Google Forms: Autofill fields based on data from external database - jdbc

Basically what I'm trying to do is create a form with fields that are autofilled (such as name, address, email etc) based on info in the first field of the form (social security number). All data is stored in an external MySQL database.
So when I manually enter a SSN in the form, I need some kind of script to run and check the database for the corresponding values associated with the SSN, and autofill these values into the corresponding fields in the form, and if the SSN is not found in the database it should let me fill out the fields manually.

not possible with google forms which does not support running code at form fill time.
instead write a webapp with appscript or appmaker.


Form WHERE clause

I have an APEX form I'm developing for "user settings". I have a table with a sequence as a primary key and the users ID in another addition to a few columns where each users saved settings are stored (things like "N" for do not receive notices).
I haven't used Oracle APEX in a while so excuse this likely newbie question...The insert works fine, but I'm having trouble with making the form only show the current users values. In my Form Region the source is set to my Table, and I have a WHERE clause like this:
USER_ID = 813309
But that's not working (813309 is my id and I'm just hard-coding it for now). The form always comes up with a "New" record.
For a form to load a specific record you can set the primary key page item to the value you need. You can do so in the url using the link builder from another page or you can set a computation on the item. That is what I would try in your case: add a computation to your item P_USER_ID of type "Static Value" with value 813309. Make sure the computation happens before the "Fetch Row" - the value obviously needs to be set before the process runs.
In such cases, I prefer creating a Report + Form combination (using the Wizard, of course): it creates an interactive report (so that you can review data in a table), and a form which is used to add new records or update/delete existing ones.
Doing so, when you pick a user in interactive report and click the icon at the beginning of a row, Apex redirects you to the form page, passing primary key column value to the form which then fetches appropriate data from the table.
Not that it won't work the way you're trying to do it, it's just simpler if you let Apex do everything for you.
So: did you create an automatic row fetch pre-rendering process? If not, do so because - without it - Apex doesn't know what to fetch. Also, if you hardcoded user_id, it won't do much good. Consider storing username into the table so that you could reference it via :APP_USER Apex variable.

How can I pass multiple values in a single paramter in Informatica Developer(IDQ) and later can read the values from parameter file

Using this on source table query in mapping
BO_CLASS_CODE in '$p_class_cd'
BO_CLASS_CODE in ($p_class_cd) --Tries this also
enter image description here
parameter used in mapping with string data type
$p_class_cd as business partner,base customer account
$p_class_cd as 'business partner','base customer account'--Tried this also
enter image description here
Source side is getting validated but not able to pick the values as passed in paramter.I want to filter with multiple values like business partner,base customer account.

Database validation for a user input text field in oracle UCM | WCC

I'm new to Oracle WCC.
In Oracle WCC/UCM( Universal content management), I have one table named CreateStudent has 2 columns StudentID and StudentName.
One metadata custom field XXStudent_Info for which user will pass the value on Checkin page.
We need to validate the value of XXStudent_Info to database column StudentID, if it matches then checkin possible otherwise restrict on checkin itself.
How can i do this in WCC via out of the box functionality or will i have to create a custom service/query for this DB validation. Please give steps in detail
Is the custom metadata field XXStudent_Info based on an option list which uses a view which is based on the table? If so, you should be able to restrict it to only valid values.

Unique field validation in Google forms

Using Google forms, data can saved to the spreadsheet. Now i would like to apply validation in Username field for avoid duplication. How can add UNIQUE validation in google form field using Google script?
I think it is not possible to add validation for fields in Google form values by using Google Apps Script direcly.
One thing you can consider to change the settings in the Google form itself, if the Username field value is same as the Username that logged in to access that form. You can do this by checking the "only allow one response per person(required login)".
If the above solution does not apply for your requirement, the UiApp/Html Service in Apps Script will help you in creating custom forms.
You can create a custom form and write a custom function to get the Username field values using SpreadsheetApp class into an array. Before submitting the Form, compare the Username field from Google form with the list of username cell values that we got in an array and check for uniqueness.
Hope that helps!

Can we prepopulate the webform fields with values in webforms for marketers?

We have a requirement to pre-populate the Contact Form with user information on load if the user is a logged in user. So that, user need not fill his information using the webform.
Is there any way to do this using webforms for marketers?
Data is coming from a service api in json format. Need to figure out a way to bind it to fields either in server side or in client side.
Sitecore Version 7.1 140117 WFFM Version "Web Forms for Marketers
2.4.0 rev. 140117"
Have a look at Sitecore - Webforms For Marketers Form - Use ReadQueryString Option. Basically, there is a checkbox, ReadQueryString, in presentation details that gives you the option to fill in the default values from the query string. If checked, you use the item names of the fields (not the display name or title) as keys and the values you want to set the fields to as the values in key-value pair in the querystring.
Create a new rule based on use default value from user profile [fieldname] field and amend it to pick up the value from your service API.
This will be your best way and simplest option in my opinion.
I use this same approach prepopulating ucommerce data from its API.
Create custom field and then you can pre-populate values as per your need.
Like if you want to populate any value in Single line text field the create custom field for this and then reflect forms dll and copy code then update code as per your need.
Please check blog post for more details.
