How can I pass multiple values in a single paramter in Informatica Developer(IDQ) and later can read the values from parameter file - etl

Using this on source table query in mapping
BO_CLASS_CODE in '$p_class_cd'
BO_CLASS_CODE in ($p_class_cd) --Tries this also
enter image description here
parameter used in mapping with string data type
$p_class_cd as business partner,base customer account
$p_class_cd as 'business partner','base customer account'--Tried this also
enter image description here
Source side is getting validated but not able to pick the values as passed in paramter.I want to filter with multiple values like business partner,base customer account.


save a different value in the redux store than what is displayed on the frontend

I'm wondering if I can store a different value in the redux form FieldArray than what's displayed on the frontend.
Using the example from the docs: Each club has a club name and consists out of various members. I want to introduce another model called group which also consists out of at least one member.
I combine the firstName and lastName field to one field and let the user type in either the members individually OR the user can type in a group name which then fills in all members of that group but on the frontend, only the group name shows up, instead of each member name individually.
Currently, I allow this and then before I post the values to the server, I fetch the members of that group via a get request and then switch the group name for the member names.
I'm wondering if there is a more elegant (and faster) way to do this? I was looking at the parse method but it changes the value right away and doesn't let me display it how the user typed it in.

Google Forms: Autofill fields based on data from external database

Basically what I'm trying to do is create a form with fields that are autofilled (such as name, address, email etc) based on info in the first field of the form (social security number). All data is stored in an external MySQL database.
So when I manually enter a SSN in the form, I need some kind of script to run and check the database for the corresponding values associated with the SSN, and autofill these values into the corresponding fields in the form, and if the SSN is not found in the database it should let me fill out the fields manually.
not possible with google forms which does not support running code at form fill time.
instead write a webapp with appscript or appmaker.

How to create a validation rule which restricts data entry from specific table

I am creating a data entry form and report on MS Access and I would like to create validation rules for some input text boxes that restricts data based on the data contained in another table.
For example: For the subdivision input field, data that can be entered must be equal to one of the items which is contained in the Subdivision table which contains a list of subdivisions such as:
Los Angeles Sub
San Bernardino Sub
Riverside Sub
How would I go about doing this?
If your form data is directly bound to the table that holds it, then you would use the Before Update event of each text box to perform any validation you wish using VBA. If your form is not bound directly to the table you can either use the On Lost Focus event to validate each text box individually or whatever process you use to push the data to the table and validate the entire form input.

Database validation for a user input text field in oracle UCM | WCC

I'm new to Oracle WCC.
In Oracle WCC/UCM( Universal content management), I have one table named CreateStudent has 2 columns StudentID and StudentName.
One metadata custom field XXStudent_Info for which user will pass the value on Checkin page.
We need to validate the value of XXStudent_Info to database column StudentID, if it matches then checkin possible otherwise restrict on checkin itself.
How can i do this in WCC via out of the box functionality or will i have to create a custom service/query for this DB validation. Please give steps in detail
Is the custom metadata field XXStudent_Info based on an option list which uses a view which is based on the table? If so, you should be able to restrict it to only valid values.

Pulling data from one entity onto an Email form within a Workflow

I have a workflow that will fire once a form field changes. The workflow checks the value and then sends an email if one particular value is selected. That much I've managed to figure out.
Now I need to pull a field value from a separate entity to populate the "to" field of the email. We have a Configuration entity that stores the value of a distribution list - we want to pull this into the email that the workflow generates.
I've created an N<>1 relationship between the primary entity and the Configuration entity, however I only see the Entity and not the entity's Fields in the email form assistant. Any idea how I can pull that data onto the email form?
If you see the entity populated under "Look for" and then in the drop down under that you see no values? I'm guessing in your configuration entity your email address you want to use for the email recipient is a text field. In order for the form assistant to populate the second drop down, the field types must match up - or in this case for a field to show up as useable for the "To" field, it needs to be an Account, Contact, User, etc... values you can send an email to.
My suggestion is create a Contact record that has the proper email address and either relate that to your base entity in place of your configuration entity (if possible) or relate your configuration entity to Contact and populate the new lookup on the configuration entity accordingly.
