Can Beats update existing documents in Elasticsearch? - elasticsearch

Consider the following use case:
I want the information from one particular log line to be indexed into Elasticsearch, as a document X.
I want the information from some log line further down the log file to be indexed into the same document X (not overriding the original, just adding more data).
The first part, I can obviously achieve with filebeat.
For the second, does anyone have any idea about how to approach it? Could I still use filebeat + some pipeline on an ingest node for example?
Clearly, I can use the ES API to update the said document, but I was looking for some solution that doesn't require changes to my application - rather, it is all possible to achieve using the log files.
Thanks in advance!

No, this is not something that Beats were intended to accomplish. Enrichment like you describe is one of the things that Logstash can help with.
Logstash has an Elasticsearch input that would allow you to retrieve data from ES and use it in the pipeline for enrichment. And the Elasticsearch output supports upsert operations (update if exists, insert new if not). Using both those features you can enrich and update documents as new data comes in.
You might want to consider ingesting the log lines as is to Elasticearch. Then using Logstash, build a separate index that is entity specific and driven based on data from the logs.


How to extract fields from existing logs (fluent-bit in ECS)

I have configured Fluent-bit on my ECS cluster . I can see the logs in Kibana. But all the log data are sent to a single field "log". How can I extract each field into a separate field. There is a solution for fluentd already in this question.
But how can I achieve the same with fluent-bit?
There is a solution in Kuberntetes with fluent-bit:
How do I achieve the same thing in ECS?
Generally fluent-bit send exactly docker log file that taking from /var/lib/docker/containers/*/*.log
You can browse this path on your machine and see that it contains JSON strings with exactly two fields you mentioned.
From here you have number ways, I'll discover two that I know well:
Use logstash:
You should know well the log structure. This helps you to create the right filters pipeline for the parse log field. Usually, people use filter plugins for this. If you add log examples I will be able to make an example of a filter like this
Use the elasticsearch ingest node.
You should know well the log structure. For be able easy to create processors pipeline for parse log field. More one time, specific log examples help's us to help you.
The most used filter/processor is grok filter/processor. This tool have a lot of options for parse structured text from any log.

Ways to only process new(index after last run) data in Elasticsearch?

Is there a way to get the date and time that an elastic search document was written?
I am running es queries via spark and would prefer NOT to look through all documents that I have already processed. Instead I would like read the only documents that were ingested between the last time the program ran and now.
What is the best most efficient way to do this?
I have looked at;
updating to add a field with an array with booleans for if its been looked at by which analytic. The negative is waiting for the update to occur.
index per time frame method, which would be to break down the current indexes into smaller ones so by hour.The negative I see is the number of open file descriptors.
Elasticsearch version 5.6
I posted the question on the elasticsearch discussion board and it appears using the ingest pipeline is the best option.
I am running es queries via spark and would prefer NOT to look through
all documents that I have already processed. Instead I would like read
the only documents that were ingested between the last time the
program ran and now.
A workaround could be :
While inserting data using Logstash to Elasticsearch, Logstash appends a #timestamp key to the document which represents the time (in UTC) at which the document is created or we can use an ingest pipline
After that we can query based on the timestamp.
For more on this please have a look at :
Mapping changes
There is no way to ask ES to insert a timestamp at index time
Elasticsearch doesn't have such functionality.
You need manually save with each document date. In this case you will be able to search by date range.

Indexing logs with es-hadoop

I am new to elasticsearch and want to index my website logs which are stored on HDFS for fast querying.
I have a well structured pipeline which runs a script every 20 minutes to ingest the data into HDFS.
I want to integrate elasticsearch with it, so that it also indexes these logs based on particular field(s) and thereby giving faster query results using spark SQL.
So, my question is, can I index my data based on particular field(s) only?
Also, my logs are saved in avro file format. Does es provides a way to directly index avro serialized data or do I need to convert it into some other format?
Thank you in advance.
I would suggest you to look at Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana stack that should be good enough to full fill your requirement. Putting it on HDFS and then using ES would be additional overhead.
Instead, you can use Logstash to pump data into ES, index on whatever fields you wish to query and build easy dashboards in less than 10 minutes of exercise. Take a look at this tutorial for better step-by-step guide.

Summarization in Elasticsearch

I am a newbie to Elasticsearch. We are currently using Splunk platform for our analytics application and looking to migrate to ELK. Splunk provides options to schedule searches to run in background periodically and to store the search results in a separate summary index. Is similar functionality available in Elasticsearch? If so, please point me to the documentation containing the process.
This is a great use case. Of course Elasticsearch can perform such tasks, but it is more manual. You have to write your own script. So for example, if you want to summarize data, you can use ElasticSearch aggregations, and take the result (which comes in JSON format) and store it back into an index where you keep summary data. This way, even if you delete your raw data, your summary data lives on.
Elasticsearch comes with different clients. I like to use the Python Elasticsearch DSL library.

elasticsearch-hadoop for Spark. Send documents from a RDD in different index (by day)

I work on a complex workflow using Spark (parsing, cleaning, Machine Learning ...).
At the end of the workflow I want to send aggregated results to elasticsearch so my portal could query data.
There will be two types of processing: streaming and the possibility to relaunch workflow on all available data.
Right now I use elasticsearch-hadoop and particularly the spark part to send document to elasticsearch with the saveJsonToEs(myindex/mytype) method.
The target is to have an index by day using the proper template that we built.
AFAIK you could not add consideration of a feature in a document to send it to the proper index in elasticsearch-hadoop.
What is the proper way to implement this feature?
Have a special step using spark and bulk so that each executor send documents to the proper index considering the feature of each line?
Is there something that I missed in elasticsearch-hadoop?
I tried to send JSON to _bulk using saveJsonToEs("_bulk") but the pattern has to follow index/type
Thanks to Costin Leau, I have the solution.
Simply use dynamic indexing with something like saveJsonToEs("my-index-{date}/my-type"). "date" have to be a feature in the document that has to be send.
Discussion on elasticsearch google group:!topic/elasticsearch/5-LwjQxVlhk
You can use : ("custom-index-{date}/customtype") to create dynamic index. This could be any field in given rdd.
If you want format the date : ("custom-index-{date:{}}/customtype")
[Answered to question ask by Amit_Hora in the comment, as I don't have enough privilege to comment, I am adding this here]
