Gluu Server continuously giving me 503 error - Service Unavailable - amazon-ec2

I have EC2 instance (Redhat 7.* 64 bit) and I have installed gluu-server-3.0.1 on that ec2 instance.
I followed this tutorial to install the gluu-server on the ec2 instnce
Gluu-server installation (official)
I installed carefully following each and every step listed there on above link. Every step and command of the installation process was success (No problem with installation).
Finally when I visit the gluu-server link it redirects me to the correct link automatically. I visit redirect me to but the gives me error 503.
The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to
maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.

If you want to post this question on the Gluu Support forum, you're more likely to get a response from the team.

Please increase ram and storage of your ec2 and try it.(If Gluu server required 4GB then go for 8GB EC2 instance and allot 6GB to Gluu server)


AWS beanstalk (eb init) - set time on window machine

I am running through an issue to connect to the eb instance of aws.
Whenever I try to log in, it comes back with that issue :
ERROR: The current user does not have the correct permissions. Reason: Operation Denied. Signature expired: 20200419T095048Z is now earlier than 20200419T095113Z (20200419T095613Z - 5 min.)
I found this link that explains that I need to synchronize my local machine with AWS one.
However, I am not able to find any documentation on doing that process for windows machine.
I am running window 10 and super newbie on AWS.
I try to deploy a flask application on beanstalk but I cannot connect to my EC2 Instance now.
Thanks for your help.
I found that you need to update your clock on your machine so it is being sync with the internet.
Window provides several clock server to enable that.
here is an article for Linux system :
And how to change time for windows machine :

ec2 hosted lamp site not visible from browser

I have setup an Amazon EC2 Ubuntu 16 server for the first time.
With the issued public IPv4 IP address I have ssh'ed into the server and installed a lamp stack.
However when I paste the IP address into my browser I get the following error:
The requested URL could not be retrieved
Error: Access to the web site failed
Why you are seeing this:
The web filter could not display the requested site.
Possible reasons could be:
The web site denied you access, or the web filter received no reply from the site.
Internet connectivity issues might be preventing the website from sending or receiving traffic.
If this problem persists, please ask your administrator to:
Check access to the specific site - the HTTP error code is 504: Gateway Timeout.
From what I've seen online, I should see the default apache webpage from my server at this point.
Can anyone shed some light on this issue?

Install Learning Locker on AWS EC2 and got error 404

I installed Learning Locker using Community AMI on AWS and the system said that it successfully build and running and I can connect to my server using ssh, but when I access public DNS of my instance I always get error 404 not found, and my server running nginx, ubuntu 10.4
I do not have a technical support while I use a free AWS account
So, what should I do?

Amazon e2 free tier 503 error

I am using the amazon aws e2 to host a parse server database. It was working fine for the last couple of weeks, but today I got an error 503 saying: The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. My question is: is it because I'm using the free t2.micro tier and I have run out of quota? Or can there be some other problem? I just launched another instance and it seems to be working fine for now.
Have you set up a load balancer? Checkout Elastic Beanstalk, which manages EC2 instances to automatically spin servers up and down as your needs require it. Your server may have just crashed and nothign was set up to automatically redeploy it.

Varnish keeps crashing on EC2

I have installed Magneto 2 on EC2 with a MySQL database hosted separately on a RDS instance. I have configured the varnish on my EC2 server.
Whenever I open multiple tabs on the website, the varnish server crashes on a couple of product pages with the following error:
Error 503 Backend fetch failed"
Varnish version: 4.0.4 on Centos 6
I had the same problem and finally figured out what the reason was. We had the website silently running for testing without problems for a week. When we pointed our domain to the amazon EC2 instance - varnish crashed after some hours.
But that was maybe a coincidence. I found out someone was scraping the ip to find some access. logs were full of access tries to /sql /phpmyadmin /administrator ...and so on.
That caused varnish crashing.
