Joomla blog load in article, is it possible - joomla

I am using joomla and have created a blog in my main menu using "CATEGORY BLOG" .
I would like to post part of that on my frontpage, is that possible.
For example can i have "Category blog" as part of an article ???
That would be quite helpfull
Thank you in advance.

Category blog is more or less the equivalent of the "Articles Category" module. Just create an "Articles Category" module, link it to the same category (and order it the same way), and then load it in the article using {loadposition }. You may need to override the layout of the "Articles Category" module in your template to ensure a consistent look.


what is the difference between a featured article and a single article in joomla?

Can anyone make me understand the difference between a featured article and a single article in joomla?
I have created two articles with same content, one as featured false and another feature true, and linked them with two menus. Both the aricles showing same. So I can't understand the difference between them. Please make me understand the difference between these two types of articles.
The Featured Articles option is useful for displaying several articles which aren't necessarily all in the same category.
A Feature Article is an option that have any article in order to mark it and display it in a link, in a menu, in a module or by default in Home page.
It is useful to display new content in Home by default or to make an article highlighted.

Joomla 3 category blog template override

i am trying to implement a custom template override for category blog. So:
I have copied: templates/gk_startup/html/com_content/category/blog.php
and renamed to: templates/gk_startup/html/com_content/category/newsletter.php
I have created a category named: Newsletter and set Alternative Layout to "newsletter".
I have created a menu item of type: Articles/Category Blog and chosen category "Newsletter" to display.
However in the front end i can see that the blog.php "default" template for category blog is still used.
What am i missing here?
Managed to accomplish what i was looking for by creating an alternate category blog layout as described here:
So only by creating an override for the menu items also (specifying newsletter.xml in components/com_content/views/category/tmpl) i was able to use my newsletter override initially created in templates/gk_startup/html/com_content/category
Hope that helps in some cases

Joomla "Articles - Related" Module, Menu Assignment

I'm trying to add a default module (Articles - Related) on a Joomla site, but only on "Single Article" pages.
From the Menu Assignment of this module I select All Front End Views >> Single Article (Alias: single-article)... but it doesn't render until I also select: Main Menu >> Menu Item ... Now the module renders on all the article pages of this Menu Item but also in the Menu Item page (witch is a Category Blog) - it just renders on the right side as an empty white div with an "Articles - Related" title and no content as there is none related to the page's main content.
Any ideas on how to make this module (and maybe others) apear only o "Single Article" pages ?
Thank you
In 3.3, you just set the related articles module to display on all pages, and it didnt display unless the user asks to see an article page.
Agree that related articles module must be displayed only on article pages, even if categories are selected in its menu assignment settings. This feature must be in the module itself, default article related doesn't have that, and you won't be able to change this by changing Joomla settings.
I've made a lot of search for a good related articles solution for Joomla. This module shows up only on article pages.
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Virtuemart displaying

I want to know if someone know how to display a virtuemart category products into another page like use a shortcode or something like that to display a list of product from one category into another page.
Thanks for your help.
You could do that with a module.
The default "virtuemart products" module has an option to select from which category you will get the products.
If you want to put them inside an article, you could load your module with loadposition. A complete tutorial how you could do that is: How do you put a module inside an article?

Display Featured Article of Specific Category Using a Module in Joomla

I am working with different modules in Joomla (2.5) in order to display a variety of things. Right now I am trying to show the featured article of a specific category.
For example: I have three different pages, all showing articles specified by its own category.
Each of these pages has a range of article (lets says 20 each). Each of these sets of articles has a featured article. So there is a featured article for Bikes, Gears and Media.
My problem is trying to get this featured article to display at the top of each main page. I've tried using the Articles by Category module and I've looked into the Article - Newsflash module as well as looking at the code of the front page where a "featured article" typically appears.
Does anyone have any suggestions for a module I may be able to use?
No module needed. Here are two ways you can accomplish this:
In the Blog Layout Options for your Category Blog menu item, set Article Order to Featured Articles Order.
Alternatively, make a new parent category for each existing category and put the featured article in the parent. Set your blog page to show the parent category and the subcategories. Hide the subcategory headings on the page with menu item settings and/or CSS.
