want to extract specific records, into 2 separate columns (I know that order wil not match), so I use:
//a/#href[contains(.; "github")]
//*[contains(text(); "Pricing:")]
But non of them is working - where my mistake?
(my sandbox: with LT localle)
damn, those google sheet localles!!!... must be:
//a/#href[contains(., "github")]
//*[contains(text(), "Pricing:")]
I'll keep for further reference.

How to ignore "stop words" while sorting in MarkLogic?

Is there any way to ignore "stop words" while sorting.
For example:
I have words like
the marklogic
On sorting in descending order the result should be
singla, the marklogic, dixit
As in the above example the is ignored.
Any way to achieve this?
Stop word can occur at any place.
for example
the MarkLogic
MarkLogic is the best
the MarkLogic is awesome
while sorting should not consider any stop word in the text.
Above is just a small example to describe the problem.
In actual I am using search:search API.
For sorting, I am using sort-order search options.
The element on which I have to perform sorting is dynamic. There are approx 30-35 elements.
Is there any way to customize the collation at this level like to configure some words (stop words) which will be ignored while sorting.
There is no standard collation URI that is going to do this for you (at least none that I've ever seen). You can do it dynamically, of course, by sorting on the result of a function invocation, but if you want it done efficiently at scale (and available to search:search), then you need to materialize the sortable string into your document. I've often done this as an attribute on the element:
<title sortable="Great Gatsby, The">The Great Gatsby</title>
Then you put a range index on the title/#sortable attribute.
You can also use the "envelope pattern" where materialized metadata like this is maintained in its own section of the document with the original kept in its own section. For things like this, I think it's a bit more elegant to decorate the elements directly, to keep the context.
If I understand your question correctly you're trying to get rid of the definite article when sorting your result-set.
In order to do this you need to use some additional functions and create a 'sort' criteria. My solution would look like this (I'm also including some sample documents so that you can test this just by copy-pasting):
xdmp:document-insert("/peter.xml", <person><firstName>Peter</firstName><lastName>O'Toole</lastName><age>60</age></person>);
xdmp:document-insert("/john.xml", <person><firstName>John</firstName><lastName>Adams</lastName><age>18</age></person>);
xdmp:document-insert("/simon.xml", <person><firstName>Simon</firstName><lastName>Petrov</lastName><age>22</age></person>);
xdmp:document-insert("/mark.xml", <person><firstName>Mark</firstName><lastName>the Lord</lastName><age>25</age></person>);
for $person in /person
let $sort := fn:reverse(fn:tokenize($person/lastName, ' '))[1]
order by $sort
(: return $person :)
return $person/lastName/text()
Notice that now the sort order is going to be
- Adams
- the Lord
- O'Toole
- Petrov
I hope this will help.

Report Builder Expressions

Im new to Report Builder and having issues with some expressions that Im trying to implement in a report. I got the standard ones to work however as soon as I try any distinctions, I get error messages. Over the last couple weeks, Ive tried many combinations, read the expression help, google and looking at other questions at internet sites. To reduce my frustrations, I even would jump to other expressions and walk away hoping I would have different insight coming back.
Its probably something simple or something I dont know about writing expressions.
Im hoping that someone can help with these expressions; they are the versions I get the least errors with(usually just expression expected) and show what Im trying to accomplish.
=IIF((Fields!TRANSTYPE.Value)='1' and (Fields!RECORDFLAG.VALUE)='A' or
=IIF((Fields!TRANSTYPE.Value)='1' and
=Sum([DOLLARS] case when [RECORDFLAG]='P' then -1*[DOLLARS])
Thank You.
The error message gives you the answer here - no false part of the iif() has been specified. Use =IIF((Fields!RECORDFLAG.Value)=”D”,COUNTDISTINCT(Fields!TICK‌​ETNUM.Value), 0)
=IIF((Fields!TRANSTYPE.Value)="1" and (Fields!RECORDFLAG.VALUE)="A" or "B",SUM(Fields!DOLLARS.Value),0)
This is not how an OR works in SSRS. Use:
=IIF((Fields!TRANSTYPE.Value)="1" and (Fields!RECORDFLAG.VALUE="A" or Fields!RECORDFLAG.Value = "B"),SUM(Fields!DOLLARS.Value),0)
The 0s are returned due to your report design. countdistinct() is an aggregate function - it's meant to be used on a set of data. However, your iif() is only testing on a per row basis - you're basically saying "if the current row is thing, count all the distinct values" which doesn't make sense. There are a couple of ways forward:
You can count the number of times a certain value occurs in a given condition using a sum(). This is not the same as the countdistinct(), but if you use =sum(iif(Fields!RECORDFLAG.Value = "D", 1, 0)) then you will get the number of times RECORDFLAG is D in that set. Note: this requires the data to be aggregated (so in SSRS, grouped in a tablix).
You can use custom code to count distinct values in a set. See You can apply this even if you have only one dataset - just reference the same one twice.
You can change the way your report works. You can group on Fields!RECORDFLAG.Value and filter the group to where Fields!RECORDFLAG.Value = "D". Then in your textbox, use =countdistinct(Fields!TICKETNUM.Value) to get the distinct values for TICKETNUM when RECORDFLAG is D.

Summing XML Data in MSWord Mail Merge

I have a report card written in Word that uses an XML file for its input. In the XML file, if a student remains in the same section all three trimesters there will be one node for that class; if they change sections at the trimester they'll have one node for each section. The nodes look something like this (greatly simplified):
<ReportCardSectionFB Abs1="2" Abs2="11" CourseID="ELMATH1" CourseTitle="Math" PeriodStart="3" TeacherName="Jones, Jennifer" TermCode="Year" SectionID="ELMATH1-4" />
<ReportCardSectionFB Abs1="1.50" Abs2="6" CourseID="ELMATH1" CourseTitle="Math" PeriodStart="3" TeacherName="Smith, Tina" TermCode="Year" SectionID="ELMATH1-3" />
There is no indicator within the XML as to which trimester the node belongs to.
In the Word document, we're pulling the absence data with the following mail merge command:
{MERGEFIELD "ReportCardSectionFB[#PeriodStart='3']/ #Abs1" \# 0.# \* MERGEFORMAT }
That's not working in this situation: it only gets the absence data from the first node it comes across, i.e.: 2.0. Is there a way to get the sum of #Abs1 for all period 3 classes, i.e.: 3.5? If not, is there a way to only get the last #Abs1 for period 3, i.e.: 1.5?
I recommend you to use this 3rd party product, which can use xml as input and is capable of merging it with MS Word template. I is also much more powerful than the built-in Word's mail merge. You can see some examples here.
You could also try summing the absences in Synergy - there's a new checkbox under AttDef1, 2, etc. that adds up all the absences for the data range - Include all day data for the entire date range regardless of section enrollment or section timeframe. That way the absences should be the same for each section, if that works for your district.
You can also try the SET function in Word to nest the MERGEFIELDS as bookmarks and use the Word operator functions to then add the bookmarks.

FreeMarker specifc table index from results

I'm using openReports that uses freeMarker formats as a template.
The following:
<#display.table name="results" class="displayTag" sort="list" export=true pagesize=10 requestURI="queryReportResult.action">
<#display.column property="first_name" title="First Name" sortable=true headerClass="sortable" />
<#display.column property="last_name" title="Last Name" sortable=true headerClass="sortable"/>
The data is automatically grabbed using a stored procedure.
This will create a sortable table, does anyone know how I could access just the first row of data. I intend to save it into a variable and output it in some part of the page.
The reason I want to do this is we have a basic report and what would make it perfect is if I could print some from it toward the top of the page above the report.
I know a lot of people aren't familiar with OpenReports, but I figured freeMarker does have a pretty good following. I understand if this is pretty obscure
From what I can see from here, the #display.table call prints the whole table at once, so there's nowhere to insert the FreeMarker code to catch the first row. But of course you should check the documentation of #display.table to see if it offers any helpful options. But, I suppose you have already done that. So as a last resort, you can capture the whole table into a variable with <#assign tableHTML><#display.table ...>...</#display.table></#assign> and then extract the first row with a regular expression (or something like that) from the value of the tableHTML variable.
