My awk user function isn't working in a bash script - bash

I am trying to write an awk script in ubuntu as a non-admin user. It takes four terminal statements and throws them into variables. Those variables then are sent to a function I made and it spits out an average number and prints it.
Here is my script:
#!/usr/bin/gawk -f
one = ARGV[1];
two = ARGV[2];
three = ARGV[3];
four = ARGV[4];
function average_funct(one, two, three, four)
total = one + two;
total = total + three;
total = total + four;
average = total / 4;
return average;
print("The average of these numbers is " average_funct(one, two, three, four));
To run it I have been using this:
./myaverage4 2 7 4 3
Which results in this error message:
gawk: ./myaverage4:9: function average_funct(one, two, three, four)
gawk: ./myaverage4:9: ^ syntax error
gawk: ./myaverage4:15: return average;
gawk: ./myaverage4:15: ^ `return' used outside function context
If anyone could help me figure out the problem that would be awesome.

You can't declare a function inside the BEGIN section or any other action block. Move it outside of all action blocks.
function foo() { ... }
BEGIN { foo() }
I assume you have some reason for writing your code the way you did rather than the more obvious and adaptable to any number of arguments:
function average_funct(arr, total, cnt)
for (cnt=1; cnt in arr; cnt++) {
total += arr[cnt]
return (--cnt ? total / cnt : 0)
print "The average of these numbers is", average_funct(ARGV)


Homework assignment with error with sentinel loops

Ok, so I am working on this class assignment where I have to write a program that uses a sentinel value controlled loop to input student scores and displays the count of students and the average of all scores when a -1 is entered. A title is to be displayed when the program first begins. Valid score values are from 0 to 100. When a value in excess of 100 is entered, it is not to be included in the total and the number of students is not to be incremented. When a value of -1 is entered, the list is ended and the program displays the number of valid scores entered and the average score. If a -1 is entered as the first input, no error is to be reported and a message is to be displayed that no scores were entered.
Now, I was originally able to get the program to give me an output where it allowed me to enter the grades but what I realized was that when I entered "999" or "-1" the program didn't stop and average the grades I inputted from the keyboard and so I've been trying to fix it and now I'm at a stump and don't have a clue on how to fix it. I'm a beginner at this Java Programming and using NetBeans software. Honestly, I have to constantly look up what the errors mean because I don't have a clue. I could really get some help since my professor had to evacuate last week he hasn't been able to have access to his computers so I'm at this alone.
The errors I'm getting right now are:
C:\Users\sjccuser\Documents\NetBeansProjects\StudentsScoreReport\src\studentsscorereport\ error: unclosed character literal
else (studentCount == '999');{
C:\Users\sjccuser\Documents\NetBeansProjects\StudentsScoreReport\src\studentsscorereport\ error: not a statement
else (studentCount == '999');{
C:\Users\sjccuser\Documents\NetBeansProjects\StudentsScoreReport\src\studentsscorereport\ error: 'else' without 'if'
else (studentCount == '999');{
C:\Users\sjccuser\Documents\NetBeansProjects\StudentsScoreReport\src\studentsscorereport\ error: unclosed character literal
else (studentCount == '999');{
C:\Users\sjccuser\Documents\NetBeansProjects\StudentsScoreReport\src\studentsscorereport\ error: class expected
studentCount =;
C:\Users\sjccuser\Documents\NetBeansProjects\StudentsScoreReport\src\studentsscorereport\ error: ';' expected
studentCount =;
6 errors
HOW DO I FIX THIS LOL? please help me, I'm so behind in my class because I haven't been able to get this project done. Below is my entire code.
public class StudentsScoreReport {
public static final int SCORE_COUNT = 5;
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Define Constants
double studentCount= 0; //students inital grade
double totalScore = 0; // students grades combined
double averageScore; // average score from the number of students
int scoreCount = 0; // output score from the calculated average score
// create the Scanner object.
Scanner stdin = new Scanner(;
// INPUT: Title at the top of the out
System.out.println ("Kristina Rosado's Students Score Report");
System.out.println ("Enter a students score, 0 - 100, 999 to quit"); //input score from keyboard
// PROCESS: Read the scores for the first city
// NOTE: the program's score starts at 0, but people count from 1
if (studentCount == 0 && totalScore == 0 ){
averageScore = (totalScore / studentCount);
} // users input -1 at the first time
else {
averageScore = totalScore / studentCount;
System.out.printf ("%d student scores were entered\n", studentCount);
System.out.printf ("\nThe average of score of %d students is %.2f", studentCount, averageScore);
else (studentCount == '999');{
System.out.println ("Thank you for your entries");
studentCount =;
while (studentCount != -1){
if (studentCount < -1) {
System.out.print("Please try again");
System.out.printf ("Enter the score for the next student #%d: ", scoreCount+1);
// input the next score
studentCount = stdin.nextDouble();
} else if (studentCount > 100) {
System.out.print("Please try again");
System.out.printf ("Enter the score for the next student #%d: ", scoreCount+1);
// input the next score
studentCount = stdin.nextDouble();
} // end of for loop
// end of for loop
System.out.println ("Illegal entry for score");{
System.out.println("There is no student score entered ");
averageScore = totalScore / scoreCount;
System.out.printf("\nThe average score for %d students is %8.2f\n", scoreCount, averageScore);
}// end of public static void main(String[] args);
} // end of public class StudentsScoreReport;enter code here
Can I just ask what language this is in. I can see multiple syntax errors but I just want to put it through an IDE first.

awk: next is illegal inside a function

I have a short shell function to convert human readable byte units into an integer of bytes, so, e.g.,
10m to 10000000
4kb to 4000
1kib to 1024
2gib to 2147483648
Here is the code:
dehumanise() {
for v in "$#"
echo $v | awk \
function printpower(n,b,p) {printf "%u\n", n*b^p; next}
/[0-9]$/{print $1;next};
/K(B)?$/{ printpower($1, 10, 3)};
/M(B)?$/{ printpower($1, 10, 6)};
/G(B)?$/{ printpower($1, 10, 9)};
/T(B)?$/{ printpower($1, 10, 12)};
/Ki(B)?$/{printpower($1, 2, 10)};
/Mi(B)?$/{printpower($1, 2, 20)};
/Gi(B)?$/{printpower($1, 2, 30)};
/Ti(B)?$/{printpower($1, 2, 40)}'
I found the code also somewhere on the internet and I am not so confident with awk. The function worked fine until I re-installed my MacBook a few days ago. Now it throws an error
awk: next is illegal inside a function at source line 2 in function printpower
context is
function printpower(n,b,p) {printf "%u\n", n*b^p; >>> next} <<<
As far as I understand, next is used in awk to directly end the record. Hence in this case it would end the awk statement as it only has one input.
I tried to move the next statement simply behind printpower(...);next.
But this causes the function to give no output at all.
Could someone please help me repair the awk statement?
# awk --version
awk version 20121220
macOS awk version
The no output thing was probably an issue with the macOS awk version. I installed and replaced it with gawk:
brew install gawk
brew link --overwrite gawk
Now it works fine without the next statement.
Software design fundamentals - avoid inversion of control. In this case you don't want some subordinate function suddenly taking charge of your whole processing control flow and IT deciding "screw you all, I'm deciding to jump to the next record". So yes, don't put next inside a function! Having said that, POSIX doesn't say you cannot use next in a function but neither does it explicitly say you can so some awk implementations (apparently the one you are using) have decided to disallow it while gawk and some other awks allow it.
You also have gawk-specific code in your script (IGNORECASE) so it will ONLY work with gawk anyway.
Here's how to really write your script to work in any awk:
awk '
{ $0=tolower($0); b=p=0 }
/[0-9]$/ { b = 1; p = 1 }
/kb?$/ { b = 10; p = 3 }
/mb?$/ { b = 10; p = 6 }
/gb?$/ { b = 10; p = 9 }
/tb?$/ { b = 10; p = 12 }
/kib$/ { b = 2; p = 10 }
/mib$/ { b = 2; p = 20 }
/gib$/ { b = 2; p = 30 }
/tib$/ { b = 2; p = 40 }
p { printf "%u\n", $2*b^p }
You can add ; next after every p assignment in the main body if you like but it won't affect the output, just improve the efficiency which would matter if your input was thousands of lines long.
As the message says, you can't use next in a function. You have to place it after each function call:
/KB?$/ { printpower($1, 10, 3); next; }
/MB?$/ { printpower($1, 10, 6); next; }
But you can just let awk test the remaining patterns (no next anywhere) if you don't mind the extra CPU cycles. Note that the parentheses around B are redundant and I have removed them.
$ dehumanise 1000MiB 19Ki
You could use a control variable in your function and check the value of the variable to decide to use next in the main routine.
if (result == 1) next
# result is not 1, just continue
# more statements
function myfunction(a) {
# default result is 0
result = 0
# some test
if ($1 ~ /searchterm/) {
result = 1

Expand range of numbers in file

I have a file with delimited integers which I've extracted from elsewhere and dumped into a file. Some lines contain a range, as per the below:
Files 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 are OK
Users 1,2,3-9,10 have problems
Cars 1-5,5-10 are in the depot
Trains 1-10 are on time
Any way to expand the ranges on the text file so that it returns each individual number, with the , delimiter preserved? The text either side of the integers could be anything, and I need it preserved.
Files 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 are OK
Uses 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 have problems
Cars 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 are in the depot
Trains 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 are on time
I guess this can be done relatively easily with awk, let alone any other scripting language. Any help very much appreciated
You haven't tagged with perl but I'd recommend it in this case:
perl -pe 's/(\d+)-(\d+)/join(",", $1..$2)/ge' file
This substitutes all occurrences of one or more digits, followed by a hyphen, followed by one or more digits. It uses the numbers it has captured to create a list from the first number to the second and joins the list on a comma.
The e modifier is needed here so that an expression can be evaluated in the replacement part of the substitution.
To avoid repeated values and to sort the list, things get a little more complicated. At this point, I'd recommend using a script, rather than a one-liner:
use strict;
use warnings;
use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq);
while (<>) {
s/(\d+)-(\d+)/join(",", $1..$2)/ge;
if (/(.*\s)((\d+,)+\d+)(.*)/) {
my #list = sort { $a <=> $b } uniq split(",", $2);
$_ = $1 . join(",", #list) . $4 . "\n";
} continue {
After expanding the ranges (like in the one-liner), I've re-parsed the line to extract the list of values. I've used uniq from List::MoreUtils (a core module) to remove any duplicates and sorted the values.
Call the script like perl file.
A solution using awk:
result = "";
count = split($0, fields, /[ ,-]+/, seps);
for (i = 1; i <= count; i++) {
if (fields[i] ~ /[0-9]+/) {
if (seps[i] == ",") {
numbers[fields[i]] = fields[i];
} else if (seps[i] == "-") {
for (j = fields[i] + 1; j <= fields[i+1]; j++) {
numbers[j] = j;
} else if (seps[i] == " ") {
numbers[fields[i]] = fields[i];
c = asort(numbers);
for (r = 1; r < c; r++) {
result = result numbers[r] ",";
result = result numbers[c] " ";
} else {
result = result fields[i] seps[i];
print result;
$ cat tst.awk
match($0,/[0-9,-]+/) {
numsOut = ""
delete seen
for (i=1;i in numsIn;i++) {
n = split(numsIn[i],range,/-/)
for (j=range[1]; j<=range[n]; j++) {
if ( !seen[j]++ ) {
numsOut = (numsOut=="" ? "" : numsOut ",") j
print substr($0,1,RSTART-1) numsOut substr($0,RSTART+RLENGTH)
$ awk -f tst.awk file
Files 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 are OK
Users 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 have problems
Cars 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 are in the depot
Trains 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 are on time
another awk
$ awk '{while(match($0, /[0-9]+-[0-9]+/))
{k=substr($0, RSTART, RLENGTH);
for(j=a[1]+1; j<=a[2]; j++) f=f","j;
sub(k,f)}}1' file
Files 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 are OK
Users 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 have problems
Cars 1,2,3,4,5,5,6,7,8,9,10 are in the depot
Trains 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 are on time
note that the Cars 1-5,5-10 will end up two 5 values when expanded due to overlapping ranges.

Unable to increment last 2 digit of variable declared in file using script

I have the file given below:
elix554bx.xayybol.42> vi setup.REVISION
# Revision information
setenv RSTATE R24C01
My requirement is to read RSTATE from file and then increment last 2 digits of RSTATE in setup.REVISION file and overwrite into same file.
Can you please suggest how to do this?
If you're using vim, then you can use the sequence:
The first line is followed by a return and searches for RSTATE. The second line jumps to the end of the line and uses Control-a (shown as <C-a> above, and in the vim documentation) to increment the number. Repeat as often as you want to increment the number. The :x is also followed by a return and saves the file.
The only tricky bit is that the leading 0 on the number makes vim think the number is in octal, not decimal. You can override that by using :set nrformats= followed by return to turn off octal and hex; the default value is nrformats=octal,hex.
You can learn an awful lot about vim from the book Practical Vim: Edit Text at the Speed of Thought by Drew Neil. This information comes from Tip 10 in chapter 2.
Here's an awk one-liner type solution:
awk '{
if ( $0 ~ 'RSTATE' ) {
match($0, "[0-9]+$" );
sub( "[0-9]+$",
sprintf( "%0"RLENGTH"d", substr($0, RSTART, RSTART+RLENGTH)+1 ),
$0 );
print; next;
} else { print };
}' setup.REVISION > tmp$$
mv tmp$$ setup.REVISION
setenv RSTATE R24C02
This will handle transitions from two to three to more digits appropriately.
I wrote for you a class.
class Reader
public string ReadRs(string fileWithPath)
string keyword = "RSTATE";
string rs = "";
StreamReader reader = File.OpenText(fileWithPath);
string line = "";
bool finded = false;
while (reader != null && !finded)
line = reader.ReadLine();
if (line.Contains(keyword))
finded = true;
int index = line.IndexOf(keyword);
rs = line.Substring(index + keyword.Length +1, line.Length - 1 - (index + keyword.Length));
catch (IOException)
return rs;
public int GetLastTwoDigits(string rsState)
int digits = -1;
int length = rsState.Length;
//Get the last two digits of the rsstate
digits = Int32.Parse(rsState.Substring(length - 2, 2));
catch (FormatException)
//Format Error
digits = -1;
return digits;
You can use this as exists
Reader reader = new Reader();
string rsstate = reader.ReadRs("C://test.txt");
int digits = reader.GetLastTwoDigits(rsstate);

Code Golf: Email Address Validation without Regular Expressions

Locked. This question and its answers are locked because the question is off-topic but has historical significance. It is not currently accepting new answers or interactions.
(Edit: What is Code Golf: Code Golf are challenges to solve a specific problem with the shortest amount of code by character count in whichever language you prefer. More info here on Meta StackOverflow. )
Code Golfers, here's a challenge on string operations.
Email Address Validation, but without regular expressions (or similar parsing library) of course. It's not so much about the email addresses but how short you can write the different string operations and constraints given below.
The rules are the following (yes, I know, this is not RFC compliant, but these are going to be the 5 rules for this challenge):
At least 1 character out of this group before the #:
A-Z, a-z, 0-9, . (period), _ (underscore)
# has to exist, exactly one time
Period (.) has to exist exactly one time after the #
At least 1 only [A-Z, a-z] character between # and the following . (period)
At least 2 only [A-Z, a-z] characters after the final . period
Please post the method/function only, which would take a string (proposed email address) and then return a Boolean result (true/false) depending on the email address being valid (true) or invalid (false).
Samples: (valid/true) (invalid/false) (invalid/false) test#org (invalid/false) (invalid/false) (invalid/false) (invalid/false) (valid/true) (valid/true) (invalid/false)
Good luck!
C89 (166 characters)
#define B(c)isalnum(c)|c==46|c==95
#define C(x)if(!v|*i++-x)return!1;
#define D(x)for(v=0;x(*i);++i)++v;
Not re-entrant, but can be run multiple times. Test bed:
:[[/%^(:[[+-/^,&i|:[$[' ']^j+0__:k<3:]]
C89, 175 characters.
#define G &&*((a+=t+1)-1)==
#define H (t=strspn(a,A
t;e(char*a){char A[66]="_.0123456789Aa";short*s=A+12;for(;++s<A+64;)*s=s[-1]+257;return H))G 64&&H+12))G 46&&H+12))>1 G 0;}
I am using the standard library function strspn(), so I feel this answer isn't as "clean" as strager's answer which does without any library functions. (I also stole his idea of declaring a global variable without a type!)
One of the tricks here is that by putting . and _ at the start of the string A, it's possible to include or exclude them easily in a strspn() test: when you want to allow them, use strspn(something, A); when you don't, use strspn(something, A+12). Another is assuming that sizeof (short) == 2 * sizeof (char), and building up the array of valid characters 2 at a time from the "seed" pair Aa. The rest was just looking for a way to force subexpressions to look similar enough that they could be pulled out into #defined macros.
To make this code more "portable" (heh :-P) you can change the array-building code from
char A[66]="_.0123456789Aa";short*s=A+12;for(;++s<A+64;)*s=s[-1]+257;
for a cost of 5 additional characters.
Python (181 characters including newlines)
def v(E):
import string as t;a=t.ascii_letters;e=a+"1234567890_.";t=e,e,"#",e,".",a,a,a,a,a,"",a
for c in E:
if c in t[0]:t=t[2:]
elif not c in t[1]:return 0>1
Basically just a state machine using obfuscatingly short variable names.
C (166 characters)
#define F(t,u)for(r=s;t=(*s-64?*s-46?isalpha(*s)?3:isdigit(*s)|*s==95?4:0:2:1);++s);if(s-r-1 u)return 0;
V(char*s){char*r;F(2<,<0)F(1=)F(3=,<0)F(2=)F(3=,<1)return 1;}
The single newline is required, and I've counted it as one character.
Python, 149 chars (after putting the whole for loop into one semicolon-separated line, which I haven't done here for "readability" purposes):
def v(s,t=0,o=1):
for c in s:
Test cases, borrowed from strager's answer:
assert v("")
assert v("")
assert v("")
assert not v("")
assert not v("")
assert not v("")
assert not v("")
assert not v("test#org")
assert not v("")
assert not v("")
print "Yeah!"
Explanation: When iterating over the string, two variables keep getting updated.
t keeps the current state:
t = 0: We're at the beginning.
t = 1: We where at the beginning and have found at least one legal character (letter, number, underscore, period)
t = 2: We have found the "#"
t = 3: We have found at least on legal character (i.e. letter) after the "#"
t = 4: We have found the period in the domain name
t = 5: We have found one legal character (letter) after the period
t = 6: We have found at least two legal characters after the period
o as in "okay" starts as 1, i.e. true, and is set to 0 as soon as a character is found that is illegal in the current state.
Legal characters are:
In state 0: letter, number, underscore, period (change state to 1 in any case)
In state 1: letter, number, underscore, period, at-sign (change state to 2 if "#" is found)
In state 2: letter (change state to 3)
In state 3: letter, period (change state to 4 if period found)
In states 4 thru 6: letter (increment state when in 4 or 5)
When we have gone all the way through the string, we return whether t==6 (t>5 is one char less) and o is 1.
Whatever version of C++ MSVC2008 supports.
Here's my humble submission. Now I know why they told me never to do the things I did in here:
#define N return 0
#define I(x) &&*x!='.'&&*x!='_'
bool p(char*a) {
for(int d=0,e=0;*p;p++){
else if(*p=='.'){if(d){e++;c=p;}}
else if(!isalnum(*p)I(p))N;
if (d>1||e>1)N;
return 1;
Not the greatest solution no doubt, and pretty darn verbose, but it is valid.
Fixed (All test cases pass now)
static bool ValidateEmail(string email)
var numbers = "1234567890";
var lowercase = uppercase.ToLower();
var arUppercase = uppercase.ToCharArray();
var arLowercase = lowercase.ToCharArray();
var arNumbers = numbers.ToCharArray();
var atPieces = email.Split(new string[] { "#"}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
if (atPieces.Length != 2)
return false;
foreach (var c in atPieces[0])
if (!(arNumbers.Contains(c) || arLowercase.Contains(c) || arUppercase.Contains(c) || c == '.' || c == '_'))
return false;
return false;
var dotPieces = atPieces[1].Split('.');
if (dotPieces.Length != 2)
return false;
foreach (var c in dotPieces[0])
if (!(arLowercase.Contains(c) || arUppercase.Contains(c)))
return false;
var found = 0;
foreach (var c in dotPieces[1])
if ((arLowercase.Contains(c) || arUppercase.Contains(c)))
return false;
return found >= 2;
C89 character set agnostic (262 characters)
#include <stdio.h>
/* the 'const ' qualifiers should be removed when */
/* counting characters: I don't like warnings :) */
/* also the 'int ' should not be counted. */
/* it needs only 2 spaces (after the returns), should be only 2 lines */
/* that's a total of 262 characters (1 newline, 2 spaces) */
/* code golf starts here */
int v(const char*e){
const char*s="0123456789._abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
return 1;
return 0;
/* code golf ends here */
int main(void) {
const char *t;
t = ""; printf("%s ==> %d\n", t, v(t));
t = ""; printf("%s ==> %d\n", t, v(t));
t = ""; printf("%s ==> %d\n", t, v(t));
t = ""; printf("%s ==> %d\n", t, v(t));
t = ""; printf("%s ==> %d\n", t, v(t));
t = ""; printf("%s ==> %d\n", t, v(t));
t = ""; printf("%s ==> %d\n", t, v(t));
t = "test#org"; printf("%s ==> %d\n", t, v(t));
t = ""; printf("%s ==> %d\n", t, v(t));
t = ""; printf("%s ==> %d\n", t, v(t));
return 0;
Version 2
Still C89 character set agnostic, bugs hopefully corrected (303 chars; 284 without the #include)
#define Y strchr
#define X{while(Y
&&!Y(e,'.')&&strlen(e)>1){while(*e&&Y(s+12,*e++));if(!*e)return 1;}}}return 0;}
That #define X is absolutely disgusting!
Test as for my first (buggy) version.
VBA/VB6 - 484 chars
Explicit off
usage: VE("")
Function V(S, C)
V = True
For I = 1 To Len(S)
If InStr(C, Mid(S, I, 1)) = 0 Then
V = False: Exit For
End If
End Function
Function VE(E)
VE = False
C1 = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHILKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
C2 = "0123456789._"
P = Split(E, "#")
If UBound(P) <> 1 Then GoTo X
If Len(P(0)) < 1 Or Not V(P(0), C1 & C2) Then GoTo X
E = P(1): P = Split(E, ".")
If UBound(P) <> 1 Then GoTo X
If Len(P(0)) < 1 Or Not V(P(0), C1) Or Len(P(1)) < 2 Or Not V(P(1), C1) Then GoTo X
VE = True
End Function
Java: 257 chars (not including the 3 end of lines for readability ;-)).
boolean q(char[]s){int a=0,b=0,c=0,d=0,e=0,f=0,g,y=-99;for(int i:s)
d:d:d;return d>1;}
Passes all the tests (my older version was incorrect).
Erlang 266 chars:
%%% golf code begin %%%
-define(E,when X>=$a,X=<$z;X>=$A,X=<$Z).
%%% golf code end %%%
test() ->
true = e(""),
false = e(""),
false = e(""),
false = e(""),
true = e(""),
false = e("test#org"),
false = e(""),
true = e(""),
false = e(""),
Ruby, 225 chars.
This is my first Ruby program, so it's probably not very Ruby-like :-)
def v z;r=!a=b=c=d=e=f=0;z.chars{|x|case x when'#';r||=b<1||!e;e=!1 when'.'
e ?b+=1:(a+=1;f=e);r||=a>1||(c<1&&!e)when'0'..'9';b+=1;r|=!e when'A'..'Z','a'..'z'
e ?b+=1:f ?c+=1:d+=1;else r=1 if x!='_'||!e|!b+=1;end};!r&&d>1 end
'Using no regex':
PHP 47 Chars.
Haskell (GHC 6.8.2), 165 161 144C Characters
Using pattern matching, elem, span and all:
f _=False
g _=False
The above was tested with the following code:
main :: IO ()
main = print $ and [
e "",
e "",
e "",
not $ e "",
not $ e "",
not $ e "",
not $ e "",
not $ e "test#org",
not $ e "",
not $ e ""
