ec2 hosted lamp site not visible from browser - amazon-ec2

I have setup an Amazon EC2 Ubuntu 16 server for the first time.
With the issued public IPv4 IP address I have ssh'ed into the server and installed a lamp stack.
However when I paste the IP address into my browser I get the following error:
The requested URL could not be retrieved
Error: Access to the web site failed
Why you are seeing this:
The web filter could not display the requested site.
Possible reasons could be:
The web site denied you access, or the web filter received no reply from the site.
Internet connectivity issues might be preventing the website from sending or receiving traffic.
If this problem persists, please ask your administrator to:
Check access to the specific site - the HTTP error code is 504: Gateway Timeout.
From what I've seen online, I should see the default apache webpage from my server at this point.
Can anyone shed some light on this issue?


Getting error on using IP address - "The security certificate presented by this website was issued for a different website's address."

I have hosted my software product (Say SoftPro) on one the servers (say Server1). This SoftPro is a web application with Https with Self signed certificate. The server is in Demiliterized zone (DMZ). So, from client machines, I cannot use server name to access my software product. Instead, I need to use servers IP address (Like-
But when I do this, I get a certificate error saying - "The security certificate presented by this website was issued for a different website's address". Even if I install the certificate and re-open the browser, the issue still exists. This issue is there when I use https://localhost/SoftPro on the server itself.
I tried adding this to Trusted site. I also tried redirecting IP address to hostname by adding IP address and its DNS name to Hosts file in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc. If I open the browser with, it doesnt redirect and it still gives me same error.
Any workaround for resolve this issue?
Thanks in advance.

Permission denied to generate login hint for target domain when hosted on AWS

website link to assist in troubleshooting:
I'm trying to launch Anyplace Architect on my own server. I've gone into the google developer console and set my key & Authorized JavaScript origins to my site, but when I hit the site, I get the following:
In the developer console, I see:
Request URL:
Request Method:GET
Status Code:400
Remote Address:
Referrer Policy:no-referrer-when-downgrade
When I lunch locally it works perfectly, and I don't even see that request within networking tab on the developer console in chrome.
Both localhost:5000 & the AWS site are on the approved list from google
This might just be my ignorance of how the sign-in tool works, but I've been able to find out the calls for localhost and my hosted environment are different. The localhost address goes to!ChRhQmpLNEZRVHZJVEo2TW4xUHZwbhIfd3hHcnJMMDRJYlVkMEs2dFEwd1Nsa3YxeWR4ZUt4WQ%E2%88%99AB8iHBUAAAAAWs-i2_Lj-7nWLqvZjcwt3RArM0a3r6wB&xsrfsig=AHgIfE9BSG8q4mj-GBLin4PQT5-zv5fhhQ&flowName=GeneralOAuthFlow
while the hosted goes to
I was facing same problem for ec2 url, It was working in localhost.
Here's what you can do.
Get IP address - (more preferably Elastic IP as ec2 IP changes with every reboot).
use magic domain - or
Ex. your IP address becomes => or
Use above adress in google and in your browser.

Why Google doesn't resolve https address working on Amazon AWS

We have an Elastic Load Balancer, and behind that we have an EC2 server instance. We have a certificate that was issued by Amazon Certificate manager, which protects our *, and is assigned to the load balancer. We have our DNS configured so that requests to * are sent to the load balancer. So over https goes to load balancer, which then goes to EC2 server which should get the website. This works in the web browser - we can see a website - but not in the physical web browser chrome://physical-web in Chrome on Android (get UNRESOLVED status only for this address, direct links to let's say are resolved correctly) and url validator tool responds "URL not found":
robots.txt must exist at the server to pass validation over google api and be resolved in Chrome browser.

No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' issue, despite all resources being on same domain

I am writing a javascript/strophejs xmpp client, and have been so far using it to connect to a xmpp server hosted at, via a public BOSH service ( The html/javascript is also hosted online, at (not the real url).
Now, I decided to host the xmpp server on the amazon web cloud, and use my own Bosh service, hosted on this server as well.
Now, my ec2 instance is at (also not real url).
I also have a BOSH service up and running, at
Finally, I have also allowed traffic to this ec2 instance through both the instances firewall and through the AWS Security Group policy.
However, when trying to connect to this instance's xmpp server (openfire), using my JS/strophejs client, I get the following message in the Chrome javascript console:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin '' is therefore not allowed access
Why am I getting this issue, if the origin is on the same domain as the requested resource?
The Ec2 instance is running Windows Server 2012.
This is the code I use to log in:
var conn = new Strophe.Connection("");
conn.connect("", "myPassword", somecallback);
best regards,
As previously mentioned, even if you're on the same domain, the ports must also match otherwise CORS is required.
You may not be using the correct URL for your connection manager, all of the ones I've seen use an address ending in /http-bind/ or similar.
Have you tried connecting with Strophe.Connection("");?
Also, you can test for the presence of the crossdomain.xml file by simply visiting to ensure that CORS has been successfully enabled.
The browser will not allow since the ports are different. I don't know what you have at AWS, but you can proxy the request in both direction, like as: <--------->
See item no 5: Connecting with Strophe.js of the tutorial for Apache use case.

IIS 7 Access Denied for local IP but not Localhost

I've just started to experience this error. I'm developing MVC apps and using visual studio to deploy to my inetpub/wwwroot directory.
When i publish and hit the site at http://localhost the site works as expected.
When i hit the site using my IP address i get the following error
Unable to display page It has not been possible to display the page
you requested for the following reason: Access Denied Contact your
system administrator if you continue to experience difficulties.
I get this error on all browsers. I'm running IIS7 on Windows 7.
Any suggestions?
As I pointed out in my comment above:
Using your network IP means you'll be going out and back in again. Is your router configured to allow access to your machine on port 80?
It's likely that your company router isn't allowing access to your machine on port 80.
