Is the stack / heap memory model optional? - memory-management

I can't understand if the use of a stack/heap memory model is a decision for the programmer, or whether it is up to the OS and the programmer has no choice but to work with it.
For example, can stack-less languages like Fortran77 operate across modern platforms still using a stack-less, array based memory model? Or instead, do modern Fortran compilers have to translate the array memory model to a stack/heap memory model? (I can't find much documentation on Fortran memory management.)
If the memory model is a decision for the programmer, why does everything I encounter seem to implicitly assume the stack/heap model is the only option? For example, LLVM operates with stack frames, and I can't find any documentation on managing memory any other way. All languages built on LLVM, even functional languages, must then adopt the stack/heap model when alternative models may be better suited.
If the memory model is a decision for the OS, does this mean writing a program that uses a custom memory model requires writing a custom OS? For example, do I need a custom OS if I want to run a Fortran program that uses the array based memory model Fortran was designed around?
If the answer depends on the OS, please give some comparisons across different OSs.

Stack and heap have nothing directly to do with Fortran, the standard says nothing about them at all. Similarly C, at least to C89, my knowledge is less good after that. Rather the compiler has to translate the language features as defined by the standard onto an underlying memory model. That memory model is the choice of the compiler implementer, but it is usually most convenient to use whatever features the target OS gives you. Hence you often see stacks and heaps, but at least as far as Fortran and C are concerned that has nothing to do with the programming language.

It sounds like you have some misconceptions. First of all, FORTRAN implementations generally (always in practice?) use a stack. Classic FORTRAN may not allocate variables on the stack but it has to use the stack to make procedure calls. Even with FORTRAN implementations that use static argument frames, they still create stack frames.
The heap is just memory that is managed as allow random allocations and dealloations of memory. Some programming languages use the heap implicitly, such as to manage dynamic strings and arrays (e.g. BASIC). Other programming languages allow the programmer to use the heap but do not require it (e.g. C). Some programming languages do not generally use the heap at all for programmer accessible constructs (e.g. Cobol, classic FORTRAN).


Java vs. Julia: Differences in JIT Compiling and Resulting Performance

I've recently started reading about JIT compilation. On another note, I've read that well-written Julia code often performs on-par with statically compiled languages (see, e.g., paragraph 2 of the introduction section of the Julia docs) while I've recurrently heard Java often does not. Why is that?
On the surface, they seem to have in common that they both run JIT-compiled bytecode in a VM (although I am aware that Java dynamically infers which code to JIT). While I can rationalize the performance difference in Julia vs. (purely) interpreted languages like (vanilla) Python, how come two JIT-compiled languages have such different reputations for performance? Speaking of performance, I am particularly referring to scientific computing applications.
Please note that this question is intentionally phrased broadly. I feel like its possible answers could give me insights into what defines fast Julia code, given the way Julia's compiler works in comparison to other JIT compiled languages.
While AFAIK there is currently one implementation of Julia, there are several implementations of Java and not all behave the same nor use the same technics internally. Thus it does not mean much to compare languages. For example, GCJ is a GNU compiler meant to compile Java codes to native ones (ie. no JIT nor bytecode). It is now a defunct project since the open-source JIT-based implementations super-seeded this project (AFAIK even performance-wise).
The primary reference Java VM implementation is HotSpot (made by Oracle). The JIT of HotSpot use an adaptative strategy for compiling functions so to reduce the latency of the compilation. The code can be interpreted for a short period of time and if it is executed many times, then the JIT use more aggressive optimizations with multiple levels. As a result hot loops are very aggressively optimized while glue code executed once is mostly interpreted. Meanwhile, Julia is based on the LLVM compiler stack capable of producing very efficient code (it is used by Clang which is a compiler used to compile C/C++ code to native one), but it is also not yet very well suited for very dynamic codes (it works but the latency is pretty big compared to other existing JIT implementations).
The thing is Java and Julia target different domains. Java is used for example on embedded systems where latency matters a lot. It is also use for GUI applications and Web servers. Introducing a high latency during the execution is not very reasonable. This is especially why Java implementation spent a lot of time in the past so to optimize the GC (Garbage Collector) in order to reduce the latency of collections. Julia mainly target HPC/scientific applications that do not care much about latency. The main goal of Julia is to minimize the wall-clock time and not the responsiveness of the application.
I've read that well-written Julia code often performs on-par with statically compiled languages
Well, optimizing JITs like the one of Julia or the one of HotSpot are very good nowadays to compile scalar codes in hot loops. Their weakness lies in the capability to apply high-level expensive computations. For example, optimizing compilers like ICC/PGI can use the polyhedral model so to completely rewrite loops and vectorize them efficiently using SIMD instructions. This is frequent in HPC (numerically intensive) applications but very rare in embedded/Web/GUI ones. The use of the best specific instructions on the available platform is not always great in most JIT implementations (eg. bit operations) though the situation is rapidly improving. On the other hand, JIT can outperform static compilers by using runtime informations. For example, they can assume a value is a constant and optimize expressions based on that (eg. a runtime-dependent stride of 1 of a multi-dimensional array do not need additional multiplications). Still, static compilers can do similar optimisation with profile-guided optimizations (unfortunately rarely used in practice).
However, there is a catch: languages likes C/C++ compiled natively have access to lower-level features barely available in Java. This is a bit different in Julia since the link with native language code is easier and inline assembly is possible (as pointed out by #OscarSmith) enabling skilled developers to write efficient wrappers. Julia and Java use a GC that can speed up a bit some unoptimized codes but also slow down a lot some others (typically code manipulating big data-structures with a lot of references likes trees and graphs, especially in parallel codes). This is why a C/C++ code can significantly outperform a Julia/Java code. While JIT implementations can sometime (but rarely) outperform static C/C++ compilers, no compilers are perfect and there are case where nearly all implementations perform poorly. The use of (low-level) intrinsics enable developers to implement possibly faster codes at the expense of a lower portability and a higher complexity. This is not rare for SIMD code since auto-vectorization is far from being great so far. More generally, the access to lower-level features (eg. operating system specific functions, parallel tools) help to write faster codes for skilled programmers.
Chosen algorithms and methods matters often far more than the target language implementation. The best algorithm/method in one language implementation may not be the best in another. Two best algorithms/methods of two different implementation are generally hard to compare (it is fair to compare only the performance of codes if one is is nearly impossible to maintain and is very hard/long to write without bugs?). This is partially why comparing language implementation is so difficult, even on a specific problem to solve.
(purely) interpreted languages like (vanilla) Python
While the standard implementation of Python is the CPython interpreter, there are fast JIT for Python like PyPy or Pyston.
Speaking of performance, I am particularly referring to scientific computing applications
Note that scientific computing applications is still quite broad. While physicist tends to write heavily numerically intensive applications operating on large contiguous arrays where the use of multiple threads and SIMD instruction is critical, biologist tends to write codes requiring very different optimizations. For example, genomic codes tends to do a lot of string matching operations. They also often make use of complex data-structures/algorithms (eg. phylogenetic tree, compression).
Some Java features like boxing are performance killers for such applications though there are often complex way to mitigate their cost.
You may be interested by this famous language benchmark:
Julia VS C-GCC (one can see that Julia and Java are slow for binary trees, as expected, certainly due to the GC, though the Java's GC is more efficient at the expense of a bigger memory usage)
Julia VS Java-OpenJDK
C-GCC VS C-Clang
As you can see in the benchmark, the fastest implementations are generally the more-complex and/or bigger ones using the best algorithms and lower-level methods/tricks.

Byte code stack versus three address

When designing a byte code interpreter, is there a consensus these days on whether stack or three address format (or something else?) is better? I'm looking at these considerations:
The objective language is a dynamic language fairly similar to Javascript.
Performance is important, but development speed and portability are more so for the moment.
Therefore the implementation will be strictly an interpreter for the time being; a JIT compiler may come later, resources permitting.
The interpreter will be written in C.
Read The evolution of Lua and The implementation of Lua 5.0 for how Lua changed from a stack-based virtual machine to a register-based virtual machine and why it gained performance doing it.
Experiments done by David Gregg and Roberto Ierusalimschy have shown that a register-based bytecode works better than a stack-based bytecode because fewer bytecode instructions (and therefore less decoding overhead) are required to do the same tasks. So three-address format is a clear winner.
I don't have much (not really any) experience in this area, so you might want to verify some of the following for yourself (or maybe someone else can correct me where necessary?).
The two languages I work with most nowadays are C# and Java, so I am naturally inclined to their methodologies. As most people know, both are compiled to byte code, and both platforms (the CLR and the JVM) utilize JIT (at least in the mainstream implementations). Also, I would guess that the jitters for each platform are written in C/C++, but I really don't know for sure.
All-in-all, these languages and their respective platforms are pretty similar to your situation (aside from the dynamic part, but I'm not sure if this matters). Also, since they are such mainstream languages, I'm sure their implementations can serve as a pretty good guide for your design.
With that out of the way, I know for sure that both the CLR and the JVM are stack-based architectures. Some of the advantages which I remember for stack-based vs register-based are
Smaller generated code
Simpler interpreters
Simpler compilers
Also, I find stack-based to be a little more intuitive and readable, but that's a subjective thing, and like I said before, I haven't seen too much byte code yet.
Some advantages of the register-based architecture are
Less instructions must be executed
Faster interpreters (follows from #1)
Can more readily be translated to machine code, since most commonplace hardwares are register based
Of course, there are always ways to offset the disadvantages for each, but I think these describe the obvious things to consider.
Take a look at the OCaml bytecode interpreter - it's one of the fastest of its kind. It is pretty much a stack machine, translated into a threaded code on loading (using the GNU computed goto extension). You can generate a Forth-like threaded code as well, should be relatively easy to do.
But if you're keeping a future JIT compilation in mind, make sure that your stack machine is not really a full-featured stack machine, but an expression tree serialisation form instead (like .NET CLI) - this way you'd be able to translate your "stack" bytecode into a 3-address form and then into an SSA.
If you have JIT in your mind then bytecodes is the only option.
Just in case you can take a look on my TIScript:
and sources:

every language eventually compiled into low-level computer language?

Isn't every language compiled into low-level computer language?
If so, shouldn't all languages have the same performance?
Just wondering...
As pointed out by others, not every language is translated into machine language; some are translated into some form (bytecode, reverse Polish, AST) that is interpreted.
But even among languages that are translated to machine code,
Some translators are better than others
Some language features are easier to translate to high-performance code than others
An example of a translator that is better than some others is the GCC C compiler. It has had many years' work invested in producing good code, and its translations outperform those of the simpler compilers lcc and tcc, for example.
An example of a feature that is hard to translate to high-performance code is C's ability to do pointer arithmetic and to dereference pointers: when a program stores through a pointer, it is very difficult for the compiler to know what memory locations are affected. Similarly, when an unknown function is called, the compiler must make very pessimistic assumptions about what might happen to the contents of objects allocated on the heap. In a language like Java, the compiler can do a better job translating because the type system enforces greater separation between pointers of different types. In a language like ML or Haskell, the compiler can do better still, because in these languages, most data allocated in memory cannot be changed by a function call. But of course object-oriented languages and functional languages present their own translation challenges.
Finally, translation of a Turing-complete language is itself a hard problem: in general, finding the best translation of a program is an NP-hard problem, which means that the only solutions known potentially take time exponential in the size of the program. This would be unacceptable in a compiler (can't wait forever to compile a mere few thousand lines), and so compilers use heuristics. There is always room for improvement in these heuristics.
It is easier and more efficient to map some languages into machine language than others. There is no easy analogy that I can think of for this. The closest I can come to is translating Italian to Spanish vs. translating a Khoisan language into Hawaiian.
Another analogy is saying "Well, the laws of physics are what govern how every animal moves, so why do some animals move so much faster than others? Shouldn't they all just move at the same speed?".
No, some languages are simply interpreted. They never actually get turned into machine code. So those languages will generally run slower than low-level languages like C.
Even for the languages which are compiled into machine code, sometimes what comes out of the compiler is not the most efficient possible way to write that given program. So it's often possible to write programs in, say, assembly language that run faster than their C equivalents, and C programs that run faster than their JIT-compiled Java equivalents, etc. (Modern compilers are pretty good, though, so that's not so much of an issue these days)
Yes, all programs get eventually translated into machine code. BUT:
Some programs get translated during compilation, while others are translated on-the-fly by an interpreter (e.g. Perl) or a virtual machine (e.g. original Java)
Obviously, the latter is MUCH slower as you spend time on translation during running.
Different languages can be translated into DIFFERENT machine code. Even when the same programming task is done. So that machine code might be faster or slower depending on the language.
You should understand the difference between compiling (which is translating) and interpreting (which is simulating). You should also understand the concept of a universal basis for computation.
A language or instruction set is universal if it can be used to write an interpreter (or simulator) for any other language or instruction set. Most computers are electronic, but they can be made in many other ways, such as by fluidics, or mechanical parts, or even by people following directions. A good teaching exercise is to write a small program in BASIC and then have a classroom of students "execute" the program by following its steps. Since BASIC is universal (to a first approximation) you can use it to write a program that simulates the instruction set for any other computer.
So you could take a program in your favorite language, compile (translate) it into machine language for your favorite machine, have an interpreter for that machine written in BASIC, and then (in principle) have a class full of students "execute" it. In this way, it is first being reduced to an instruction set for a "fast" machine, and then being executed by a very very very slow "computer". It will still get the same answer, only about a trillion times slower.
Point being, the concept of universality makes all computers equivalent to each other, even though some are very fast and others are very slow.
No, some languages are run by a 'software interpreter' as byte code.
Also, it depends on what the language does in the background as well, so 2 identically functioning programs in different languages may have different mechanics behind the scenes and hence be actually running different instructions resulting in differing performance.

Are dynamic languages slower than static languages? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Are dynamic languages slower than static languages because, for example, the run-time has to check the type consistently?
Dynamic languages are not slower than static languages. In fact, it is impossible for any language, dynamic or not, to be slower than another language (or faster, for that matter), simply because a language is just a bunch of abstract mathematical rules. You cannot execute a bunch of abstract mathematical rules, therefore they cannot ever be slow(er) or fast(er).
The statement that "dynamic languages are slower than static languages" is not only wrong, it doesn't even make sense. If English were a typed language, that statement wouldn't even typecheck.
In order for a language to even be able to run, it has to be implemented first. Now you can measure performance, but you aren't measuring the performance of the language, you are measuring the performance of the execution engine. Most languages have many different execution engines, with very different performance characteristics. For C, for example, the difference between the fastest and slowest implementations is a factor of 100000 or so!
Also, you cannot really measure the performance of an execution engine, either: you have to write some code to run on that exection engine first. But now you aren't measuring the performance of the execution engine, you are measuring the performance of the benchmark code. Which has very little to do with the performance of the execution engine and certainly nothing to do with the performance of the language.
In general, running well-designed code on well-designed high-performance execution engines will yield about the same performance, independent of whether the language is static or dynamic, procedural, object-oriented or functional, imperative or declarative, lazy or strict, pure or impure.
In fact, I would propose that the performance of a system is solely dependent on the amount of money that was spent making it fast, and completely independent of any particular typing discipline, programming paradigm or language.
Take for example Smalltalk, Lisp, Java and C++. All of them are, or have at one point been, the language of choice for high-performance code. All of them have huge amounts of engineering and research man-centuries expended on them to make them fast. All of them have highly-tuned proprietary commercial high-performance execution engines available. Given roughly the same problem, implemented by roughly comparable developers, they all perform roughly the same.
Two of those languages are dynamic, two are static. Java is interesting, because although it is a static language, most modern high-performance implementations are actually dynamic implementations. (In fact, several modern high-performance JVMs are actually either Smalltalk VMs in disguise, derived from Smalltalk VMs or written by Smalltalk VM companies.) Lisp is also interesting, because although it is a dynamic language, there are some (although not many) static high-performance implementations.
And we haven't even begun talking about the rest of the execution environment: modern mainstream operating systems, mainstream CPUs and mainstream hardware architectures are heavily biased towards static languages, to the point of being actively hostile for dynamic languages. Given that modern mainstream execution environments are pretty much of a worst-case scenario for dynamic languages, it is quite astonishing how well they actually perform and one can only imagine what the performance in a less hostile environment would look like.
All other things being equal, usually, yes.
First you must clarify whether you consider
dynamic typing vs. static typing or
statically compiled languaged vs. interpreted languages vs. bytecode JIT.
Usually we mean
dynamc language = dynamic typing + interpreted at run-time and
static languages = static typing + statically compiled
, but it's not necessary the case.
Type information can help the VM dispatch the message faster than witout type information, but the difference tend to disappear with optimization in the VM which detect monomorphic call sites. See the paragraph "performance consideration" in this post about dynamic invokation.
The debates between compiled vs. interpreted vs. byte-code JIT is still open. Some argue that bytecode JIT results in faster execution than regular compilation because the compilation is more accurate due to the presence of more information collected at run-time. Read the wikipedia entry about JIT for more insight. Interpreted language are indeed slower than any of the two forms or compilation.
I will not argue further, and start a heated discussion, I just wanted to point out that the gap between both tend to get smaller and smaller. Chances are that the performance problem that you might face will not be related to the language and VM but because of your design.
If you want numbers, I suggest you look at the The Computer Language Benchmarks. I found it insightful.
At the instruction level current implementations of dynamically typed languages are typically slower than current implementations of statically typed languages.
However that does not necessarily mean that the implementation of a program will be slower in dynamic languages - there are lots of documented cases of the same program being implemented in both a static and dynamic language and the dynamic implementation has turned out to be faster. For example this study (PDF) gave the same problem to programmers in a variety of languages and compared the result. The mean runtime for the Python and Perl implementations were faster than the mean runtime for the C++ and Java implementations.
There are several reasons for this:
1) the code can be implemented more quickly in a dynamic language, leaving more time for optimisation.
2) high level data structures (maps, sets etc) are a core part of most dynamic languages and so are more likely to be used. Since they are core to the language they tend to be highly optimised.
3) programmer skill is more important than language speed - an inexperienced programmer can write slow code in any language. In the study mentioned above there were several orders of magnitude difference between the fastest and slowest implementation in each of the languages.
4) in many problem domains execution speed it dominated by I/O or some other factor external to the language.
5) Algorithm choice can dwarf language choice. In the book "More Programming Pearls" Jon Bentley implemented two algorithms for a problem - one was O(N^3) and implemented in optimised fortran on a Cray1. The other was O(N) and implemented in BASIC on a TRS80 home micro (this was in the 1980s). The TRS80 outperformed the Cray 1 for N > 5000.
Dynamic language run-times only need to check the type occasionally.
But it is still, typically, slower.
There are people making good claims that such performance gaps are attackable, however; e.g.
Themost important factor is to consider the method dispatch algorithm. With static languages each method is typically allocated an index. THe names we see in source are not actually used at runtime and are in source for readaility purposes. Naturally languages like java keep them and make them available in reflection but in terms of when one invokes a method they are not used. I will leave reflection and binding out of this discussion. This means when a method is invoked the runtmne simply uses the offset to lookup a table and call. A dynamic language on the other hand uses the name of the function to lookup a map and then calls said function. A hashmap is always going to be slower than using an index lookup into an array.
No, dynamic languages are not necessarily slower than static languages.
The pypy and psyco projects have been making a lot of progress on building JIT compilers for python that have data-driven compilation; in other words, they will automatically compile versions of frequently called functions specialised for particular common values of arguments. Not just by type, like a C++ template, but actual argument values; say an argument is usually zero, or None, then there will be a specifically compiled version of the function for that value.
This can lead to compiled code that is faster than you'd get out of a C++ compiler, and since it is doing this at runtime, it can discover optimisations specifically for the actual input data for this particular instance of the program.
Reasonable to assume as more things need to be computed in runtime.
Actually, it's difficult to say because many of the benchmarks used are not that representative. And with more sophisticated execution environments, like HotSpot JVM, differences are getting less and less relevant. Take a look at following article:
Java theory and practice: Dynamic compilation and performance measurement

Are functional languages inherently slow? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Why are functional languages always tailing behind C in benchmarks? If you have a statically typed functional language, it seems to me it could be compiled to the same code as C, or to even more optimized code since more semantics are available to the compiler. Why does it seem like all functional languages are slower than C, and why do they always need garbage collection and excessive use of the heap?
Does anyone know of a functional language appropriate for embedded / real-time applications, where memory allocation is kept to a minimum and the produced machine code is lean and fast?
Are functional languages inherently slow?
In some sense, yes. They require infrastructure that inevitably adds overheads over what can theoretically be attained using assembler by hand. In particular, first-class lexical closures only work well with garbage collection because they allow values to be carried out of scope.
Why are functional languages always tailing behind C in benchmarks?
Firstly, beware of selection bias. C acts as a lowest common denominator in benchmark suites, limiting what can be accomplished. If you have a benchmark comparing C with a functional language then it is almost certainly an extremely simple program. Arguably so simple that it is of little practical relevance today. It is not practically feasible to solve more complicated problems using C for a mere benchmark.
The most obvious example of this is parallelism. Today, we all have multicores. Even my phone is a multicore. Multicore parallelism is notoriously difficult in C but can be easy in functional languages (I like F#). Other examples include anything that benefits from persistent data structures, e.g. undo buffers are trivial with purely functional data structures but can be a huge amount of work in imperative languages like C.
Why does it seem like all functional languages are slower than C, and why do they always need garbage collection and excessive use of the heap?
Functional languages will seem slower because you'll only ever see benchmarks comparing code that is easy enough to write well in C and you'll never see benchmarks comparing meatier tasks where functional languages start to excel.
However, you've correctly identified what is probably the single biggest bottleneck in functional languages today: their excessive allocation rates. Nice work!
The reasons why functional languages allocate so heavily can be split into historical and inherent reasons.
Historically, Lisp implementations have been doing a lot of boxing for 50 years now. This characteristic spread to many other languages which use Lisp-like intermediate representations. Over the years, language implementers have continually resorted to boxing as a quick fix for complications in language implementation. In object oriented languages, the default has been to always heap allocate every object even when it can obviously be stack allocated. The burden of efficiency was then pushed onto the garbage collector and a huge amount of effort has been put into building garbage collectors that can attain performance close to that of stack allocation, typically by using a bump-allocating nursery generation. I think that a lot more effort should be put into researching functional language designs that minimize boxing and garbage collector designs that are optimized for different requirements.
Generational garbage collectors are great for languages that heap allocate a lot because they can be almost as fast as stack allocation. But they add substantial overheads elsewhere. Today's programs are increasingly using data structures like queues (e.g. for concurrent programming) and these give pathological behaviour for generational garbage collectors. If the items in the queue outlive the first generation then they all get marked, then they all get copied ("evacuated"), then all of the references to their old locations get updated and then they become eligible for collection. This is about 3× slower than it needs to be (e.g. compared to C). Mark region collectors like Beltway (2002) and Immix (2008) have the potential to solve this problem because the nursery is replaced with a region that can either be collected as if it were a nursery or, if it contains mostly reachable values, it can be replaced with another region and left to age until it contains mostly unreachable values.
Despite the pre-existence of C++, the creators of Java made the mistake of adopting type erasure for generics, leading to unnecessary boxing. For example, I benchmarked a simple hash table running 17× faster on .NET than the JVM partly because .NET did not make this mistake (it uses reified generics) and also because .NET has value types. I actually blame Lisp for making Java slow.
All modern functional language implementations continue to box excessively. JVM-based languages like Clojure and Scala have little choice because the VM they target cannot even express value types. OCaml sheds type information early in its compilation process and resorts to tagged integers and boxing at run-time to handle polymorphism. Consequently, OCaml will often box individual floating point numbers and always boxes tuples. For example, a triple of bytes in OCaml is represented by a pointer (with an implicit 1-bit tag embedded in it that gets checked repeatedly at run-time) to a heap-allocated block with a 64 bit header and 192 bit body containing three tagged 63-bit integers (where the 3 tags are, again, repeatedly examined at run time!). This is clearly insane.
Some work has been done on unboxing optimizations in functional languages but it never really gained traction. For example, the MLton compiler for Standard ML was a whole-program optimizing compiler that did sophisticated unboxing optimizations. Sadly, it was before its time and the "long" compilation times (probably under 1s on a modern machine!) deterred people from using it.
The only major platform to have broken this trend is .NET but, amazingly, it appears to have been an accident. Despite having a Dictionary implementation very heavily optimized for keys and values that are of value types (because they are unboxed) Microsoft employees like Eric Lippert continue to claim that the important thing about value types is their pass-by-value semantics and not the performance characteristics that stem from their unboxed internal representation. Eric seems to have been proven wrong: more .NET developers seem to care more about unboxing than pass-by-value. Indeed, most structs are immutable and, therefore, referentially transparent so there is no semantic difference between pass-by-value and pass-by-reference. Performance is visible and structs can offer massive performance improvements. The performance of structs even saved Stack Overflow and structs are used to avoid GC latency in commercial software like Rapid Addition's!
The other reason for heavy allocation by functional languages is inherent. Imperative data structures like hash tables use huge monolithic arrays internally. If these were persistent then the huge internal arrays would need to be copied every time an update was made. So purely functional data structures like balanced binary trees are fragmented into many little heap-allocated blocks in order to facilitate reuse from one version of the collection to the next.
Clojure uses a neat trick to alleviate this problem when collections like dictionaries are only written to during initialization and are then read from a lot. In this case, the initialization can use mutation to build the structure "behind the scenes". However, this does not help with incremental updates and the resulting collections are still substantially slower to read than their imperative equivalents. On the up-side, purely functional data structures offer persistence whereas imperative ones do not. However, few practical applications benefit from persistence in practice so this is often not advantageous. Hence the desire for impure functional languages where you can drop to imperative style effortlessly and reap the benefits.
Does anyone know of a functional language appropriate for embedded / real-time applications, where memory allocation is kept to a minimum and the produced machine code is lean and fast?
Take a look at Erlang and OCaml if you haven't already. Both are reasonable for memory constrained systems but neither generate particularly great machine code.
Nothing is inherently anything. Here is an example where interpreted OCaml runs faster than equivalent C code, because the OCaml optimizer has different information available to it, due to differences in the language. Of course, it would be foolish to make a general claim that OCaml is categorically faster than C. The point is, it depends upon what you're doing, and how you do it.
That said, OCaml is an example of a (mostly) functional language which is actually designed for performance, in contrast to purity.
Functional languages require the elimination of mutable state that is visible at the level of the language abstraction. Therefore, data that would be mutated in place by an imperative language needs to be copied instead, with the mutation taking place on the copy. For a simple example, see a quick sort in Haskell vs. C.
Furthermore, garbage collection is required because free() is not a pure function, as it has side effects. Therefore, the only way to free memory that does not involve side effects at the level of the language abstraction is with garbage collection.
Of course, in principle, a sufficiently smart compiler could optimize out much of this copying. This is already done to some degree, but making the compiler sufficiently smart to understand the semantics of your code at that level is just plain hard.
The short answer: because C is fast. As in, blazingly ridiculously crazy fast. A language simply doesn't have to be 'slow' to get its rear handed to it by C.
The reason why C is fast is that it was created by really great coders, and gcc has been optimized over the course of a couple more decades and by dozens more brilliant coders than 99% of languages out there.
In short, you're not going to beat C except for specialized tasks that require very specific functional programming constructs.
The control flow of proceedural languages much better matches the actual processing patterns of modern computers.
C maps very closely onto the assembly code its compilation produces, hence the nickname "cross-platform assembly". Computer manufacturers have spent a few decades making assembly code run as fast as possible, so C inherits all of this raw speed.
In comparison, the no side-effects, inherent parallelism of functional languages does not map onto a single processor at all well. The arbitrary order in which functions can be invoked needs to be serialised down to the CPU bottleneck: without extremely clever compilation, you're going to be context switching all the time, none of the pre-fetching will work because you're constantly jumping all over the place, ... Basically, all the optimisation work that computer manufacturers have done for nice, predictable proceedural languages is pretty much useless.
However! With the move towards lots of less powerful cores (rather than one or two turbo-charged cores), functional languages should begin to close the gap, as they naturally scale horizontally.
C is fast because it's basically a set of macros for assembler :) There is no "behind the scene" when you are writing a program in C. You alloc memory when you decide it's time to do that and you free in the same fashion. This is a huge advantage when you are writing a real time application, where predictabily is important (more than anything else, actually).
Also, C compilers are generally extremly fast because language itself is simple. It even doesn't make any type checkings :) This also means that is easier to make hard to find errors.
Ad advantage with the lack of type checking is that a function name can just be exported with its name for example and this makes C code easy to link with other language's code
Well Haskell is only 1.8 times slower than GCC's C++, which is faster than GCC's C implementation for typical benchmark tasks.
That makes Haskell very fast, even faster than C#(Mono that is).
relative Language
1.0 C++ GNU g++
1.1 C GNU gcc
1.2 ATS
1.5 Java 6 -server
1.5 Clean
1.6 Pascal Free Pascal
1.6 Fortran Intel
1.8 Haskell GHC
2.0 C# Mono
2.1 Scala
2.2 Ada 2005 GNAT
2.4 Lisp SBCL
3.9 Lua LuaJIT
For the record I use Lua for Games on the iPhone, thus you could easily use Haskell or Lisp if you prefer, since they are faster.
As for now, functional languages aren't used heavily for industry projects, so not enough serious work goes into optimizers. Also, optimizing imperative code for an imperative target is probably way easier.
Functional languages have one feat that will let them outdo imperative languages really soon now: trivial parallelization.
Trivial not in the sense that it is easy, but that it can be built into the language environment, without the developer needing to think about it.
The cost of robust multithreading in a thread-agnostic language like C is prohibitive for many projects.
I disagree with tuinstoel. The important question is whether the functional language provides a faster development time and results in faster code when it is used to what functional languages were meant to be used. See the efficiency issues section on Wikipedia for a glimpse of what I mean.
One more reason for bigger executable size could be lazy evaluation and non-strictness. The compiler can't figure out at compile-time when certain expressions get evaluated, so some runtime gets stuffed into the executable to handle this (to call upon the evaluation of the so-called thunks). As for performance, laziness can be both good and bad. On one hand it allows for additional potential optimization, on the other hand the code size can be larger and programmers are more likely to make bad decisions, e.g. see Haskell's foldl vs. foldr vs. foldl' vs. foldr'.
