Fatal error on phpMyAdmin - codeigniter

I want to configure my database on CI but I have a problem
How can i fix it?
I'm using CI 2.x

As I can check your using wrong database settings in your database.php file.
If your php version is equals to php 5.5 or above you have to use
$db['default']['dbdriver'] = 'mysqli';
instead of
$db['default']['dbdriver'] = 'mysql';
and also put your database username and password in setting to avoid this error.
I recommend you to use codeigniter 3 the latest version .


Laravel migration cannot find driver when using sqlsrv database in windows

I am using sqlsrv database connection in my project as I need to connect to Microsoft SQL Database.
I have successfully installed the sqlsrv driver because I can connect to the Database to retrieve data.
But when I try to do the Laravel Migration, it shows an error:
Illuminate\Database\QueryException : could not find driver (SQL: select * from sysobjects where type = 'U' and name = migrations)
Below is my .env
How to use SQL Server DLL files with PHP 7.2 version on xampp
To download Windows DLLs for PHP 7.1 or above from the PECL repository, please go to the SQLSRV or PDO_SQLSRV PECL page.
NOTE: Do not forget to remove 'php_' prefix when you add extension dll filename in php.ini file. eg.
Do not change actual filename which you put in /xampp/php/ext/ directory.
"7.2 Thread Safe (TS) x86" worked for me for 'sqlsrv' and 'pdo_sqlsrv' extensions.
Restart xampp or apache then you can see enabled 'pdo_sqlsrv' extension when you print phpinfo() in a test php file
It was very hard to find this solution. I hope, this will also help you. All the best :)
You may need to upgrade your PHP version to PHP 7.1.
Now make sure that the files config/database.php and .env are configured properly.
See this one: https://laracasts.com/discuss/channels/general-discussion/connect-laravel-to-microsoft-sql
After fighting with it for a while found a solution :
you need to downloaded it from here then extract the files in your php folder
For PHP 7.4 on Windows 10 (x64), I've solved same error s below:
Downloaded the driver from
Extracted the archive and copied the file
php_pdo_sqlsrv_74_ts_x64.dll to the ext folder (C:\Program Files\php74\ext in my setup)
Added extension=php_pdo_sqlsrv_74_ts_x64.dll into php.ini file
In my .env file I've DB_CONNECTION=sqlsrv so I first thought php_sqlsrv_74_ts_x64.dll should be used but it didn't work.

How to install package spatie pdf to img in laravel 5.5?

I already install GhostScript and imagick and it's working well in php artisan, now when i install this package Spatie/pdf-to-image it does not have service provider and alias in installation steps. Can you guys help me how to install this package and make it work?
Not Working:
Working in php artisan:
I also try this one and doesn't work:
$pdf = new Spatie\PdfToImage\Pdf('public/test/test.pdf');
$pdf = new \Spatie\PdfToImage\Pdf('public/test/test.pdf');
Here's my composer:
Try again with:
$pdf = new \Spatie\PdfToImage\Pdf('public/test/test.pdf');
Previous error was caused because of wrong namespace. It's better to add Spatie\PdfToImage\Pdf to use section at the top of document and then in code just write $pdf = new Pdf('path/to/pdf');
You first run this command on CMD :
composer require spatie/pdf-to-image
After add this lines in your controller
use Spatie\PdfToImage\Pdf;
$pdf = new Pdf($pathToPdf);

laravel-localization hide default locale

I'm using Laravel-Localization 1.2.6 in Laravel 5.3
When I set:
hideDefaultLocaleInURL = true
It's not working.
locale is set to 'sk'
fallback_locale is set to 'sk'
But I can access both domain.app & domain.app/sk
Also when I switch language to SK language code is still in URL.
Everything else is working fine... Any suggestions?
Just clean your config cache
php artisan config:cache

Auth guard driver [api] is not defined?

I use this library jwt-auth-guard in Laravel 5.3.
When I try open page I get error:
InvalidArgumentException in AuthManager.php line 99:
Auth guard driver [api] is not defined.
How can I fix it? I made everything that was need
I'm not sure, please check you guard driver setup into config/auth.php first. You can cross check this from GIT repo.
Let me know if any concern from above.
If you are using tymondesigns/jwt-auth package first check that you are downloading the latest version (1.0.0-rc.2 for this time) or you can just update your composer
composer update
and also delete your old jwt file from config folder and publish again also run!
php artisan jwt:secret

LAMP Laravel ErrorException mcrypt_get_iv_size(): Module initialization failed

I installed laravel in my new pc and i'm getting this error:
ErrorException mcrypt_get_iv_size(): Module initialization failed
I copied the project from my old pc. mcrypt is installed and enabled, and other pages that do not use laravel are working. I'm running ubuntu 14.04
I created a new laravel project (using laravel new command) and when i try to access i get:
"Whoops, looks like something went wrong."
I opened the log and the error was:
production.ERROR: exception 'ErrorException' with message
'mcrypt_get_iv_size(): Module initialization failed
any ideas?
On app/config/app.php just change:
'cipher' => MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256,
Run php artisan key:generate on your command line to refresh your application key.
Then clear your cache and sessions and try again.
I had this same problem today, and it was because of how Laravel 4.2 uses the new encryption method.
Make sure you run php 7.0, and add this string "MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256" (without the quotes) to the cipher in app.php. after generate a new key (php artisan key:generate) and add the new key.
This works for me.
Another solution:
Add "tomgrohl/laravel4-php71-encrypter": "^1.1" to the require of your composer.json
Run composer update
Add 'AES-256-CBC' to the cipher in app/config/app.php
