how to find max sum of adjacent elements in 2d array from a starting point - algorithm

there is 4x4 2d array such as, (range of each element between 0 and 9)
i'm trying to find max of 4 adjacent elements from a point.
( not including diagonal )
for example, if picking a point (1,2) for starting,
can move (1,1) or (2,2) or (1,3) adjacent element from (1,2).
if you choose (2,2) for next, you can move (2,1) or (3,2) or (2,3).
and so on until pick 4 elements.
if you pick 4 elements like,
sum of this is 3 + 7 + 5 + 4 = 19
i'm trying to make possible candidates using dfs or bfs.
but, it can't make the above for the candidate, (1,1) -> (1,2) -> (2,1) -> (2,2)
is there any solution for this problem?

One possible way is to create predefined constants of 5 tetrominoes (sorry, can't post images) with all rotations and reflections (of course you don't need to rotate 'square' or reflect symmetric ones). Then you can take each of these constants and map your starting point to each point of chosen constant.
Another approach is to enumerate tetrominoes algorithmically. Some algorithms are described in wikipedia.

Not complete answer yet
Using dynamic programming.
In sum array(s), value at position (i,j) contains maximum sum possible using (i,j) element and element in direction right or down only.
Missing chain: Will not consider chain of elements like (0,0), (0,1), (1,1) and (1,0)
var array = [
[4, 5, 1, 2],
[3, 7, 1, 2],
[1, 3, 4, 5],
[3, 3, 1, 2],
var sum1 = array;
var sum2 = getNextOrderSum(sum1, array);
var sum3 = getNextOrderSum(sum2, array);
var sum4 = getNextOrderSum(sum3, array);
// Given max sum array of n adjacent elements and original array
// Return max sum array of n+1 adjacent elements
function getNextOrderSum(input, array) {
var sum = [];
for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
sum[i] = [];
for (var j = 0; j < input[0].length; j++) {
sum[i][j] = array[i][j] + Math.max(get(input, i, j + 1), get(input, i + 1, j));
return sum;
// Utility method to get i,j element of array with boundary checks
function get(array, i, j) {
if (i < 0 || j < 0)
return 0;
if (i >= array.length)
return 0;
if (j >= array[0].length)
return 0;
return array[i][j];
// Utility method for printing
function print(array) {
var s = "";
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
s += array[i].toString() + "\n"

Use a 3D array dp[n][m][4]
where n and m are dimensions of array
and the 4 is used to tell the position of element in chain.
Base case-
We store value of elment (i,j) in dp[i][j][k] if k=3 or when element is last one in chain or if i and j are out of bounds of array (trivial case).
DP formula-
Let function used for doing task be dpFUNCTION()
dp[i][j][k]=array[i][j] + mAX( dpFUNCTION(i+1,j,k+1), dpFUNCTION(i,j+1,k+1), dpFUNCTION(i-1,j,k+1), dpFUNCTION(i,j-1,k+1));
Lets start with simple case and extend it to your problem. Actually you can do most DP questions this way ie by breaking into simple form and extend it.
1)Now, if we only have to find max of adjacent numbers of a number in array we can simply fill dp1[i][j] with-
dp1[i][j]=max(array[i-1][j], array[i+1][j], array[i][j+1], array[i][j-1]);
//max of adjacent numbers
2)Now, if we have to find max of 2 adjacent numbers we can make use of our dp1[][] array as follows-
dp2[i][j]= max(array[i-1][j]+dp1[i-1][j], array[i-1][j]+dp1[i-1][j], array[i-1][j]+dp1[i-1][j], array[i-1][j]+dp1[i-1][j]);
As for chain of length 2, we need to get sum of its adjacent number(say array[i-1][j]) and max of its ajacent numbers(which was computed stored in dp[i-1][j]). Then we store max of all adjacent numbers in dp2.
3)Similarly, if length of chain is 3, we make use of dp2[][] as follows-
dp3[i][j]= max(array[i-1][j]+dp2[i-1][j], array[i-1][j]+dp2[i-1][j], array[i-1][j]+dp2[i-1][j], array[i-1][j]+dp2[i-1][j]);
4)Finally, for chain of length 4, we get-
dp4[i][j]= max(array[i-1][j]+dp3[i-1][j], array[i-1][j]+dp3[i-1][j], array[i-1][j]+dp3[i-1][j], array[i-1][j]+dp3[i-1][j]);
Which is the required solution and what I did was club all these 4 arrays into dp[n][m][4] and filled it a bit chaotic way instead of doing it in steps as explained. You could use same approach even when diagonals are included.


Given an array of numbers. At each step we can pick a number like N in this array and sum N with another number that exist in this array

I'm stuck on this problem.
Given an array of numbers. At each step we can pick a number like N in this array and sum N with another number that exist in this array. We continue this process until all numbers in this array equals to zero. What is the minimum number of steps required? (We can guarantee initially the sum of numbers in this array is zero).
Example: -20,-15,1,3,7,9,15
Step 1: pick -15 and sum with 15 -> -20,0,1,3,7,9,0
Step 2: pick 9 and sum with -20 -> -11,0,1,3,7,0,0
Step 3: pick 7 and sum with -11 -> -4,0,1,3,0,0,0
Step 4: pick 3 and sum with -4 -> -1,0,1,0,0,0,0
Step 5: pick 1 and sum with -1 -> 0,0,0,0,0,0,0
So the answer of this example is 5.
I've tried using greedy algorithm. It works like this:
At each step we pick maximum and minimum number that already available in this array and sum these two numbers until all numbers in this array equals to zero.
but it doesn't work and get me wrong answer. Can anyone help me to solve this problem?
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int a[] = {-20,-15,1,3,7,9,15};
int bruteforce(){
bool isEqualToZero = 1;
for (int i=0;i<(sizeof(a)/sizeof(int));i++)
if (a[i] != 0){
isEqualToZero = 0;
if (isEqualToZero)
return 0;
int tmp=0,m=1e9;
for (int i=0;i<(sizeof(a)/sizeof(int));i++){
for (int j=i+1;j<(sizeof(a)/sizeof(int));j++){
if (a[i]*a[j] >= 0) continue;
tmp = a[j];
a[i] += a[j];
a[j] = 0;
m = min(m,bruteforce());
a[j] = tmp;
a[i] -= tmp;
return m+1;
int main()
cout << bruteforce();
This is the brute force approach that I've written for this problem. Is there any algorithm to solve this problem faster?
This has an np-complete feel, but the following search does an A* search through all possible normalized partial sums on the way to a single non-zero term. Which solves your problem, and means that you don't get into an infinite loop if the sum is not zero.
If greedy works, this will explore the greedy path first, verify that you can't do better, and return fairly quickly. If greedy doesn't work, this may...take a lot longer.
Implementation in Python because that is easy for me. Translation into another language is an exercise for the reader.
import heapq
def find_minimal_steps (numbers):
normalized = tuple(sorted(numbers))
seen = set([normalized])
todo = [(min_steps_remaining(normalized), 0, normalized, None)]
while todo[0][0] < 7:
step_limit, steps_taken, prev, path = heapq.heappop(todo)
steps_taken = -1 * steps_taken # We store negative for sort order
if min_steps_remaining(prev) == 0:
decoded_path = []
while path is not None:
decoded_path.append((path[0], path[1]))
path = path[2]
return steps_taken, list(reversed(decoded_path))
prev_numbers = list(prev)
for i in range(len(prev_numbers)):
for j in range(len(prev_numbers)):
if i != j:
# Track what they were
num_i = prev_numbers[i]
num_j = prev_numbers[j]
# Sum them
prev_numbers[i] += num_j
prev_numbers[j] = 0
normalized = tuple(sorted(prev_numbers))
if (normalized not in seen):
heapq.heappush(todo, (
min_steps_remaining(normalized) + steps_taken + 1,
-steps_taken - 1, # More steps is smaller is looked at first
(num_i, num_j, path)))
# set them back.
prev_numbers[i] = num_i
prev_numbers[j] = num_j
For fun I also added a linked list implementation that doesn't just tell you how many minimal steps, but which ones it found. In this case its steps were (-15, 15), (7, 9), (3, 16), (1, 19), (-20, 20) meaning add 15 to -15, 9 to 7, 16 to 3, 19 to 1, and 20 to -20.

Algorithm for all combinations to divide set into equally sized subsets [duplicate]

Let's say I have a set of elements S = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
I would like to create combinations of 3 and group them in a way such that no number appears in more than one combination.
Here is an example:
{ {3, 7, 9}, {1, 2, 4}, {5, 6, 8} }
The order of the numbers in the groups does not matter, nor does the order of the groups in the entire example.
In short, I want every possible group combination from every possible combination in the original set, excluding the ones that have a number appearing in multiple groups.
My question: is this actually feasible in terms of run time and memory? My sample sizes could be somewhere around 30-50 numbers.
If so, what is the best way to create this algorithm? Would it be best to create all possible combinations, and choose the groups only if the number hasn't already appeared?
I'm writing this in Qt 5.6, which is a C++ based framework.
You can do this recursively, and avoid duplicates, if you keep the first element fixed in each recursion, and only make groups of 3 with the values in order, eg:
Put the lowest element in the first spot (a), and keep it there:
{a,b,c} = {1, *, *}
For the second spot (b), iterate over every value from the second-lowest to the second-highest:
{a,b,c} = {1, 2~8, *}
For the third spot (c), iterate over every value higher than the second value:
{1, 2~8, b+1~9}
Then recurse with the rest of the values.
{1,2,3} {4,5,6} {7,8,9}
{1,2,3} {4,5,7} {6,8,9}
{1,2,3} {4,5,8} {6,7,9}
{1,2,3} {4,5,9} {6,7,8}
{1,2,3} {4,6,7} {5,8,9}
{1,2,3} {4,6,8} {5,7,9}
{1,2,3} {4,6,9} {5,7,8}
{1,2,3} {4,7,8} {5,6,9}
{1,2,3} {4,7,9} {5,6,8}
{1,2,3} {4,8,9} {5,6,7}
{1,2,4} {3,5,6} {7,8,9}
{1,8,9} {2,6,7} {3,4,5}
Wen I say "in order", that doesn't have to be any specific order (numerical, alphabetical...), it can just be the original order of the input. You can avoid having to re-sort the input of each recursion if you make sure to pass the rest of the values on to the next recursion in the order you received them.
A run-through of the recursion:
Let's say you get the input {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}. As the first element in the group, you take the first element from the input, and for the other two elements, you iterate over the other values:
making sure the third element always comes after the second element, to avoid duplicates like:
{1,3,5} &lrarr; {1,5,3}
Now, let's say that at a certain point, you've selected this as the first group:
You then pass the rest of the values onto the next recursion:
In this recursion, you apply the same rules as for the first group: take the first element as the first element in the group and keep it there, and iterate over the other values for the second and third element:
Now, let's say that at a certain point, you've selected this as the second group:
You then pass the rest of the values onto the next recursion:
And since this is the last group, there is only one possibility, and so this particular recursion would end in the combination:
{1,3,7} {2,5,6} {4,8,9}
As you see, you don't have to sort the values at any point, as long as you pass them onto the next recursion in the order you recevied them. So if you receive e.g.:
and you select from this the group:
then you should pass on:
Here's a JavaScript snippet which demonstrates the method; it returns a 3D array with combinations of groups of elements.
(The filter function creates a copy of the input array, with elements 0, i and j removed.)
function clone2D(array) {
var clone = [];
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) clone.push(array[i].slice());
return clone;
function groupThree(input) {
var result = [], combination = [];
group(input, 0);
return result;
function group(input, step) {
combination[step] = [input[0]];
for (var i = 1; i < input.length - 1; i++) {
combination[step][1] = input[i];
for (var j = i + 1; j < input.length; j++) {
combination[step][2] = input[j];
if (input.length > 3) {
var rest = input.filter(function(elem, index) {
return index && index != i && index != j;
group(rest, step + 1);
else result.push(clone2D(combination));
var result = groupThree([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]);
for (var r in result) document.write(JSON.stringify(result[r]) + "<br>");
For n things taken 3 at a time, you could use 3 nested loops:
for(k = 0; k < n-2; k++){
for(j = k+1; j < n-1; j++){
for(i = j+1; i < n ; i++){
... S[k] ... S[j] ... S[i]
For a generic solution of n things taken k at a time, you could use an array of k counters.
I think You can solve it by using coin change problem with dynamic programming, just assume You are looking for change of 3 and every index in array is a coin value 1, then just output coins(values in Your array) that has been found.

find all combinations that satisfies the constraint?

My problem can be simplified as follows.
There're s bins, and within each bin there're k numbers.
A combination consists of one number from each bin, so in total there're k^s possible combinations.
The score of a combination is the sum of s numbers it contains.
How can I find all the combinations with score less than some value r?
Right now what I'm doing is,
1) sort the numbers in each bin.
2) start with a priority queue that only contains the combination of the smallest number from each bin.
3) pop a combination from the queue, add s children of that combination to to queue. (a child of a combination is made of replacing one number of the combination to the next larger number in the same bin, so there're s children of a combination.)
4) repeat 3) till the combination popped is larger than r.
Suppose we find n combinations smaller than r, the time complexity of this algorithm is then O(nlog(s-1)n + sklogk).
Of course this algorithm is not optimal. For example instead of starting with the smallest combination, we can start with a known lower bound. And I sort of have a feeling that dynamic programming can be applied here too, but I didn't figure out how to do it.
Any suggestions are welcome, thanks.
After having sorted the bins, you could use a recursive algorithm, that extends a partial selection with an element from the next bin until the selection is complete (or overruns the sum limit). When complete, it is added to the result. Through backtracking all the valid selections get added to the result.
Here is some pseudo code. The last argument is both input and output:
function combinations(int[][] bins, int r, int[] selection, int[][] result):
if r < 0 then:
if selection.length >= bins.length then:
bin = bins[selection.length]
for (i = 0; i < bin.length; i++):
# Concatenate the i-th value from the bin to a new selection array
combinations(bins, r - bin[i], selection + bin[i], result)
Here is an implementation in JavaScript:
function sortBins(bins) {
for (bin of bins) {
bin.sort(function (a,b) { return a-b; });
function combinations(bins, r, selection, result) {
if (r < 0) return result; // nothing added to result
if (selection.length >= bins.length) return result.concat([selection]);
var bin = bins[selection.length];
for (var i = 0; i < bin.length; i++)
result = combinations(bins, r - bin[i], selection.concat([bin[i]]), result);
return result;
// Test data:
var r = 13;
var bins = [
[5, 2, 3],
[9, 4, 1],
[6, 5, 7]
// Get solution:
var result = combinations(bins, r, [], []);
// Output results:

Find number of continuous subarray having sum zero

You have given a array and You have to give number of continuous subarray which the sum is zero.
1) 0 ,1,-1,0 => 6 {{0},{1,-1},{0,1,-1},{1,-1,0},{0}};
2) 5, 2, -2, 5 ,-5, 9 => 3.
With O(n^2) it can be done.I am trying to find the solution below this complexity.
Consider S[0..N] - prefix sums of your array, i.e. S[k] = A[0] + A[1] + ... + A[k-1] for k from 0 to N.
Now sum of elements from L to R-1 is zero if and only if S[R] = S[L]. It means that you have to find number of indices 0 <= L < R <= N such that S[L] = S[R].
This problem can be solved with a hash table. Iterate over elements of S[] while maintaining for each value X number of times it was met in the already processed part of S[]. These counts should be stored in a hash map, where the number X is a key, and the count H[X] is the value. When you meet a new elements S[i], add H[S[i]] to your answer (these account for substrings ending with (i-1)-st element), then increment H[S[i]] by one.
Note that if sum of absolute values of array elements is small, you can use a simple array instead of hash table. The complexity is linear on average.
Here is the code:
long long CountZeroSubstrings(vector<int> A) {
int n = A.size();
vector<long long> S(n+1, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
S[i+1] = S[i] + A[i];
long long answer = 0;
unordered_map<long long, int> H;
for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
if (H.count(S[i]))
answer += H[S[i]];
return answer;
This can be solved in linear time by keeping a hash table of sums reached during the array traversal. The number of subsets can then be directly calculated from the counts of revisited sums.
Haskell version:
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.List (foldl')
f = foldl' (\b a -> b + div (a * (a + 1)) 2) 0 . M.elems . snd
. foldl' (\(s,m) x -> let s' = s + x in case M.lookup s' m of
Nothing -> (s',M.insert s' 0 m)
otherwise -> (s',M.adjust (+1) s' m)) (0,M.fromList[(0,0)])
*Main> f [0,1,-1,0]
*Main> f [5,2,-2,5,-5,9]
*Main> f [0,0,0,0]
*Main> f [0,1,0,0]
*Main> f [0,1,0,0,2,3,-3]
*Main> f [0,1,-1,0,0,2,3,-3]
C# version of #stgatilov answer with readable variables:
int[] sums = new int[arr.Count() + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < arr.Count(); i++)
sums[i + 1] = sums[i] + arr[i];
int numberOfFragments = 0;
Dictionary<int, int> sumToNumberOfRepetitions = new Dictionary<int, int>();
foreach (int item in sums)
if (sumToNumberOfRepetitions.ContainsKey(item))
numberOfFragments += sumToNumberOfRepetitions[item];
sumToNumberOfRepetitions.Add(item, 0);
return numberOfFragments;
If you want to have sum not only zero but any number k, here is the hint:
int numToFind = currentSum - k;
if (sumToNumberOfRepetitions.ContainsKey(numToFind))
numberOfFragments += sumToNumberOfRepetitions[numToFind];
I feel it can be solved using DP:
Let the state be :
DP[i][j] represents the number of ways j can be formed using all the subarrays ending at i!
for every element in the initial step ,
Increase the number of ways to form Element[i] using i elements by 1 i.e. using the subarray of length 1 starting from i and ending with i i.e
then for every j in Range [ -Mod(highest Magnitude of any element ) , Mod(highest Magnitude of any element) ]
Then your answer will be the sum of all the DP[i][0] (Number of ways to form 0 using subarrays ending at i ) where i varies from 1 to Number of elements
Complexity is O(MOD highest magnitude of any element * Number of Elements)
This would be an exact solution.
# Utility function to insert <key, value> into the dict
def insert(dict, key, value):
# if the key is seen for the first time, initialize the list
dict.setdefault(key, []).append(value)
# Function to print all sub-lists with 0 sum present
# in the given list
def printallSublists(A):
# create an empty -dict to store ending index of all
# sub-lists having same sum
dict = {}
# insert (0, -1) pair into the dict to handle the case when
# sub-list with 0 sum starts from index 0
insert(dict, 0, -1)
result = 0
sum = 0
# traverse the given list
for i in range(len(A)):
# sum of elements so far
sum += A[i]
# if sum is seen before, there exists at-least one
# sub-list with 0 sum
if sum in dict:
list = dict.get(sum)
result += len(list)
# find all sub-lists with same sum
for value in list:
print("Sublist is", (value + 1, i))
# insert (sum so far, current index) pair into the -dict
insert(dict, sum, i)
print("length :", result)
if __name__ == '__main__':
A = [0, 1, 2, -3, 0, 2, -2]
I don't know what the complexity of my suggestion would be but i have an idea :)
What you can do is try to reduce element from main array which are not able to contribute for you solution
suppose elements are -10, 5, 2, -2, 5,7 ,-5, 9,11,19
so you can see that -10,9,11 and 19 are element
that are never gone be useful to make sum 0 in your case
so try to remove -10,9,11, and 19 from your main array
to do this what you can do is
1) create two sub array from your main array
`positive {5,7,2,9,11,19}` and `negative {-10,-2,-5}`
2) remove element from positive array which does not satisfy condition
condition -> value should be construct from negative arrays element
or sum of its elements
5 = -5 //so keep it //don't consider the sign
7 = (-5 + -2 ) // keep
2 = -2 // keep
9 // cannot be construct using -10,-2,-5
same for all 11 and 19
3) remove element form negative array which does not satisfy condition
condition -> value should be construct from positive arrays element
or sum of its elements
i.e. -10 // cannot be construct so discard
-2 = 2 // keep
-5 = 5 // keep
so finally you got an array which contains -2,-5,5,7,2 create all possible sub array form it and check for sum = 0
(Note if your input array contains 0 add all 0's in final array)

No of ways to walk M steps in a grid

You are situated in an grid at position x,y. The dimensions of the row is dx,dy. In one step, you can walk one step ahead or behind in the row or the column. In how many ways can you take M steps such that you do not leave the grid at any point ?You can visit the same position more than once.
You leave the grid if you for any x,y either x,y <= 0 or x,y > dx,dy.
1 <= M <= 300
1 <= x,y <= dx,dy <= 100
x y
dx dy
no of ways
6 6
12 12
6 6
12 12
If you are at position 6,6 then you can walk to (6,5),(6,7),(5,6),(7,6).
I am stuck at how to use Pascal's Triangle to solve it.Is that the correct approach? I have already tried brute force but its too slow.
C[i][j], Pascal Triangle
C[i][j] = C[i - 1][j - 1] + C[i - 1][j]
T[pos][stp] = T[pos + 1][stp - 1] + T[pos - 1][stp - 1]
You can solve 1d problem with the formula you provided.
Let H[pos][step] be number of ways to move horizontal using given number of steps.
And V[pos][step] be number of ways to move vertical sing given number of steps.
You can iterate number of steps that will be made horizontal i = 0..M
Number of ways to move so is H[x][i]*V[y][M-i]*C[M][i], where C is binomial coefficient.
You can build H and V in O(max(dx,dy)*M) and do second step in O(M).
EDIT: Clarification on H and V. Supppose that you have line, that have d cells: 1,2,...,d. You're standing at cell number pos then T[pos][step] = T[pos-1][step-1] + T[pos+1][step-1], as you can move either forward or backward.
Base cases are T[0][step] = 0, T[d+1][step] = 0, T[pos][0] = 1.
We build H assuming d = dx and V assuming d = dy.
EDIT 2: Basically, the idea of algorithm is since we move in one of 2 dimensions and check is also based on each dimension independently, we can split 2d problem in 2 1d problems.
One way would be an O(n^3) dynamic programming solution:
Prepare a 3D array:
int Z[dx][dy][M]
Where Z[i][j][n] holds the number of paths that start from position (i,j) and last n moves.
The base case is Z[i][j][0] = 1 for all i, j
The recursive case is Z[i][j][n+1] = Z[i-1][j][n] + Z[i+1][j][n] + Z[i][j-1][n] + Z[i][j+1][n] (only include terms in the sumation that are on the map)
Once the array is filled out return Z[x][y][M]
To save space you can discard each 2D array for n after it is used.
Here's a Java solution I've built for the original hackerrank problem. For big grids runs forever. Probably some smart math is needed.
long compute(int N, int M, int[] positions, int[] dimensions) {
if (M == 0) {
return 1;
long sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
if (positions[i] < dimensions[i]) {
sum += compute(N, M - 1, positions, dimensions);
if (positions[i] > 1) {
sum += compute(N, M - 1, positions, dimensions);
return sum % 1000000007;
