Byte code stack versus three address - compilation

When designing a byte code interpreter, is there a consensus these days on whether stack or three address format (or something else?) is better? I'm looking at these considerations:
The objective language is a dynamic language fairly similar to Javascript.
Performance is important, but development speed and portability are more so for the moment.
Therefore the implementation will be strictly an interpreter for the time being; a JIT compiler may come later, resources permitting.
The interpreter will be written in C.

Read The evolution of Lua and The implementation of Lua 5.0 for how Lua changed from a stack-based virtual machine to a register-based virtual machine and why it gained performance doing it.

Experiments done by David Gregg and Roberto Ierusalimschy have shown that a register-based bytecode works better than a stack-based bytecode because fewer bytecode instructions (and therefore less decoding overhead) are required to do the same tasks. So three-address format is a clear winner.

I don't have much (not really any) experience in this area, so you might want to verify some of the following for yourself (or maybe someone else can correct me where necessary?).
The two languages I work with most nowadays are C# and Java, so I am naturally inclined to their methodologies. As most people know, both are compiled to byte code, and both platforms (the CLR and the JVM) utilize JIT (at least in the mainstream implementations). Also, I would guess that the jitters for each platform are written in C/C++, but I really don't know for sure.
All-in-all, these languages and their respective platforms are pretty similar to your situation (aside from the dynamic part, but I'm not sure if this matters). Also, since they are such mainstream languages, I'm sure their implementations can serve as a pretty good guide for your design.
With that out of the way, I know for sure that both the CLR and the JVM are stack-based architectures. Some of the advantages which I remember for stack-based vs register-based are
Smaller generated code
Simpler interpreters
Simpler compilers
Also, I find stack-based to be a little more intuitive and readable, but that's a subjective thing, and like I said before, I haven't seen too much byte code yet.
Some advantages of the register-based architecture are
Less instructions must be executed
Faster interpreters (follows from #1)
Can more readily be translated to machine code, since most commonplace hardwares are register based
Of course, there are always ways to offset the disadvantages for each, but I think these describe the obvious things to consider.

Take a look at the OCaml bytecode interpreter - it's one of the fastest of its kind. It is pretty much a stack machine, translated into a threaded code on loading (using the GNU computed goto extension). You can generate a Forth-like threaded code as well, should be relatively easy to do.
But if you're keeping a future JIT compilation in mind, make sure that your stack machine is not really a full-featured stack machine, but an expression tree serialisation form instead (like .NET CLI) - this way you'd be able to translate your "stack" bytecode into a 3-address form and then into an SSA.

If you have JIT in your mind then bytecodes is the only option.
Just in case you can take a look on my TIScript:
and sources:


Performance of Google's Go?

So has anyone used Google's Go? I was wondering how the mathematical performance (e.g. flops) is compared to other languages with a garbage collector... like Java or .NET?
Has anyone investigated this?
Theoretical performance: The theoretical performance of pure Go programs is somewhere between C/C++ and Java. This assumes an advanced optimizing compiler and it also assumes the programmer takes advantage of all features of the language (be it C, C++, Java or Go) and refactors the code to fit the programming language.
Practical performance (as of July 2011): The standard Go compiler (5g/6g/8g) is currently unable to generate efficient instruction streams for high-performance numerical codes, so the performance will be lower than C/C++ or Java. There are multiple reasons for this: each function call has an overhead of a couple of additional instructions (compared to C/C++ or Java), no function inlining, average-quality register allocation, average-quality garbage collector, limited ability to erase bound checks, no access to vector instructions from Go, compiler has no support for SSE2 on 32-bit x86 CPUs, etc.
Bottom line: As a rule of thumb, expect the performance of numerical codes implemented in pure Go, compiled by 5g/6g/8g, to be 2 times lower than C/C++ or Java. Expect the performance to get better in the future.
Practical performance (September 2013): Compared to older Go from July 2011, Go 1.1.2 is capable of generating more efficient numerical codes but they remain to run slightly slower than C/C++ and Java. The compiler utilizes SSE2 instructions even on 32-bit x86 CPUs which causes 32-bit numerical codes to run much faster, most likely thanks to better register allocation. The compiler now implements function inlining and escape analysis. The garbage collector has also been improved but it remains to be less advanced than Java's garbage collector. There is still no support for accessing vector instructions from Go.
Bottom line: The performance gap seems sufficiently small for Go to be an alternative to C/C++ and Java in numerical computing, unless the competing implementation is using vector instructions.
The Go math package is largely written in assembler for performance.
Benchmarks are often unreliable and are subject to interpretation. For example, Robert Hundt's paper Loop Recognition in C++/Java/Go/Scala looks flawed. The Go blog post on Profiling Go Programs dissects Hundt's claims.
You're actually asking several different questions. First of all, Go's math performance is going to be about as fast as anything else. Any language that compiles down to native code (which arguably includes even JIT languages like .NET) is going to perform extremely well at raw math -- as fast as the machine can go. Simple math operations are very easy to compile into a zero-overhead form. This is the area where compiled (including JIT) languages have a advantage over interpreted ones.
The other question you asked was about garbage collection. This is, to a certain extent, a bit of a side issue if you're talking about heavy math. That's not to say that GC doesn't impact performance -- actually it impacts quite a bit. But the common solution for tight loops is to avoid or minimize GC sweeps. This is often quite simple if you're doing a tight loop -- you just re-use your old variables instead of constantly allocating and discarding them. This can speed your code by several orders of magnitude.
As for the GC implementations themselves -- Go and .NET both use mark-and-sweep garbage collection. Microsoft has put a lot of focus and engineering into their GC engine, and I'm obliged to think that it's quite good all things considered. Go's GC engine is a work in progress, and while it doesn't feel any slower than .NET's architecture, the Golang folks insist that it needs some work. The fact that Go's specification disallows destructors goes a long way in speeding things up, which may be why it doesn't seem that slow.
Finally, in my own anecdotal experience, I've found Go to be extremely fast. I've written very simple and easy programs that have stood up in my own benchmarks against highly-optimized C code from some long-standing and well-respected open source projects that pride themselves on performance.
The catch is that not all Go code is going to be efficient, just like not all C code is efficient. You've got to build it correctly, which often means doing things differently than what you're used to from other languages. The profiling blog post mentioned here several times is a good example of that.
Google did a study comparing Go to some other popular languages (C++, Java, Scala). They concluded it was not as strong performance-wise:
Quote from the Conclusion, about Go:
Go offers interesting language features, which also allow for a concise and standardized notation. The compilers for this language are still immature, which reflects in both performance and binary sizes.

Is it possible to design a dynamic language without significant performance loss?

Is it possible to design something like Ruby or Clojure without the significant performance loss in many situations compared with C/Java? Does hardware design play a role?
Edit: With significant I mean in an order of magnitudes, not just ten procent
Edit: I suspect that delnan is correct with me meaning dynamic languages so I changed the title
Performance depends on many things. Of course the semantics of the language have to be preserved even if we are compiling it - you can't remove dynamic dispatch from Ruby, it would speed things up drmatically but it would totally break 95% of the all Ruby code in the world. But still, much of the performance depends on how smart the implementation is.
I assume, by "high-level", you mean "dynamic"? Haskell and OCaml are extremely high-level, yet are is compiled natively and can outperform C# or Java, even C and C++ in some corner cases - especially if parallelism comes into play. And they certainly weren't designed with performance as #1 goal. But compiler writers, especially those focused onfunctional languages, are a very clever folk. If you or I started a high-level language, even if we used e.g. LLVM as backend for native compilation, we wouldn't get anywhere near this performance.
Making dynamic languages run fast is harder - they delay many decisions (types, members of a class/an object, ...) to runtime instead of compiletime, and while static code analysis can sometimes prove it's not possible in lines n and m, you still have to carry an advanced runtime around and do quite a few things a static language's compiler can do at compiletime. Even dynamic dispatch can be optimized with a smarter VM (Inline Cache anyone?), but it's a lot of work. More than a small new-fangeled language could do, that is.
Also see Steve Yegge's Dynamic Languages Strike Back.
And of course, what is a significant peformance loss? 100 times slower than C reads like a lot, but as we all know, 80% of execution time is spent in 20% of the code = 80% of the code won't have notable impact on the percieved performance of the whole program. For the remaining 20%, you can always rewrite it in C or C++ and call it from the dynamic language. For many applications, this suffices (for some, you don't even need to optimize). For the rest... well, if performance is that critical, you should propably write it in a language designed for performance.
Don't confuse the language design with the platform that it runs on.
For instance, Java is a high-level language. It runs on the JVM (as does Clojure - identified above, and JRuby - a Java version of Ruby). The JVM will perform byte-code analysis and optimise how the code runs (making use of escape analysis, just-in-time compilation etc.). So the platform has an effect on the performance that is largely independent of the language itself (see here for more info on Java performance and comparisons to C/C++)
Loss compared to what? If you need a garbage collector or closures then you need them, and you're going to pay the price regardless. If a language makes them easy for you to get at, that doesn't mean you have to use them when you don't need them.
If a language is interpreted instead of compiled, that's going to introduce an order of magnitude slowdown. But such a language may have compensating advantages, like ease of use, platform independence, and not having to compile. And, the programs you write in them may not run long enough for speed to be an issue.
There may be language implementations that introduce slowness for no good reason, but those don't have to be used.
You might want to look at what the DARPA HPCS initiative has come up with. There were 3 programming languages proposed: Sun's Fortress, IBM's X10 and Cray's Chapel. The latter two are still under development. Whether any of these meet your definition of high-level I don't know.
And yes, hardware design certainly does play a part. All 3 of these languages are targeted at supercomputers with very many processors and exhibit features appropriate to that domain.
It's certainly possible. For example, Objective-C is a dynamically-typed language that has performance comparable to C++ (although a wee bit slower, generally speaking, but still roughly equivalent).

every language eventually compiled into low-level computer language?

Isn't every language compiled into low-level computer language?
If so, shouldn't all languages have the same performance?
Just wondering...
As pointed out by others, not every language is translated into machine language; some are translated into some form (bytecode, reverse Polish, AST) that is interpreted.
But even among languages that are translated to machine code,
Some translators are better than others
Some language features are easier to translate to high-performance code than others
An example of a translator that is better than some others is the GCC C compiler. It has had many years' work invested in producing good code, and its translations outperform those of the simpler compilers lcc and tcc, for example.
An example of a feature that is hard to translate to high-performance code is C's ability to do pointer arithmetic and to dereference pointers: when a program stores through a pointer, it is very difficult for the compiler to know what memory locations are affected. Similarly, when an unknown function is called, the compiler must make very pessimistic assumptions about what might happen to the contents of objects allocated on the heap. In a language like Java, the compiler can do a better job translating because the type system enforces greater separation between pointers of different types. In a language like ML or Haskell, the compiler can do better still, because in these languages, most data allocated in memory cannot be changed by a function call. But of course object-oriented languages and functional languages present their own translation challenges.
Finally, translation of a Turing-complete language is itself a hard problem: in general, finding the best translation of a program is an NP-hard problem, which means that the only solutions known potentially take time exponential in the size of the program. This would be unacceptable in a compiler (can't wait forever to compile a mere few thousand lines), and so compilers use heuristics. There is always room for improvement in these heuristics.
It is easier and more efficient to map some languages into machine language than others. There is no easy analogy that I can think of for this. The closest I can come to is translating Italian to Spanish vs. translating a Khoisan language into Hawaiian.
Another analogy is saying "Well, the laws of physics are what govern how every animal moves, so why do some animals move so much faster than others? Shouldn't they all just move at the same speed?".
No, some languages are simply interpreted. They never actually get turned into machine code. So those languages will generally run slower than low-level languages like C.
Even for the languages which are compiled into machine code, sometimes what comes out of the compiler is not the most efficient possible way to write that given program. So it's often possible to write programs in, say, assembly language that run faster than their C equivalents, and C programs that run faster than their JIT-compiled Java equivalents, etc. (Modern compilers are pretty good, though, so that's not so much of an issue these days)
Yes, all programs get eventually translated into machine code. BUT:
Some programs get translated during compilation, while others are translated on-the-fly by an interpreter (e.g. Perl) or a virtual machine (e.g. original Java)
Obviously, the latter is MUCH slower as you spend time on translation during running.
Different languages can be translated into DIFFERENT machine code. Even when the same programming task is done. So that machine code might be faster or slower depending on the language.
You should understand the difference between compiling (which is translating) and interpreting (which is simulating). You should also understand the concept of a universal basis for computation.
A language or instruction set is universal if it can be used to write an interpreter (or simulator) for any other language or instruction set. Most computers are electronic, but they can be made in many other ways, such as by fluidics, or mechanical parts, or even by people following directions. A good teaching exercise is to write a small program in BASIC and then have a classroom of students "execute" the program by following its steps. Since BASIC is universal (to a first approximation) you can use it to write a program that simulates the instruction set for any other computer.
So you could take a program in your favorite language, compile (translate) it into machine language for your favorite machine, have an interpreter for that machine written in BASIC, and then (in principle) have a class full of students "execute" it. In this way, it is first being reduced to an instruction set for a "fast" machine, and then being executed by a very very very slow "computer". It will still get the same answer, only about a trillion times slower.
Point being, the concept of universality makes all computers equivalent to each other, even though some are very fast and others are very slow.
No, some languages are run by a 'software interpreter' as byte code.
Also, it depends on what the language does in the background as well, so 2 identically functioning programs in different languages may have different mechanics behind the scenes and hence be actually running different instructions resulting in differing performance.

Curious: Could LLVM be used for Infocom z-machine code, and if so how? (in general)

Forgive me if this is a silly question, but I'm wondering if/how LLVM could be used to obtain a higher performance Z-Machine VM for interactive fiction. (If it could be used, I'm just looking for some high-level ideas or suggestions, not a detailed solution.)
It might seem odd to desire higher performance for a circa-1978 technology, but apparently Z-Machine games produced by the modern Inform 7 IDE can have performance issues due to the huge number of rules that need to be evaluated with each turn.
FYI: The Z-machine architecture was reverse-engineered by Graham Nelson and is documented at
Yes, it could be. A naïve port of the interpreter to the a compiler could be done relatively easily.
That said, it wouldn't be a big performance win. The problem with any compiler for ZCode or Glulx is that they're both relatively low-level. For instance, Glulx supports indirect jumps and self-modifying code. There's no way to statically compile that into efficient native code. Making it truly fast would require a trace compilation or something similar.
It would certainly be possible (but difficult) to use LLVM as a kind of JIT for Z-machine code, but wouldn't it be easier to simply compile the Inform source directly to a faster language? Eg, C for maximum speed, or .NET or Java if you prefer portability. I would suspect this route would be a lot easier, and better performing, than just jerry-rigging a JIT onto the side of the interpreter.

Why are Interpreted Languages Slow?

I was reading about the pros and cons of interpreted languages, and one of the most common cons is the slowness, but why are programs in interpreted languages slow?
Native programs runs using instructions written for the processor they run on.
Interpreted languages are just that, "interpreted". Some other form of instruction is read, and interpreted, by a runtime, which in turn executes native machine instructions.
Think of it this way. If you can talk in your native language to someone, that would generally work faster than having an interpreter having to translate your language into some other language for the listener to understand.
Note that what I am describing above is for when a language is running in an interpreter. There are interpreters for many languages that there is also native linkers for that build native machine instructions. The speed reduction (however the size of that might be) only applies to the interpreted context.
So, it is slightly incorrect to say that the language is slow, rather it is the context in which it is running that is slow.
C# is not an interpreted language, even though it employs an intermediate language (IL), this is JITted to native instructions before being executed, so it has some of the same speed reduction, but not all of it, but I'd bet that if you built a fully fledged interpreter for C# or C++, it would run slower as well.
And just to be clear, when I say "slow", that is of course a relative term.
All answers seem to miss the real important point here. It's the detail how "interpreted" code is implemented.
Interpreted script languages are slower because their method, object and global variable space model is dynamic. In my opinion this is the real definition of of script language not the fact that it is interpreted. This requires many extra hash-table lookups on each access to a variable or method call. And its the main reason why they are all terrible at multithreading and using a GIL (Global Interpreter Lock). This lookups is where most of the time is spent. It is a painful random memory lookup, which really hurts when you get a L1/L2 cache-miss.
Google's Javascript Core8 is so fast and targeting almost C speed for a simple optimization: they take the object data model as fixed and create internal code to access it like the data structure of a native compiled program. When a new variable or method is added or removed then the whole compiled code is discarded and compiled again.
The technique is well explained in the Deutsch/Schiffman paper "Efficient Implementation of the Smalltalk-80 System".
The question why php, python and ruby aren't doing this is pretty simple to answer: the technique is extremely complicated to implement.
And only Google has the money to pay for JavaScript because a fast browser-based JavaScript interpreter is their fundamental need of their billion dollar business model.
Think of the interpeter as an emulator for a machine you don't happen to have
The short answer is that the compiled languages are executed by machine instructions whereas the interpreted ones are executed by a program (written in a compiled language) that reads either the source or a bytecode and then essentially emulates a hypothetical machine that would have run the program directly if the machine existed.
Think of the interpreted runtime as an emulator for a machine that you don't happen to actually have around at the moment.
This is obviously complicated by the JIT (Just In Time) compilers that Java, C#, and others have. In theory, they are just as good as "AOT" ("At One Time") compilers but in practice those languages run slower and are handicapped by needing to have the compiler around using up memory and time at the program's runtime. But if you say any of that here on SO be prepared to attract rabid JIT defenders who insist that there is no theoretical difference between JIT and AOT. If you ask them if Java and C# are as fast as C and C++, then they start making excuses and kind of calm down a little. :-)
So, C++ totally rules in games where the maximum amount of available computing can always be put to use.
On the desktop and web, information-oriented tasks are often done by languages with more abstraction or at least less compilation, because the computers are very fast and the problems are not computationally intensive, so we can spend some time on goals like time-to-market, programmer productivity, reliable memory-safe environments, dynamic modularity, and other powerful tools.
This is a good question, but should be formulated a little different in my opinion, for example: "Why are interpreted languages slower than compiled languages?"
I think it is a common misconception that interpreted languages are slow per se. Interpreted languages are not slow, but, depending on the use case, might be slower than the compiled version. In most cases interpreted languages are actually fast enough!
"Fast enough", plus the increase in productivity from using a language like Python over, for example, C should be justification enough to consider an interpreted language. Also, you can always replace certain parts of your interpreted program with a fast C implementation, if you really need speed. But then again, measure first and determine if speed is really the problem, then optimize.
In addition to the other answers there's optimization: when you're compiling a programme, you don't usually care how long it takes to compile - the compiler has lots of time to optimize your code. When you're interpreting code, it has to be done very quickly so some of the more clever optimizations might not be able to be made.
Loop a 100 times, the contents of the loop are interpreted 100 times into low level code.
Not cached, not reused, not optimised.
In simple terms, a compiler interprets once into low level code
Edit, after comments:
JIT is compiled code, not interpreted. It's just compiled later not up-front
I refer to the classical definition, not modern practical implementations
A simple question, without any real simple answer. The bottom line is that all computers really "understand" is binary instructions, which is what "fast" languages like C are compiled into.
Then there are virtual machines, which understand different binary instructions (like Java and .NET) but those have to be translated on the fly to machine instructions by a Just-In-Compiler (JIT). That is almost as fast (even faster in some specific cases because the JIT has more information than a static compiler on how the code is being used.)
Then there are interpreted languages, which usually also have their own intermediate binary instructions, but the interpreter functions much like a loop with a large switch statement in it with a case for every instruction, and how to execute it. This level of abstraction over the underlying machine code is slow. There are more instructions involved, long chains of function calls in the interpreter to do even simple things, and it can be argued that the memory and cache aren't used as effectively as a result.
But interpreted languages are often fast enough for the purposes for which they're used. Web applications are invariably bound by IO (usually database access) which is an order of magnitude slower than any interpreter.
An Interpreted language is processed
at runtime. Every line is read,
analysed, and executed. Having to
reprocess a line every time in a loop
is what makes interpreted languages so
slow. This overhead means that
interpreted code runs between 5 - 10
times slower than compiled code. The
interpreted languages like Basic or
JavaScript are the slowest. Their
advantage is not needing to be
recompiled after changes and that is
handy when you're learning to program.
The 5-10 times slower is not necessarily true for languages like Java and C#, however. They are interpreted, but the just-in-time compilers can generate machine language instructions for some operations, speeding things up dramatically (near the speed of a compiled language at times).
There is no such thing as an interpreted language. Any language can be implemented by an interpreter or a compiler. These days most languages have implementations using a compiler.
That said, interpreters are usually slower, because they need process the language or something rather close to it at runtime and translate it to machine instructions. A compiler does this translation to machine instructions only once, after that they are executed directly.
Yeah, interpreted languages are slow...
However, consider the following. I had a problem to solve. It took me 4 minutes to solve the problem in Python, and the program took 0.15 seconds to run. Then I tried to write it in C, and I got a runtime of 0.12 seconds, and it took me 1 hour to write it. All this because the practical way to solve problem in question was to use hashtables, and the hashtable dominated the runtime anyway.
Interpreted languages need to read and interpret your source code at execution time. With compiled code a lot of that interpretation is done ahead of time (at compilation time).
Very few contemporary scripting languages are "interpreted" these days; they're typically compiled on the fly, either into machine code or into some intermediate bytecode language, which is (more efficiently) executed in a virtual machine.
Having said that, they're slower because your cpu is executing many more instructions per "line of code", since many of the instructions are spent understanding the code rather than doing whatever the semantics of the line suggest!
Read this Pros And Cons Of Interpreted Languages
This is the relevant idea in that post to your problem.
An execution by an interpreter is
usually much less efficient then
regular program execution. It happens
because either every instruction
should pass an interpretation at
runtime or as in newer
implementations, the code has to be
compiled to an intermediate
representation before every execution.
For the same reason that it's slower to talk via translator than in native language. Or, reading with dictionary. It takes time to translate.
Update: no, I didn't see that my answer is the same as the accepted one, to a degree ;-)
Wikipedia says,
Interpreting code is slower than running the compiled code because the interpreter must analyze each statement in the program each time it is executed and then perform the desired action, whereas the compiled code just performs the action within a fixed context determined by the compilation. This run-time analysis is known as "interpretive overhead". Access to variables is also slower in an interpreter because the mapping of identifiers to storage locations must be done repeatedly at run-time rather than at compile time.
Refer this IBM doc,
Interpreted program must be translated each time it is executed, there is a higher overhead. Thus, an interpreted language is generally more suited to ad hoc requests than predefined requests.
In Java though it is considered as an interpreted language, It uses JIT (Just-in-Time) compilation which mitigate the above issue by using a caching technique to cache the compiled bytecode.
The JIT compiler reads the bytecodes in many sections (or in full, rarely) and compiles them dynamically into machine code so the program can run faster. This can be done per-file, per-function or even on any arbitrary code fragment; the code can be compiled when it is about to be executed (hence the name "just-in-time"), and then cached and reused later without needing to be recompiled.
